7 research outputs found

    The Fourth SeaWiFS HPLC Analysis Round-Robin Experiment (SeaHARRE-4)

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    Ten international laboratories specializing in the determination of marine pigment concentrations using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were intercompared using in situ samples and a mixed pigment sample. Although prior Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Round-Robin Experiment (SeaHARRE) activities conducted in open-ocean waters covered a wide dynamic range in productivity, and some of the samples were collected in the coastal zone, none of the activities involved exclusively coastal samples. Consequently, SeaHARRE-4 was organized and executed as a strictly coastal activity and the field samples were collected from primarily eutrophic waters within the coastal zone of Denmark. The more restrictive perspective limited the dynamic range in chlorophyll concentration to approximately one and a half orders of magnitude (previous activities covered more than two orders of magnitude). The method intercomparisons were used for the following objectives: a) estimate the uncertainties in quantitating individual pigments and higher-order variables formed from sums and ratios; b) confirm if the chlorophyll a accuracy requirements for ocean color validation activities (approximately 25%, although 15% would allow for algorithm refinement) can be met in coastal waters; c) establish the reduction in uncertainties as a result of applying QA procedures; d) show the importance of establishing a properly defined referencing system in the computation of uncertainties; e) quantify the analytical benefits of performance metrics, and f) demonstrate the utility of a laboratory mix in understanding method performance. In addition, the remote sensing requirements for the in situ determination of total chlorophyll a were investigated to determine whether or not the average uncertainty for this measurement is being satisfied

    Perception du contexte linguistique et culturel minoritaire sur le vécu de la grossesse

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    International audienceFrom a public health perspective, the follow-up of women during pregnancy and the perinatal period requires quality communication and health services that take into account the context in which these women live. However, challenges related to access to health services in French in a minority situation have been documented in recent research. The objective of this pilot study is to better understand the perceptions, the lived experiences and the needs of pregnant Francophone women living in Canada within a linguistic minority context. Given the exploratory nature of the inquiry, a mixed method descriptive study was conducted in Alberta and New Brunswick, whose populations are 2% and 33% Francophone, respectively. Two semi-structured interviews and a series of validated questionnaires were administered to 21 pregnant women during the third trimester of pregnancy and at six weeks postnatal. Based on the questionnaires, a descriptive analysis documented participants' characteristics, and qualitative interviews were transcribed, coded and analyzed through an inductive process by four independent readers to uncover key themes related to the participants' experiences. Most of the women were bilingual and language in which health services were received did not appear to be a major issue for them, except during times of stress and at critical periods of the pregnancy. In contrast, almost one third of the women reported being unsatisfied with services they had received and attributed this dissatisfaction to gaps in French language services. Women prefer to receive health services in their mother tongue, however services are delivered in English most of the time. Participants report that during times of stress and emergency, communication in French is essential to a quality follow-up of patients. Linguistic and cultural congruence seems to be a key factor for quality care during pregnancy. A comparative study would assist in better ascertaining the relative impact of language on Francophone women's lived experiences during pregnancy.OBJECTIF : Dans une perspective de santé publique, le suivi de grossesse et la période périnatale exigent une communication de qualité et des servicesde santé qui tiennent compte du contexte dans lequel ces femmes évoluent. Or, des défis d’accès aux services de santé en français en situationminoritaire au Canada ont été documentés. Cette étude pilote a pour objectif de mieux cerner les perceptions et le vécu de femmes enceintesfrancophones vivant au Canada dans un contexte linguistique minoritaire.MÉTHODES : Étant donné la nature exploratoire du questionnement, une étude descriptive alliant des méthodes quantitative et qualitative a été mis en oeuvre en Alberta et au Nouveau-Brunswick, dont les populations sont de 2 % et 33 % francophones, respectivement. Deux entrevues semi-structurées et une série de questionnaires ont été administrées auprès de 21 femmes enceintes au début du troisième trimestre de grossesse et à six semaines après la naissance. Une analyse descriptive des questionnaires a permis de dresser le profil et les caractéristiques des participantes, et les entrevues qualitatives,transcrites, codées et analysées de façon inductive par quatre lecteurs indépendants, ont fait ressortir plusieurs thèmes clés en rapport avec leursexpériences.RÉSULTATS : La plupart des participantes se sont dites bilingues et la langue ne semble pas avoir été un enjeu majeur dans l’évaluation des services desanté reçus sauf en situation de stress et lors de certaines périodes critiques de la grossesse et de l’accouchement. Par contre, près d’un tiers desparticipants se disent insatisfaites des services de santé reçus et l’insuffisance de suivi en français est mentionnée comme un des facteurs contribuant àcette insatisfaction.CONCLUSION : Les services de santé sont préférés dans la langue maternelle des femmes mais reçus dans la langue de la majorité la plupart du temps.En situation de stress ou de complication de grossesse, les témoignages des participantes semblent indiquer que la communication en français est unfacteur essentiel d’un suivi de grossesse de qualité. Une étude comparative permettrait de mieux distinguer l’impact spécifique de la langue dansl’expérience vécue des femmes enceintes

    The JRC Method

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    Ten international laboratories specializing in the determination of marine pigment concentrations using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were intercompared using in situ samples and a mixed pigment sample. Although prior Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Round-Robin Experiment (SeaHARRE) activities conducted in open-ocean waters covered a wide dynamic range in productivity, and some of the samples were collected in the coastal zone, none of the activities involved exclusively coastal samples. Consequently, SeaHARRE-4 was organized and executed as a strictly coastal activity and the field samples were collected from primarily eutrophic waters within the coastal zone of Denmark. The more restrictive perspective limited the dynamic range in chlorophyll concentration to approximately one and a half orders of magnitude (previous activities covered more than two orders of magnitude). The method intercomparisons were used for the following objectives: a) estimate the uncertainties in quantitating individual pigments and higher-order variables formed from sums and ratios; b) confirm if the chlorophyll a accuracy requirements for ocean color validation activities (approximately 25%, although 15% would allow for algorithm refinement) can be met in coastal waters; c) establish the reduction in uncertainties as a result of applying QA procedures; d) show the importance of establishing a properly defined referencing system in the computation of uncertainties; e) quantify the analytical benefits of performance metrics, and f) demonstrate the utility of a laboratory mix in understanding method performance. In addition, the remote sensing requirements for the in situ determination of total chlorophyll a were investigated to determine whether or not the average uncertainty for this measurement is being satisfied.JRC.DDG.H.3-Global environement monitorin