83 research outputs found

    Flavivirus reverse genetic systems, construction techniques and applications: A historical perspective

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    AbstractThe study of flaviviruses, which cause some of the most important emerging tropical and sub-tropical human arbovirus diseases, has greatly benefited from the use of reverse genetic systems since its first development for yellow fever virus in 1989. Reverse genetics technology has completely revolutionized the study of these viruses, making it possible to manipulate their genomes and evaluate the direct effects of these changes on their biology and pathogenesis. The most commonly used reverse genetics system is the infectious clone technology. Whilst flavivirus infectious clones provide a powerful tool, their construction as full-length cDNA molecules in bacterial vectors can be problematic, laborious and time consuming, because they are often unstable, contain unwanted induced substitutions and may be toxic for bacteria due to viral protein expression. The incredible technological advances that have been made during the past 30years, such as the use of PCR or new sequencing methods, have allowed the development of new approaches to improve preexisting systems or elaborate new strategies that overcome these problems. This review summarizes the evolution and major technical breakthroughs in the development of flavivirus reverse genetics technologies and their application to the further understanding and control of these viruses and their diseases

    How Did Zika Virus Emerge in the Pacific Islands and Latin America?

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    The unexpected emergence of Zika virus (ZIKV) in the Pacific Islands and Latin America and its association with congenital Zika virus syndrome (CZVS) (which includes microcephaly) and Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) have stimulated wide-ranging research. High densities of susceptible Aedes spp., immunologically naive human populations, global population growth with increased urbanization, and escalation of global transportation of humans and commercial goods carrying vectors and ZIKV undoubtedly enhanced the emergence of ZIKV. However, flavivirus mutations accumulate with time, increasing the likelihood that genetic viral differences are determinants of change in viral phenotype. Based on comparative ZIKV complete genome phylogenetic analyses and temporal estimates, we identify amino acid substitutions that may be associated with increased viral epidemicity, CZVS, and GBS. Reverse genetics, vector competence, and seroepidemiological studies will test our hypothesis that these amino acid substitutions are determinants of epidemic and neurotropic ZIKV emergence

    Novel Virus Influenza A (H1N1sw) in South-Eastern France, April-August 2009

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    BACKGROUND: In April 2009, the first cases of pandemic (H1N1)-2009 influenza [H1N1sw] virus were detected in France. Virological surveillance was undertaken in reference laboratories of the seven French Defence Zones. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We report results of virological analyses performed in the Public Hospitals of Marseille during the first months of the outbreak. (i) Nasal swabs were tested using rapid influenza diagnostic test (RIDT) and two RT-PCR assays. Epidemiological characteristics of the 99 first suspected cases were analyzed, including detection of influenza virus and 18 other respiratory viruses. During three months, a total of 1,815 patients were tested (including 236 patients infected H1N1sw virus) and distribution in age groups and results of RIDT were analyzed. (ii) 600 sera received before April 2009 and randomly selected from in-patients were tested by a standard hemagglutination inhibition assay for antibody to the novel H1N1sw virus. (iii) One early (May 2009) and one late (July 2009) viral isolates were characterized by sequencing the complete hemagglutinine and neuraminidase genes. (iiii) Epidemiological characteristics of a cluster of cases that occurred in July 2009 in a summer camp were analyzed. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This study presents new virological and epidemiological data regarding infection by the pandemic A/H1N1 virus in Europe. Distribution in age groups was found to be similar to that previously reported for seasonal H1N1. The first seroprevalence data made available for a European population suggest a previous exposure of individuals over 40 years old to influenza viruses antigenically related to the pandemic (H1N1)-2009 virus. Genomic analysis indicates that strains harbouring a new amino-acid pattern in the neuraminidase gene appeared secondarily and tended to supplant the first strains. Finally, in contrast with previous reports, our data support the use of RIDT for the detection of infection in children, especially in the context of the investigation of grouped cases

    Different viral genes modulate virulence in model mammal hosts and Culex pipiens vector competence in Mediterranean basin lineage 1 West Nile virus strains

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    West Nile virus (WNV) is a single-stranded positive-sense RNA virus (+ssRNA) belonging to the genus Orthoflavivirus. Its enzootic cycle involves mosquito vectors, mainly Culex, and wild birds as reservoir hosts, while mammals, such as humans and equids, are incidental dead-end hosts. It was first discovered in 1934 in Uganda, and since 1999 has been responsible for frequent outbreaks in humans, horses and wild birds, mostly in America and in Europe. Virus spread, as well as outbreak severity, can be influenced by many ecological factors, such as reservoir host availability, biodiversity, movements and competence, mosquito abundance, distribution and vector competence, by environmental factors such as temperature, land use and precipitation, as well as by virus genetic factors influencing virulence or transmission. Former studies have investigated WNV factors of virulence, but few have compared viral genetic determinants of pathogenicity in different host species, and even fewer have considered the genetic drivers of virus invasiveness and excretion in Culex vector. In this study, we characterized WNV genetic factors implicated in the difference in virulence observed in two lineage 1 WNV strains from the Mediterranean Basin, the first isolated during a significant outbreak reported in Israel in 1998, and the second from a milder outbreak in Italy in 2008. We used an innovative and powerful reverse genetic tool, e.g., ISA (infectious subgenomic amplicons) to generate chimeras between Israel 1998 and Italy 2008 strains, focusing on non-structural (NS) proteins and the 3′UTR non-coding region. We analyzed the replication of these chimeras and their progenitors in mammals, in BALB/cByJ mice, and vector competence in Culex (Cx.) pipiens mosquitoes. Results obtained in BALB/cByJ mice suggest a role of the NS2B/NS3/NS4B/NS5 genomic region in viral attenuation in mammals, while NS4B/NS5/3′UTR regions are important in Cx. pipiens infection and possibly in vector competence

    Likely Correlation between Sources of Information and Acceptability of A/H1N1 Swine-Origin Influenza Virus Vaccine in Marseille, France

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    BACKGROUND: In France, there was a reluctance to accept vaccination against the A/H1N1 pandemic influenza virus despite government recommendation and investment in the vaccine programme. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We examined the willingness of different populations to accept A/H1N1 vaccination (i) in a French hospital among 3315 employees immunized either by in-house medical personnel or mobile teams of MDs and (ii) in a shelter housing 250 homeless persons. Google was used to assess the volume of enquiries concerning incidence of influenza. We analyzed the information on vaccination provided by Google, the website of the major French newspapers, and PubMed. Two trust Surveys were used to assess public opinion on the trustworthiness of people in different professions. Paramedics were significantly more reluctant to accept immunisation than qualified medical staff. Acceptance was significantly increased when recommended directly by MDs. Anecdotal cases of directly observed severe infections were followed by enhanced acceptance of paramedical staff. Scientific literature was significantly more in favour of vaccination than Google and French newspaper websites. In the case of the newspaper websites, information correlated with their recognised political reputations, although they would presumably claim independence from political bias. The Trust Surveys showed that politicians were highly dis-trusted in contrast with doctors and pharmacists who were considered much more trustworthy. CONCLUSIONS: The low uptake of the vaccine could reflect failure to convey high quality medical information and advice relating to the benefits of being vaccinated. We believe that the media and internet contributed to this problem by raising concerns within the general population and that failure to involve GPs in the control programme may have been a mistake. GPs are highly regarded by the public and can provide face-to-face professional advice and information. The top-down strategy of vaccine programme management and information delivered by the Ministry of Health could have aggravated the problem, because the general population does not always trust politicians

    Pandemic Influenza Due to pH1N1/2009 Virus: Estimation of Infection Burden in Reunion Island through a Prospective Serosurvey, Austral Winter 2009

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: To date, there is little information that reflects the true extent of spread of the pH1N1/2009v influenza pandemic at the community level as infection often results in mild or no clinical symptoms. This study aimed at assessing through a prospective study, the attack rate of pH1N1/2009 virus in Reunion Island and risk factors of infection, during the 2009 season.METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A serosurvey was conducted during the 2009 austral winter, in the frame of a prospective population study. Pairs of sera were collected from 1687 individuals belonging to 772 households, during and after passage of the pandemic wave. Antibodies to pH1N1/2009v were titered using the hemagglutination inhibition assay (HIA) with titers ≥ 1/40 being considered positive. Seroprevalence during the first two weeks of detection of pH1N1/2009v in Reunion Island was 29.8% in people under 20 years of age, 35.6% in adults (20-59 years) and 73.3% in the elderly (≥ 60 years) (P<0.0001). Baseline corrected cumulative incidence rates, were 42.9%, 13.9% and 0% in these age groups respectively (P<0.0001). A significant decline in antibody titers occurred soon after the passage of the epidemic wave. Seroconversion rates to pH1N1/2009 correlated negatively with age: 63.2%, 39.4% and 16.7%, in each age group respectively (P<0.0001). Seroconversion occurred in 65.2% of individuals who were seronegative at inclusion compared to 6.8% in those who were initially seropositive.CONCLUSIONS: Seroincidence of pH1N1/2009v infection was three times that estimated from clinical surveillance, indicating that almost two thirds of infections occurring at the community level have escaped medical detection. People under 20 years of age were the most affected group. Pre-epidemic titers ≥ 1/40 prevented seroconversion and are likely protective against infection. A concern was raised about the long term stability of the antibody responses

    Revolutionizing Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Organization in Hospitals with In Situ Point-of-Care

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical microbiology may direct decisions regarding hospitalization, isolation and anti-infective therapy, but it is not effective at the time of early care. Point-of-care (POC) tests have been developed for this purpose. METHODS AND FINDINGS: One pilot POC-lab was located close to the core laboratory and emergency ward to test the proof of concept. A second POC-lab was located inside the emergency ward of a distant hospital without a microbiology laboratory. Twenty-three molecular and immuno-detection tests, which were technically undemanding, were progressively implemented, with results obtained in less than four hours. From 2008 to 2010, 51,179 tests yielded 6,244 diagnoses. The second POC-lab detected contagious pathogens in 982 patients who benefited from targeted isolation measures, including those undertaken during the influenza outbreak. POC tests prevented unnecessary treatment of patients with non-streptococcal tonsillitis (n = 1,844) and pregnant women negative for Streptococcus agalactiae carriage (n = 763). The cerebrospinal fluid culture remained sterile in 50% of the 49 patients with bacterial meningitis, therefore antibiotic treatment was guided by the molecular tests performed in the POC-labs. With regard to enterovirus meningitis, the mean length-of-stay of infected patients over 15 years old significantly decreased from 2008 to 2010 compared with 2005 when the POC was not in place (1.43±1.09 versus 2.91±2.31 days; p = 0.0009). Altogether, patients who received POC tests were immediately discharged nearly thrice as often as patients who underwent a conventional diagnostic procedure. CONCLUSIONS: The on-site POC-lab met physicians' needs and influenced the management of 8% of the patients that presented to emergency wards. This strategy might represent a major evolution of decision-making regarding the management of infectious diseases and patient care

    Models cannot predict future outbreaks: A/H1N1 virus, the paradigm

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    International audienceEvolution of the industrialized society had led to a risk management policy in many domains. Assessment of health care risk in the case of infectious diseases often includes mathematical models. Results of modelling were used in France to design emergency plans against flu pandemic. We believe that models cannot predict the features of the future outbreaks because the intrinsic properties of an emergent pathogen and the ecosystem in which it is developing are very complex. Of course, prediction of future outbreaks is not possible without using models, but we think that it is an illusion to presently believe that an emerging phenomenon can be anticipated by using only prediction from models. The recent pandemic caused by the novel A/H1N1 virus has confirmed the unpredictability of infectious diseases. The rapid evolution in several domains such as antimicrobial therapeutics, vaccine and hygiene conditions make comparison with past pandemics hard. The adherence of populations to prevention measures and immunisation campaigns are unpredictable. In addition, the presentation of pessimistic models is deleterious. They impress governments and provoke fears. There is a striking necessity to develop the number and the capacities of sentinel centres to take and adapt decisions based on timely available scientific information

    Live Zika virus chimeric vaccine candidate based on a yellow fever 17-D attenuated backbone

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    Abstract Zika virus (ZIKV) has recently become dispersed throughout the tropics and sub-tropics, causing epidemics associated with congenital disease and neurological complications. There is currently no commercial vaccine for ZIKV. In this study, we describe the initial development of a chimeric virus containing the prM/E proteins of a ZIKV epidemic strain incorporated into a yellow fever 17-D attenuated backbone. Using the versatile and rapid ISA (Infectious Subgenomic Amplicons) reverse genetics method, we compared different constructs and confirmed the need to modify the cleavage site between the pre-peptide and prM protein. Genotypic characterization of the chimeras indicated that the emergence of compensatory mutations in the E protein was required to restore viral replicative fitness. Using an immunocompromised mouse model, we demonstrated that mice infected with the chimeric virus produced levels of neutralizing antibodies that were close to those observed following infection with ZIKV. Furthermore, pre-immunized mice were protected against viscerotropic and neuroinvasive disease following challenge with a heterologous ZIKV strain. These data provide a sound basis for the future development of this ZIKV vaccine candidate
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