9,969 research outputs found

    Transversity Distribution and Polarized Fragmentation Function from Semi-inclusive Pion Electroproduction

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    A method is discussed to determine the hitherto unknown u-quark transversity distribution from a planned HERMES measurement of a single-spin asymmetry in semi-inclusive pion electroproduction off a transversely polarized target. Assuming u-quark dominance, the measurement yields the shapes of the transversity distribution and of the ratio of a polarized and the unpolarized u-quark fragmentation functions. The unknown relative normalization can be obtained by identifying the transversity distribution with the well-known helicity distribution at large x. The systematic uncertainty of the method is dominated by the assumption of u-quark dominance.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, revised version as will be published in EPJ

    Single Spin Asymmetries in Semi-Inclusive Electroproduction: Access to Transversity

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    We discuss the quark transversity distribution function and a possible way to access it through the measurement of single spin azimuthal asymmetry in semi-inclusive single pion electroproduction on a transversely polarized target.Comment: 5 pages, Latex using aipproc.sty (included), to appear in proceedings of "Second Workshop on Physics with an Electron Polarized Light Ion Collider", Sept. 14-16, 2000, MIT, Cambridge, US

    Correlation of Positive and Negative Reciprocity Fails to Confer an Evolutionary Advantage: Phase Transitions to Elementary Strategies

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    Economic experiments reveal that humans value cooperation and fairness. Punishing unfair behavior is therefore common, and according to the theory of strong reciprocity, it is also directly related to rewarding cooperative behavior. However, empirical data fail to confirm that positive and negative reciprocity are correlated. Inspired by this disagreement, we determine whether the combined application of reward and punishment is evolutionarily advantageous. We study a spatial public goods game, where in addition to the three elementary strategies of defection, rewarding, and punishment, a fourth strategy that combines the latter two competes for space. We find rich dynamical behavior that gives rise to intricate phase diagrams where continuous and discontinuous phase transitions occur in succession. Indirect territorial competition, spontaneous emergence of cyclic dominance, as well as divergent fluctuations of oscillations that terminate in an absorbing phase are observed. Yet, despite the high complexity of solutions, the combined strategy can survive only in very narrow and unrealistic parameter regions. Elementary strategies, either in pure or mixed phases, are much more common and likely to prevail. Our results highlight the importance of patterns and structure in human cooperation, which should be considered in future experiments

    Conditional strategies and the evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods games

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    The fact that individuals will most likely behave differently in different situations begets the introduction of conditional strategies. Inspired by this, we study the evolution of cooperation in the spatial public goods game, where besides unconditional cooperators and defectors, also different types of conditional cooperators compete for space. Conditional cooperators will contribute to the public good only if other players within the group are likely to cooperate as well, but will withhold their contribution otherwise. Depending on the number of other cooperators that are required to elicit cooperation of a conditional cooperator, the latter can be classified in as many types as there are players within each group. We find that the most cautious cooperators, such that require all other players within a group to be conditional cooperators, are the undisputed victors of the evolutionary process, even at very low synergy factors. We show that the remarkable promotion of cooperation is due primarily to the spontaneous emergence of quarantining of defectors, which become surrounded by conditional cooperators and are forced into isolated convex "bubbles" from where they are unable to exploit the public good. This phenomenon can be observed only in structured populations, thus adding to the relevance of pattern formation for the successful evolution of cooperation.Comment: 7 two-column pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Domain Dynamics of Magnetic Films with Perpendicular Anisotropy

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    We study the magnetic properties of nanoscale magnetic films with large perpendicular anisotropy comparing polarization microscopy measurements on Co_28Pt_72 alloy samples based on the magneto-optical Kerr effect with Monte Carlo simulations of a corresponding micromagnetic model. We focus on the understanding of the dynamics especially the temperature and field dependence of the magnetisation reversal process. The experimental and simulational results for hysteresis, the reversal mechanism, domain configurations during the reversal, and the time dependence of the magnetisation are in very good qualitative agreement. The results for the field and temperature dependence of the domain wall velocity suggest that for thin films the hysteresis can be described as a depinning transition of the domain walls rounded by thermal activation for finite temperatures.Comment: 7 pages Latex, Postscript figures included, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.B, also availible at: http://www.thp.Uni-Duisburg.DE/Publikationen/Publist_Us_R.htm

    Dynamic approach for micromagnetics close to the Curie temperature

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    In conventional micromagnetism magnetic domain configurations are calculated based on a continuum theory for the magnetization which is assumed to be of constant length in time and space. Dynamics is usually described with the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation the stochastic variant of which includes finite temperatures. Using simulation techniques with atomistic resolution we show that this conventional micromagnetic approach fails for higher temperatures since we find two effects which cannot be described in terms of the LLG equation: i) an enhanced damping when approaching the Curie temperature and, ii) a magnetization magnitude that is not constant in time. We show, however, that both of these effects are naturally described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch equation which links the LLG equation with the theory of critical phenomena and turns out to be a more realistic equation for magnetization dynamics at elevated temperatures

    Monitoring the Short-Term Variability of Cyg X-1: Spectra and Timing

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    We present first results from the spectral and temporal analysis of an RXTE monitoring campaign of the black hole candidate Cygnus X-1 in 1999. The timing properties of this hard state black hole show considerable variability, even though the state does not change. This has previously been noted for the power spectral density, but is probably even more pronounced for the time lags. From an analysis of four monitoring observations of Cyg X-1, separated by 2 weeks from each other, we find that a shortening of the time lags is associated with a hardening of the X-ray spectrum, as well as with a longer characteristic ``shot time scale''. We briefly discuss possible physical/geometrical reasons for this variability of the hard state properties.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Proc. of the 5th Compton Symposium, AIP, in pres
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