59 research outputs found

    Smarter maintenance through internet-based condition monitoring with indirect sensing, novelty detection, and XML

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    In engineering, combining a number of solutions and technologies can result in more effective systems than using only one approach on its own. In particular, it has been shown that in condition monitoring (CM), smarter maintenance systems may be obtained by integrating various sensors together. This paper extends this idea by integrating various non-homogeneous technologies horizontally. The proposed system is an internet-based condition monitoring (e-CM) prototype that can identify abnormal tension in moving belts. It is shown that by applying a classification technique, known as novelty detection, it is possible to decide the status of belt tension by processing the belt vibration signals from an optical sensor (i.e. an indirect sensing approach). A novel method for industrial network communication using XML to create a single standard format for sensor information is also used to link the sensor to the process controller via the internet using the flexible CAN bus technology; this is used together with low-cost microcontrollers with a built-in ethernet link for data acquisition and transmission. The resulting integrated approach is more efficient because: (a) it can reduce waste by minimizing process interruptions caused by direct belt inspection methods while obtaining high detection accuracy (99.67 per cent) and (b) it can provide on-line remote CM that is cost-effective, simple, standardized, and scalable across a wide area and for a relatively large number of sensors. This improvement is especially important when applied to bottleneck processes and critical components

    Tomato floral induction and flower development are orchestrated by the interplay between gibberellin and two unrelated microRNA-controlled modules

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    [EN] Age-regulated microRNA156 (miR156) and targets similarly control the competence to flower in diverse species. By contrast, the diterpene hormone gibberellin (GA) and the microRNA319-regulated TEOSINTE BRANCHED/CYCLOIDEA/PCF (TCP) transcription factors promote flowering in the facultative long-day Arabidopsis thaliana, but suppress it in the day-neutral tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). We combined genetic and molecular studies and described a new interplay between GA and two unrelated miRNA-associated pathways that modulates tomato transition to flowering. Tomato PROCERA/DELLA activity is required to promote flowering along with the miR156-targeted SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING-LIKE (SPL/SBP) transcription factors by activating SINGLE FLOWER TRUSS (SFT) in the leaves and the MADS-Boxgene APETALA1(AP1)/MC at the shoot apex. Conversely, miR319-targeted LANCEOLATE represses floral transition by increasing GA concentrations and inactivating SFT in the leaves and AP1/MC at the shoot apex. Importantly, the combination of high GA concentrations/responses with the loss of SPL/SPB function impaired canonical meristem maturation and flower initiation in tomato. Our results reveal a cooperative regulation of tomato floral induction and flower development, integrating age cues (miR156 module) with GA responses and miR319-controlled pathways. Importantly, this study contributes to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the effects of GA in controlling flowering time in a day-neutral species.We thank Dr C. Schommer for kindly providing tcp4-soj8/+ seeds, and Carlos Rojas for Arabidopsis flowering time analyses. This work was supported by FAPESP (grant no. 15/17892-7 and fellowships nos 15/23826-7 and 13/16949-0). The authors declare no conflict of interest.Silva, G.; Silva, E.; Correa, J.; Vicente, M.; Jiang, N.; Notini, M.; Junior, A.... (2018). Tomato floral induction and flower development are orchestrated by the interplay between gibberellin and two unrelated microRNA-controlled modules. New Phytologist. 221(3):1328-1344. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.15492S132813442213AndrĂ©s, F., & Coupland, G. (2012). The genetic basis of flowering responses to seasonal cues. Nature Reviews Genetics, 13(9), 627-639. doi:10.1038/nrg3291Bassel, G. W., Mullen, R. T., & Bewley, J. D. (2008). procerais a putative DELLA mutant in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum): effects on the seed and vegetative plant. Journal of Experimental Botany, 59(3), 585-593. doi:10.1093/jxb/erm354Ben‐Naim, O., Eshed, R., Parnis, A., Teper‐Bamnolker, P., Shalit, A., Coupland, G., 
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    Genetic, environmental and stochastic factors in monozygotic twin discordance with a focus on epigenetic differences

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    PMCID: PMC3566971This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    De novo domestication of wild tomato using genome editing

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    Breeding of crops over millennia for yield and productivity1 has led to reduced genetic diversity. As a result, beneficial traits of wild species, such as disease resistance and stress tolerance, have been lost2. We devised a CRISPR–Cas9 genome engineering strategy to combine agronomically desirable traits with useful traits present in wild lines. We report that editing of six loci that are important for yield and productivity in present-day tomato crop lines enabled de novo domestication of wild Solanum pimpinellifolium. Engineered S. pimpinellifolium morphology was altered, together with the size, number and nutritional value of the fruits. Compared with the wild parent, our engineered lines have a threefold increase in fruit size and a tenfold increase in fruit number. Notably, fruit lycopene accumulation is improved by 500% compared with the widely cultivated S. lycopersicum. Our results pave the way for molecular breeding programs to exploit the genetic diversity present in wild plants

    Reticulate evolution: frequent introgressive hybridization among chinese hares (genus lepus) revealed by analyses of multiple mitochondrial and nuclear DNA loci

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Interspecific hybridization may lead to the introgression of genes and genomes across species barriers and contribute to a reticulate evolutionary pattern and thus taxonomic uncertainties. Since several previous studies have demonstrated that introgressive hybridization has occurred among some species within <it>Lepus</it>, therefore it is possible that introgressive hybridization events also occur among Chinese <it>Lepus </it>species and contribute to the current taxonomic confusion.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Data from four mtDNA genes, from 116 individuals, and one nuclear gene, from 119 individuals, provides the first evidence of frequent introgression events via historical and recent interspecific hybridizations among six Chinese <it>Lepus </it>species. Remarkably, the mtDNA of <it>L. mandshuricus </it>was completely replaced by mtDNA from <it>L. timidus </it>and <it>L. sinensis</it>. Analysis of the nuclear DNA sequence revealed a high proportion of heterozygous genotypes containing alleles from two divergent clades and that several haplotypes were shared among species, suggesting repeated and recent introgression. Furthermore, results from the present analyses suggest that Chinese hares belong to eight species.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study provides a framework for understanding the patterns of speciation and the taxonomy of this clade. The existence of morphological intermediates and atypical mitochondrial gene genealogies resulting from frequent hybridization events likely contribute to the current taxonomic confusion of Chinese hares. The present study also demonstrated that nuclear gene sequence could offer a powerful complementary data set with mtDNA in tracing a complete evolutionary history of recently diverged species.</p

    Conflicts Between Parents and Health Professionals About a Child's Medical Treatment: Using Clinical Ethics Records to Find Gaps in the Bioethics Literature

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    Clinical ethics records offer bioethics researchers a rich source of cases that clinicians have identified as ethically complex. In this paper, we suggest that clinical ethics records can be used to point to types of cases that lack attention in the current bioethics literature, identifying new areas in need of more detailed bioethical work. We conducted an analysis of the clinical ethics records of one paediatric hospital in Australia, focusing specifically on conflicts between parents and health professionals about a child's medical treatment. We identified, analysed, and compared cases of this type from the clinical ethics records with cases of this type discussed in bioethics journals. While the cases from journals tended to describe situations involving imminent risk to the child's life, a significant proportion of the clinical ethics records cases involved different stakes for the child involved. These included distress, poorer functional outcome, poorer psychosocial outcome, or increased risk of surgical complications. Our analysis suggests that one type of case that warrants more detailed ethics research is parental refusal of recommended treatment, where the refusal does not endanger the child's life but rather some other aspect of the child's well-being

    Drawing the line on In Vitro Gametogenesis

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    In vitro gametogenesis (IVG) might offer numerous research and clinical benefits. Some potential clinical applications of IVG, such as allowing opposite‐sex couples experiencing infertility to have genetically related children, have attracted support. Others, such as enabling same‐sex reproduction and solo reproduction, have attracted significantly more criticism. In this paper, we examine how different ethical principles might help us to draw lines and distinguish between ethically desirable and undesirable uses of IVG. We discuss the alleged distinction between therapeutic and non‐therapeutic uses of assisted reproduction in the context of IVG, and show how it is both problematic to apply in practice and theoretically dubious. We then discuss how the ethical principles of reproductive justice and beneficence apply to IVG for opposite‐sex reproduction, same‐sex reproduction, and solo reproduction. We suggest that these principles generate strong reasons for the use of IVG for opposite‐sex and same‐sex reproduction, but not for solo reproduction

    Drawing the line on in vitro gametogenesis

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    In vitro gametogenesis (IVG) might offer numerous research and clinical benefits. Some potential clinical applications of IVG, such as allowing opposite-sex couples experiencing infertility to have genetically related children, have attracted support. Others, such as enabling same-sex reproduction and solo reproduction, have attracted significantly more criticism. In this paper, we examine how different ethical principles might help us to draw lines and distinguish between ethically desirable and undesirable uses of IVG. We discuss the alleged distinction between therapeutic and non-therapeutic uses of assisted reproduction in the context of IVG, and show how it is both problematic to apply in practice and theoretically dubious. We then discuss how the ethical principles of reproductive justice and beneficence apply to IVG for opposite-sex reproduction, same-sex reproduction, and solo reproduction. We suggest that these principles generate strong reasons for the use of IVG for opposite-sex and same-sex reproduction, but not for solo reproduction

    Clinicians’ views and experiences with offering and returning results from exome sequencing to parents of infants with hearing loss

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    Exome sequencing (ES) is an effective method for identifying the genetic cause of hearing loss in infants diagnosed through newborn hearing screening programs. ES has the potential to be integrated into routine clinical care, yet little is known about the experiences of clinicians offering this test to families. To address this gap, clinicians involved in a clinical study using ES to identify the cause of infants’ hearing loss were interviewed to explore their experiences with offering and returning results to parents. Interview transcripts were analysed using inductive content analysis. Twelve clinicians participated: seven genetic counsellors, four clinical geneticists, and one paediatrician. Most clinicians were supportive of offering ES to infants with hearing loss, primarily because results may inform the child’s clinical management. However, some expressed concerns, questioning the utility of this information, particularly for isolated hearing loss. Clinicians had differing views regarding the optimal time to offer ES to families; while some felt that families can manage everything at once, others recommended delaying testing until parents have come to terms with their child’s diagnosis. These findings show the complexity involved in determining how ES should be offered to families following the diagnosis of a child with hearing loss, particularly with regards to when testing is suggested
