1,163 research outputs found

    The isovector effective charge and the staggering of the 2+ to 0+ transition probabilities in the Titanium isotopes

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    In an effort to understand the magical status of N=32 and N=34 at the very neutron rich edge, experiments have been carried out in the Titanium isotopes up to A=56. The measured staggering of the B(E2)'s is not reproduced by the shell model calculations using the best effective interactions. We argue that this may be related to the choice of the isovector effective charge and to the value of the N=34 neutron gap.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figure

    Lifetimes of 26Al and 34Cl in an astrophysical plasma

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    We study here the onset of thermal equilibrium affecting the lifetimes of 26Al and 34Cl nuclei within a hot astrophysical photon gas. The 26Al isotope is of prime interest for gamma ray astronomy with the observation of its delayed (t_1\2=0.74 My) 1.809MeV gamma-ray line. Its nucleosynthesis is complicated by the presence of a short lived (t_1\2=6.34s) spin isomer. A similar configuration is found in 34Cl where the decay of its isomer (34mCl, t_1\2=32m) is followed by delayed gamma-ray emission with characteristic energies. The lifetimes of such nuclei are reduced at high temperature by the thermal population of shorter lived levels. However, thermal equilibrium within 26Al and 34Cl levels is delayed by the presence of the isomer. We study here the transition to thermal equilibrium where branching ratios for radiative transitions are needed in order to calculate lifetimes. Since some of these very small branching ratios are not known experimentally, we use results of shell model calculations.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Latex, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Shape Coexistence in 78 Ni and the new Island of Inversion

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    Large Scale Shell Model calculations (SM-CI) predict that the region of deformation which comprises the heaviest Chromium and Iron isotopes at and beyond N=40 will merge with a new one at N=50 in an astonishing parallel to the N=20 and N=28 case in the Neon and Magnesium isotopes. We propose a valence space including the full pf-shell for the protons and the full sdg shell for the neutrons; which represents a comeback of the the harmonic oscillator shells in the very neutron rich regime. The onset of deformation is understood in the framework of the algebraic SU3-like structures linked to quadrupole dominance. Our calculations preserve the doubly magic nature of the ground state of 78 Ni, which, however, exhibits a well deformed prolate band at low excitation energy, providing a striking example of shape coexistence far from stability

    A Shell Model Description of the Decay Out of the Super-Deformed Band of 36Ar

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    Large scale shell model calculations in two major oscillator shells (sd and pf) describe simultaneously the super-deformed excited band of 36Ar and its low-lying states of dominant sd character. In addition, several two particle two hole states and a side band of negative parity are also well reproduced. We explain the appearance of the super-deformed band at such low excitation energy as a consequence of the very large correlation energy of the configurations with many particles and many holes (np-nh) relative to the normal filling of the spherical mean field orbits (0p-0h). We study the mechanism of mixing between these different configurations, to understand why the super-deformed band survives and how it finally decays into the low-lying sd-dominated states via the indirect mixing of the 0p-0h and 4p-4h configurations.Comment: 4 pages 5 figures, revtex4, revised version, minor change

    Nuclear shell evolution and in-medium NN interaction

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    We report on a quantitative study of the evolution of the nuclear shell structure, in particular, effective single-particle energies (ESPEs), based on the spin-tensor decomposition of an effective two-body shell-model interaction. While the global trend of the ESPEs is mainly due to the central term of the effective interaction, variations of shell gaps invoke various components of the in-medium NN force. From a detailed analysis of a well-fitted realistic interaction in the sdpf shell-model space, two most important contributions for the evolution of the N = 20 and N = 28 shell gaps are confirmed to be the central term and the tensor term. The role of the latter is dominant to explain the energy shift of spin-orbit partners. Spin-tensor analysis of microscopic effective interactions in sd, pf, and gds shell-model spaces, contrasted with that of the phenomenologically adjusted ones, shows no evidence of amplification of the tensor component contribution; however, it points toward the neglect of three-body forces in the present microscopic interactions

    The crystal structure of rathite-I

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    Die Kristallstruktur von Rathit-I wurde mittels dreidimensionaler Intensitätsdaten bestimmt. Vier Formeleinheiten (Pb,Tl)3As4(As,Ag)S10 sind in der Einheitszelle der Symmetrie Ρ 21/a mit a = 25,16 Å, 6 = 7,94 Å, c = 8,47 Å, β = 100° 28' enthalten. Die wahre Symmetrie von Rathit-I ist möglicherweise triklin. Die Lösung lieferten die Ähnlichkeit der Struktur mit derjenigen von Rathit-III und spezielle Verhältnisse der Röntgendiagramme. Von drei unabhängigen Pb(Tl)-Atomen sind zwei von neun S-Atomen umgeben, das andere von sieben. Die As-Atome weisen trigonal-pyramidale Koordination durch die S-Atome auf. Von einem As-Atom wird angenommen, daß es statistisch von zwei verschiedenen trigonal -pyramidalen S-Koordinationen umgeben wird. Ein anderes As-Atom ist teilweise durch Ag ersetzt. Die Struktur besteht aus zweierlei Schichten parallel zu (100). Die erste Art hat die Zusammensetzung (Pb,Tl)S3 und besteht aus den Koordinationspolyedern um die Pb(Tl)-Atome mit Neuner-Koordination. Die zweite Art ist aus Pb(Tl)-, As(Ag)- und S-Atomen zusammengesetzt, welche ein deformiertes PbS-Gitter bilden. Trigonale As-S3-Pyramiden sind zu Ketten endlicher Länge vereinig

    Nilsson-SU3 selfconsistency in heavy N=Z nuclei

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    It is argued that there exist natural shell model spaces optimally adapted to the operation of two variants of Elliott' SU3 symmetry that provide accurate predictions of quadrupole moments of deformed states. A selfconsistent Nilsson-like calculation describes the competition between the realistic quadrupole force and the central field, indicating a {\em remarkable stability of the quadruplole moments}---which remain close to their quasi and pseudo SU3 values---as the single particle splittings increase. A detailed study of the N=ZN=Z even nuclei from 56^{56}Ni to 96^{96}Cd reveals that the region of prolate deformation is bounded by a pair of transitional nuclei 72^{72}Kr and 84^{84}Mo in which prolate ground state bands are predicted to dominate, though coexisting with oblate ones,Comment: Replacement I) Title simplified. II) Major revision: structure of paper kept but two thirds totally rewritten (same number of pages); 20 references adde

    The Nuclear Shell Model Toward the Drip Lines

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    We describe the "islands of inversion" that occur when approaching the neutron drip line around the magic numbers N=20, N=28 and N=40 in the framework of the Interacting Shell Model in very large valence spaces. We explain these configuration inversions (and the associated shape transitions) as the result of the competition between the spherical mean field (monopole) which favors magicity and the correlations (multipole) which favor deformed intruder states. We also show that the N=20 and N=28 islands are in reallity a single one, which for the Magnesium isotopes is limited by N=18 and N=32.Comment: Proceedings of the Nordic Conference in Nuclear Physics 2011, Stockholm, to appear in Physica Script

    Coexistence of spherical states with deformed and superdeformed bands in doubly magic 40-Ca; A shell model challenge

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    Large scale shell model calculations, with dimensions reaching 10**9, are carried out to describe the recently observed deformed (ND) and superdeformed (SD) bands based on the first and second excited 0+ states of 40-Ca at 3.35-MeV and 5.21-MeV respectively. A valence space comprising two major oscillator shells, sd and pf, can accommodate most of the relevant degrees of freedom of this problem. The ND band is dominated by configurations with four particles promoted to the pf-shell (4p-4h in short). The SD band by 8p-8h configurations. The ground state of 40-Ca is strongly correlated, but the closed shell still amounts to 65%. The energies of the bands are very well reproduced by the calculations. The out-band transitions connecting the SD band with other states are very small and depend on the details of the mixing among the different np-nh configurations, in spite of that, the calculation describes them reasonably. For the in-band transition probabilities along the SD band, we predict a fairly constant transition quadrupole moment Q_0(t)~170 e fm**2 up to J=10, that decreases toward the higher spins. We submit also that the J=8 states of the deformed and superdeformed band are maximally mixed.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure
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