5,310 research outputs found

    Net economic impacts of achieving maximum economic yield in fisheries

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    Improving the economic performance of fisheries is becoming increasingly important in fisheries management, and in some cases, maximum economic yield (MEY) is set as a key management target. However, associated with MEY is a level of fishing activity that is lower than would otherwise occur, even in fisheries managed to achieve the maximum sustainable yield. This will result in losses in economic activity elsewhere in the economy, potentially resulting in a net loss to society in the short to medium term. In this paper, an input-output framework is used to estimate the net economic impact of achieving MEY in Australian fisheries. While incomes are reduced in other sectors of the economy, the net impact of achieving MEY in fisheries is dependent on how total catches are likely to change relative to their levels under current management. It is argued that, at least in most Australian fisheries, achieving MEY will result in a net economic benefit to society. Local communities are likely to be included among the set of main beneficiaries, with potential losses being incurred elsewhere in the economy. Sectors that potentially lose as a result of the transition to MEY previously benefited from overcapitalisation in fisheries, and hence higher incomes in these sectors were an artefact of the market failure in fisheries.maximum economic yield, fisheries management, net economic impact, input-output analysis, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Comovement and Macroeconomic Interdependence: Evidence for Latin America, East Asia, and Europe

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    This paper analyzes common economic patterns across countries and economic sectors in Latin America, East Asia and Europe for the period 1970-94. This is done by means of an error-components model that decomposes real value-added growth in each country into common international effects, sector-specific effects and country-specific effects. We find significant comovement in the European and East Asian samples. In the Latin American sample, however, we find country-specific components to be considerably more important than common patterns. These results are robust to different sub-sample time spans and different sub-sample country groups.

    An interactional approach to investigating individual creative performance

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    Biotechnology and Economic Development: The Economic Benefits of Maize Streak Virus Tolerant Maize in Kenya

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    For countries that could not benefit from the Green Revolution due to heterogeneous and unfavorable biophysical environments, agricultural biotechnology potentially provides a means of improving the quality and quantity of agricultural production. This paper analyses some of the major issues relating to the utilization of biotechnology in Kenya. A partial equilibrium trade model is applied to Kenya's corn market to study the potential of genetically modified maize that is tolerant to the Maize Streak Virus. The model accounts for home production and consumption; the positive results of the welfare estimation are disaggregated between consumers, large and small Kenyan corn farms.Community/Rural/Urban Development, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Diseño de un Servicio Web para la gestión, difusión y administración de la información de asociados e intermediarios de ASOCAFEMAT, Matagalpa, en el periodo 2010

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    El siguiente trabajo está basado en el diseño de un Servicio Web para la gestión, difusión y administración de la información de afiliación de asociados e intermediarios de la cooperativa ASOCAFEMAT de Matagalpa; en un principio dicha asociación carecía de un sistema de información permanente que permitiera que los asociados se informaran delos cambios de precio del café y otros temas de interés para ellos. Con la implementación del Sitio Web, incorporando Servicios Web se dio paso a la erradicación de esta problemática, agilizando el proceso de afiliación; además de darle un toque publicitario más profesional y atractivo a la institución. Esta investigación es de corte longitudinal, con enfoque cualitativo, pues se describieron aspectos teóricos, y características de los asociados; está clasificada dentro de las investigaciones aplicadas pues se obtuvo un producto final: el Sitio Web que incorpora Servicio Web; se utilizaron métodos empíricos que están reflejados en los resultados obtenidos de los asociados y empleados entrevistados. Las variables medidas fueron: Información administrada por ASOCAFEMAT, Herramientas para diseñar el Servicio Web, y Plataformas de Servicio Web. Se utilizó el método estándar para representar datos (XML) y la plataforma seleccionada fue ASP.NET; Se desarrolló el Servicio Web haciendo uso de la información general de la asociación, e información concerniente a: solicitud de asociación, precios de café, entre otras de interés para los asociados. Finalmente se elaboró un manual de usuario final, proporcionando una herramienta de ayuda para hacer uso del Sitio Web que incorpora Servicio We


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    Student retention is defined as the extent to which the learners stay or remain at an HEI or Higher Education Institution and complete a program or course of study within a specified period. Several terms are linked to describe retention and its’ policies. Based on research, one of the key components of student success is the faculty. They play a vital role in the student's college experiences, including retention. A college student manual was distributed University-wide and supplemental manuals were created to provide information to the students and faculty regarding rules and regulations. However, despite the presence of these documents, a study regarding the faculty’s perception and whether they accept these policies is still non-existent. The role of the faculty in successful institutional efforts in student retention is not well investigated. Therefore, these weaknesses can challenge the successful outcomes of many institutional efforts, hence creating this research initiative. The purpose of this study is to explore the faculty’s perception regarding the student retention and elimination policy. Moreover, the acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility of the policy were evaluated. The current research findings and recommendations could assist the University and administration in developing strategic plans to respond more effectively to challenges associated with student retention.The current analysis applied a mixed-methods approach of triangulating the quantitative questionnaire and qualitative interviews. Particularly the concurrent triangulation strategy. . Based on the findings, all areas yielded high acceptability (4.32), highly appropriate (4.375), and highly feasible as reflected in the table. This would mean that the faculty embraced the contents of the student manual about its’ retention and elimination policy. However, four themes emerged during data analysis namely: (A) Dissemination; (B) Orientation; (C) Action; and (D) Revalidation. The faculty members understand the value they bring to institutions’ ability to help retain students, because they care about their success, and strive to incorporate practices that support student retention. The findings show that the faculty have moved beyond needing to be persuaded that they are important to student retention to recognizing the value of their role. Faculty are willing to participate in student retention initiatives that align with their values

    High spatial-temporal resolution data across large scales are needed to transform our understanding of ecosystem services

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    Editorial for special issue. Many assessments of ecosystem services are based on maps of land cover. For example, Costanza et al. estimated the value of global ESs using economic valuations based on land cover and land use data. This method consists of matching an ecosystem type with the potential ESs that they provide. However, within the different types of land cover or land use considered, various environmental factors occurring at finer temporal or spatial scales (e.g., climatic variation) are not well captured. Thus, ES assessments are largely scale dependent, often missing important variables at both large and small scales. More in-depth studies should be encouraged to elucidate the roles of variables other than land cover

    propuesta de gestión tecnológica para la solicitud de un servicio de emergencia e inspección comercial Bomberil

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    se adjuntan en el trabajo 18 anexos, dentro de los cuales se encuentran, articulos de decretos, leyes y normatividad, de igual manera se adjuntan diferentes gráficas dentro de las cuales se muestran tortas de los análisis de la investigación, y se adjunta como ultimo anexo una propuesta un posible aplicativo móvil, que pudiera servir como posible solución a la problemática analizada en el trabajo de investigación.La unidad administrativa Cuerpo Oficial de Bomberos Bogotá, entidad del estado atiende las solicitudes de la ciudadanía y previene incendios. Esta unidad no cuenta con un mecanismo que permita acceder a la información y solicitar servicios mediante plataformas tecnológicas. Consecuentemente, surge la necesidad de proponer un modelo de gestión de procesos que lo permita. En este sentido, se realizó una investigación proyectiva, la cual se fundamentó en un estudio de campo, mediante administración de encuestas al momento de atender los servicios, y un análisis documental. Con la información obtenida, se apoyó en modelos de causalidad y de manera de manera teórica; en el modelo jerárquico de Thomas Saaty, con el fin de mejorar la toma de decisiones. Asimismo, se emplea la metodología BPM, para mejorar los procesos de la entidad. Dentro de los hallazgos, se encontraron la falta de procedimientos en la solicitud de inspecciones técnicas y herramientas de tecnología escasas, las cuales son esenciales para la interacción entre la comunidad y los procesos estudiados. Con los datos obtenidos se observan mejoras substanciales en los procesos, identificando dónde se encontraban las debilidades. La presente propuesta permitirá la mejora de dos procesos críticos internos de la unidad, lo que posibilitará encontrar información relacionada con inspecciones técnicas y solicitar un servicio de emergencias. Se podrán planificar, evaluar y desarrollar ambas actividades con mayor calidad. Este proyecto podrá ser apoyado en sus diferentes fases por la misma unidad administrativa. El modelo de gestión plantea una ayuda al procedimiento que ha sido poco efectivo, permitiendo, además, hacerlo mediante la estrategia de gobierno en línea.The administrative unit of the Official Bogota Fire Department, entity of the state, responds to citizens' requests and prevents fires. This unit does not have a mechanism that allows access to information and request services through technological platforms. Consequently, there is a need to propose a process management model that allows it. In this sense, a projective investigation was carried out, which was based on a field study, through the administration of surveys at the time of serving the services, and a documentary analysis. With the information obtained, supported by causality models and theoretically on the hierarchical model by Thomas Saaty was used in order to improve decision making. Likewise, the BPM methodology is used to improve the processes of the entity. Among the findings, there was a lack of procedures in the request for technical inspections and scarce technology tools, which are essential for the interaction between the community and the processes studied. With the obtained data, substantial improvements in the processes are observed, identifying where the weaknesses were. The present proposal will allow the improvement of two internal critical processes of the unit, which will make it possible to find information related to technical inspections and request an emergency service. You can plan, evaluate and develop both activities with higher quality. This project can be supported in its different phases by the same administrative unit. The management model proposes an aid to the procedure that has been ineffective, allowing, in addition, to do so through the online government strategy

    Prediction models in the design of neural network based ECG classifiers: A neural network and genetic programming approach

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    BACKGROUND: Classification of the electrocardiogram using Neural Networks has become a widely used method in recent years. The efficiency of these classifiers depends upon a number of factors including network training. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of evidence available to enable specific design choices to be made and as a consequence, many designs are made on the basis of trial and error. In this study we develop prediction models to indicate the point at which training should stop for Neural Network based Electrocardiogram classifiers in order to ensure maximum generalisation. METHODS: Two prediction models have been presented; one based on Neural Networks and the other on Genetic Programming. The inputs to the models were 5 variable training parameters and the output indicated the point at which training should stop. Training and testing of the models was based on the results from 44 previously developed bi-group Neural Network classifiers, discriminating between Anterior Myocardial Infarction and normal patients. RESULTS: Our results show that both approaches provide close fits to the training data; p = 0.627 and p = 0.304 for the Neural Network and Genetic Programming methods respectively. For unseen data, the Neural Network exhibited no significant differences between actual and predicted outputs (p = 0.306) while the Genetic Programming method showed a marginally significant difference (p = 0.047). CONCLUSIONS: The approaches provide reverse engineering solutions to the development of Neural Network based Electrocardiogram classifiers. That is given the network design and architecture, an indication can be given as to when training should stop to obtain maximum network generalisation

    Development of a Robot-Based Multi-Directional Dynamic Fiber Winding Process for Additive Manufacturing Using Shotcrete 3D Printing

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    The research described in this paper is dedicated to the use of continuous fibers as reinforcement for additive manufacturing, particularly using Shotcrete. Composites and in particular fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) are increasingly present in concrete reinforcement. Their corrosion resistance, high tensile strength, low weight, and high flexibility offer an interesting alternative to conventional steel reinforcement, especially with respect to their use in Concrete 3D Printing. This paper presents an initial development of a dynamic robot-based manufacturing process for FRP concrete reinforcement as an innovative way to increase shape freedom and efficiency in concrete construction. The focus here is on prefabricated fiber reinforcement, which is concreted in a subsequent additive process to produce load-bearing components. After the presentation of the fabrication concept for the integration of FRP reinforcement and the state of the art, a requirements analysis regarding the mechanical bonding behavior in concrete is carried out. This is followed by a description of the development of a dynamic fiber winding process and its integration into an automated production system for individualized fiber reinforcement. Next, initial tests for the automated application of concrete by means of Shotcrete 3D Printing are carried out. In addition, an outlook describes further technical development steps and provides an outline of advanced manufacturing concepts for additive concrete manufacturing with integrated fiber reinforcement