295 research outputs found

    Pt(II) Metallacycles as DNA binders

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    [Resumen:] Con este proyecto se pretende explorar la aplicación de la química supramolecular en la biomedicina, mediante la síntesis de metalociclos de Pt(II) y Pd(II) que actúen como agentes de unión al ADN, y por tanto, con un posible potencial como agentes antitumorales. Así, en el presente trabajo de fin de grado se ha llevado a cabo la síntesis de dos ligandos derivados del 4,4’-bipiridinio mediante una ruta sintética optimizada y ensayada previamente por el grupo de investigación. A continuación, se realizaron las reacciones de autoensamblaje dirigidas por centros metálicos de Pd(II) y Pt(II) necesarias para obtener los metalociclos correspondientes. Posteriormente, se ha estudiado de la interacción entre los metalociclos de Pt(II) y el ct-ADN mediante dos técnicas: dicroísmo circular y espectroscopia UV-Vis. La caracterización de los compuestos se llevó a cabo por RMN (mono y/o bidimensional) y, cuando fue necesario, espectrometría de masas.[Abstract:] This project was intended to explore the application of supramolecular chemistry in biomedicine, through the synthesis of Pt(II) and Pd(II) metallacycles that act as DNA binders and, therefore, can display potential antitumor activities. Herein, we have carried out the synthesis of two ligands derived from 4,4’-bipyridinium through a synthetic route previously developed and optimized by our research group. Then, Pd(II)/Pt(II)-directed self-assembly of those ligands was performed in order to obtain the corresponding metallacycles. Later, the interaction between the obtained Pt(II) metallacycles and ct-DNA was studied using two different techniques: circular dichroism and UV-Vis spectroscopy. All the compounds were characterized by NMR experiments (1D and/or 2D), and, when possible, by mass spectroscopy.[Resumo:] Con este proxecto preténdese explorar a aplicación de química supramolecular no eido da biomedicina, a través da síntese de metalociclos de Pt(II) e Pd(II) que actúen como axentes de unión ao ADN, e polo tanto poidan mostrar potencial coma axentes antitumorais. Así, no presente traballo de fin de grao levouse a cabo a síntese de dous ligandos derivados do 4,4’-bipiridinio, mediante unha ruta sintética optimizada e ensaiada previamente polo grupo de investigación. A continuación, realizáronse as reaccións de autoensamblaxe dirixida por centros metálicos de Pd(II) e Pt(II), necesarias para obter os metalociclos correspondentes. Posteriormente, estudouse a interacción entre os metalociclos de Pt(II) e o ct-ADN mediante dúas técnicas: dicroísmo circular e espectroscopia UV-Vis. A caracterización dos compostos levouse a cabo por RMN (mono e/ou bidimensional) e, cando foi necesario, espectrometría de masas.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Química. Curso 2016/201

    Experiencia en Nicaragua. La gestión colectiva del agua.

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    Desde la óptica económica, el agua es un recurso con característica de bien común, es decir, se caracteriza por ser un bien rival en el consumo y de baja exclusividad. Esto implica que el consumo que realiza una persona disminuye el disfrute potencial que otro individuo puede realizar de la misma unidad y que, además, resulte muy costoso reducir o excluir de su consumo a otros individuos

    Dynamics in the governance of collective irrigation systems: Evidence from field experiments in Nicaragua.

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the common pool resource appropriation and public good provisiondecisions in a dynamic setting, testing the differences in behavior and performance between lab and field subjects. We performeda total of 45 games in Nicaragua, including 88 villagers in rural communities and 92 undergraduate students. In order to analyze sequential decision making, we introduce a dynamic and asymmetric irrigation game that combines the typical social dilemmas associated to irrigation systems management.In addition, in 9 out of 22 villagers’ groups, we implemented a treatment that included the disclosure of subjects’ appropriation of the common pool resource. The results reveal that the provision of individuals’ appropriation level results in higher appropriation in subsequent rounds. In addition, the results show that non-treated villagers provide more public good than treated villagers but if compared with students the differences are not significant. The results also suggest that appropriation levels are below the Nash prediction of full appropriation, but above the social efficient level. This results in an efficiency loss in the game that can be explained to a large extent by individual decisions on appropriation and public good contribution and by group appropriation behavior

    Identity and Perception of the Sheperds' Profession

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    The paper discusses the challenges facing sheep farmers in Portugal, particularly in hiring and retaining shepherds. A qualitative study was conducted based on personal interviews with 65 shepherds in the Trás-os-Montes region to identify their vision of pastoralism, their profession, and their roles. The study found that most shepherds are male and aging, with low educational levels, and livestock production as their main occupation. The main motivations for the profession were to work with animals, lack of better job opportunities, and a source of income. Most shepherds have a positive image of the profession but believe it is not socially valorized, and half do not wish to be followed by their heirs. The paper highlights the importance of linking the public perception of pastoralism with environmental and social values to increase the attractiveness of shepherding as a profession.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Supramolecular assemblies of peptide-viologen conjugates as tools for chemical biology applications

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    [Resumen] En este proyecto se busca combinar la química biológica y la química supramolecular para la preparación de un agente de unión al ADN basado en péptidos como una nueva herramienta para aplicaciones en química biológica. De esta forma, en este trabajo de fin de máster se llevó a cabo la síntesis de un precursor peptídico mediante la metodología de síntesis de péptidos en fase sólida, que posteriormente se modificó con un derivado de 4,4’-bipiridinio mediante una nueva metodología sintética basada en la reacción de Zincke en fase sólida. Posteriormente, se realizaron estudios de interacción entre el dímero supramolecular del conjugado péptido-4,4’-bipiridinio, formado en presencia de cucurbit[8]urilo (CB[8]), y el ADN mediante dicroísmo circular. Para caracterizar los compuestos se emplearon 1H-RMN y HPLC-MS.[Abstract] This project pretends to combine the chemical biology and supramolecular chemistry fields for the preparation of a peptide-based DNA binding agent as a new tool for applications in chemical biology. Herein, in this master’s final project a peptide precursor was synthesized by means of the solid phase peptide synthesis methodology, and this peptide was later modified with a 4,4’-bipiridinium derivative through a new synthetic route based in the solid phase Zincke reaction. Then, the interaction between the supramolecular dimer of the peptide-4,4’-bipyridine conjugate, assembled in the presence of cucurbit[8]uril (CB[8]), and DNA was studied via circular dichroism. All the compounds were characterized using 1H-RMN and HPLC-MS.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.CIE). Investigación química y química industrial. Curso 2017/201

    Biodegradation of bisphenol A and bisphenol S by labrys portucalensis strain F11

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    Fisioterapia em cuidados paliativos: da evidência à prática

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    Com início nos anos 50, através de um empenho invejável de Cicely Saunders, em Inglaterra, que avaliando as diferentes necessidades dos doentes em fim de vida, foi enfermeira, assistente social e médica, colmatando desta forma as diferentes e complexas necessidades destes doentes. Portugal começou muito mais tarde, em 1994, mas tem vindo a crescer o interesse de muitos profissionais de saúde implicados em deseuvolver os Cuidados Paliativos, na organização, no trabalho no terreno e na investigação, de modo a permitir que cada vez mais portugueses tenham acesso a este tipo de cuidados. Quando se aborda este tema, fala-se sobre o sofrimento que acompanha as doenças graves, progressivas e incuráveis. Este sofrimento pode ser de carácter físico, psicológico, espiritual e social. Os cuidados paliativos, tradicionalmente dirigidos para as doenças do foro oncológico, têm vindo a tomar uma importância significativa nas patologias não oncológicas: falências de órgãos, doenças neurológicas degenerativas, nomeadamente as demências, doentes vegetativos, etc. que, pelas alterações demográficas que se esperam acontecer, podem vir a predominar na necessidade de cuidados específicos que se encaixam na filosofia dos cuidados paliativos. Os cuidados paliativos caracterizam-se por uma filosofia que implica a intervenção de vários grupos profissionais. De acordo com Twycioss, uma equipa básica deve incluir: um médico, um enfermeiro e um assistente social. As situações em cuidados paliativos podem apresentai uma complexidade tão significativa que exigem intervenção de outros grupos profissionais. Twycross afirma, ainda, que uma equipa é tão mais rica, quanto mais grupos profissionais diferentes a compõem

    Reversible Control of DNA Binding with Cucurbit[8]uril-Induced Supramolecular 4,4′-Bipyridinium–Peptide Dimers

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUGThe Supporting Information is available free of charge at https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.1c00063[Abstract] Many cellular processes in living organisms are regulated by complex regulatory networks, built from noncovalent interactions between relatively few proteins that perform their functions by switching between homo- and heterooligomeric assemblies or mono- and bivalent states. Herein, we demonstrate that the conjugation of a 4,4′-bipyridinium scaffold to the basic region of the GCN₄ bZip transcription factor can be exploited to control the dimerization of the conjugate by formation of a supramolecular complex with cucurbit[8]uril. Importantly, this supramolecular complex is able to specifically recognize its target dsDNA, and this binding can be reversibly switched by the application of external stimuli.We are thankful for the funding received from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 851179), the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (CTQ2016-75629-P), the Agencia Estatal de Investigación and FEDER (CTQ2017-89166-R and PID2019-105272GB-I00) and the Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional, Xunta de Galicia (ED431C 2018/39). P.N thanks the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades for her PhD fellowship (FPU17/04357). E.P. thanks the UDC-Inditex InTalent Programme for her research contract and funding and the Xunta de Galicia for the Oportunius ProgrammeXunta de Galicia; ED431C 2018/39https://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.1c00063/suppl_file/bc1c00063_si_001.pd

    Episódios de intervenção sócio-educativa: uma reflexão

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    A supervisão da intervenção socioeducativa faz parte do quotidiano da nossa atividade profissional na Escola Superior de Educação de Bragança. Assumindo uma supervisão ecológica (Alarcão & Canha, 2013; Shon, 2001) e uma reflexão analisada mais como uma prática social do que como uma atividade privada (Dewey, 1953; Zeichner, 1993), apresentamos um estudo que visa explorar os episódios de intervenção socioeducativa relatados pelos formandos (N=67), no âmbito da licenciatura em Educação Social. Para isso foi utilizada uma abordagem qualitativa, de natureza exploratória. Assim esperamos contribuir para que os supervisores possam refletir acerca do papel que desempenham e, em conformidade, melhorar os serviços prestados aos formandos

    The Extended Water Footprint and illegal groundwater use in the Upper Guadiana Basin (Spain)

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    Tablas de Daimiel National Park is located in the Upper Guadiana Basin and represents one of the largest and most important wetlands in Europe. The long term ecological integrity of this wetland is inherently associated with the maintenance of a shallow groundwater table, namely the Western Mancha aquifer (WMA) or Aquifer 23. The intensive use of groundwater, mainly for irrigation, has led over the last decades to deep socio‐economic changes. Such intensive use has also lowered the water table of Aquifer 23, drastically reducing the flooded area of the wetland and threatening its ecological integrity. A number of plans and measures have been developed and implemented since the declaration of overexploitation of Aquifer 23 in the year 1987. The most recent one is the Special Plan for the Upper Guadiana (SPUG), approved in 2008. This Plan is the main measure to comply with achieving the objective of good quantitative and qualitative status required under the Water Framework Directive (2000). This paper offers a new type of integrated analysis which allows assessing under a common lens the physical, economic and social dimensions of groundwater use in the area. The first objective is to calculate the groundwater footprint of agricultural production in the Upper Guadiana basin and its evolution during 2000‐2008. For this purpose, we have applied the Extended Water Footprint (EWF) methodology ‐a novel approach based on the classical Water Footprint (WF) approach‐ that includes an assessment of the water productivity from an economic and social perspective. Compared to the classical WF, the EWF allows for a more complete overview of the sector, providing new insights for policy decisions (e.g. to define options and possibilities on water re‐allocation in order to achieve both better ecosystem conservation and social equity). The second objective is to use the EWF to compare the existing authorized and non‐authorized or illegal use of water. This allows us to discuss current initiatives by public authorities in relation to the existing frame of water right