85 research outputs found


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    The Al/Fe material was prepared by the powder metallurgy route with an additional intermediate stage which was a centrifuge of powder mixture. The application of the centrifuge stage was applied to obtain circular phase distribution of Al-rich phases in a sintered material. Iron powder with a particle size under 100 μm and aluminum powder with a particle size of about 25 μm, were used as starting materials. To determine the effect of centrifuging time on the distribution of Fe-Al particles, scanning electron microscopy (SEM, EDS) and XRD techniques were used. Microstructure observations show the influence of the centrifuging time on the distribution of Fe particles. It was observed that a longer centrifuging time caused changes in the ratio concentration of elements and allowed the growth of the intermetallic phase at the interface between solid Al and Fe particles

    Looking for hidden enemies of metabarcoding : species composition, habitat and management can strongly influence DNA extraction while examining grassland communities

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    Despite the raising preoccupation, the critical question of how the plant community is composed belowground still remains unresolved, particularly for the conservation priority types of vegetation. The usefulness of metabarcoding analysis of the belowground parts of the plant community is subjected to a considerable bias, that often impedes detection of all species in a sample due to insufficient DNA quality or quantity. In the presented study we have attempted to find environmental factors that determine the amount and quality of DNA extracted from total plant tissue from aboveand belowground samples (1000 and 10,000 cm2 ). We analyzed the influence of land use intensity, soil properties, species composition, and season on DNA extraction. The most important factors for DNA quality were vegetation type, soil conductometry (EC), and soil pH for the belowground samples. The species that significantly decreased the DNA quality were Calamagrostis epigejos, Coronilla varia, and Holcus lanatus. For the aboveground part of the vegetation, the season, management intensity, and certain species—with the most prominent being Centaurea rhenana and Cirsium canum—have the highest influence. Additionally, we found that sample size, soil granulation, MgO, organic C, K2O, and total soil N content are important for DNA extraction effectiveness. Both low EC and pH reduce significantly the yield and quality of DNA. Identifying the potential inhibitors of DNA isolation and predicting difficulties of sampling the vegetation plots for metabarcoding analysis will help to optimize the universal, low-cost multi-stage DNA extraction procedure in molecular ecology studies

    Modified segmental bowel resection technique in deep infiltrated endometriosis. Is it a suitable method to reduce the risk of bowel leakage after an extensive complex surgery?

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    Objectives: To evaluate the novel modified laparoscopic technique of the bowel resection for deep infiltrated endometriosis (DIE) of the bowel versus the classical technique of bowel segmental resection in terms of anastomosis leakage. Material and methods: Patients (n = 138) treated with segmental bowel resections due to DIE were included; 30 patients had the classic, while 108 patients had the modified laparoscopic bowel segmental resection with indocyanine green vascular visualization and fibrin sealant use. Results: The modified technique was used more often in complex operations (65.7% vs 46.6%). More anastomotic leakages occurred in patients undergoing the classic technique than the modified technique (10% vs 2.8%; p = 0.117). No leakage in modified versus 12% in classic technique was observed in simple segmental bowel resections (p = 0.05); 2.5% of cases with leakage in modified versus 7.1% in classic technique were observed in bowel resections with hysterectomy. In complex cases operated with the modified technique, the frequency of anastomotic leakage was 4.2%, which were even less than leakage in simple cases in classic technique group (10%). Although the low location of the lesions increases the risk of leakage, the modified technique was associated with a small percentage of leakages (25% vs 6.3%). The laparotomy conversion rate was similar in both groups (3.4% for classic and 2.7% for modified). Conclusions: In DIE, the modified technique of segmental bowel resection showed superiority over the classic technique in terms of the risk of anastomotic leakage. This risk was lower regardless of the complexity of the surgery and lesion location

    The relation of serum adiponectin and leptin levels to metabolic syndrome in women before and after the menopause

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    Wstęp: U kobiet po menopauzie częściej występuje zespół metaboliczny (ZM) i choroby układu krążenia. Adiponektyna i leptyna produkowane przez tkankę tłuszczową odgrywają rolę w patogenezie ZM. Cel pracy: Ocena wpływu menopauzy na powiązania między adiponektyną oraz leptyną i różnymi czynnikami ryzyka. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 56 kobiet po menopauzie i 75 młodych kobiet. Oceniano: ciśnienie tętnicze, wskaźnik masy ciała (BMI, body mass index), obwód w talii, WHR, stężenie triglicerydów (TG), cholesterolu frakcji HDL (cHDL), stężenie glukozy na czczo i w teście obciążenia glukozą 75 g. Badane kobiety podzielono na podgrupy w zależności od liczby stwierdzonych czynników ryzyka. Przy obecności co najmniej 3 czynników rozpoznawano zespół metaboliczny. Stężenie adiponektyny i leptyny oceniano metodą RIA. Wyniki: Stężenie adiponektyny malało wraz ze wzrostem liczby czynników ryzyka w grupie przed- i pomenopauzalnej. W porównaniu do młodych kobiet z ZM, u kobiet po menopauzie i z ZM stwierdzono istotnie niższe stężenia adiponektyny. W przeciwieństwie do przedmenopauzalnych kobiet, w grupie pomenopauzalnej wraz z rosnącą liczbą czynników ryzyka obserwowano wzrost stężenia leptyny. Porównując młode kobiety z ZM i kobiety pomenopauzalne z ZM, obserwowano wyższe stężenia leptyny w tej ostatniej podgrupie. Stwierdzono zależności między leptyną i różnymi składowymi ZM, zwłaszcza u kobiet po menopauzie. W analizie wieloczynnikowej, adiponektyna i leptyna stanowiły niezależne czynniki powiązane z ZM. Wnioski: Potwierdzono istotną rolę patofizjologiczną adiponektyny w rozwoju ZM. Leptyna jest powiązana z różnymi czynnikami ryzyka, ale wydaje się, że odgrywa ona rolę w patogenezie ZM jedynie u pomenopauzalnych kobiet.Introduction: It is well known that there is a higher prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and metabolic syndrome (MS) in postmenopausal women. Recently it has become evident that adiponectin and leptin secreted by adipose tissue may be involved in the pathophysiology of MS. The aim of the study: was to assess the effects of the menopause on the relationships between adiponectin and leptin and different cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors. Materials and methods: A total of 56 postmenopausal women and 75 premenopausal subjects were enrolled in this study. We measured blood pressure, BMI, waist circumference and WHR, triglycerides (TG), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (cHDL) levels and fasting glucose and applied the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Women were categorised as having 0, 1, 2, 3 or more risk factors. The presence of at least 3 abnormalities was defined as MS. Serum was assayed for adiponectin and leptin by the radioimmunoassay (RIA) method. Results: A decline in adiponectin was related to an increased number of MS variables in postmenopausal and premenopausal women. Postmenopausal women with MS had significantly lower adiponectin concentrations than premenopausal women with MS. Serum adiponectin concentrations were inversely correlated to leptin in postmenopausal women. In premenopausal women no clear relationships were found between serum leptin and the number of metabolic disturbances. In contrast to young women, postmenopausal women showed an increase in leptin secretion with a growing number of MS elements. Compared to premenopausal women with MS, postmenopausal women with MS had higher levels of leptin. We found associations between leptin and different risk factors, mainly in the postmenopausal group. When the presence of MS was used as a dependent variable (yes/no) and adiponectin, leptin and menopause status as independent factors, adiponectin and leptin remained significant variables related to MS. Conclusion: The significant role of adiponectin in the pathophysiology of MS in premenopausal and postmenopausal women is confirmed in this study. Leptin is correlated with several MS components but this adipocytokine appears to play a role only in postmenopausal women

    A study on the formation environment of the La Cumbre amber deposit, from Santiago Province, the northwestern part of the Dominican Republic

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    The amber-bearing coaly shale from the La Cumbre deposit (Cordillera Septentrional, Dominican Republic) contains a large quantity of altered, coalified plant detritus. The coals in these shales are in the transition stage from meta-lignite to subbituminous coals. They are composed mainly of inertinite macerals such as fusinite, semifusinite, macrinite and secretinite. Fossil resin found in the deposit occurs in two forms: detrital grains up to several centimetres in size (type I) and very fine authigenic grains, of a few micrometers in size, inside the humic laminae (type II, resinite). The detrital fossil resins are transparent, with few mineral and organic inclusions. In their composition they contain sulfides, which may come from sulfate reduction, inclusions of plants and/or insects or be caused by volcanic activity developed in surrounding coal series. The resinites are strongly saturated with various inclusions and spatially associated with framboidal pyrite aggregates. Both fossil resin types were probably deposited in a shallow coastal lake environment in the zone bordering the floodplain of the river, with periodic floods. The marine environment conditions, which were progressively changing from oxidizing to reducing, are likely associated with the formation of the fossil resin

    Cultural adaptation of a UK evidence-based problem-solving intervention to support Polish prisoners at risk of suicidal behaviour : a cross-sectional survey using an Ecological Validity Model

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    OBJECTIVE: To complete a cultural adaptation of a UK evidence-based problem-solving intervention to support Polish prisoners at risk of suicidal behaviour. DESIGN: A cross-sectional survey participatory design using an Ecological Validity Model. SETTING: The study was a collaboration between: the Academy of Justice, in Warsaw, the University of Lodz, two Polish prisons (ZK Raciborz and ZK Klodzko) and the University of York (UK). METHODS: The adaptation process included an examination of the use of language, metaphors and content (ie, culturally appropriate and syntonic language), the changing of case study scenarios (relevance and acceptability) and maintenance of the theoretical underpinning of the problem-solving model (intervention comprehensibility and completeness). Four stages used: (1) a targeted demonstration for Polish prison staff, (2) a wider audit of the skills with Polish prison staff and students, (3) forward and back-translation of the adapted package, and (4) two iterative consultations with participants from stages (1) and (2) and prison officers from two Polish prisons. PARTICIPANTS: Self-selecting volunteer participants included: targeted prison staff (n=10), prison staff from the wider Polish penitentiary system (n=39), students from the University of Lodz (n=28) and prison officers from two Polish prisons (n=12). MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Acceptability and feasibility of the training package, reported in a series of knowledge user surveys. RESULTS: The recognised benefits of using the skills within the training package included: enhancing communication, reflective development, collaborative working, changing behaviour, empowering decision-making, relevance to crisis management situations and use of open-ended questions. The skills were endorsed to be used as part of future penitentiary training for prison officers in Poland. CONCLUSIONS: The skills had widespread appeal for use across the Polish penitentiary system. The materials were deemed relevant while adhering to the comprehensibility of the intervention. Further evaluation of the intervention should be explored using a randomised controlled trial design

    Tobacco smoking among the first-year medical students

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    The studies have shown that despite studying medicine the rate of tobacco smokers among students is still high. Moreover, in Poland the incidence of smoking is increasing among the youngsters. The study was designed to assess the rate of smokers among the first-year students of two consecutive courses at the Medical University of Gdańsk and define their attitudes towards tobacco smoking. The voluntary, multiple-choice questionnaires were distributed among 412 students. The rate of response was 100%. Twenty one percent of responders were current smokers (17% females and 28% men), whereas 7% declared previous smoking. There was no correlation between incidence of smoking among students and their parents (p = 0.11). 61% of smokers declared the will to give up their habit and of those 94% were aware of the negative impact of cigarettes on their health. In the group which did not declare the will to quit smoking only 75% knew what the impact of cigarettes on their health was; p = 0.02. Only 23% of smokers considered anti-nicotine therapy effective. Almost a half of smokers considered nicotine replacement therapy ineffective for them in quitting cigarette smoking. Conclusion: The rate of smokers among the first-year medical students is lower than in general population, but it is still relatively high. However more than a half of smokers wants to give up their habit. Of those who are not willing to, 25% is not aware of the cigarettes’ impact on their health. These results call for further anti-nicotine actions

    Postawy wobec palenia tytoniu wśród studentów I i VI roku medycyny z rocznika studiów 2002-2008

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    Wstęp: Zjawisko palenia tytoniu wśród studentów medycyny wskazuje, że studia medyczne nie stanowią wystarczającej bariery przed kontynuowaniem, a nawet rozpoczynaniem palenia. Celem badania była ocena postaw wobec palenia wśród studentów I i VI roku Wydziału Lekarskiego Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego z rocznika studiów 2002-2008. Materiał i metody: Wśród studentów rocznika studiów 2002-2008 dwukrotnie, na I i VI roku, rozprowadzono ankietę zawierającą pytania na temat kwestii związanych z paleniem tytoniu. W ankiecie adresowanej do studentów VI roku zawarto dodatkowe pytania, umożliwiające ocenę zmian w postawach studentów wobec palenia w trakcie studiów, a także poznanie opinii respondentów na temat nauczania na studiach rozpoznawania i leczenia zespołu uzależnienia od tytoniu (ZUT) oraz ich samooceny posiadanej wiedzy w tym zakresie. W badaniu wzięło udział 287 studentów I roku i 175 studentów VI roku badanego rocznika. Wyniki: Wraz z końcem studiów studenci istotnie rzadziej regularnie palili papierosy niż na I roku (13% v. 21%; p = 0,022), jednak co piąta paląca osoba (20%) zaczęła palić papierosy w trakcie studiów medycznych. Odsetek palaczy, którzy palili bez większego skrępowania, był istotnie niższy, niż na początku studiów (31% v. 70%; p = 0,0006), stwierdzono także znacząco wyższe odsetki palaczy deklarujących chęć porzucenia nałogu (91% v. 61%; p = 0,013) oraz codziennych palaczy, którzy chcieliby poddać się leczeniu uzależnienia od tytoniu (54% v. 22%; p = 0,001). Ponad połowa studentów VI roku przyznała, że nie ma żadnej wiedzy na temat rozpoznawania i leczenia ZUT lub ich wiedza na ten temat jest bardzo słaba lub słaba (57%). Aż 43% badanych stwierdziło, że studia medyczne w ogóle nie były dla nich źródłem wiedzy o ZUT. Wnioski: Studia medyczne wpływają na pozytywne zmiany postaw studentów wobec palenia tytoniu. Jednak część osób podejmuje palenie na studiach, co sugeruje dominujący udział czynników genetycznych nad środowiskowymi w rozpoczynaniu palenia w tym okresie życia. W opinii przyszłych lekarzy studia medyczne nie są wystarczającym źródłem wiedzy o ZUT.Introduction: The prevalence of smoking among medical students indicates that studying medicine is an insufficient protection from tobacco use. The aim of the study was an analysis of medical students’ attitudes towards smoking at the first and sixth year of their studies. Material and methods: A questionnaire on tobacco smoking was distributed among medical students of the study year 2002-2008 at the first and sixth year of their studies. The questionnaire used on the sixth year students included additional questions designed to assess changes in their attitudes towards smoking during their studies, to ask their opinion of the teaching of diagnostics and treatment of tobacco dependence (TD), and to discover how they evaluated their knowledge of the issue. The numbers of students who participated at the two points of the study were 287 and 175 respectively. Results: Students in their sixth year significantly less frequently smoked cigarettes regularly than those starting their medical education (13% v. 21%; p = 0.022). However, 20% of smokers started smoking during their studies. The proportion of smokers saying they were not embarrassed by their smoking habit was significantly lower among sixth-year students compared to first-year students (31% v. 70%; p = 0.0006), as were the numbers who said they wanted to quit smoking (91% v. 61%). Those who wished to undergo treatment for TD (54% v. 22%) were significantly higher among sixth year students group (p = 0.013 and p = 0.001, respectively). More than half (57%) the sixth-year students claimed that they had no knowledge of the diagnostics and treatment of TD, or that their knowledge on this issue was poor or very poor. In the opinion of 43% of students, the medical curriculum was not a good source of knowledge on TD. Conclusions: Medical studies induce positively students’ attitudes towards smoking. However, a proportion of individuals start smoking during studies, which may suggest dominance of genetic influences on smoking initiation in this period of life. In sixth-year students’ opinion, medical studies are not a sufficient source of knowledge on TD

    The prognostic value of the post-treatment serum CA 125 level in patients with advanced endometrial cancer

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    Objectives: The goal of this analysis was to assess the prognostic value of the post-treatment serum CA 125 level in each member of a group of advanced endometrial cancer (aEC) patients in comparison to other clinical and pathological parameters. Material and methods: Records of 266 patients treated at the Maria Skłodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Centre and Institute of Oncology, Cracow Branch between the years 2006 and 2018 were included in the study. Follow-up ranged from 1 to 138 months. Progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were set as the endpoints. The tests chi-squared, Fisher, log-rank, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and Cox proportional hazard ratio were used for statistical analyses. Results: In the analysed group, there was a significant association between an elevated serum CA 125 level following adjuvant treatment and shorter PFS and OS. After setting a cut-off value for CA 125 there was a statistically significant correlation between the marker and PFS and OS. Multivariate analysis indicated that the post-treatment serum CA 125 level is an independent prognostic factor of the course of aEC. Conclusions: The post-treatment serum CA 125 level correlates significantly with both PFS and OS in each patient with aEC. The marker is an independent prognostic factor in this group. A low post-treatment level of the marker is a strong indicator of good 5-year survival, with 82% of patients reaching 5-year OS