7 research outputs found

    Resveratrol kao antioksidans u kardijalnoj kirurgiji – ima li potencijala u kliničkoj primjeni?

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    Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is an essential technique in cardiac surgery but is also associated with adverse effects, including the systemic inflammatory response syndrome that manifests itself as ischaemia-reperfusion injury and multi-organ dysfunction. The aim of this mini review is to take a look at the current knowledge of resveratrol, a stilbenoid and natural antioxidant believed to have many cardioprotective effects including vasodilation, lowering of blood pressure and reactive oxygen species levels, suppression of low-density lipoprotein peroxidation, and mitigation of ischaemia/-reperfusion injury. We mostly focus on its cardioprotective potential in patients undergoing cardiac surgery supported by CPB. Current findings, however, are still inconclusive and call for further research, including clinical trialsKardijalna kirurgija je kirurška struka koja se vrlo brzo razvija, a u kojoj se pri radu koristi uređaj za izvantjelesni krvotok. Njegovo korištenje dovodi do sustavnog upalnog odgovora koji se prezentira kao ishemijsko-reperfuzijska ozljeda i multiorganska disfunkcija. Resveratrol, stilbenoid iz skupine fenola, prirodni je antioksidans koji se nalazi u grožđu, borovnicama, malinama, murvi i kikirikiju, a smatra se da ima neuroprotektivna, antidijabetička, antikarcinogena i kardioprotektivna svojstva. Prema dosadašnjim znanstvenim istraživanjima, resveratrol je moguće glavni čimbenik kardioprotektivnoga djelovanja vina, koje se očituje vazodilatacijom, smanjenjem količine reaktivnih radikala kisika i arterijskoga krvnog tlaka, zatim smanjenjem peroksidacije lipoproteina male gustoće i ublažavanjem ishemijsko-reperfuzijske ozljede. Cilj je ovoga pregleda sažeti trenutačno znanje o potencijalnim kardioprotektivnim svojstvima resveratrola u bolesnika koji se podvrgavaju kardiokirurškom zahvatu pri kojem se koristi uređaj za izvantjelesni krvotok. Resveratrol ima razne učinke na ljudsku kardiovaskularnu fiziologiju, od kojih mnogi još moraju biti istraženi

    Model za procjenu vrijednosti oksidacijskih potencijala polifenola temeljen na broju OH skupina

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    We present a new and simpler regression model for the estimation of the first oxidation potentials (Ep1) of flavonoids based on the number of phenolic, alcoholic, and carboxylic OH groups. In the regression we included the Ep1 of 12 polyphenols (mostly flavonols and catechins) that were measured in our laboratory at pH 3. The model yielded r=0.986 and SE=0.040. Later successive inclusions of previously reported Ep values into the regression model, 7 at pH 3, the model (N=19) yielded r=0.980, SE=0.046 and 19 at pH 7 the model (N=38), yielded r=0.985, SE=0.044.U radu je predstavljen novi i jednostavniji model za procjenu vrijednosti prvog oksidacijskog potencijala, Ep1, flavonoida, koji se temelji na broju fenolnih, alkoholnih i karboksilnih OH skupina. U regresiju smo uključili prve oksidacijske potencijale 12 polifenola (uglavnom flavonola i katehina) mjerene u našem laboratoriju pri pH 3. Model je dao r=0,986 i SE=0,040. Nakon uključivanja sedam ranije objavljenih Ep1 vrijednosti, mjerenih pri pH 3, u regresiju, model daje r=0,980 i SE=0,046 (N=19), a nakon uključivanja njih još 19, mjerenih pri pH 7 (N=38), r=0,985, SE=0,044

    Voltammetric Characterisation of Anticancer Drug Irinotecan

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    Electrochemical reduction of irinotecan was investigated on a static mercury drop electrode using square-wave voltammetry. The mechanism of irinotecan electroreduction is a complex, pH-dependent, quasireversible process and includes the transfer of two electrons and two protons. In acidic medium, the first electron transfer reaction is followed by the chemical reaction, and the product of this chemical reaction undergoes further electrochemical reduction at more negative potentials. Both irinotecan and the product of its reduction adsorb on the mercury electrode surface. Based on the adsorptive character of irinotecan, a new adsorptive stripping square-wave voltammetric method for its electroanalytical determination has been proposed. The voltammetric response could be used to determine irinotecan in the concentration range from 1x10(-7)mol/L to 1.5x10(-6)mol/L and from 5x10(-9)mol/L to 1.2x10(-7)mol/L, if the accumulation time is 20s and 300s, respectively. The calculated limit of detection for irinotecan was found to be 8.7x10(-9)mol/L (if t(acc)=300s)

    Economics of Digital Transformation

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    The papers published in this monograph present best papers presented at the first conference of the Faculty of Economics and Bussiness of University of Rijeka organized on the topic of “Economics of digital transformation” from 2nd to 4th of May, 2018 in Opatija, Croatia (www.edt- conference.com). During the three days of the conference more than 50 researchers from European region contributed with their presentations. We are particularly proud on the results of our doctoral workshop where nine young researchers presented their research while five papers were published in the monograph. In this way we are building our future research capacities and expose young researchers to rigorous scientific challenge

    Economics of Digital Transformation

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    The papers published in this monograph present best papers presented at the first conference of the Faculty of Economics and Bussiness of University of Rijeka organized on the topic of “Economics of digital transformation” from 2nd to 4th of May, 2018 in Opatija, Croatia (www.edt- conference.com). During the three days of the conference more than 50 researchers from European region contributed with their presentations. We are particularly proud on the results of our doctoral workshop where nine young researchers presented their research while five papers were published in the monograph. In this way we are building our future research capacities and expose young researchers to rigorous scientific challenge