1,144 research outputs found

    A class of continua that are not attractors of any IFS

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    This paper presents a sufficient condition for a continuum in RnR^n to be embeddable in RnR^n in such a way that its image is not an attractor of any iterated function system. An example of a continuum in R2R^2 that is not an attractor of any weakly contracting iterated function system is also given


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    Andrei Sheptyts’kyi has been the object of interests of scholars in Poland of both Polish and Ukrainian origin. Polish studies on metropolitan Andrei Sheptyts’kyi have begun form publications of historical sources. Th ey have been prepared by scholars who have performed fi rst analysis of facts connected with his life and activity. Th e most important Polish researches on metropolitan started aft er 1989/1990. Since then a number of monographies concentrating on various aspects of his activity have been prepared. However, a majority of Polish publications on the topic have been single papers each dealing with a particular problem of Sheptyts’kyi’s life and thought. Th ose have rarely been continued by their authors. Further research on metropolitan requires more eff ective cooperation between Polish and Ukrainian historians in order to propose the most complementary picture of Sheptyts’kyi’s personality.Andrei Sheptyts’kyi has been the object of interests of scholars in Poland of both Polish and Ukrainian origin. Polish studies on metropolitan Andrei Sheptyts’kyi have begun form publications of historical sources. Th ey have been prepared by scholars who have performed fi rst analysis of facts connected with his life and activity. Th e most important Polish researches on metropolitan started aft er 1989/1990. Since then a number of monographies concentrating on various aspects of his activity have been prepared. However, a majority of Polish publications on the topic have been single papers each dealing with a particular problem of Sheptyts’kyi’s life and thought. Th ose have rarely been continued by their authors. Further research on metropolitan requires more eff ective cooperation between Polish and Ukrainian historians in order to propose the most complementary picture of Sheptyts’kyi’s personality

    Topological classification of scattered IFS-attractors

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    We study countable compact spaces as potential attractors of iterated function systems. We give an example of a convergent sequence in the real line which is not an IFS-attractor and for each countable ordinal δ\delta we show that a countable compact space of height δ+1\delta+1 can be embedded in the real line so that it becomes the attractor of an IFS. On the other hand, we show that a scattered compact metric space of limit height is never an IFS-attractor

    The Hot Struggle Over the Cold Waters: The Strategic Position of the Arctic Region During and After the Cold War

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    The Arctic became a hot spot on the global map and discussion over the cold waters became an important issue in international relations. During the Cold War, as it is today, the Arctic was a separate area of rivalry between the superpowers. Despite the fact that today\u27s debate is based on different issues, including sovereignty over the region, potential access to natural resources and the status of international waters, there is still a strong military component to the competing interests, as there was during the Cold War

    Samohistorizacija putem fotografije i dokumentiranja. Arhiva Stanisława Ostoje- Kotkowskog u Nacionalnom muzeju u Varšavi

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    The article is based on the research I carried out on the archive of Stanisław Ostoja-Kotkowski (1922–1994), the Cold War-era Polish-Australian artist living in South Australia, which is currently kept in the National Museum in Warsaw. Ostoja-Kotkowski was a pioneer in electronic art, kinetic sculpture, laser art, computer graphics and light art in the 1960s and 1970s. The article analyzes the archive in the context of “self-historicization” (Badovinac), used by this émigré artist to create his artistic identity in both Australia and Poland. The archive proves that self-documentation by the less-known creators from peripheral hubs is helpful to contemporary researchers in deconstructing dominating historical narratives. The use of photographs in the archive is seen through Amelia Jones’ notion of “performative document”, which helps to see images of ephemeral performances and actions as equal to the works of art themselves.Članak se temelji na istraživanju koje sam provela radeći na arhivi Stanisława Ostoje-Kotkowskog (1922.– 1994.) — poljsko-australskog umjetnika iz doba hladnog rata koji je živio u Južnoj Australiji — koja se trenutačno čuva u Nacionalnom muzeju u Varšavi. Ostoja-Kotkowski bio je pionir elektroničke umjetnosti, kinetičke skulpture, laserske umjetnosti, računalne grafike i svjetlosne umjetnosti 1960-ih i 1970-ih. Članak analizira arhiv u kontekstu „samohistorizacije“ (Badovinac), kojom ovaj umjetnik emigrant stvara svoj umjetnički identitet u Australiji i Poljskoj. Arhiva predstavlja dokaz da samodokumentiranje manje poznatih stvaratelja iz perifernih čvorišta može pomoći suvremenim istraživačima u dekonstrukciji dominantnih povijesnih pripovijesti. Korištenje fotografija u arhivu sagledava se u pojmu „performativnog dokumenta“ Amelie Jones, koji nam pomaže da snimke efemernih izvedbi i radnji vidimo kao jednake samim umjetničkim djelima

    Foreign bodies inside us - Trends and knowledge regarding long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) use, factors influencing of contraceptives choice-making process, and the dual-method use among Polish college-aged women

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    Introduction: The choice-making process of the contraceptive method seems complex and influenced by many factors. Long-acting reversible contraceptives require mechanical interference with the woman's body. For some, it will be an insurmountable barrier whilst for others a chance to enjoy a successful sex life without fear of pregnancy. Recognizing the factors influencing their use will allow us to identify target groups, increase awareness, and spread knowledge about them. Purpose: This study aimed to assess contraceptive use trends and knowledge, focusing on long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) and vaginal rings, also to identify predictors associated with their use and analyze the decision-making process for dual-method use (hormonal plus barrier method) among female college students in Poland. Materials and methods: A self-administered questionnaire including 44 questions in the form of a web-based survey distributed among peers in social media platforms and forums. Results: In the survey a total of 700 female students aged 19±25 took part. All the questions about LARC and vaginal rings were answered correctly by only 19 participants (2.71%). The most knowledgeable were medical students (p<0.0001). Out of 55 LARC and vaginal ring users (7.86%), 47 female students (76.4%,) stated the improvement of their life. Of the methods interfering with the body, the study group most frequently chose the vaginal ring (38.1%) and least frequently the hormone injection (0.1%).  Conclusions: Participants’ knowledge of LARC methods and vaginal rings is insufficient and its main influencing factors are faculty type and frequency of intercourse. LARC and vaginal disc are not the first contraception choice. Fear of pregnancy is the most common factor for dual method use