104 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Blang Mee Kecamatan Kuta Blang Kabupaten Bireuen tepatnya pada usaha Kerupuk Udang “Abid”, yang dilaksanakan pada bulan April 2019. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profitabilitas usaha Kerupuk Udang “Abid” Desa Blang Mee Kecamatan Kuta Blang Kabupaten Bireuen. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan rumus analisis total biaya, pendapatan, keuntungan dan profitabilitas. Berdasarkanhasil penelitian dan analisis yang telah dilakukan  diketahui bahwa total biaya yang dikeluarkan UD. Kerupuk Udang “Abid” untuk menjalankan usaha Kerupuk Udang yaitu sebesar Rp. 28.526.135.-/bulan,dan pendapatan yang diperoleh sebesar Rp. 80.000.000.-/bulan. Dari hasil analisis juga diketahui bahwa usaha Kerupuk Udang “Abid” menguntungkan, dengan total keuntungan sebesar Rp. 51.473.865.-/bulan. Selanjutnya dari hasilanalisisprofitabilitasdiperolehnilai180,44%, sehinggadapatdisimpulkanbahwa UD. KerupukUdang “Abid’ DesaBlangMeeKecamatanKutaBlangKabupatenBireuenmempunyainilaiprofitabilitaspadakategorisangat tinggi. Kata Kunci : AnalisisProfitabilitas, UsahaKerupukUdan

    Hubungan Antara Empati Dengan Komitmen Profesi Pada Guru Slb Negeri Semarang

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    Komitmen profesi adalah suatu kecintaan yang dibentuk oleh seorang individu pada profesinya, meliputi keinginan untuk berada dalam profesi, keyakinan dalam menerima nilai profesi dan kesediaan melakukan USAha sungguh-sungguh. Seorang guru dikatakan professional bila memenuhi empat kompetensi, salah satunya adalah kompetensi sosial, kompetensi sosial terdiri dari berbagai tahap, salah satunya adalah empati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara persepsi empati dengan komitmen profesi pada guru SLB Negeri Semarang.Penelitian ini menggunakan simple random sampling, sebanyak 55 guru SLB Negeri Semarang menjadi sampel penelitian. Pengumpulan data menggunakan dua buah skala psikologi yaitu Skala Komitmen Profesi (37 aitem valid, α = 0.935) dan Skala Empati (25 aitem valid, α = 0.938).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan koefisien korelasi rxy = 0.656 dengan p=0,000 (p<0,05). Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis yang diajukan peneliti, yaitu terdapat hubungan positif antara empati dengan komitmen professi pada guru SLB Negeri Semarang. Semakin tinggi empati maka semakin tinggi komitmen profesi. Empati memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 43.1% pada komitmen profesi dan sebesar 56.9% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini

    Aktivitas Mushola Dalam Pembentukan Karakter Religius Siswa Di SD Negeri Sigit II Kecamatan Tangen

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    This study aims to describe: 1) mushola programs, 2) Obstacles, 3) Handling Efforts, 4) Monitoring Mushola Activity. This type of research is qualitative research. Techniques of collecting interview data, observation, and documentation. Data analysis consists of three stages of data reduction, display data, verification. 1) Mosque activities consist of: Prayers dhuha, Reading Al-qur'an, and Memorizing Short Letters. dhuha prayer activities, a) the purpose of dhuha prayer activities to train students to practice dhuha prayer, and improve the students 'spirituality, activities are carried out every day, the success of the students' activities knowing the prayers dhuha, praying solemnly, and able to answer questions. b) Al-qur'an reading activity aims to familiarize students able to read according tajwidnya, the activities of students taught to read Al-qur'an according tajwidnya, the success of student activities can chant reading according tajwidnya. c) The memorization of short letters aims to give students more values on religious aspects, and motivates students to memorize, introduce tajwid activities, teach memorization according tajwidnya, the success of memorizing students activities according tajwid. 2) Barriers to the lack of facilities and there are some students who are busy. 3) Efforts to handle the barriers to bring ustadz and ustadah and provide the necessary tools. 4) Monitoring or assessment of dhuha prayer activities through observing the dhuha prayer, individual recitation of Al-qur'an, and short letter memorandum

    Assessing The Characteristics of Elementary School Students' Mental Models in Understanding The Concept of Integers

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    This study aims to reveal the characteristics of the mental model of elementary school students in understanding the concept of integers. The subjects in this study were selected based on outlier criteria or unique responses to a series of tests given to 30 students of the third grade of elementary school. As a result, two students were chosen as research subjects. The research data were collected through observation and interviews. Observation made by the researchers were direct observations, in which the researchers see and observe the activities of students in doing the test. In addition, the researchers also conducted interviews with research subjects. The results of the students' works were reviewed, and then interviews were conducted to clarify the students' answers. The results showed that the characteristics of elementary school students in understanding integers did not always move from the synthetic stage to the formal stage, but there were lower grade students who were able to solve contextual problems related to integers. The process of forming students' formal mental models can be seen when they solve the temperature rise problem by counting fingers and comparing them with the zero symmetry position between negative and positive integers


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    Sport is an activity that is useful to strengthen and nourish our bodies. Boxing is a martial art that predominantly uses both hands as physical contact with the opponent. In this study, a redesign of Sasana Lembu Swana Boxing was carried out in Tenggarong by applying a wide span structure as well as natural ventilation and lighting. The redesign was carried out with the background that the existing condition of the building was no longer suitable for boxing athletes to practice comfortably. The purpose of this research is to redesign the Lembus Swana Boxing gym in Tenggarong by applying a wide span structure and natural ventilation and lighting. With the existence of Sasana Lembu Swana Boxing in Tenggarong, it is hoped that it will produce a comfortable training and competition facility for athletes with a more appropriate and aesthetic building structure, as well as providing natural ventilation and lighting. The method used in this research is the architectural design method starting with processing general data and information from various sources related to the needs and requirements of the redesign of Sasana Lembu Swana Boxing. This research produces a redesigned image of Sasana Lembu Swana Boxing by applying a wide span structure and natural lighting and ventilation

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (Nht) untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menganalisis Unsur Instrinsik Cerita Legenda Siswa Kelas V Sdn 034 Sukajadi Kota Pekanbaru

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    This reseach based on the result of ability to analize element of legend story of fifth grade studentsSDN 034 Sukajadi at second semester 2010/2011. From 30 students it was just 40% students achievedclassical completeness meanwhile it should be 80% students achieved within minimum completenesscriterion set in the school was 65,00. The formulated problem in this reseach wether applicationcooperative learning model tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) can improve ability to analizeelement of legend story of fifth grade students SDN 034 Sukajadi Pekanbaru? The aim of this reseachis to improve ability to analize element of legend story with application of cooperative learning modeltipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT). This reseach used classroom action research throughcooperative learning model tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) at fifth grade students SDN 034Sukajadi Pekanbaru within 30 students. This action was done at May 2011. The initial result of abilityto analize element of legend story was 60 with 40% or 12 students got scores above 65 or minimumcompleteness. After application of cooperative learning model tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT)in UH I of cycle I, It was obtained the average score of students' ability to analize element of legendstory around 68,33 within 60% or 18 students completeness. In UH II of cycle II the average score ofstudents' ability increased into 78, within 89,91% or 27 students completeness. So that the hypothesesof this reseach “application cooperative learning model tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) canimprove ability to analize element of legend story of fifth grade students SDN 034 Sukajadi PekanbaruSukajadi Pekanbaru”, was acceptan

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Inside Outdside Circle (Ioc) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas Vc SD Negeri 110 Pekanbaru

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    The background of the problem in this research was the poor students' achievements in social sciences, it can be seen on students' social sciences scores. There were 19 of 35 students who had not achieved the Achievement Standard (54.28%), while the ones who achieved were only 16 students (45.71%), and the average scores of the class was 67.71. The Achievement Standard that school determines is 70. The method of research was classroom action research implemented in two cycles that consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data were collected by observation technigue, test technigue and documentary technigue. The instrument of data collection used observation sheet and test student's result . At the first meeting in cycle I, the percentage of teachers' activity was 54.17% which is categorized as less. At the second meeting, the percentage increased to 62.50% which is categorized as enough. At the first meeting in cycle I, the percentage increased to 75.00% that is categorized as good. At the second meeting the percentage increased to 87.50% which is categorized as very good. The students' activities had increased. At the first meeting in cycle I, the students' activities gained 54.17% which is categorized as less, while at the second meeting in cycle I the students' activities gained 62.50% which is categorized as enough. At the first meeting of cycle II, the percentage increased to 70.83% that is categorized as good, while at the second meeting the percentage increased to 95.83% which is categorized as very good. The average of students' achievements before the implementation cooperative learning inside outside circle (IOC) type was 67.71 which increased to 73.14 in cycle I, and increased again to 80.57 in cycle II. The result of research showed that implementation cooperative learning inside outside circle (IOC) type can improve student's result of social sciences

    Penggunaan Media Audio dalam Pembelajaran Menyimak Dongeng pada Sekolah Dasar (Studi Eksperimen Kuasi Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 67 Pekanbaru)

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    This research is motivated by the teacher is still tied to the monotonous method is less open to the renewal, thus inhibiting the students to be active and creative causes low quality of students. Utilization of audio media is expected to influence in improving learning listening. This research is a research with quasi experimental method with nonequivalent control group design. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the use of media audo on learning to listen to class V fairy tales and to find out the difference in enhancement of listening ability between the experimental class and control in learning listening tale using audio media. This research was conducted at SD 67 Negeri Pekanbaru with VA class as control class treated with lecture method and class V B as experimental class treated with audio media USAge. The results showed that there is an influence of audio media in learning to listen to fairy tales and there is a difference in the improvement of listening ability between the experimental class and control class using the audio media. In the experimental class there is an increase in learning listening from the average of 64,3 pretest test to 87,88 in the posttest test with average gain of 0.66 medium category. While the control class had an increase of 65.76 in the pretest test to 74.80 in the final test (postest) with an average gain of 0.24 low category. In this research, it is known that there is influence of the use of audio media is very strong to the learning of listening fairy tales of students of class V SD 67 Country 67 Pekanbaru in experimental class with coefficient of determination 0,90. Audio media influence learning listening tale by 90% while 10% of listening listening learning influenced other factors not discussed in this research. Thus, the audio media have a very strong effect on the learning of listening tale with the improvement of better listening ability than the application of lecture method