779 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Anggaran Rencana Dan Realisasi Anggaran Kas Pada PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV Cabang Samarinda

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    Marinda Putri, 2012, Evaluation Plan and Budget Actual Budget Cash In PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV Samarinda Branch under the guidance of Mr. H. Eddy Soegiarto , K and Mrs. Titin RulianaThe purpose of this study to know that there are differences in the cash budget and cash budget realization of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV Branch Samarinda and assess the ability of the cash budget . Basic theory of financial management in particular used the cash budget by using the data plan and the realization of the 2001 fiscal year budget and use cash final analysis tools .Based on the analysis and discussion of the conclusions of this study as follows :Results of an analysis of the plan and the realization of the cash budget is happening is known to occur difference in the number of cash balance plans the end of the fourth quarter 2011 were budgeted at Rp420.000.000 , realization of only Rp390.000.000 resulting in a shortfall of 3,000,000.The difference is caused by the presence of actual spending greater exploitation of the plan . PT Pelabuhan IV Branch should Samarinda in estimating end cash balance to be more careful because usually on the fourth quarter in October , November and December is the rainy season so many are reluctant to sail the ship , sail anyway if fixed costs result handlers at the port will be issued by PT Pelabuhan IV Branch Samarinda will swell compared to previous months , should end cash balance plan in 2010 is not too big because it will be the beginning cash balance in 2012 , will consequently affect the overall cash flow. Based on the analysis and discussion of the research hypothesis as a temporary answer of this study was rejected , because the realization Based on the results of the analysis turns cash budget is made smaller than planned

    The Impact of Workplace Environment, Supply Chain Performance and Integration on Work Productivity: Mediating Role of Organizational Culture

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    The work productivity has played an essential role in the success of the organization and also enhance the economic growth and supply chain practices is considered as the essential element to improve the work productivity and also gain the attention of well-known researchers. Thus, the present study has examined that impact of the workplace environment, supply chain performance and supply chain integration on the work productivity of the banks in Indonesia. The purpose of the ongoing study is also the investigation of mediating impact of organizational culture on the nexus of the workplace environment, supply chain performance, supply chain integration and work productivity of the banks in Indonesia. The employees of the banks that linked with supply chain process are the respondents selected by using simple random sampling and gathered data by using questionnaires. The smart-PLS, an effective tool for data analysis has been employed for analysis purpose. The results highlighted that the workplace environment, supply chain performance and supply chain integration have a positive association with work productivity. The results also indicated that organizational culture positive mediates among the nexus of the workplace environment, supply chain performance, supply chain integration and work productivity of the banks in Indonesia. The outcome provided the guidelines to the regulators that they should enhance their focus on the supply chain practices that could increase the work productivity while leads the organization towards success

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Mocaf (Modified Cassava Flour) dan Penambahan Puree Wortel (Daucus Carota L) Terhadap Sifat Organoleptik Choux Paste

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    Abstrak  Choux paste wortel lebih dikenal dengan sebutan kue sus yang dibuat dari komponen tepung terigu, tepung mocaf, puree wortel, lemak, telur, air dan garam yang dibentuk menyerupai bunga kol serta berongga pada bagian tengahnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui : 1) pengaruh substitusi tepung mocaf terhadap sifat organoleptik choux paste ; 2) Pengaruh penambahan puree wortel terhadap sifat organoleptik choux paste; 3) Pengaruh substitusi tepung mocaf dan penambahan puree wortel terhadap sifat organoleptik choux paste; 4) kandungan gizi produk terbaik yang Meliputi protein, karbohidrat, lemak, serat, kadar air, kadar abu, β karoten dan vitamin A. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan desain faktorial ganda 3x3, dimana variabel bebas adalah substitusi tepung mocaf 35%, 55% dan 75% dari berat tepung dan penambahan puree wortel 30%, 50% dan 70% dari berat tepung dan variabel terikat adalah sifat organoleptik meliputi warna, aroma, bentuk, rongga, rasa dan kesukaan. Pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi melalui uji organoleptik yang dilakukan oleh 15 panelis terlatih dan 15 panelis semi terlatih, dengan instrumen lembar observasi jenis check list. Analisis data menggunakan analisis varians ganda (anova) dan uji lanjut Duncan. Untuk mengetahui kandungan protein, karbohidrat, lemak, serat, kadar air, kadar abu, β karoten dan vitamin A dilakukan uji kimia terhadap sifat organoleptik choux paste wortel yang terbaik. Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil : 1) ada  pengaruh substitusi tepung mocaf terhadap rongga dan rasa, tapi tidak berpengaruh pada warna, bentuk, aroma dan kesukaan; 2) ada pengaruh penambahan puree wortel terhadap warna, rongga dan kesukaan, tetapi tidak berpengaruh pada aroma, bentuk dan rasa; 3) interaksi antara substitusi tepung mocaf dan penambahan puree wortel tidak berpengaruh terhadap semua sifat organoleptik choux paste wortel; 4) Produk terbaik mengandung protein 5,89 g, karbohidrat  44,56 g, lemak 3,06 g, serat 8,69 g, beta karoten 87.583 SI, kadar air 26,08 g, kadar abu 2,92 g dan vitamin A 74.400 SI. Kata kunci : Choux Paste Wortel, Tepung Mocaf, Puree Wortel.   Abstract Choux paste carrot well known as kue sus is a product made from wheat flour component, mocaf flour, carrot puree, fat, eggs, water and salt the shaped similiar to cauliflower and there hollow in the middle. The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) the effect of substitution mocaf flour to the organoleptic properties choux paste ; 2) the effect of the addition carrot puree to the organoleptic properties of choux paste; 3) the effect of substitution mocaf flour and carrot puree addition to the organoleptic properties of choux paste; 4) The nutritional content of products that covers the protein, carbohydrate, fat, fiber, moisture content, ash content, β-carotene and vitamin A. This type of research is factorial design dual 3x3 experiment, where the independent variable is the substitution of flour mocaf 35%, 55% and 75% the weight of flour and adding puree carrots 30%, 50% and 70% the weight of the flour and the dependent variable is the organoleptic properties including color, taste, shape, cavity, flavor and preferences. The data collection by observation through organoleptic test conducted by 15 trained panelists and 15 semi-trained panelists, by instrument observation type of check list. Data analysis multiple analysis of variance (Anova) andDuncan’s poshoctest. Determine content of protein, carbohydrate, fat, fiber, water content, ash content, β-carotene and vitamin A chemical test performed on the organoleptic properties of carrots are best choux paste. This study shows the results: 1) there is a substitution effect against cavities mocaf flour and flavor, but has no effect on the color, shape, aroma and preferences; 2) there is the effect of adding to the color of carrot puree, cavities and preferences, but had no effect on the scent, shape and taste; 3) The interaction between the substitutions and additions of flour mocaf carrot puree does not affect the organoleptic properties of choux paste all the carrots; 4) The best product containing 5.89 g protein, 44.56 g carbohydrates, 3.06 g fat, 8.69 g fiber, β carotene 87.583 SI, 26.08 g moisture content, ash content of 2.92 g and vitamin A 74.400 SI. Keywords : Choux Paste Carrot, Mocaf Flour, Carrot Puree


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    The role of the server is very important as a data service provider and control for an office that has a very large data usage and control system. This can also affect the temperature in the server room which has computer devices and other control systems because of its continuous use. The impact of temperature that is outside of its tolerance value due to the dead air conditioner without being noticed by the officer or server operator can result in damage to the hardware devices in the server room. Monitoring and measuring server room temperature is not possible to be done directly and accurately in all conditions due to several inhibiting factors in obtaining temperature information. With these problems, a temperature monitoring prototype was built using node MCU ESP 2866 and DHT 21 sensor with responsive web-based software so that it can be easily seen on various PC and smartphone monitors. This software can be used in server rooms to provide room temperature information to operators or server officers. The long-term objective of this research is expected to provide information Real-time temperature conditions in a responsive web-based server room


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    The problem in this study is the low student learning outcomes in social studies subjects. Lack of student understanding in understanding learning material. The classroom action research using the Make a Match model aims to improve the learning outcomes of Social Studies in Va. Inpres Baliase Elementary School, Marawola District. The subjects of this study were students of Va. Inpres Baliase Elementary School, Marawola Subdistrict, with 20 students consisting of 9 male students and 11 female students enrolled in the academic year 2020/2021. This study consisted of two cycles, in each cycle two meetings were held. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely: 1) action planning, 2) action implementation, 3) observation, 4) reflection. The results showed that in pre-action the percentage of classical learning completeness (KBK) was obtained by 10% and in the first cycle the percentage of classical learning completeness (KBK) was obtained by 50%. While in the second cycle the percentage of classical learning completeness (KBK) is obtained by 85%. Based on the percentage of completeness of learning outcomes in cycle I and cycle II, there has been a significant increase in the CBC of 35%, from the first cycle of 50% and the second cycle of 85%. Based on these results it can be concluded that by applying the Make a Match type of cooperative learning model can improve the learning outcomes of students of the Va Inpres Baliase SD Class in social studies subjects

    Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Temulawak (Curcuma xanthoriza) dalam Ransum Terhadap Efisiensi Pakan Sapi Peranakan Simmental

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    The aim of the study was to know the effect of Curcuma xanthorhiza as herbal feed additive in the rations on dry matter consumption, body weight gain, feed efficiency and feed cost pergain of Simmental cross cattle. The research was conducted at PGS. Joe Cipir Jati Indah Village, Tanjung Bintang District, South Lampung Regency. The experimental used 12 male Simmental Cross Cattle with an average body weight of 166.25 ± 6.27 kg. The study used a quantitative method with a completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 4 replications. They were fed a complete feeding with control rations + 0% temulawak flour (P0), control ration + 1.5% temulawak flour (P1) and control ration + 3% temulawak flour (P2). The control ration is the usual ration given by farmers every day containing 8.35% crude protein and 59.63% TDN. The study was conducted for 5 weeks, 1 week period of adaptation and 4 weeks period of data collection. The results showed that the addition of temulawak flour had a significant effect (P <0.05) on dry matter consumption, body weight gain, feed efficiency and feed cost per gain of Simmental cross cattle. The 1,5% addition level of temulawak flour from dry matter ration showed the best body weight gain, feed efficiency and feed cost per gain.Keywords:, natural feed additive, production efficiency, Simmental cross cattle , temulawa

    Jaringan Sosial dan Konvergensi Media: Penonton Interaktif Sinetron 7 Manusia Harimau

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    In the convergence era, television audience has become interactive audience. Study about television audience become important, especially in favorite program, such as sinetron (Indonesian soap opera). Netnography method is used to examine the social network dynamics of 7 Manusia Harimau audience. After conducting online participatory observation in two fandom groups and in-depth interviews with seven informants, the results show that media convergence has broaden the way audience consume sinetron and enhanced the audiences\u27 interactivity. Online media support the audience to develop individual and communal network, collective identity and intelligence, collective actions and participatory culture

    Islamic Bathroom: A Recommendation of Bathroom Layout Design with Islamic Values

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    A bathroom is a room that cannot be separated from humans’ daily lives and there are activities performed inside of it. Today’s bathroom usually is designed in the universal style, even though there is no human with the same background nor the same religion. Every religion has its own rules and should be applied by its followers in every aspect of their lives, especially in Islam. There are two guidelines which have the explanation of the bathroom etiquette, Al Quran and Hadits. For the Muslim users, the synchronization between bathroom etiquette and the design of the bathroom is an effort of the observance to Allah SWT. Therefore, this writing is an attempt to give a reminder and also a recommendation of bathroom design layouts based on the rules of Islamic bathroom etiquette. The methodology of this research is to describe all of the bathroom etiquettes in Al-Quran and Hadits and make the concept of the bathroom design layouts based on what is permitted and forbidden
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