109 research outputs found


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    The Paris Climate Change Agreement has become an additional incentive for clean power development. The global warming problem has encouraged major economies to ramp up renewables share in the energy mix. This paper discusses the issue of a forthcoming transformation in the global energy sector and its implications for the Russian Federation. The Russian economy remains highly dependent on raw materials exports, which hinders its proper development. The country’s coal industry faces large losses, while the coal’s role in the power sector at a global level is forecasted to diminish. For this reason, Russia’s plans on increasing the coal production and launching new coal-fired plants until 2030, for which purpose large sums are laid out, should be reconsidered. The country, in turn, has a natural and technological potential in developing renewables, mainly hydropower, which is underutilized nowadays. Clean energy development in Russia is viewed to be beneficial to the economy, feasible, and crucial for meeting climate change-related obligations declared at the international level.Парижское соглашение по климату стало дополнительным стимулом развития экологически чистой энергии. Проблема изменения климата побудила наиболее развитые индустриальные страны увеличивать долю возобновляемых источников энергии в энергобалансе. В статье рассмотрен вопрос предстоящих изменений в секторе энергетики на мировом уровне и их последствий для России. На сегодняшний день сохраняется высокая зависимость российской экономики от сырьевого экспорта, что препятствует ее полноценному развитию. Угольная промышленность страны терпит значительные убытки, тогда как на мировом уровне прогнозируется снижение доли угля в энергетическом комплексе. В этой связи представляется необходимым пересмотреть планы Российской Федерации по увеличению добычи угля и строительству новых угольных электростанций на период до 2030 г. Страна обладает как природными, так и технологическими возможностями развития возобновляемых источников энергии, прежде всего, гидроэнергетики, потенциал которой в настоящее время недоиспользован. Развитие экологически чистой энергии в России представляется благоприятным для экономики, осуществимым и необходимым для выполнения взятых на международном уровне обязательств, связанных с изменением климата

    Utjecaj uvjeta grijanja na strukturnu jednolikost i lomno naprezanje aluminijske pjene

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    In this paper, the possibility to create uniform porous structure for non- symmetric precursor heating was investigated together with changes in collapse stress and their reproducibility. The statistic relative standard deviation (RSD) of pore size was used to determine the structural uniformity. It was shown that proper adjustment of the foaming parameters leads to formation of the uniform foam structure. The compression testing showed that standard deviation of collapse stress was higher for uniform structure than those obtained for non- uniform structure.U ovome radu istražena je mogućnost stvaranja jednolike porozne strukture nesimetričnim zagrijavanjem prekursora, te su isto tako istražene promjene lomnog naprezanja i njihova ponovljivost. Statistička relativna standardna devijacija (RSD) veličine pora koristila se za određivanje strukturne jednolikosti. Pokazano je da pravilan odabir parametara upjenjavanja dovodi do nastajanja jednolike strukture. Tlačna proba je pokazala da je vrijednost standardne devijacije lomnog naprezanja veća za jednoličnu strukturu od onih ostvarenih za nejednoliku strukturu

    Effects of graphene nano-platelets (GNPs) on the microstructural characteristics and textural development of an Al-Mg alloy during friction-stir processing

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via http:/dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.12.045 © 2018. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/The aim of this research is to characterize the unique microstructural features of Al-matrix nanocomposites reinforced by graphene nano-platelets (GNPs), fabricated by multi-pass friction-stir processing (FSP). During this process, secondary phase GNPs were dispersed within the stir zone (SZ) of an AA5052 alloy matrix, with a homogenous distribution achieved after five cumulative passes. The microstructural characteristics and crystallographic textures of different regions in the FSPed nanocomposite, i.e., base metal (BM), heat affected zone (HAZ), thermo-mechanical affected zone (TMAZ), and SZ, were evaluated using electron back scattering diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analyses. The annealed BM consisted of a nearly random crystal orientation distribution with an average grain size of 10.7μm. The SZ exhibited equiaxed recrystallized grains with a mean size of 2μm and a high fraction of high-angle grain boundaries (HAGBs) caused by a discontinuous dynamic recrystallization (DDRX) enhanced by pinning of grain boundaries by GNPs. The sub-grains and grain structure modification within the HAZ and TMAZ regions are governed by dislocation annihilation and reorganization in the grain interiors/within grains which convert low-angle to high-angle grain boundaries via dynamic recovery (DRV). The FSP process and incorporation of GNPs produced a pre-dominantly {100} cube texture component in the SZ induced by the stirring action of the rotating tool and hindering effect of nano-platelets. Although, a very strong {112} simple shear texture was found in the HAZ and TMAZ regions governed by additional heating and deformation imposed by the tool shoulder. These grain structure and texture features lead to a hardness and tensile strength increases of about 55% and 220%, respectively.Slovak Foundation VEGA [grant 2_0158_16, and by grant APVV-14-0936

    Математична модель утворення зубців циліндричної прямозубої передачі гіперболічним вихідним контуром

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    The aim of this work is to create a fundamentals of mathematical model which consists in definition of geometry of a generating surface and machining gearing for novel cylindrical spur transmission. The generating surface is considered as rack-cutter with teeth, which profiled by hyperbola – a curve which is smooth at whole addendum and dedendum parts of reference profile. The equations of teeth surfaces which help the basic performances of this generating surface surveyed, namely quadratic forms and normal curvatures in the given directions are presented. The equations of machining gearing which help to obtain the equations of surfaces of teeth which can be applied both for working surfaces and for their fillets are obtained. For these surfaces quadratic forms also defined. Boundaries of a contact zone are defined. The results obtained in a paper can be used for definition of quality indicators of serviceability of novel transmissions which will allow carrying out a comparative estimation of novel transmission with conventional one and with other types of transmissions.Представлено теоретичне дослідження внутрішньої геометрії виробної поверхні та верстатного зачеплення для утворення зубців циліндричних прямозубих передач нового типу. Виробна поверхня розглядається як інструментальна рейка з вихідним контуром, що спрофільовано гіперболою. Наведено рівняння поверхонь зубців інструментальної рейки, розглянуто основні характеристики цієї виробної поверхні, а саме квадратичні форми і нормальні кривизни в заданих напрямках. Представлено рівняння верстатного зачеплення, за допомогою якого одержано рівняння поверхонь зубців, як робочих так і перехідних. Для цих поверхонь також визначено коефіцієнти квадратичних форм та кривизни. Визначено межі поля зачеплення. Результати, одержані в статті, в подальшому можна використовувати для визначення якісних показників працездатності нового типу передач, що дозволить проводити їх порівняльну оцінку із традиційними та іншими видами передач

    Depth-sensing thermal stability of accumulative fold-forged nanostructured materials

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    Accumulative fold-forging (AFF) as a newly developed severe plastic deformation (SPD) process based on the repetitive fold-forging steps is implemented for the production of the layered UFG (~200 nm) AA8006 alloy and AA8006-B4C nanocomposite (~35 nm, 10 vol%) materials from the initial AA8006 alloy foil. The remarkably refined grains and nanoparticles can control metallic materials' mechanical properties, including the strength, strain rate dependency, and thermal stability behavior. In this context, nano-grains' local mechanical response during nanoindentation can vary considerably depending on the testing temperature, and this has yet to be discussed. In this research, after materials characterization of produced nanostructured materials according to the AFF route, the relating depth-sensing thermal stability of them assessed by conducting the nanoindentation testing at different temperatures in the range of 300–523 K. Depth sensing softening behavior is elaborated to identify the low-temperature thermal stability of processed materials. The results enunciated the occurrence of thermal softening by refining the grain structure. However, introducing the reinforcing nanoparticles lead to a pinning action that stabilized the grain boundaries.The authors would like to acknowledge the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). FIB-TEM microscopy was performed at the Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy at McMaster University, supported by NSERC and the Canadian Foundation for Innovation. The first author wants to thank Slovak Academy Information Agency (SAIA) for supporting the scholarship. This work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency by grant APVV-18-0508 is gratefully acknowledged

    Design logical linguistic models to calculate necessity in trucks during agricultural cargoes logistics using fuzzy logic

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    The study is aimed to develop the logic-linguistic models to design a number of rules for the correct calculation of the vehicles needed, taking into account the technical, technological, and weather and climate conditions of the harvesting and transport complex. The article has shown that the construction of the design of logic-linguistic models was not performed earlier to solve the problem of the agro-industrial production transportation support, considering the opportunity of forecasting size of influences of the weather and climatic factors on improving the productivity of the harvesting and transport complex elements. It is determined that the experience of applying the fuzzy logic theory in many practice situations confirms the universality of the mathematical apparatus. This toolkit provides better results than classical approaches (set theory, probability theory). This aspect indicates the expediency of the chosen mathematical apparatus for solving the tasks. The article using fuzzy logic explores the relationship and interdependence of technical, technological factors and weather and climate conditions for modeling transport support in harvesting and transport complex. Fuzzification of the parameters is carried out, based on the compiled equations using trapezoidal and triangular membership functions. The set of rules necessary for the creation of logical-linguistic models (LLM) for each factor has been arranged. LLMs were developed for dependent parameters, which will allow further modeling of the transport support of the harvesting and transport complex in the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox application of the MATLAB package

    Повышение визуальной информативности термограмм при онкологических заболеваниях молочных желез

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    Розглянуто особливості інтерпретації термограм молочних залоз. З урахуванням законів зорового сприйняття інформації, з метою покращення інформативності візуалізації термограм запропоновано алгоритм обробки теплових зображень. Наведено приклади обробки та дослідження термограм обстежених онкологічних хворих.Features of the interpretation for mamma's thermograms are considered. The algorithm based on the laws of the visual perception for processing of the thermal images to improve the thermogram's visualization self- descriptiveness was proposed. The examples of processing and investigation of the examined oncology patient's thermograms are presented.Рассмотрены особенности интерпретации термограмм молочных желез. С учетом законов зрительного восприятия информации, с целью улучшения информативности визуализации термограмм, предложено алгоритм обработки тепловых изображений. Приведены примеры обработки и исследования термограмм обследованных онкологических больных

    Адекватный менеджмент пациентов с дистрофинопатиями (мышечная дистрофия Дюшенна/Беккера): применение объективизирующих шкал и дополнительных методов исследования

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    There are still no guidlines on managment of Duchenne/Becker myodystrophy in domestic medical practice. It leads to decrease of quality of life and, what is more important, lifespan of patients. In this article we have described our Western coleagues lаst decade experience, including consensus guidelines published in 2010 on mаnаgment of Duchenne myodystrophy, supplemented with our practicle experience. We have described standardized motor development scale and muscle tone score for patients with MDD/MDB, and algorithm of multidiscipline care with focus on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of main disease and steroid therapy complications: cardiovascular, orthopedics, respirator etc. These recommendations not only improve quality of live and extend lifespan of MDD/MDB patients, but allow to take part in multicentre trials on searching of pathognomonic and symptomatic treatment.В отечественной медицинской практике отсутствует четкая стандартизация подходов к курации больных миодистрофией Дюшенна/Беккера (МДД/МДБ). Это зачастую приводит к снижению качества жизни пациентов и, что наиболее важно, уменьшению ее продолжительности. В статье отражен накопленный за последнее десятилетие опыт западных коллег, в том числе объединенный в соглашении консенсуса 2010 г. по курации пациентов с МДД, дополненный наблюдениями из собственной клинической практики. Описаны стандартные шкалы оценки степени ограничения моторных навыков и мышечной слабости у пациентов с МДД/МДБ, а также представлен алгоритм мультидисциплинарного подхода с фокусом внимания на профилактике, своевременной диагностике и лечении основных осложнений заболевания и терапии кортикостероидами: кардиоваскулярных, ортопедических, респираторных и т.д. Применение представленных рекомендаций позволяет не только значительно улучшить качество и продолжительность жизни пациентов с МДД/МДБ, но и участвовать в мультицентровых исследованиях с целью поиска патогномоничного и симптоматического лечения

    University students’ self-regulated learning using digital technologies

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    Abstract Analysing the process by which students—whether at university or not—manage and facilitate their own learning has been a recurrent educational research problem. Recently, the question arises about how the development of strategies taking place during the aforementioned process could be made easier by using technologies. In an effort to know whether university students really use digital technologies to plan, organize and facilitate their own learning, we have proposed three research questions. Which technologies do university students use to self-regulate their learning? What self-regulated learning strategies do they develop using technologies? What profiles could be identified among students based on their use of self-regulation strategies with technology? To answer these questions, the “Survey of Self-regulated Learning with Technology at the University” was designed. Information from a sample group with 711 students from various universities located in the region of Andalusia (Spain) was collected with this survey. The results indicate that university students, even when they are frequent users of digital technology, they tend not to use these technologies to regulate their own learning process. Of all technologies analysed, Internet information search and instant communication tools are used continually. In turn, the most generalised self-regulation learning strategies are those relative to social support. Nevertheless, students differ from each other regarding their use and frequency. There are groups of students who make use of self-regulation strategies when learning with technologies. In this regard, two distinctive groups of students have been identified, who show differentiated self-regulated levels