9 research outputs found

    Der Einfluss des Torfbreibades auf die Herzrate, die Herzfrequenzvariabilität, die Befindlichkeit und die Stimmung junger gesunder Frauen

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    In vorliegender Arbeit wurde die Beeinflussung des vegetativen Nervensystems junger gesunder Frauen während Torfbreibades erstmals untersucht. Vor, während und nach dem Bad erfolgte dafür eine EKG-Registrierung. Daraus wurden die Herzrate und Parameter der Herzratenvariabilität ermittelt. Es zeigte sich, dass während des Bades und darüber hinaus eine Sympathikusaktivierung und ein Abfall der parasympathischen Aktivität erfolgten. Außerdem wurden in dieser Pilotstudie die Messmethoden erprobt. Das Torfbreibad hat ferner einen positiven Einfluss auf die Befindlichkeit der Probandinnen

    EREC-II in use - studies on usability and suitability of a sensor system for affect detection and human performance monitoring

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    Interest in emotion detection is increasing significantly. For research and development in the field of Affective Computing, in smart environments, but also for reliable non-lab medical and psychological studies or human performance monitoring, robust technologies are needed for detecting evidence of emotions in persons under everyday conditions. This paper reports on evaluation studies of the EREC-II sensor system for acquisition of emotionrelated physiological parameters. The system has been developed with a focus on easy handling, robustness, and reliability. Two sets of studies have been performed covering 4 different application fields: medical, human performance in sports, driver assistance, and multimodal affect sensing. Results show that the different application fields pose different requirements mainly on the user interface, while the hardware for sensing and processing the data proved to be in an acceptable state for use in different research domains

    EREC-II in Use - Studies on Usability and Suitability of a Sensor System for Affect Detection and Human Performance Monitoring

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    Interest in emotion detection is increasing significantly. For research and development in the field of Affective Computing, in smart environments, but also for reliable non-lab medical and psychological studies or human performance monitoring, robust technologies are needed for detecting evidence of emotions in persons under everyday conditions. This paper reports on evaluation studies of the EREC-II sensor system for acquisition of emotionrelated physiological parameters. The system has been developed with a focus on easy handling, robustness, and reliability. Two sets of studies have been performed covering 4 different application fields: medical, human performance in sports, driver assistance, and multimodal affect sensing. Results show that the different application fields pose different requirements mainly on the user interface, while the hardware for sensing and processing the data proved to be in an acceptable state for use in different research domains

    EREC-II in Use -- Studies on Usability and Suitability of a Sensor System for Affect Detection and Human Performance Monitoring

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    Interest in emotion detection is increasing significantly. For research and development in the field of Affective Computing, in smart environments, but also for reliable non-lab medical and psychological studies or human performance monitoring, robust technologies are needed for detecting evidence of emotions in persons under everyday conditions. This paper reports on evaluation studies of the EREC-II sensor system for acquisition of emotionrelated physiological parameters. The system has been developed with a focus on easy handling, robustness, and reliability. Two sets of studies have been performed covering 4 different application fields: medical, human performance in sports, driver assistance, and multimodal affect sensing. Results show that the different application fields pose different requirements mainly on the user interface, while the hardware for sensing and processing the data proved to be in an acceptable state for use in different research domains