13 research outputs found

    Herbal galactogogue supplementation on average zinc and iron levels in breast milk

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    The problem often encountered concerning failed exclusive breastfeeding is the insight of the mothers into little or less milk production, causing fear of being incapable to satisfy the baby’s needs. The quasi-experimental research design was used in this study. There was a control group and two intervention groups. The intervention group was given moringa leaf extract and banana flower extract for 14 days. Mother’s milk was examined with atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) at Labkesda (regional health laboratory) Jambi Province, Indonesia. Data were analyzed using 1-way- ANOVA. The zinc levels variable in breast milk obtained a p-value of 0.160, indicating that the zinc level in mother’s milk between the control group, moringa leaf extract, and banana flower extract did not show any meaningful difference. The iron levels variable in breast milk obtained a p-value of 0.497, indicating that the Fe levels of mother’s milk in the control group, moringa leaf extract, and banana flower extract did not show considerable distinctions. As a result, zinc and iron levels in the mother’s milk showed no prominent differentiation in the control, moringa leaf extract, as well as banana flower extract groups

    What Makes Woman Afraid of Their Childbirth?: A Qualitative Study

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    Fear generally fills the minds of pregnant women as they enter the third trimester of gestation. The older the gestational age, the more attention and thoughts of pregnant women are drawn to the approaching climax of childbirth, intensifying their anxiety and fear. This study aimed to assess the knowledge of birth preparedness and fear of childbirth. A qualitative facility-based descriptive study design and client exit interview questionnaire were utilized, conducted in Primary Health Care Mondokan, Sragen, from April until June 2023 with 33 pregnant women. Study participants were selected through purposive sampling. Three categories highlighted the preparedness for childbirth, including finding primary sources of information, the importance of birth companions, and reminding about the natural process of childbirth. The fear of childbirth was associated with fear of the childbirth process, fear of the tools used during childbirth, and the condition of the unborn baby. The findings suggest that pregnant women should prepare for childbirth and increase their knowledge of delivery by participating in antenatal classes to reduce fear about the childbirth process. Therefore, family healthcare providers, health facilities, other partners, program-level managers, and policymakers must take responsibility for improving health education and increasing preparedness and complication readiness through easily accessible health education strategies


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    Introduction : In vitro fertilization (IVF) implementation requires an in vitro embryo with good quality by observing spermatozoa and oocyte maturation. Many factors are present in the oocyte microenvironment which greatly influences the expression of several proteins, which in turn causes functional changes needed for oocyte maturation. Methods : Experimental laboratory with Randomized Post Test Only Control Group Design. Divided into two groups, experimental and control groups. The experimental group was given a 95 dB 4 hours/day noisy exposure for 5 days. Both of group were examined for cortisol levels, HSP70 expression, ENaC expression, TORC1 expression and MPF expression. Data analyzed by multivariate analysis. The effect of a variable on other variables was assessed using path analysis in SPSS. Result : The analysis showed that stressors exposure increased cortisol levels (6.98 ± 1.14 vs 10.4 ± 1.02, p=0,000), HSP70 expression (7.16 ± 0.6 vs 11.45 ± 0.72 , p=0,000), and decreased the expression of TORC1 (11.35 ± 0.89 vs 7.93 ± 0.66, p=0,000), MPF expression (6.16 ± 1.68 vs 2.11 ± 0.85 , p=0,000), and no effect on ENaC expression (10.82 ± 1.57 vs 11.69 ± 0.55, p=0.115). Path analysis showed that stressors exposure affects the increase in cortisol levels (β=0.845), cortisol affects the increase in HSP70 expression (β=0.767), HSP70 affects the decrease in TORC1 expression (β=0.810), TORC1 affects the decrease MPF expression (β=0.769). Conclusion : The study conclude that distress decreased MPF expression through cortisol, HSP70 and TORC1

    Profile of Cognitive Impairement in Patients with Brain Tumors in Dr. Moewardi Hospital, Surakarta

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    Background: Brain tumor is a disease that is difficult to treat and causes high morbidity and morta¬lity. One of the clinical manifestations of brain tumors is cognitive impairment which is the most common neurological problem. The aim of this study is to determine the profile of cognitive impairment in patients with brain tumors.Subjects and Method: The design of this study was a retrospective cross-sectional using secondary data from the Neurology Polyclinic of RSUD Dr. Moewardi in January 2021-March 2022. The subject was diagnosed with a brain tumor based on anamnesis, physical examination, and neuroimaging. Cognitive impairment was inferred through the MoCA-Ina test. The analysis used was univariate descriptive analysis, independent T test, Mann-Whitney test, and Pearson correlation test.Results: There were 29 subjects with a mean MoCA-Ina score (17.97). Primary brain tumors (79.3%), more than metastatic tumors. The majority of patients were diagnosed with meningioma (55.2%). This study showed that there were differences in abstraction scores (p=0.015) and total MoCA-Ina scores (p=0.042) between patients with tumors located in the temporal lobe and non- temporal lobe; differences in abstraction scores (p=0.034) and orientation scores (p=0.042) between patients with supratentorial and infratentorial tumors; and differences in memory scores (p=0.028) between patients with and without radiation history. In addition, this study also found an association between the number of lobes affected by brain tumors with attention score (p=0.027; r=-0.409), abstraction score (p=0.004; r=-0.524), orientation score (p=0.021; r=-0.426), and the total score of MoCA-Ina (p=0.018, r=-0.435).Conclusion: There is an association between brain tumors and cognitive impairment which is concluded through the MoCA-Ina test. The clinical manifestations of cognitive impairment in the patient are in accordance with the neuroanatomical function of the brain affected by the lesion.Keywords: Cognitive, Tumor, MoCA-InaCorrespondence: Maria Yosita Ayu Hapsari. Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret/ Moewardi Hospital, Indonesia. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 0813 3155 5412.Indonesian Journal of Medicine (2022), 07(02): 242-250https://doi.org/10.26911/theijmed.2022.07.02.1

    Optimalisasi Peran Kader Kesehatan dalam Edukasi Keluarga Berencana Pasca Persalinan

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    ABSTRAK Edukasi Keluarga Berencana Pasca Persalinan (KBPP) yang diberikan kepada kader kesehatan telah menjadi salah satu pendekeatan yang penting dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat. Kader merupakan ujung tombak dalam pelaksanaan program KBPP karena pemahaman kader tentang konsep KBPP dapat membantu msyarakat merencanakan dan merawat kehidupan keluarga yang sehat. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dampak edukasi KBPP bagi kader dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan kemampuan mereka dalam memberikan layanan KBPP yang berkualitas. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah Optimalisasi Peran kader meliputi kegiatan Assesment yakni analisis kebutuhan sasaran; Planning and Development yakni menentukan tujuan, strategi, dan sumber daya; Implementation yakni melaksanakan rencana yang telah disusun, dan Evaluation yakni mengevaluasi ketercapaian kegiatan. Kegiatan dilakukan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Joyosuran Surakarta, pada bulan Juni 2023 dengan sasaran 29 kader kesehatan. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini menunjukkan bahwa edukasi KBPP telah memberikan manfaat yang signifikan bagi kader, meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka tentang berbagai metode KBPP, dan meningkatkan keterampilan kader dalam memberikan edukasi tentang KBPP pada masyarakat. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini menegaskan pentingnya eduiasi KBB bagi kader sebagai strategi untuk meningkatkan akses dan kualitas layanan KBPP di masyarakat.  Kata Kunci: Edukasi, Keluarga Berencana Pasca Persalinan, Kader, Pengetahuan  ABSTRACT Postpartum Family Planning (KBPP) provided to health cadres has become an important approach in efforts to improve the qulity of life in the community. Cadres are at the forefront of implementing the KBPP program because their understanding of the KBPP concept can help te community plan and care for healty family lives. This community sevice aims to assess the impact of KBPP education on cadres in enhancing their knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide good quality in KBPP services. The method used in this community service was Cadre Role optimizing, including Assessments, that’s analysing the target’s need; Planning and Development, that’s determining objectives, strategies, and resources; Implementation, thatas implementing the prepared plan; and Evaluation, that’s evaluating the achievement of the implementation. This activity was conducted in the Joyosuran Healt’s Centres, Surakarta in June 2023, targeting 29 health cadres. This community service activity has shown that KBPP education has provided significant benefits to the cadres, increasing their knowledge of various KBPP methods and enhancing their skills in providing KBPP education to the community. This community services activity empasize the importance of KBPP education for cadres as a strategy to improve access and quality of KBPP services in the community. Keywords: Education, Postpartum Family Planning, Cadre, Knowledg

    ANALISIS SIKAP IBU TENTANG STIMULASI TUMBUH KEMBANG BALITA STUNTING USIA 2-3 TAHUN DI SURAKARTA: Analysis of Mother's Attitudes About Stimulating Growth and Development of Stunting Toddlers Age 2- 3 Years in Surakarta

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    Tahapan perkembangan anak memang sangat menakjubkan, karena pada setiap tahapan perkembangan anak tidak hanya tumbuh secara fisik, tetapi juga secara mental hingga kecerdasannya. Salah satu syarat menuju perkembangan yang optimal adalah sikap orang tua atau pengasuh yang positif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui sikap ibu tentang stimulasi tumbuh kembang balita stunting usia 2-3 tahun di Surakarta. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan bulan April 2022 di Kelurahan Pasar Kliwon dengan teknik total sampling. Jumlah responden sebanyak 30 orang. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh ibu yang bersikap positif sebanyak 46,7% dan bersikap negatif sebanyak 53,5%. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah sebagian besar ibu bersikap negatif terhadap stimulasi tumbuh kembang balita stunting usia 2-3 tahun. Diperlukan pelatihan maupun pendampingan pada keluarga untuk mengoptimalkan stimulasi tumbuh kembang balita

    Pengaruh Pendampingan melalui Kit Sensory Play terhadap Pengetahuan Ibu dari Anak Stunting tentang Stimulasi Perkembangan Anak

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    ABSTRAK Tumbuh kembang menjadi salah satu indikator kesejahteraan fisik anak. Meskipun setiap anak memiliki kecepatan perkembangan yang berbeda, namun pemberian stimulasi dapat mengoptimalkan prosesnya. Stimulasi dapat dilakukan oleh setiap orang tua dengan menggunakan kit sensory play atau mainan sensory yang memanfaatkan secara maksimal kelima indera secara simultan.Untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan orangtua mengenai sensory play, dibutuhkan edukasi kesehatan khusus agar orangtua semakin sadar dalam stimulasi tumbuh kembang balita. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh edukasi stimulus sensory play dan tumbuh kembang anak terhadap tingkat pengetahuan ibu di Surakarta. Menggunakan quasi eksperimen, one group pre-post test design dengan teknik total sampling. Sasaran sebanyak 30 orang ibu yang memiliki anak stunting. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di kelurahan Pasar Kliwon, Surakarta, pada bulan Mei-Juni 2022. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan di analisis dengan uji wilcoxon. Terdapat balita dengan perkembangan yang menyimpang sebesar 26,7% serta meragukan 20%. Hasil analisis uji Wilcoxon dengan nilai signifikan 0,018. Pendampingan melalui Kit Sensory Play Terhadap Pengetahuan Ibu Dari Anak Stunting Tentang Stimulasi Perkembangan Anak berjalan lancar. Diperlukan adanya penyebaran informasi pada kelompok orangtua agar tumbuh kembang balita dapat maksimal melalui stimulasi yang diberikan. Kata Kunci:  Sensory Play, Tumbuh Kembang, Pengetahuan, Stimulus  ABSTRACT Growth and development is an indicator of a child's physical well-being. Although each child has a different developmental speed, stimulation can optimize the process. Stimulation can be done by each parent by using sensory play or sensory toys that make maximum use of the five senses simultaneously. To increase parents' knowledge about sensory play, special health education is needed so that parents are more aware of stimulating the growth and development of toddlers. To determine the effect of sensory play stimulus education and child development on the level of knowledge of mothers in Surakarta. The research method uses a quasi-experimental, one group pre-post test design with a total sampling technique. The study was conducted on 30 mothers who had children who met the inclusion exclusion criteria. This research was conducted in Pasar Kliwon sub-district, Surakarta, in May-June 2022. The data was collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. Assistance through the Sensory Play Kit on Mother's Knowledge of Stunting Children about Child Development Stimulation runs smoothly. It is necessary to disseminate information to the parent group so that the growth and development of toddlers can be maximized through the stimulation provided. Keywords:  Sensory Play, Growth, and Development, Knowledg

    Pop-Up Book “Siasui” sebagai Langkah Peningkatan Breastfeeding Self Efficacy pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III

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    ABSTRAK Rendahnya tingkat pemberian ASI eksklusif berbanding lurus dengan kurangnya kepercayaan diri ibu (breastfeeding self-efficacy). Hampir 2 dari 3 bayi tidak disusui secara eksklusif selama 6 bulan dan tidak membaik dalam dua dekade terakhir. Menyusui merupakan salah satu cara paling efektif untuk memastikan kesehatan dan kelangsungan hidup anak. Pemberian Pendidikan kesehatan tentang menyusui dapat dilakukan ketika ibu memasuki trimester ketiga sebagai langkah persiapan menjadi orang tua pencetak generasi emas. Meningkatkan kepercayaan diri ibu hamil untuk siap menyusui dan harapannya mereka dapat mengatasi hambatan ketika menyusui. Pengabdian ini dilakukan metode penyuluhan dan demostrasi dengan media Pop-Up book “SIASUI”. Pelaksanaan penyuluhan dan demonstrasi dilakukan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Mondokan. Setelah pemberian intervensi berupa penjelasan materi mengenai ASI, responden pada kelompok intervensi memiliki rerata breastfeeding self-efficacy 79 (SD=6.1) sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol sebesar 76.6 (SD=8.6). Pop-up book “SIASUI” dapat menjadi alternatif media dalam meningkatkan breastfeeding self-efficacy pada ibu hamil. Kata Kunci: ASI Eksklusif, Efikasi Diri, Penyuluhan, Pop-Up Book  ABSTRACT The low rate of exclusive breastfeeding is directly associated with mothers' lack of self-confidence, or breastfeeding self-efficacy. Nearly two out of three babies are not exclusively breastfed for the recommended six months, and this situation has shown little improvement over the last two decades. Breastfeeding stands as one of the most effective means to ensure the health and survival of children. Providing health education about breastfeeding during the third trimester can serve as a preparatory step towards nurturing a generation of capable parents. The aims of this study is to enhance the confidence of pregnant women in their readiness to breastfeed, with the hope that they can effectively overcome obstacles encountered during the breastfeeding process. This service was carried out through counseling and demonstrations, using the "SIASUI" pop-up book as a media for education. Counseling and demonstrations were conducted within the Mondokan Community Health Center's, Sragen, Central java. Following the intervention, which included the explanation of material related to breastfeeding, the respondents in the intervention group had an average score of 79 (SD=6.1), while the control group scored an average of 76.6 (SD=8.6). The "SIASUI" pop-up book can be considered as alternative media for enhancing breastfeeding self-efficacy in pregnant women. Keywords: Exclusive Breastfeeding, Self-Efficacy, Counseling, Pop-Up Boo


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    Background: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV2 recently became a pandemic worldwide, such as in Indonesia. Social distancing is one of the recommended mitigations to reduce the risk of disasters, such as morbidity and mortality caused by COVID-19. Community compliance with social distancing is a part of the pandemic control.Aims: This study identified knowledge, attitudes, and behavior towards the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 transmission through social distancing during COVID-19 pandemic among Indonesian community.Methods: This descriptive study applied a cross-sectional design and distributed closed questions with online  questionnaire randomly to 34 provinces in Indonesia on social media networks and e-mail. This study successfully collected 1,102 respondents from 29 provinces in Indonesia. The data were analyzed descriptively by calculating frequency, percentage, and cross-tabulation.Results: This study had successfully identified  99%, 59%, and 93% of respondents with good knowledge, positive attitudes, and good behavior respectively towards  social distancing. Among the respondents who had good knowledge showed positive attitudes (58.85%) and good behavior (93.3%). The respondents who had positive attitudes showed good behavior (96.7%).Conclusion: Indonesian community had good knowledge, attitude and behavior towards social distancing as a way to prevent the virus transmission. This strongly supports disaster mitigation in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Keywords: attitudes, behavior, COVID-19, knowledge, social distancing

    Ibu Hamil pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia : Pengetahuan, Kecemasan dan Motivasi

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    COVID-19 pandemic threatens the entire population. However, there are special populations such as pregnant women who are predicted to be at higher risk and more susceptible to exposure to infectious diseases. Knowledge and understanding of Covid-19 is very important to be able to deal with the pandemic properly and minimize anxiety coming to health care facilities. Efforts to check pregnancy from every pregnant woman can be achieved if the individual has the motivation to achieve the desired pregnancy target. The purpose of this study was to find out the knowledge and anxiety about COVID-19 among pregnant women and how their motivation is to keep doing prenatal check-ups. This research is a correlational quantitative research with a cross sectional approach. Researchers collaborated with SEKOCI (Sekolah Komplementer Cinta Ibu) to provide online counseling to its members consisting of 69 pregnant women from various cities every 7 days for 1 month, then an evaluation was carried out with an online questionnaire how the knowledge gained, the anxiety that felt and motivated to monitor pregnancy for health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Testing the relationship of the three variables with multiple linear regression analysis. This study showed that the majority of respondents had good knowledge about COVID-19 (76%), experienced moderate levels of anxiety (69%), and had motivation to monitor pregnancy (93%). Based on the results of the analysis obtained there is a significant relationship between knowledge and motivation (p = 0.039). There is a significant relationship between anxiety and motivation (p=0.004). There is a relationship between knowledge and anxiety with motivation (p=0.004). Pregnant women in Indonesia have good knowledge about COVID-19, their knowledge can reduce anxiety levels and remain motivated to come to health workers to monitor pregnancy.Conclusion: Pregnant women in Indonesia have good knowledge about COVID-19, the knowledge they have that can reduce the number of victims and still have the motivation to come to health workers to do the condition.