23 research outputs found

    Gambaran Kedisiplinan Belajar Siswa di Masa Pendemi Covid 19

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    Proses pendidikan yang terus berjalan selama pendemi covid dengan transformasi dari tatap muka menjadi tatap maya melalui jaringan (daring) juga tidak terlepas dari keterbatasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran dari perilaku disiplin belajar pada siswa MTsN Kota Palopo di masa pandemic covid 19.. Proses penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif berupa penelitian survei. Sampel penelitiannya yaitu siswa MTsN Kota Palopo sejumlah 40 subjek. Teknik pengumpulkan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner berupa angket tertutup terkait kedisiplinan belajar siswa saat pandemic covid 19. Teknik analisis data yang akan digunakan adalah uji deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, dapat disimpulkan bahwa 52,5% siswa menyatakan setuju bahwa siswa tersebut tepat waktu dalam mengumpulkan tugas selama belajar di masa pandemic covid 19. Selanjutnya, terdapat 60% siswa disiplin dalam mempersiapkan diri sebelum belajar materi di masa pandemic covid 19. Selain itu, terdapat 56,3% siswa kedisiplinan siswa dalam membuat jadwal belajar di masa pandemic covid 19.Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa siswa MTsN Kota Palopo secara umum memiliki kedisiplinan belajar selama masa pandemic covid 19


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    Abstrak. This study examines the relationship between emotional intelligence and personality competence. The subjects of this study were 60 teachers Of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa using total sampling techniques. Data retrieval used by using the emotional intelligence scale and personality competence scale. The data was then processed using parametric statistics, namely Pearson product moment. The results of the analysis show that there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and personality competence. This shows that there is a positive relationship between emotional intelegence and personality competence. The higher the emotional intelligence, the higher the personality competenc


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kesiapan kerja pada siswa SMKN di Indonesia.Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan dalam mengumpulkan informasi data dengan teknik dokumentasi, yaitu mencari data mengenai hal-hal yang relevan dari berbagai macam referensi di perpustakaan seperti jurnal, dokumen, buku, majalah, berita.Kriteria artikel yang dipilih yaitu adanya pembahasan tentang kesiapan bekerja, serta siswa SMK.Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kesiapan bekerja pada siswa SMK antara lain potensi yang dimiliki oleh siswa seperti bakat dan minat, faktor kepribadian siswa seperti kepercayaan diri, motivasi, dan kemandirian.Selain itu, faktor sekolah seperti kesempatan untuk magang, fasilitas yang dapat mempengaruhi kesiapan kerja pada siswa SMK. Keyword : Kesiapan, Bekerja, Siswa SMKDESCRIPTION OF READINESS TO WORK IN SMK STUDENTSThis study aims to find a picture of work readiness in vocational high school students in Indonesia. The study uses library research where in collecting data information with documentation techniques that are looking for data about relevant matters from various kinds in the library such as journals, documents, books, magazines, news. The criterion for the selected article is a discussion about work readiness, as well as vocational students. The results of the study revealed that there are several factors that affect readiness to work at SMK students, including the potential possessed by students such as talent and interest, student personality factors such as self-confidence, motivation, and independence. In addition, school factors such as opportunities for internships, facilities, affect the work readiness of vocational students.Keyword: Readiness, Work, Vocational Student

    Pengaruh Teknik Self Instruction untuk Menurunkan Stress Akademik pada Siswa di Masa Pendemi Covid 19

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    Self Instruction untuk menurunkan stress akademik pada siswa di masa pandemi Covid 19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah terdapat pengaruh teknik self Instruction untuk menurunkan stress akademik pada siswa di masa pandemi Covid 19. Proses penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pretest- posttest control group design sebagai pola eksperimennya karena kelompok tersebut dibandingkan tingkat stress akademik siswa antara sebelum dan sesudah treatmen teknik self instruction diberikan kepada kelompok eksperimen yang akan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Sampel penelitiannya ditentukan dengan menggunakan teknik sampling purposive yaitu siswa MTsN Kota Palopo yang memiliki kategori stres akademik sedang hingga tinggi. Teknik pengumpulkan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner model skala likert tentang stress akademik meliputi  gejala kognitif, gejala perilaku, gejala fisiologis dan gejala emosional. Teknik analisis data yang akan digunakan adalah uji deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara umum, teknik self-instruction dapat digunakan untuk menurunkan tingkat stres akademik siswa. Secara khusus, kemampuan merubah pikiran, perasaan, dan kodisi fisik yang negatif menjadi lebih positif dari pada sebelum diberi perlakuan dengan menggunakan teknik self-instruction. Hasil penelitian yakni terjadi penurunan perasaan terbebani oleh subjek sebesar 3,8%, terjadi penurunan perasaan terbebani oleh subjek sebesar 3,7%, terjadi penurunan jumlah subjek yang mengalami kesulitan dalam berkonsentrasi selama belajar di masa pandemic covid 19 sebesar 4,4%, serta terjadi penurunan jumlah subjek penelitian yang merasa tertekan selama belajar di masa pandemic covid 19 dengan adanya tuntutan berprestasi oleh kedua orang tua sebesar 1,3%

    Design and Build Chatroom Application as Student Consultation Media Based on Android

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    To support the government’s program in preventing the spread of COVID-19 virus, it is expected to reduce direct communication between fellow students and lecturers. The purpose of this research to create interactive media that can provide consulting service for students with academic advisor (PA) without direct contact. It is expected for this research, students can be more proactive in interacting with their academic advisor in discussing academic and non-academic problems. The method used in this research is using Android Studio and Visual Studio Code as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and using a no-relational (NoSQL) realtime database on firebase. The advantage of this research is that the system to be developed does not use physical servers anymore but all databases are stored in the cloud system. The result of this research is chatroom application consisting of 7 modules namely application login with username and password, searching user, chatting user, list consultation, student input consultation, edit data consultation, and account setting


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    Abstract:This research aims at finding out the public perception about the homeschooling which is chosen as an alternative in adaptation to the new normal learning. This research took forty-eight participants who are dominated by educators and magister or profession. Questionnaire as the instrument on this research was shared via google form. The collected data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The findings show that the participants think about the theme "Homeschooling: An Alternative to New Normal Adaptation of Learning" in workshop activities suitable with the conditions of the covid-19 pandemic and fulfill the participants’ needs. The previous studies show that many things should be considered by looking at the advantages and risks of applying homeschooling, which means that other alternatives such as pleasant activities can be applied during the new normal.Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat tentang homeschooling yang dipilih sebagai alternatif dalam adaptasi terhadap pembelajaran normal baru. Penelitian ini mengambil empat puluh delapan partisipan yang didominasi oleh tenaga pendidik dan magister atau profesi. Angket sebagai instrumen dalam penelitian ini dibagikan melalui formulir google. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa peserta memikirkan tema "Homeschooling: Sebuah Alternatif Pembelajaran Adaptasi Normal Baru" dalam kegiatan lokakarya yang sesuai dengan kondisi pandemi Covid-19 dan memenuhi kebutuhan peserta. Studi sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa banyak hal yang harus diperhatikan dengan melihat keuntungan dan risiko penerapan homeschooling, yang artinya alternatif lain seperti aktivitas menyenangkan dapat diterapkan pada saat baru normal


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    Abstract : Public speaking skill is the process of speaking to a group of people with the aim of providing information, motivating others, or just telling a story. These skills are considered important, but not everyone is able to do it. Adolescents who function as educators or counselors need public speaking skills so that the objectives of education can be achieved more effectively. anxiety when carrying out their activities speaking in front of many people. The purpose of public speaking training activities is to increase the knowledge of teenagers about the definition of public speaking, effective steps to be able to speak in public, to practice public speaking skills in pairs, groups, and simulations directly in front of the class. The methods used in this training are lecture, discussion, and simulation methods. This training activity was attended by 15 youth members of the South Sulawesi GENRE Forum who act as educators and counselors. The evaluation results show that adolescents are able to know the definition, steps in public speaking, and youth are able to practice public speaking. The security during the training made the teenagers who were participants in this training appear more confident in doing public speaking. Keywords: Training, Public Speaking, Adolescent


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    Abstract : One of the environments that have an influence on students is the school. Schools are expected to be able to provide the best experience for students in order to give students a comfortable feeling while at school. The purpose of this psychoeducational activity is to assist students in knowing, understanding, and applying to increase self-confidence by learning to love and accept themselves, and also to grow and maintain affection and love for themselves. The method used in this psychoeducation is the lecture and discussion method, and additional agendas such as filling out a journal prompt together are carried out so that students can see how much self-love they have before the material is done. The psychoeducation activity was carried out at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Unismuh Makassar class X IPA and was attended by a number of 22 students. The main problem faced by class X science students is insecure or not believing in themselves. However, after being given a questionnaire at the end of the activity, the results of the evaluation were obtained. The results of the evaluation showed that the participants felt that the presenters and the material presented were very good and enjoyable. In addition, participants also stated the benefits of self-love psychoeducation in knowing, understanding, accepting, and growing a sense of self-love. become a method that helps participants to reduce their insecurity or lack of confidence in themselves