196 research outputs found

    Macroeconomic effects of the budget deficit in the Republic of Macedonia

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    Although a decade has passed since the global financial and economic crisis of 2008, the expansionary fiscal policy in Macedonia can still be felt, primarily through an increased level of public expenditures aimed at stimulation of the economic growth. From 2008 onwards, the Republic of Macedonia has continuously recorded a negative budget balance, which affects the resources allocation and the overall economic situation. The question that arises is whether such interference by the Government in the functioning of the market economy is necessary, especially having in mind the EU regulation in this area. Using a multiple regression model for the period 1996-2015, this paper examines the impact of the budget deficit on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in Macedonia. Results show that the budget deficit is not a statistically significant determinant of GDP per capita, supporting thus the Ricardian equivalence theory. The analysis is conducted on the basis of statistical data from the World Bank\u27s database, as well as data from the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia. Household final consumption expenditure, the unemployment rate and the official exchange rate of the Macedonian Denar against the U.S. Dollar are also taken into consideration as controlling variables. GDP per capita and household final consumption expenditures are in current prices, with natural logarithms applied, whereas the other variables are in nominal terms. The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight into the empirical relationship between the two main variables of interest and to initiate further discussion and analysis

    Први састанак млекарских предузећа HP Македоније

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    Polovinom mjeseca avgusta 1956. održan je u Bitolju sastanak svih mljekarskih poduzeća u NR Makedoniji koji se bave proizvodnjom, preradom i prometom mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda.Половином месеца августа 1956. одржав je у Битољу састанак свих млекарских предузећa у HP Македонији који ce баве производњом, прерадом и прометом млека и млечних производа

    Ego conditions and roles in organizational behavior

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    The personality of the employee is perceived by organizational behavior. Behavioral elements are integrated into certain roles, or more specifically, integrated in certain ego - states. In each of these roles are intertwined organizational and interpersonal factors. Between the level of roles and the level of the individual, as a separate level of integration arise different ego - states in which each individual is alternately, making transactional analysis based on PAC concept. In fact, the transactions represent simple relations between two individuals in social and organizational behavior. They occur in direct contacts of transactional action that causes transaction reaction. In this way, analyzes and insights are made on the adequate or on the origin of inadequate organizational behaviors among employees who are in direct correlation to organizational productivity and market competitiveness

    Ego Conditions and Roles in Organizational Behavior

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    The personality of the employee is perceived by organizational behavior. Behavioral elements are integrated into certain roles, or more specifically, integrated in certain ego - states. In each of these roles are intertwined organizational and interpersonal factors. Between the level of roles and the level of the individual, as a separate level of integration arise different ego - states in which each individual is alternately, making transactional analysis based on PAC concept. In fact, the transactions represent simple relations between two individuals in social and organizational behavior. They occur in direct contacts of transactional action that causes transaction reaction. In this way, analyzes and insights are made on the adequate or on the origin of inadequate organizational behaviors among employees who are in direct correlation to organizational productivity and market competitiveness

    Growth Of AlN Crystals On AlN/SiC Seeds By AlN Powder Sublimation In Nitrogen Atmosphere

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    AlN single crystals were grown on AlN/SiC seeds by sublimation of AlN powder in TaC crucibles in a nitrogen atmosphere. The seeds were produced by metallorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) of AlN on SiC crystals. The influence of growth temperature, growth time and source-toseed distance on the crystallinity and the crystal growth rate were investigated. Crystals were grown in an RF heated sublimation reactor at growth temperatures ranging from 1800-2000 °C, at a pressure of 600 Torr, nitrogen flow-rate of 100 sccm and source-to-seed distances of 10 and 35 mm. At 1870 °C and a source-to-seed distance of 35 mm, isolated crystals were observed with few instances of coalescence. At 1930 °C, a source-to-seed distance of 10 mm and longer growth times (~30 hrs), crystal coalescence was achieved. Above 1930 °C, the decomposition of SiC was evidently affecting the growth morphology and resulted in growth of polycrystalline AlN. After an initial nucleation period, the observed growth rates (10-30 μm/hr) were in close agreement with predictions of a growth model that assumed gas-phase diffusion controlled growth. Optical and electron microscope observations revealed step-flow growth, while X-ray diffraction results showed the single crystal nature of the grown material. Single crystalline AlN was grown over surface areas of 200-300 mm2 and was transparent and essentially colorless


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    Due to the crucial role of credit in the economic activity of a country, there is agrowing empirical literature examining the determinants of domestic credit to theprivate sector, which may be demand-side or supply-side factors. It is commonlyheld that excessive domestic debt reduces private sector credit, raise bank lendingrates, and shrink output as the Government competes with the private sector forprivate savings. For this reason, the aim of this paper is to determine whether persistentbudget deficit in the Republic of North Macedonia negatively affects the privatesector’s access to bank credit, and hence slowing down the economic activity.The analysis considers both, short-run and long-run relationship between domesticcredit to private sector provided by banks and budget balance in North Macedonia,as endogenous variables, but also it takes into account the influence of several otherexogenous factors. The methodological approach is consisted of visual inspectionof the data, correlation analysis, co-integration and causality tests, as well as estimationof the impulse response function and variance decomposition. Based on theestimated VECM model, the results show statistically significant long-run relationshipbetween the endogenous variables, and no short-run causality in any direction

    HRD domain in the service science discipline: developing interdisciplinary professionals

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify critical components for service science curricula that address the unique competency needs of the service sector. Design/methodology/approach – The method for this investigation included a comprehensive review, analysis, and synthesis of service science, as well as service science management and engineering (SSME) related literature. As human capital is of unique importance in this business sector, particular emphasis was placed on examining the need for human resource development-related content in service science curricula. Findings – Expansion of the services sector globally has been unprecedented. “Some analysts predict that by 2020, services will account for 50 percent of world trade” (Downe et al.). Yet a global shortage of graduates with the skills needed for success in service sector jobs has been forecast. Compounding this talent shortage is the relatively small number of degree programs available to prepare professionals for service sector jobs. Because the growth in the service sector has outpaced improvements in productivity, quality, and innovation, and there is a lack of skilled talent to address these challenges, increasing attention is being placed on service science curricula. Originality/value – Given the economic importance of, and current deficiencies in, the service sector it is poised to make a significant impact by improving service science education

    Y-chromosome haplogroup architecture confers susceptibility to azoospermia factor c microrearrangements: a retrospective study

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    Aim To assess the association between azoospermia factor c microrearrangements and semen quality, and between Y-chromosome background with distinct azoospermia factor c microrearrangements and semen quality impairment. Methods This retrospective study, carried out in the Research Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology “Georgi D. Efremov,” involved 486 men from different ethnic backgrounds referred for couple infertility from 2002- 2017: 338 were azoospermic/oligozoospermic and 148 were normozoospermic. The azoospermia factor c microrearrangements were analyzed with sequence tagged site and sequence family variant markers, quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction, and multiplex ligation probe amplification analysis. The Y-haplogroups of all participants were determined with direct single nucleotide polymorphism typing and indirect prediction with short tandem repeat markers.Results Our participants had two types of microdeletions: gr/gr and b2/b3; three microduplications: b2/b4, gr/gr, and b2/b3; and one complex rearrangement gr/gr deletion + b2/b4 duplication. Impaired semen quality was not associated with microrearrangements, but b2/b4 and gr/ gr duplications were significantly associated with haplogroup R1a (P < 0.001 and P = 0.003, respectively) and b2/b3 deletions with haplogroup E (P = 0.005). There were significantly more b2/b4 duplication carriers in Albanians than in Macedonians with haplogroup R1a (P = 0.031). Conclusion Even though azoospermia factor c partial deletions/duplications and Y-haplogroups were not associated with impaired semen quality, specific deletions/ duplications were significantly associated with distinct haplogroups, implying that the Y chromosome background may confer susceptibility to azoospermia factor c microrearrangements

    Ispitivanje stabilnosti biljnih preparata

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    Nowdays, the use of products based on medicinal herbs (phytopreparates) are in scientific focus, both in prevention or in treatment of various diseases. Herbal products have been recognized as an excellent source of bioactive compounds which have positive effects on human health. Beside teas, as standard herbal products, phytopreparations are much more represented as final pharmaceutical form on the market today. Phytopreparations must satisfy standard quality, which means that they must be physically, chemically and microbiological stable and have a high degree of purity. In order to determine the stability, storage conditions, shelf-life of the products, stability tests are conducted, which involving tests of environmental factors influence: temperature, relative humidity, light. Stability tests are performed at different stages of development and production. In accordance with the EMEA (European Agency for Drugs and Medical Devices) for a variety of herbal preparations different specific stability tests are conducted.Danas, sve je veći akcenat na upotrebi preparata na bazi lekovitog bilja (fitopreparata), kako u prevenciji tako i u lečenju različitih oboljenja. Biljni preparati su prepoznati kao odličan izvor bioaktivnih komponenti, koji imaju pozitivne efekte na zdravlje ljudi. Pored čajeva, kao standardnih biljnih proizvoda, danas su na tržištu mnogo više zastupljeni fitopreparati kao finalne farmaceutske forme. Fitopreparati moraju biti standardnog kvaliteta, što podrazumeva da moraju biti fizički, hemijski i mikrobilološki stabilni, da su standardizovanog sastava i da su visokog stepena čistoće. U cilju utvrđivanja koliko je jedan proizvod stabilan, definisanja uslova čuvanja, određivanja roka trajanja, sprovode se ispitivanja stabilnosti, koja podrazumevaju ispitivanja uticaja faktora okoline: temperature, relativne vlažnosti vazduha, svetlosti na promenu kvaliteta gotovog proizvoda. Ispitivanja stabilnosti se izvode u različitim fazama razvoja i proizvodnje. U skladu sa zahtevima EMEA (Evropska agencija za lekove i medicinska sredstva) za različite biljne preparate postavljaju se različiti specifični testovi stabilnosti