40 research outputs found
Study protocol of the German "Registry for the Detection of Late Sequelae after Radiotherapy in Childhood and Adolescence" (RiSK)
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Late effects after radiotherapy in childhood and adolescence have mainly been characterized retrospectively with small patient numbers. However, these analyses are limited due to little information regarding organ dose levels in many cases. To overcome this limitation, the German Group of Paediatric Radiation Oncology (APRO) established the âRegistry for the evaluation of late side effects after radiation in childhood and adolescenceâ (RiSK). The study protocol and the documentation forms are given in this publication.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>Radiation parameters including detailed organ doses as well as toxicity evaluations are collected prospectively from centres all over Germany. Standardized documentation forms are used. These forms are given in an English and German version as additional files to this publication. Documentation is planned for all children who receive radiotherapy in one of the therapy trials of the "German Society of Paediatric Oncology and Haematology (GPOH)". The study started in a pilot phase in June 2001 in few centres. Since 2004 documentation has been performed all over Germany and is still on-going.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>To our knowledge, "RiSK" is the only multi-centre study that evaluates radiation associated side effects prospectively with detailed information about organ dose levels. With ongoing recruitment and prolongation of follow-up powerful data will be obtained in a few years. A broad use and international cooperation are welcome.</p
SCANGREEN 2019-2022: Turfgrass species, varieties and seed mixtures for Scandinavian putting greens. Final results from a four-year testing period.
The objective of SCANGREEN 2019-22 was to find species, varieties and seed blends/mixtures of Agrostis, Festuca, Poa and Lolium that are suited for pesticide-free management of putting greens in the two major climatic zones of the Nordic countries and in the northern USA. The four test sites in the Nordic countries were Reykjavik GC, Iceland and NIBIO Apelsvoll in the the northern zone, and NIBIO Landvik, Norway and SmĂžrum GC, Denmark in the southern zone. The two US test sites were located at Troll Turfgrass Research Facility in Massachusetts and at University of Minnesota. The trials included 30 candidate varieties representing eight different species and subspecies from 13 different seed companies/representatives, and three seed mixtures of red fescue and colonial and creeping bentgrass, a seed mixture of creeping bentgrass and perennial ryegrass and a seed blend of red fescue. Monthly evaluations of overall impression, tiller density, winter hardiness, disease and weed coverage etc., were done from three weeks after sowing in June-September 2019 until October 2022. The trial at SmĂžrum GC was established in May 2021. The trials were established according to a split-plot design with three blocks (replicates), species on main plots and varieties on subplots. The experimental greens were mown three times per week â Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and deficit-irrigated to 80% of field capacity three to four times per week in periods without sufficient natural rainfall. Fertilizer (mean NâPâK ratio, 100â22â74) was given as completely balanced compound fertilizers every second week. Each experimental green was divided in different management levels: High and low fertilizer rate and high and low mowing. The two fertilizer rates were 10 and 17 g N mâ2 yrâ1 and the two mowing heights were 3 and 5 mm. Mixtures were managed at both regimes. There was no use of pesticides or plant growth regulators in any of the trials.SCANGREEN 2019-2022: Turfgrass species, varieties and seed mixtures for Scandinavian putting greens. Final results from a four-year testing period.publishedVersio
Generalization of a Real-Analysis Result to a Class of Topological Vector Spaces
In this paper, we generalize an elementary real-analysis result to a class of
topological vector spaces. We also give an example of a topological vector
space to which the result cannot be generalized.Comment: 6 pages, no figure
Kadınlar arasında
Safvet Nezihi'nin Resimli Roman Mecmuası'nda tefrika edilen Kadınlar Arasında adlı roman
Hamiyyet'te tefrika edilen Sakıb adlı romanTefrikada yazarın adı belirtilmemiĆtir
The effect of temperature on the in vitro growth rate of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa isolates of different origin
Konsumtionsrapporten 2016 - HĂ„llbarhetens illusion
HushÄllens totala konsumtion uppgick till 1826 miljarder kronor under 2015. HushÄllen konsumerade 2,8 % mer jÀmfört med 2014 och 23 % mer jÀmfört med 2005.
Mellan 2014 och 2015 ökade konsumtionen i stort sett pÄ alla omrÄden.
Priserna var totalt sett konstanta mellan 2014 till 2015. Under perioden 2005Â2015 har priserna ökat med 11,8 %.
KonsumtionsomrÄden som ökat mest sedan 2014
UtlÀndsk konsumtion i Sverige 13,7 %
Möbler, hushÄllsartiklar och underhÄll 6,7 %
HushÄllens konsumtion i utlandet 6,5 %
Fritid, underhÄllning och kultur 4,7 %
Kommunikation 4,6 %
KonsumtionsomrÄden som ökat mest mellan 2005 och 2015
UtlÀndsk konsumtion i Sverige 68 %
HushÄllens konsumtion i utlandet 61 %
Möbler, hushÄllsartiklar och underhÄll 53 %
Kommunikation 51 %
Fritid, underhÄllning och kultur 48 %
Konsumtionstrender som ökat i Sverige Àr internethandel, restauranger och pubar under kvÀllstid, donationer till hjÀlporganisationer, kravmÀrkt mat, second-hand shopping och prutande.
Konsumtionstrender som minskat i Sverige sedan 2008 Àr spel om pengar och att överspendera.
Trots att försÀljningen av möbler och inredning ökar över tid sÄ upplever svenska konsumenter varken att de spenderar mer pengar pÄ möbler och inredning eller att de köper möbler/inredning oftare. Ett liknande mönster ser vi för klÀder och skor.
Konsumenter uppgav att de Är 2015 var mer nöjda med sina liv Àn 2005.
Konsumenter uppgav att de Är 2015 var ungefÀr lika nöjda med sina liv som Är 2014.
Kvinnor uppgav Är 2015 att de var signifikant (p<.05) mer nöjda med sina liv Àn mÀn.
Höginkomsttagare uppgav 2015 att de var mer nöjda med sina liv Àn lÄginkomsttagare.
De som konsumerar mycket uppgav att de var mer nöjda med sina liv Àn de som konsumerar lite.
Matsvinn definieras som onödigt matavfall: Det som Àr producerat för mÀnniskor, men som inte konsumeras av mÀnniskor.
Den genomsnittliga svenska konsumenten kastar ungefÀr 130 gram mat varje dag.
Matsvinn i Sverige motsvarar mer Àn 10 procent av koldioxidutslÀppen frÄn personbilar.
Det totala globala matsvinnet skulle kunna anvÀnts för att mÀtta 48 procent av den globala befolkningen.
LÄga priser, okunskap, vanor och livsstilsfaktorer (t.ex. dÄlig planering, nyfikenhet att testa ny mat och olika mÄlrÀtter för olika familjemedlemmar) orsakar matsvinn.
En kommersiell gestaltning av hem och inredning kan förklara den ökade konsumtionen av möbler och inredning. Den kommersiella gestaltningen drivs av marknadsföring, reklam, kommersiell media, handeln, TV-program och tidningar.
Den kommersiella gestaltningen handlar om berÀttelser, idéer, ideal, drömmar, personliga mÄl och en ny förstÄelse av vad hem och inredning Àr.
Den kommersiella gestaltningen av hem och inredning skapar normativa ramar dÀr olika bloggar och social media har en betydande roll.
Hemmet har förÀndrats frÄn att vara en privat plats till att vara en öppen och social plats för relationer. Hemmet har ocksÄ förÀndrats frÄn att enbart vara en kvinnlig angelÀgenhet till att vara en angelÀgenhet för alla.
Ăkningen av möbler och inredningen hĂ€nger ocksĂ„ samman med ökat utbud och tillgĂ€nglighet, till exempel e-handel
Sustainable fruit consumption : the influence of color, shape and damage on consumer sensory perception and liking of different apples
Sustainable food production and consumption are currently key issues. About one third of food produced for human consumption is wasted. In developed countries, consumers are responsible for the largest amount of food waste throughout the supply chain. The unwillingness to purchase and consume suboptimal food products is an important cause of food waste, however, the reasons behind this are still insufficiently studied. Our research addresses the question of how combinations of color, shape and damage of apples influence consumer liking and perceived sensory attributes. In a laboratory study based on factorial design of visual appearance (color, shape and damage varied from optimal to suboptimal) a total of 130 consumers evaluated sensory perception of flavor and texture attributes in apple samples. Liking was also evaluated. The results showed a significant difference in liking between an optimal apple and all apple categories with at least two out of three suboptimal properties. Further, it was a clear trend that the optimal apple was perceived as sweeter, crispier, less bitter, and less earthy than all the other apples by the participating consumers, however, the results were not statistically significant. A suboptimal appearance, therefore, had a negative effect on both perception and liking.COSUS-Consumers in a Sustainable Food Supply Chai