5,586 research outputs found

    Fidelity of the surface code in the presence of a bosonic bath

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    We study the resilience of the surface code to decoherence caused by the presence of a bosonic bath. This approach allows us to go beyond the standard stochastic error model commonly used to quantify decoherence and error threshold probabilities in this system. The full quantum mechanical system-bath dynamics is computed exactly over one quantum error correction cycle. Since all physical qubits interact with the bath, space-time correlations between errors are taken into account. We compute the fidelity of the surface code as a function of the quantum error correction time. The calculation allows us to map the problem onto an Ising-like statistical spin model with two-body interactions and a fictitious temperature which is related to the inverse bath coupling constant. The model departs from the usual Ising model in the sense that interactions can be long ranged and can involve complex exchange couplings; in addition, the number of allowed configurations is restricted by the syndrome extraction. Using analytical estimates and numerical calculations, we argue that, in the limit of an infinite number of physical qubits, the spin model sustain a phase transition which can be associated to the existence of an error threshold in the surface code. An estimate of the transition point is given for the case of nearest-neighbor interactions.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Diatom assemblages in Portuguese temporary rivers

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    During a survey of benthic diatoms in watercourses from Portugal in spring and summer 2006 and 2007, 76 sites in temporary streams (according to the National Water Institute classification) have been studied. These streams belong to the Ribeiras do Algarve (10 sites), Guadiana (19 sites), Mira (7 sites), Sado (16 sites), Tejo (20 sites), and Douro (4 sites) watersheds. Among these 76 sites, the National Water Institute classified only 48 as reference sites, and only these were therefore considered in the statistical analysis performed. A total of 276 diatom taxa have been identified in the 48 reference sites, from which 112 were present in abundance above 2% in at least one inventory. The most frequent taxa, present in more than 50% of the studied sites, were Achnanthidium minutissimum (Kützing) Czarnecki, Amphora pediculus (Kützing) Grunow, Cocconeis euglypta Ehrenberg, Eolimna minima (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot, Gomphonema parvulum Kützing, G. rosenstockianum Lange-Bertalot & E. Reichardt, Navicula gregaria Donkin, N. veneta Kützing, Nitzschia inconspicua Grunow and Planothidium frequentissimum (Lange-Bertalot) Lange-Bertalot. These are neutrophilous to alcaliphilous, mesosaprobous to -meso-saprobous, eutraphentic to indifferent taxa. Furthermore, a multivariate analysis relating diatom assemblages with environmental parameters is presented and the ecological preferences of not yet well known taxa, such as G. rosenstockianum, are provided

    Os primeiros arroubos de exaltação patriótica e liberal do académico Garrett

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    Quando estamos perante um génio da Literatura como Almeida Gar rett, mesmo os vestígios mais remotos da sua produção literária, por mais insignificantes e pueris que possam parecer perante o cânone dos títulos publicados, acabam por revelar facetas recônditas que ajudarão a definir ou acentuar as linhas de uma personalidade e de um talento em pr ogresso. É o caso das suas primícias teatrais, enquanto estudante de Coimbra. Entre os fragmentos autógrafos desses textos, encontra-se um elogio dramático com o título O Amor da Pátria, escrito em 1819, para festejar o nascimento da futura rainha D. Maria II. Publicada uma primeira versão muito incompleta, nas Obras Póstumas, em 1914, damos agora a conhecer a versão final desse texto, posta em confronto com todas as variantes textuais anteriores, permitindo ao leitor acompanhar o pulsar da inspiração e o fluir da escrita, reprimida em certos momentos pelo rigor da expressão.peerreviewe