84 research outputs found

    Skeletal muscle cells lacking the retinoblastoma protein display defects in muscle gene expression and accumulate in S and G2 phases of the cell cycle.

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    Viral oncoproteins that inactivate the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein (pRb) family both block skeletal muscle differentiation and promote cell cycle progression. To clarify the dependence of terminal differentiation on the presence of the different pRb-related proteins, we have studied myogenesis using isogenic primary fibroblasts derived from mouse embryos individually deficient for pRb, p107, or p130. When ectopically expressed in fibroblasts lacking pRb, MyoD induces an aberrant skeletal muscle differentiation program characterized by normal expression of early differentiation markers such as myogenin and p21, but attenuated expression of late differentiation markers such as myosin heavy chain (MHC). Similar defects in MHC expression were not observed in cells lacking either p107 or p130, indicating that the defect is specific to the loss of pRb. In contrast to wild-type, p107-deficient, or p130-deficient differentiated myocytes that are permanently withdrawn from the cell cycle, differentiated myocytes lacking pRb accumulate in S and G2 phases and express extremely high levels of cyclins A and B, cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk2), and Cdc2, but fail to readily proceed to mitosis. Administration of caffeine, an agent that removes inhibitory phosphorylations on inactive Cdc2/cyclin B complexes, specifically induced mitotic catastrophe in pRb-deficient myocytes, consistent with the observation that the majority of pRb-deficient myocytes arrest in S and G2. Together, these findings indicate that pRb is required for the expression of late skeletal muscle differentiation markers and for the inhibition of DNA synthesis, but that a pRb-independent mechanism restricts entry of differentiated myocytes into mitosis

    Establishment of Motor Neuron-V3 Interneuron Progenitor Domain Boundary in Ventral Spinal Cord Requires Groucho-Mediated Transcriptional Corepression

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    Background: Dorsoventral patterning of the developing spinal cord is important for the correct generation of spinal neuronal types. This process relies in part on cross-repressive interactions between specific transcription factors whose expression is regulated by Sonic hedgehog. Groucho/transducin-like Enhancer of split (TLE) proteins are transcriptional corepressors suggested to be recruited by at least certain Sonic hedgehog-controlled transcription factors to mediate the formation of spatially distinct progenitor domains within the ventral spinal cord. The aim of this study was to characterize the involvement of TLE in mechanisms regulating the establishment of the boundary between the most ventral spinal cord progenitor domains, termed pMN and p3. Because the pMN domain gives rise to somatic motor neurons while the p3 domain generates V3 interneurons, we also examined the involvement of TLE in the acquisition of these neuronal fates. Methodology and Principal Findings: A combination of in vivo loss- and gain-of-function studies in the developing chick spinal cord was performed to characterize the role of TLE in ventral progenitor domain formation. It is shown here that TLE overexpression causes increased numbers of p3 progenitors and promotes the V3 interneuron fate while suppressing the motor neuron fate. Conversely, dominant-inhibition of TLE increases the numbers of pMN progenitors and postmitotic motor neurons. Conclusion: Based on these results, we propose that TLE is important to promote the formation of the p3 domain an

    Retinoid-independent motor neurogenesis from human embryonic stem cells reveals a medial columnar ground state

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    A major challenge in neurobiology is to understand mechanisms underlying human neuronal diversification. Motor neurons (MNs) represent a diverse collection of neuronal subtypes, displaying differential vulnerability in different human neurodegenerative diseases. The ability to manipulate cell subtype diversification is critical to establish accurate, clinically relevant in vitro disease models. Retinoid signalling contributes to caudal precursor specification and subsequent MN subtype diversification. Here we investigate the necessity for retinoic acid in motor neurogenesis from human embryonic stem cells. We show that activin/nodal signalling inhibition, followed by sonic hedgehog agonist treatment, is sufficient for MN precursor specification, which occurs even in the presence of retinoid pathway antagonists. Importantly, precursors mature into HB9/ChAT-expressing functional MNs. Furthermore, retinoid-independent motor neurogenesis results in a ground state biased to caudal, medial motor columnar identities from which a greater retinoid-dependent diversity of MNs, including those of lateral motor columns, can be selectively derived in vitro

    Interpretation of the sonic hedgehog morphogen gradient by a temporal adaptation mechanism

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    Morphogens act in developing tissues to control the spatial arrangement of cellular differentiation(1,2). The activity of a morphogen has generally been viewed as a concentration-dependent response to a diffusible signal, but the duration of morphogen signalling can also affect cellular responses(3). One such example is the morphogen sonic hedgehog (SHH). In the vertebrate central nervous system and limbs, the pattern of cellular differentiation is controlled by both the amount and the time of SHH exposure(4-7). How these two parameters are interpreted at a cellular level has been unclear. Here we provide evidence that changing the concentration or duration of SHH has an equivalent effect on intracellular signalling. Chick neural cells convert different concentrations of SHH into time-limited periods of signal transduction, such that signal duration is proportional to SHH concentration. This depends on the gradual desensitization of cells to ongoing SHH exposure, mediated by the SHH-dependent upregulation of patched 1 (PTC1), a ligand-binding inhibitor of SHH signalling(8). Thus, in addition to its role in shaping the SHH gradient(8-10), PTC1 participates cell autonomously in gradient sensing. Together, the data reveal a novel strategy for morphogen interpretation, in which the temporal adaptation of cells to a morphogen integrates the concentration and duration of a signal to control differential gene expression.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62511/1/nature06347.pd

    Directed Induction of Functional Motor Neuron-Like Cells from Genetically Engineered Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Cell replacement using stem cells is a promising therapeutic approach to treat degenerative motor neuron (MN) disorders, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and spinal cord injury. Human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) are a desirable cell source for autologous cell replacement therapy to treat nervous system injury due to their plasticity, low immunogenicity, and a lower risk of tumor formation than embryonic stem cells. However, hMSCs are inefficient with regards to differentiating into MN-like cells. To solve this limitation, we genetically engineered hMSCs to express MN-associated transcription factors, Olig2 and Hb9, and then treat the hMSCs expressing Olig2 and Hb9 with optimal MN induction medium (MNIM). This method of induction led to higher expression (>30% of total cells) of MN markers. Electrophysiological data revealed that the induced hMSCs had the excitable properties of neurons and were able to form functional connections with muscle fibers in vitro. Furthermore, when the induced hMSCs were transplanted into an injured organotypic rat spinal cord slice culture, an ex vivo model of spinal cord injury, they exhibited characteristics of MNs. The data strongly suggest that induced Olig2/Hb9-expressing hMSCs were clearly reprogrammed and directed toward a MN-like lineage. We propose that methods to induce Olig2 and Hb9, followed by further induction with MNIM have therapeutic potential for autologous cell replacement therapy to treat degenerative MN disorders

    Restoration of p16INK4A protein induces myogenic differentiation in RD rhabdomyosarcoma cells

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    p16INK4A (p16) tumour suppressor induces growth arrest by inhibiting function of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)4 and CDK6. Homozygous p16 gene deletion is frequent in primary rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) cells as well as derived cell lines. To confirm the significance of p16 gene deletion in tumour biology of RMS, a temperature-sensitive p16 mutant (E119G) gene was retrovirally transfected into the human RMS cell line RD, which has homozygous gene deletion of p16 gene. Decrease from 40°C (restrictive) to 34°C (permissive) culture temperature reduced CDK6-associated kinase activity and induced G1 growth arrest. Moreover, RD-p16 cells cultured under permissive condition demonstrated differentiated morphology coupled with expressions of myogenin and myosin light chain. These suggest that deletion of p16 gene may not only facilitate growth but also inhibit the myogenic differentiation of RD RMS cells. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Retinoic Acid Promotes the Generation of Pancreatic Endocrine Progenitor Cells and Their Further Differentiation into β-Cells

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    The identification of secreted factors that can selectively stimulate the generation of insulin producing β-cells from stem and/or progenitor cells represent a significant step in the development of stem cell-based β-cell replacement therapy. By elucidating the molecular mechanisms that regulate the generation of β-cells during normal pancreatic development such putative factors may be identified. In the mouse, β-cells increase markedly in numbers from embryonic day (e) 14.5 and onwards, but the extra-cellular signal(s) that promotes the selective generation of β-cells at these stages remains to be identified. Here we show that the retinoic acid (RA) synthesizing enzyme Raldh1 is expressed in developing mouse and human pancreas at stages when β-cells are generated. We also provide evidence that RA induces the generation of Ngn3+ endocrine progenitor cells and stimulates their further differentiation into β-cells by activating a program of cell differentiation that recapitulates the normal temporal program of β-cell differentiation

    Synergistic binding of transcription factors to cell-specific enhancers programs motor neuron identity

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    Efficient transcriptional programming promises to open new frontiers in regenerative medicine. However, mechanisms by which programming factors transform cell fate are unknown, preventing more rational selection of factors to generate desirable cell types. Three transcription factors, Ngn2, Isl1 and Lhx3, were sufficient to program rapidly and efficiently spinal motor neuron identity when expressed in differentiating mouse embryonic stem cells. Replacement of Lhx3 by Phox2a led to specification of cranial, rather than spinal, motor neurons. Chromatin immunoprecipitation–sequencing analysis of Isl1, Lhx3 and Phox2a binding sites revealed that the two cell fates were programmed by the recruitment of Isl1-Lhx3 and Isl1-Phox2a complexes to distinct genomic locations characterized by a unique grammar of homeodomain binding motifs. Our findings suggest that synergistic interactions among transcription factors determine the specificity of their recruitment to cell type–specific binding sites and illustrate how a single transcription factor can be repurposed to program different cell types.Project ALS FoundationNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P01 NS055923

    Ectopic Expression of Neurogenin 2 Alone is Sufficient to Induce Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells into Mature Neurons

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    Recent studies show that combinations of defined key developmental transcription factors (TFs) can reprogram somatic cells to pluripotency or induce cell conversion of one somatic cell type to another. However, it is not clear if single genes can define a cell̀s identity and if the cell fate defining potential of TFs is also operative in pluripotent stem cells in vitro. Here, we show that ectopic expression of the neural TF Neurogenin2 (Ngn2) is sufficient to induce rapid and efficient differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) into mature glutamatergic neurons. Ngn2-induced neuronal differentiation did not require any additional external or internal factors and occurred even under pluripotency-promoting conditions. Differentiated cells displayed neuron-specific morphology, protein expression, and functional features, most importantly the generation of action potentials and contacts with hippocampal neurons. Gene expression analyses revealed that Ngn2-induced in vitro differentiation partially resembled neurogenesis in vivo, as it included specific activation of Ngn2 target genes and interaction partners. These findings demonstrate that a single gene is sufficient to determine cell fate decisions of uncommitted stem cells thus giving insights into the role of key developmental genes during lineage commitment. Furthermore, we present a promising tool to improve directed differentiation strategies for applications in both stem cell research and regenerative medicine