83 research outputs found
Influence of coagulants chemical, senzory and textural properties of cooked smoked cheese
Domaći kuhani sir se proizvodi na području većeg dijela Hrvatske i spada pod hrvatski autohtoni proizvod. Prema udjelu vode u nemasnoj tvari spada u skupinu polutvrdih sireva, a prema udjelu mliječne masti u suhoj tvari u skupinu masnih. Kuhani sir je najjednostavniji oblik iskorištenja i način konzerviranja mliječnih bjelančevina. Dimljeni sir je sir koji se tretira pomoću dima na principu stvrdnjavanja. Dimljenjem sira teži se povećanju ukupne suhe tvari u mješavini za proizvodnju sira, što će osigurati konačni željeni sastav sira, a samo sušenje gruša je u tom slučaju nepotrebno. U radu je ispitana mogućnost proizvodnje dimljenog kuhanog sira na osnovi različitih vrsta koagulanata, te analiza senzorskih svojstava, sastava, fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava i teksture dobivenih proizvoda. Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da dimljenje pozitivno utječe na svojstva i kakvoću kuhanog sira, a najviše ocjene su dobili dimljeni kuhani sirevi proizvedeni pomoću alkoholnog i jabučnog octa, te pomoću vinske kiseline.Domestic cooked cheese is produced in the wider area of northwestern Croatian and falls under Croatian indigenous product. According to water in non fat substance belongs to the group of semi-hard cheeses, and the dry matter content is in a group of soft. Cooked cheese is the simplest form of utilization and method of preservation of milk protein. Smoked cheese is cheese which is treated by smoke on the principle of cure. Smoked cheese tends to increase total solids in the mixture for the production of cheese, which will ensure the desired final composition of the cheese, but only drying the curd is in this case unnecessary. The thesis analyzes the optimal parameters for the production of cooked smoked cheese, and the possibility of production of dessert cheese spreads based on different types of obtaining the curd, as well as testing sensory properties, composition, physico-chemical properties and texture of the products obtained. The results show that smoking has a positive effect on the properties and quality of cooked cheese, and the highest graded smoked cooked cheeses are the ones made with alcohol vinegar, apple cider vinegar and tartaric acid
Influence of coagulants chemical, senzory and textural properties of cooked smoked cheese
Domaći kuhani sir se proizvodi na području većeg dijela Hrvatske i spada pod hrvatski autohtoni proizvod. Prema udjelu vode u nemasnoj tvari spada u skupinu polutvrdih sireva, a prema udjelu mliječne masti u suhoj tvari u skupinu masnih. Kuhani sir je najjednostavniji oblik iskorištenja i način konzerviranja mliječnih bjelančevina. Dimljeni sir je sir koji se tretira pomoću dima na principu stvrdnjavanja. Dimljenjem sira teži se povećanju ukupne suhe tvari u mješavini za proizvodnju sira, što će osigurati konačni željeni sastav sira, a samo sušenje gruša je u tom slučaju nepotrebno. U radu je ispitana mogućnost proizvodnje dimljenog kuhanog sira na osnovi različitih vrsta koagulanata, te analiza senzorskih svojstava, sastava, fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava i teksture dobivenih proizvoda. Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da dimljenje pozitivno utječe na svojstva i kakvoću kuhanog sira, a najviše ocjene su dobili dimljeni kuhani sirevi proizvedeni pomoću alkoholnog i jabučnog octa, te pomoću vinske kiseline.Domestic cooked cheese is produced in the wider area of northwestern Croatian and falls under Croatian indigenous product. According to water in non fat substance belongs to the group of semi-hard cheeses, and the dry matter content is in a group of soft. Cooked cheese is the simplest form of utilization and method of preservation of milk protein. Smoked cheese is cheese which is treated by smoke on the principle of cure. Smoked cheese tends to increase total solids in the mixture for the production of cheese, which will ensure the desired final composition of the cheese, but only drying the curd is in this case unnecessary. The thesis analyzes the optimal parameters for the production of cooked smoked cheese, and the possibility of production of dessert cheese spreads based on different types of obtaining the curd, as well as testing sensory properties, composition, physico-chemical properties and texture of the products obtained. The results show that smoking has a positive effect on the properties and quality of cooked cheese, and the highest graded smoked cooked cheeses are the ones made with alcohol vinegar, apple cider vinegar and tartaric acid
Structure and biological activity of coumaric compounds : final thesis
Kumarin je kemijski spoj koji se može izolirati iz velikog broja biljaka i široko je rasprostranjen u prirodi. Kumarin i njegovi derivati pokazuju niz bioloških aktivnosti, međutim njegova upotreba je ograničena. Kao model proučavanja toksičnosti kumarina vrlo često su se koristili štakori, ali novija istraživanja pokazuju da je metabolizam, a samim time i štetnost kumarina, kod ljudi i štakora različita.Coumarin is a chemical compound that can be isolated from a number of plants and is widely spread in nature. Coumarin and it's derivatives show a lot of biological activities, however its use is limited. As models in the studies of toxicity of coumarin rats were often used, but newest research show that the metabolism, and with that the harmfulness of coumarin, is different in people and rats
Supplementary material for the article: Vilipić, J. P.; Novaković, I. T.; Zlatović, M. V.; Vujčić, M. T.; Tufegdžić, S. J.; Sladić, D. M. Interactions of Cytotoxic Amino Acid Derivatives of Tert-Butylquinone with DNA and Lysozyme. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 2016, 81 (12), 1345–1358. https://doi.org/10.2298/JSC160725101V
Supplementary material for: [https://doi.org/10.2298/JSC160725101V]Related to published version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2389
An evaluation of the fundamental factors influencing the characteristics of mycelium-based materials: A review
The mycelium-based materials (MBMs) are produced by growing the vegetative part of the mushroom-forming fungi-from Dikarya group: phylum Basidiomycota and Ascomycota, on different organic substrates, mostly due to containing important mycelium characteristics: septa and anastomosis. Moreover, function of these composites can be further tuned by controlling the species of fungus, the growing conditions, and the processing methods to meet a specific mechanical requirement in their further applications. The material formed after full colonization of the substrate, needs to be exposed to dry heating in order to remove the moisture content and to inactivate the mycelium, giving us the lightweight, and biodegradable material with great potential to replace fossil-based and synthetic materials such as polyurethane and polystyrene. Their low carbon footprint, low energy and processing cost, biodegradability, low heat conductivity, high acoustic absorption, and fire safety qualities were some of the main characteristics that encouraged the use of mycelium based composites (MBCs) in the construction and building sector, especially as paneling, insulation, and furniture materials. Since mycelium products are quite new and there is limited industry peer-reviewed testing data available, there is a need for standardized mechanical properties, universal testing requirements and published standards (ISO, ASTM) to ensure that qualification and testing programs can be developed to support the manufacture and use of MBCs
Factors associated with involuntary hospitalization
In clinical practice, involuntary hospitalization in psychiatry is a procedure that patients with severe mental disorders are subject to due to the inability to make rational treatment decisions.. The prevalence of involuntary hospitalizations varies widely within and between countries. Involuntary admission to a hospital for psychiatric treatment can be life-saving and may be considered beneficial to some people in the long run. However, the experience of involuntary treatment can be traumatic, intimidating, stigmatizing, and lead to long-term avoidance of mental health services and an increased risk of rehospitalization. In this paper, we have considered the risk factors for involuntary hospitalizations and their frequency in the region and Europe
An insight into in vitro antioxidant activity of Cantharellus cibarius hot water extract for the potential application in meat products
The current research was undertaken to estimate the in vitro antioxidant activity of Cantharellus cibarius mushroom extracted by boiling in water for 30 minutes. Several previous studies have shown that the addition of edible mushrooms in meat products affects the reduction of lipid oxidation and prolongs the shelf-life of the final products. Antioxidant capacity of C. cibarius was measured using the following methods: reducing power ability, lipid peroxidation assay, cupric ion reducing antioxidant capacity (CUPRAC) and DPPH free radical scavenging activity. Reducing power and antioxidant activity assays of C. cibarius hot water extract showed low antioxidant activity. CUPRAC assay demonstrated positive effect only at the concentration of 10 mg/mL, whereas DPPH radical scavenging activity showed moderate antioxidant activity in comparison with culinary-medicinal mushrooms, with the effective concentration (EC50) from 7.41 mg/mL
HPTLC-direct bioautography-guided isolation of isogeranic acid as the main antibacterial constituent of Artemisia santonicum essential oil
This study was performed to determine the main antibacterial compounds of the essential oil (EO) of saltmarsh plant Artemisia santonicum (Asteraceae). The combination of HPTLC and direct bioautography was used for the activity guided isolation of isogeranic acid as the main antibacterial constituent with remarkable antimicrobial activity, although it was the minor component of the EO, present only in 0.2 %, as calculated from GC/FID. Its structure was determined by 1D- and 2D-NMR and GC-MS techniques. Antibacterial activity of isogeranic acid against all tested bacteria was significantly higher than EO and even than both controls streptomycin and ampicillin. In further investigation of antibiofilm and antiquorum sensing activity EO exhibited the best inhibition of the biofilm formation at 1/8 minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and isogeranic acid at 1/2 MIC. Both EO and isogeranic acid possessed pyocyanin inhibitory activity showing the reduction of pigment at 60.6 and 62.8 %, respectively, at 1/2 MIC concentrations
Синтеза и биолошка активност алкилтио и арилтио деривата терц-бутилхинона
Biological activity of 2-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone (TBQ) and its derivatives, 2-tert-butyl-5-(2-propylthio)-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-tert-butyl-5- -(propylthio)-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-tert-butyl-5,6-(ethylenedithio)-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-tert-butyl-5-(phenylthio)-1,4-benzoquinone and 2-tert-butyl-6-(phenylthio)- 1,4-benzoquinone, were tested for their antioxidant, antibacterial, toxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic potential. Using the DPPH test, all derivatives showed good antioxidant activity, better than ascorbic acid, and the 2-tert- -butyl-5-(propylthio)-1,4-benzoquinone derivative showed the strongest effect. Better antibacterial potential was observed against Gram-positive bacteria in the broth microdilution method in which the 2-tert-butyl-5-(phenylthio)-1,4- -benzoquinone derivative showed the strongest activity (MIC = 15.6 μM). The results of toxicity tests, using the Brine shrimp test, indicated that the derivatives lose their toxic potential compared to TBQ, except for 2-tert-butyl-6- -(phenylthio)-1,4-benzoquinone, which showed a 3 times stronger effect. Cytotoxicity was assessed by the MTT assay in 24 and 72 h treatments in MRC-5, HS 294T and A549 cell lines in threefold decreasing gradient (11, 33 and 100 μM). Modifications potentiate the cytotoxic effect, and the strongest effect was observed with the 2-tert-butyl-5,6-(ethylendithio)-1,4-benzoquinone derivative. In addition, the genotoxic potential was examined in the MRC-5 cell line using the comet assay. All tested derivatives of TBQ showed a genotoxic effect at all applied subtoxic concentrations. In general, the chemical modifications of TBQ enhanced its biological activity.Испитана је биолошка активност 2-терц-бутил-1,4-бензохинона (TBQ) и његових деривата: 2-терц-бутил-5-(изопропилтио)-1,4-бензохинона, 2-терц-бутил-5-(пропилтио)-1,4-бензохинона, 2-терц-бутил-5,6-(етиленедитио)-1,4-бензохинона, 2-терц-бутил- -5-(фенилтио)-1,4-бензохинона и 2-терц-бутил-6-(фенилтио)-1,4-бензохинона укључујући њихов антиоксидативни, антибактеријски, токсични, цитотоксични и генотоксични потенцијал. Применом DPPH теста, сви деривати су показали добру антиоксидативну активност, бољу од аскорбинске киселине, а најјаче дејство показао је дериват 2-терц-бутил-5-(пропилтио)-1,4-бензохинон. Бољи антимикробни потенцијал је примећен против Грам-позитивних бактерија методом микродилуције у бујону, где је дериват 2-терц-бутил-5-(фенилтио)-1,4-бензохинон показао најјачу активност (MIC = 15,6 μМ). Резултати испитивања токсичности, применом теста на Artemia salina, показују да деривати губе токсични потенцијал у односу на TBQ, осим 2-терц-бутил-6-(фенилтио)- -1,4-бензохинона, који је показао 3 пута јачи ефекат. Цитотоксичност је испитана МТТ тестом у третманима од 24 и 72 h на ћелијским линијама MRC-5, HS 294T и A549 у троструко опадајућем градијенту (11, 33 и 100 μМ). Модификације појачавају цитотоксични ефекат, а најјачи ефекат је примећен код деривата 2-терц-бутил-5,6-(етилендитио)-1,4-бензохинона. Поред тога, генотоксични потенцијал је испитан на ћелијској линији MRC-5 комет тестом. Сви испитивани деривати су показали генотоксични ефекат при свим примењеним субтоксичним концентрацијама. Генерално, хемијске модификације побољшавају биолошку активност 2-терц-бутил-1,4-бензохинона
Supplementary data for article: Novakovic, M.; Nikodinovic-Runic, J.; Veselinovic, J.; Ilic-Tomic, T.; Vidakovic, V.; Tesevic, V.; Milosavljevic, S. Bioactive Pentacyclic Triterpene Ester Derivatives from Alnus Viridis Ssp. Viridis Bark. Journal of Natural Products 2017, 80 (5), 1255–1263. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jnatprod.6b00805
Supporting information for: [https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jnatprod.6b00805]Related to published version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2466
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