75 research outputs found

    Identification and Prioritization Effective Inter-Project and Environmental Challenges on Implementation of Project Management System (Case study: Projects of Pars Special Economic Energy Zone)

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    Project performance depends on performance of its administrative organizations. Obviously, maturity level of these organizations depends on various internal and environmental factors. Defect in each factor can disturb project performance and accomplishment of its purposes. This article aims on identification and prioritization effective environmental and inter-project challenges on implementation of project management system. It calculated each choice distance by Fuzzy ideal solution and Fuzzy anti-ideal solution by TOPSIS method and finally proximity index coefficient of each choice was calculated to indicate choices ranking. Higher values of proximity coefficients mean more proximity to Fuzzy ideal solution and more distance from Fuzzy anti-ideal solution.  Statistical population of this study is limited to 40 people; therefore, 40 ones were selected as responders and sampling was avoided. Research results have shown that prioritization of criteria from first to the third is cost management, time management, and quality management in projects. According to ongoing challenges of each project including strategic, operational, and environmental factors, these choices are ranked

    Carotid endarterectomy impairs blood pressure homeostasis by reducing the physiologic baroreflex reserve

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    ObjectiveTo assess the impact of carotid endarterectomy on blood pressure homeostasis and baroreflex function, with particular reference to the presence or absence of significant contralateral carotid artery disease, we conducted a prospective study in 80 patients with symptomatic extracranial carotid disease undergoing carotid endarterectomy in a regional teaching hospital over 2 years.MethodsPatients were divided into two groups: the control group (n = 37) had no significant contralateral carotid disease; patients in the diseased group (n = 23) had either >70% stenosis or occlusion of the contralateral carotid artery. Seventeen patients with abnormal heart rhythms, poor quality recordings, or with intermediate degrees of contralateral carotid stenosis were excluded. Three patients who had previously undergone contralateral carotid endarterectomy were separately evaluated. Atheromatous plaque was removed from carotid lumen and the baroreflex mechanism received direct intraoperative stimulation before and after carotid endarterectomy. The main outcome measures were (1) the hemodynamic response to the carotid endarterectomy, baroreflex sensitivity, and operating set point (the resting blood pressure, which the baroreflex mechanism maintains) before and after removal of the atheromatous plaque, and (2) the responsiveness of the ipsilateral baroreceptor mechanism to direct stimulation. The impact of the presence of contralateral carotid stenosis on these variables was also evaluated.ResultsPatients in the two groups were comparable for preoperative demographic, medication, and hemodynamic variables. Carotid endarterectomy led to a rise in mean arterial pressure from 81.3 ± 3.9 mm Hg to 103.5 ± 4.6 mm Hg (P < .00001) and from 87.6 ± 4.3 mm Hg to 94.0 ± 4.5 mm Hg (P < .003) in the diseased and control groups, respectively. The magnitude of blood pressure response was significantly greater in the diseased group than in the control group (P < .00001). This hypertensive shift was not accompanied by the expected fall in heart rate. Direct baroreflex stimulation prior to carotid endarterectomy caused a significantly greater response in the diseased group, suggesting sensitization of the ipsilateral carotid baroreceptor in the presence of contralateral carotid disease. Furthermore, the baroreflex response was obliterated after endarterectomy. There were significant reductions in baroreflex sensitivity and a hypertensive shift in the operating set point, the magnitude of which was significantly greater in patients with contralateral carotid disease.ConclusionsCarotid endarterectomy impairs blood pressure homeostasis through surgical destruction of the ipsilateral carotid baroreflex mechanism. Patients with contralateral carotid stenosis have a reduced baroreflex reserve and show greater baroreflex dysfunction and hemodynamic instability after endarterectomy. These patients are at greater risk of postendarterectomy complications and should be monitored closely

    The role of surgical audit in improving patient management; nasal haemorrhage: an audit study

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    BACKGROUND: Nasal bleeding remains one of the most common Head & Neck Surgical (Ear Nose and Throat [ENT]/Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery [OMFS]) emergencies resulting in hospital admission. In the majority of cases, no other intervention is required other than nasal packing, and it was felt many cases could ideally be managed at home, without further medical interference. A limited but national telephone survey of accident and emergency departments revealed that early discharge practice was identified in some rural areas and urban departments (where adverse socio-demographic factors resulted in poor patient compliance to admission or follow up), with little adverse patient sequelae. A simple nasal packing protocol was also identified. The aim of this audit was to determine if routine nasal haemorrhage (epistaxis) can be managed at home with simple nasal packing; a retrospective and prospective audit. Ethical committee approval was obtained. Similar practice was identified in other UK accident and emergency centres. Literature was reviewed and best practice identified. Regional consultation and feedback with regard to prospective changes and local applicability of areas of improved practice mutually agreed upon with involved providers of care. METHODS: Retrospective: The Epistaxis admissions for the previous four years during the same seven months (September to March). Prospective: 60 consecutive patients referred with a diagnosis of Nasal bleeding over a seven month time course (September to March). All patients were over 16, not pregnant and gave fully informed counselled consent. New Guidelines for the management of nosebleeds, nasal packing protocols (with Netcel) and discharge policy were developed at the Hospital. Training of accident and emergency and emergency ENT staff was provided together with access to adequate examination and treatment resources. Detailed patient information leaflets were piloted and developed for use. RESULTS: Previously all patients requiring nasal packing were admitted. The type of nasal packing included Gauge impregnated Bismuth Iodoform Paraffin Paste, Nasal Tampon, and Vaseline gauge. Over the previous four year period (September to March) a mean of 28 patients were admitted per month, with a mean duration of in patient stay of 2.67 days. In the prospective audit the total number of admissions was significantly reduced, by over 70%, (chi2 = 25.05, df = 6, P < 0.0001), despite no significant change in the number of monthly epistaxis referrals (chi2 = 4.99, df = 6, P < 0.0001). There was also a significant increase in the mean age of admitted patients with epistaxis (chi2 = 22.71, df = 5, P < 0.0001), the admitted patients had a mean length of stay of 2.53 days. This policy results is an estimated saved 201.39 bed days per annum resulting in an estimated annual speciality saving of over pound 50,000, allowing resource re-allocation to other areas of need. Furthermore, bed usage could be optimised for other emergency or elective work. CONCLUSION: Exclusion criteria have now been expanded to exclude traumatic nasal haemorrhage. New adjunctive therapies now include direct endoscopic bipolar diathermy of bleeding points, and the judicious use of topical pro-coagulant agents applied via the nasal tampon. Expansion of the audit protocols for use in general practice.This original audit informed clinical practice and had potential benefits for patients, clinicians, and provision of service. Systematic replication of this project, possibly on a regional and general practice basis, could result in further financial savings, which would allow development of improved patient services and delivery of care

    Factors Affecting Health Care Utilization in Tehran

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    Introduction: Successful health system planning and management is dependent on well informed decisions, so having complete knowledge about medical services’ utilization is essential for resource allocation and health plans. The main goal of this study is identification of factors effecting inpatient and outpatient services utilization in public and private sectors. Methods: This study encompasses all regions of Tehran in 2011 and uses Urban HEART questionnaires. This population-based survey included 34700 households with 118000 individuals in Tehran. For determining the most important factors affected on health services consumption, logit model was applied. Results: Regarding to the finding, the most important factors affected on utilization were age, income level and deciles, job status, household dimension and insurance coverage. The main point was the negative relationship between health care utilization and education but it had a positive relationship with private health care utilization. Moreover suffering from chronic disease was the most important variable in health care utilization. Conclusions: According to the mentioned results and the fact that access has effect on health services utilization, policy makers should try to eliminate financial access barriers of households and individuals. This may be done with identification of households with more than 65 or smaller than 5 years old, people in low income deciles or with chronic illness. According to age effect on health services usage and aging population of Iran, results of this study show more importance of attention to aged population needs in future years

    The stylomastoid artery as an anatomical landmark to the facial nerve during parotid surgery: a clinico-anatomic study

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    BACKGROUND: The identification of the facial nerve can be difficult in a bloody operative field or by an incision that limits exposure; hence anatomical landmarks and adequate operative exposure can aid such identification and preservation. In this clinico-anatomic study, we examined the stylomastoid artery (SMA) and its relation to the facial nerve trunk; the origin of the artery was identified on cadavers and its nature was confirmed histologically. METHODS: The clinical component of the study included prospective reviewing of 100 consecutive routine parotidectomies; while, the anatomical component of the study involved dissecting 50 cadaveric hemifaces. RESULTS: We could consistently identify a supplying vessel, stylomastoid artery, which tends to vary less in position than the facial nerve. Following this vessel, a few millimetres inferiorly and medially, we have gone on to identify the facial nerve trunk, which it supplies, with relative ease. The origin of the stylomastoid artery, in our study, was either from the occipital artery or the posterior auricular artery. CONCLUSION: This anatomical aid, the stylomastoid artery, when supplemented by the other more commonly known anatomical landmarks and intra-operative facial nerve monitoring further reduces the risk of iatrogenic facial nerve damage and operative time

    The acute effects of alcohol on auditory thresholds

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    There is very little knowledge about alcohol-induced hearing loss. Alcohol consumption and tolerance to loud noise is a well observed phenomenon as seen in the Western world where parties get noisier by the hour as the evening matures. This leads to increase in the referrals to the "hearing aid clinic" and the diagnosis of "cocktail party deafness" which may not necessarily be only due to presbyacusis or noise-induced hearing loss

    Obesity and hypertension in an Iranian cohort study; Iranian women experience higher rates of obesity and hypertension than American women

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    BACKGROUND: Once considered as the main public health problem in developed countries, obesity has become a major problem throughout the world and developing countries, like Iran, are joining the global obesity pandemic. We determined the prevalence of overweight, obesity, and hypertension in a large cohort of Iranians and compared age-adjusted rates with the rates in the US. METHODS: Golestan Cohort Study is a population-based study of 8,998 men and women, aged 35-81 years, from urban and rural areas. Anthropometric parameters were measured by interviewers. Prevalence rates were directly adjusted to the 2000 United States standard population. RESULTS: The age-adjusted prevalence rates of overweight (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2) and obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) in this Iranian population were 62.2% and 28.0%, respectively. Both overweight and obesity were more common in women than men. Age-adjusted prevalence of overweight was significantly higher in Iranian women compared to the American women (68.6% vs. 61.6%), while the age-adjusted prevalence of obesity is closer in these two populations (34.9% vs. 33.2%). Iranian men—compared to American men—had significantly lower age-adjusted prevalence of overweight (53.7% vs. 68.8%) and obesity (16.2% vs. 27.5%). Age-adjusted prevalence of hypertension was higher in Iranian women than American women (35.7% vs. 30.5%). Diabetes mellitus was reported in 6.2% of participants. Mean waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) among women was 0.96. Smoking rates in men and women were 33.2% and 2.2%, respectively. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of obesity, overweight, and hypertension in Iran is as high as the US. However, Iranian women are more obese than American women and Iranian men are less obese than their American counterparts. This discrepancy might be due to the low rate of smoking among Iranian women. Iranian women have higher mean WHR than what WHO has defined in 19 other populations

    Crohn's Disease and Early Exposure to Domestic Refrigeration

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    Environmental risk factors playing a causative role in Crohn's Disease (CD) remain largely unknown. Recently, it has been suggested that refrigerated food could be involved in disease development. We thus conducted a pilot case control study to explore the association of CD with the exposure to domestic refrigeration in childhood.Using a standard questionnaire we interviewed 199 CD cases and 207 age-matched patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) as controls. Cases and controls were followed by the same gastroenterologists of tertiary referral clinics in Tehran, Iran. The questionnaire focused on the date of the first acquisition of home refrigerator and freezer. Data were analysed by a multivariate logistic model. The current age was in average 34 years in CD cases and the percentage of females in the case and control groups were respectively 48.3% and 63.7%. Patients were exposed earlier than controls to the refrigerator (X2 = 9.9, df = 3, P = 0.04) and refrigerator exposure at birth was found to be a risk factor for CD (OR = 2.08 (95% CI: 1.01-4.29), P = 0.05). Comparable results were obtained looking for the exposure to freezer at home. Finally, among the other recorded items reflecting the hygiene and comfort at home, we also found personal television, car and washing machine associated with CD.This study supports the opinion that CD is associated with exposure to domestic refrigeration, among other household factors, during childhood
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