830 research outputs found

    Observation of polarization quantum noise of laser radiation in Rb vapor cell

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    We present experimental study of polarization quantum noise of laser radiation passed through optically think vapor of Rb87. We observe a step-like noise spectrum. We discuss various factor which may result in such noise spectrum and prevent observation of squeezing of quantum fluctuations predicted in Matsko et al. PRA 63, 043814 (2001).Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Translated from Russian by I. Novikov

    Communicative search for a way out of the impasse in cross-cultural communication: conditions for narrowing the "gaps" between the languages

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    The paper addresses the issue of linguistic differences in cross-cultural communication and discusses communicative strategies that could be used to mitigate them. The authors argue that lingua-didactic multicultural education can help remove the main obstacle in the traditional teaching of Russian as a foreign language (RFL) - a "clash of cultures"; and not only can introduce a model of teaching to write, read, and speak in Russian, but can also offer a system of instruction that will allow the students to understand the way Russians think, which surely would make it easier for them to "translate" a text from one culture into another in a non-native "cultural environment" providing a polylingual format for interactio

    Temperature dependence of the electron spin g factor in GaAs

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    The temperature dependence of the electron spin gg factor in GaAs is investigated experimentally and theoretically. Experimentally, the gg factor was measured using time-resolved Faraday rotation due to Larmor precession of electron spins in the temperature range between 4.5 K and 190 K. The experiment shows an almost linear increase of the gg value with the temperature. This result is in good agreement with other measurements based on photoluminescence quantum beats and time-resolved Kerr rotation up to room temperature. The experimental data are described theoretically taking into account a diminishing fundamental energy gap in GaAs due to lattice thermal dilatation and nonparabolicity of the conduction band calculated using a five-level kp model. At higher temperatures electrons populate higher Landau levels and the average gg factor is obtained from a summation over many levels. A very good description of the experimental data is obtained indicating that the observed increase of the spin gg factor with the temperature is predominantly due to band's nonparabolicity.Comment: 6 pages 4 figure

    Justice independence: foreign constitutional experiences

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    This article presents the results of a comparative legal study investigating the norms of constitution in CIS countries, Europe and America about formalizing the principle of justice independenc

    Optimal control of light pulse storage and retrieval

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    We demonstrate experimentally a procedure to obtain the maximum efficiency for the storage and retrieval of light pulses in atomic media. The procedure uses time reversal to obtain optimal input signal pulse-shapes. Experimental results in warm Rb vapor are in good agreement with theoretical predictions and demonstrate a substantial improvement of efficiency. This optimization procedure is applicable to a wide range of systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Risk factors for the preservation of morphological changes in the gastric mucosa after eradication therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection in children with chronic gastritis

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    We conducted a clinical, morphofunctional examination and standard treatment of 155 children with chronic gastroduodenitis associated with Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection. It was кevealed that after 6 months lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the gastric mucosa (GM) preserved in 37% of cases, and unspecified atrophy - in 9%, increased C3 and C4 components of the compliment - in 19% of children, antroduodenal discoordination on the background of postprandial secretin and cholecystokinin level - in 25%, as well as disorders of the intestinal microbiot

    Effect of inhomogeneities and substrate on the dynamics of the metal-insulator transition in VO2 thin films

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    We study the thermal relaxation dynamics of VO2 films after the ultrafast photoinduced metal-insulator transition for two VO2 film samples grown on Al2O3 and TiO2 substrates. We find two orders of magnitude difference in the recovery time (a few nanoseconds for the VO2/Al2O3 sample versus hundreds of nanoseconds for the VO2/TiO2 sample). We present a theoretical model to take into account the effect of inhomogeneities in the films on the relaxation dynamics. We obtain quantitative results that show how the microstructure of the VO2 film and the thermal conductivity of the interface between the VO2 film and the substrate affect long time-scale recovery dynamics. We also obtain a simple analytic relationship between the recovery time-scale and the film\u27s parameters

    Quality of life at machine operators of agriculture

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    The purpose this research was to investigate the quality of life machine operators of agriculture, depending on the status of the age and length of service in the profession. To assess the quality of life was used widely used international Russian-language health a validated questionnaire SF-36. Studies have been conducted practically healthy quality of life (based on the results of periodic medical examinations) machine operators of agriculture Saratov region (102 people) aged 30 to 59 years of experience in the profession from 3 to 35 years. Average values of an indicator for age groups 2 and 3 made "the general health", respectively, 95,2 and 78,7 % from level characteristic for younger age group. Intergroup distinction was noted between average sizes of this indicator at persons at the age of 30-39 years and 50-59 years, and also 40-49 summer machine operators and workers of advanced age (50-59 years). 1t is established that with increase in calendar age at machine operators of agriculture statistically significant decrease in values of indicators of quality of life to scales the general health, physical functioning, physical and role functioning and viability. With increase in length of service at machine operators decrease in values of indicators of physical functioning and role physical functioning. A statistically significant weak negative correlation between the level of quality of life, age (r = -0,39) and professional experience (r = -0,31). 1n this case, the highest correlation between the age of the examined patients and quality of life was typical of the general health scale (r = -0,37), physical functioning (r = -0,41), and role physical functioning (r = -0,34). Professional experience correlated with the level of physical functioning (r = -0,30) and role^hysical functioning (r = -0,32), has practically no effect on the subjective assessment of general health (r = -0,22). Results of researches allow recommending questionnaire SF-36 use when forming individual and group improving programs for machine operators of agricultural production

    Conservation of the West Sayan endemic Fritillaria sonnikovae Schaulo et A. Erst (Liliaceae) in in vitro collection

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    An effective system of micropropagation and in vitro conservation of the West Sayan endemic Fritillaria sonnikovae Schaulo et A. Erst was developed and the genetic stability of regenerants after slow-growth storage was assessed. The efficiency of bulb scale segments as primary explants was established. The optimum nutrient medium for stages of in vitro culture initiation and multiplication was BDS supplemented with BAP (5.0 µM) and NAA (2.0 µM). The microplant collection was maintained in active-growth (+23±2 °С) and slow-growth (+7 °С) conditions. The period of subculturing at +7 °С was prolonged to 9–12 months when microclones of F. sonnikovae were transferred to slowgrowth conditions. Assessment of microplant regeneration potential in further cultivation of bulb scales on BDS nutrient medium supplemented with BAP (5.0 µM) and NAA (2.0 µM) revealed a stimulating effect of conservation at low temperatures: the regeneration rate reached 93 % and the number of bulblets per explant was 6.9±1.7 at the first passage after slow-growth storage. However, further cultivation led to decrease of shoot development, and the regeneration rate reached the level before slow-growth storage at the third passage. The genetic fidelity of regenerants obtained during direct organogenesis at the first passage after slow-growth storage (12 months) was established by analysis of ISSR-PCR-fragments