669 research outputs found

    Sudbury Igneous Complex: Impact melt or igneous rock? Implications for lunar magmatism

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    The recent suggestion that the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC) is a fractionated impact melt may have profound implications for understanding the lunar crust and the magmatic history of the Moon. A cornerstone of much current thought on the Moon is that the development of the lunar crust can be traced through the lineage of 'pristine' igneous rocks. However, if rocks closely resembling those from layered igneous intrusions can be produced by differentiation of a large impact melt sheet, then much of what is thought to be known about the Moon may be called into question. This paper presents a brief evaluation of the SIC as a differentiated impact melt vs. endogenous igneous magma and possible implications for the magmatic history of the lunar crust

    Lithologies contributing to the clast population in Apollo 17 LKFM basaltic impact melts

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    LKFM basaltic impact melts are abundant among Apollo lunar samples, especially those from Apollo 15, 16, and 17. They are generally basaltic in composition, but are found exclusively as impact melts. They seem to be related to basins and so could represent the composition of the lower lunar crust. They contain lithic clasts that cannot be mixed in any proportion to produce the composition of the melt matrix; components rich in transition elements (Ti, Cr, Sc) and REE are not considered. To search for the mysterious cryptic component, we previously investigated the mineral clast population in two Apollo 14 LKFM basaltic impact melts, 15445 and 15455. The cryptic component was not present in the mineral clast assemblage of these breccias either, but some olivine and pyroxene grains appeared to be from lithologies not represented among identified igneous rocks from the lunar highlands. In addition, none of the mineral clasts could be unambiguously assigned to a ferroan anorthosite source. We have now extended this study to Apollo 17, starting with two LKFM impact melt breccias (76295 and 76315) from the Apollo 17 station 6 boulder. The results from the study are presented

    The Complex Stratigraphy of the Highland Crust in the Serenitatis Region of the Moon Inferred from Mineral Fragment Chemistry

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    Large impact basins are natural drill holes into the Moon, and their ejecta carries unique information about the rock types and stratigraphy of the lunar crust. We have conducted an electron microprobe study of mineral fragments in the poikilitic melt breccias collected from the Taurus Mountains at the Apollo 17 landing site. These breccias are virtually unanimously agreed to be impact melt produced in the Serenitatis impact event. They contain lithic fragments and much more abundant mineral fragments of crustal origin. We have made precise microprobe analyses of minor element abundances in fragments of olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase to provide new information on the possible source rocks and the crustal stratigraphy in the Serenitatis region. These data were also intended to elucidate the nature of the cryptic geochemical component in breccias such as these with low-K Fra Mauro basalt compositions. We chose the finest-grained (i.e., most rapidly quenched) breccias for study, to avoid reacted and partly assimilated fragments as much as possible. Most of the mineral fragments appear to have been derived from rocks that would fall into the pristine igneous Mg-suite as represented by lithic fragments in the Apollo collection, or reasonable extensions of it. Gabbroic rocks were more abundant in the target stratigraphy than is apparent from the Apollo sample collection. Some pyroxene and plagiociase, but probably not much olivine, could be derived from feldspathic granulites, which are metamorphosed polymict breccias. Some mineral fragments are from previously unknown rocks. These include highly magnesian olivines (up to Fo(sub 94)), possibly volcanic in origin, that exacerbate the difficulty in explaining highly magnesian rocks in the lunar crust. It appears that some part of the lunar interior has an mg*(= 100 x Mg/(Mg/Fe) atomic) greater than the conventional bulk Moon value of 80-84. Other volcanic rocks, including mare basalts, and rapidly- cooled impact melt rocks do not contribute significantly to the fragment population. Nor do ferroan anorthosites contribute more than a tiny part of even the plagiociase fragment population. A few mineral fragments that are consistent with the cryptic low-K Fra Mauro chemical component were found, and these appear to be from gabbroic sources. The mineral fragment populations cannot be mixed in their observed proportions to produce the whole rock composition, because the fragments are more refractory and deficient in Ti, P, and alkalis. A preferential contribution to the melt from a rock similar to sodic ferrogabbro can partly resolve the discrepancy. The population of mineral fragments requires a very diverse population of igenous rocks that are not all related to each other, demonstrating the existence of a complex crust built of numerous separate igneous plutons. Many of these plutons may have crystallized at shallow depths. The chemical composition of the melt breccias, in combination with the mineral fragment data and an understanding of the cratering process, suggests that the deepest crust sampled by the Serenitatis impace (not necessarily the deepest crust) was basaltic in composition, including KREEP and gabbroic rocks like sodic ferrogabbro, and lacking abundant olivine-rich material. These were overlain by Mg-suite rocks of varied types, including norites and troctolites that supplied most of the olivine mineral fragments. Granulities, which are metamorphosed and more feldspathic breccias, were abundant near the surface. Remote sensing indicates that the entire Serenitatis region lacks ferroan anorthosite, consistent with the results of our study

    Assessment of crystallographic orientation effects on secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) analysis of cassiterite

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    Crystallographic orientation effects on ion microprobe analyses for U-Pb and O-isotopes have been reported for a number of oxide minerals, including rutile (TiO₂) and baddeleyite (ZrO₂). Here we evaluate the effects of crystal orientation on U-Pb and O-isotopic data measured by ion microprobe on cassiterite (SnO₂), which is isostructural with rutile. The crystallographic orientations of mounted and polished grains of cassiterite were determined by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Those grains were then analysed for U-Th-Pb isotopes and ¹⁸O/¹⁶O compositions using the SHRIMP RG and SHRIMP SI ion microprobes, respectively. Based on these data, cassiterite appears to show no dependence of key measurement parameters such as UO₂/UO, Pb/UO, or ¹⁸O/¹⁶O ratios at the achieved precision with crystallographic orientation. The contrasting behaviour of isostructural cassiterite and rutile provides new insights into the mechanisms leading to crystallographic orientation effects during ion microprobe analyses with electronic structure proposed as being a significant factor

    The evolution of stable silicon isotopes in a coastal carbonate aquifer on Rottnest Island, Western Australia

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    Dissolved silicon (dSi) is a key nutrient in the oceans, but data regarding Si isotopes in coastal aquifers are not widely available. Here we investigate the Si isotopic composition of 12 fresh and 16 saline groundwater samples from Rottnest Island, Western Australia, which forms part of the world's most extensive aeolianite deposit (the Tamala Limestone formation). In total, two bedrock samples were also collected from Rottnest Island for Si isotope analysis. The δ30Si values of groundwater samples ranged from −0.4 ‰ to +3.6 ‰ with an average +1.6 ‰, and the rock samples were −0.8 ‰ and −0.1 ‰. The increase in δ30Si values in fresh groundwater is attributed to the removal of the lighter Si isotopes into secondary minerals and potentially also adsorption onto Fe (oxy)hydroxides. The positive correlations between δ30Si values and dSi concentrations (ρ = 0.59; p = 0.02) and δ30Si values and Cl, but not dSi and Cl concentrations, are consistent with vertical mixing between the younger fresh groundwater and the deeper groundwater, which have undergone a greater degree of water–rock interactions. This has produced a spatial pattern in δ30Si across the aquifer due to the local hydrogeology, resulting in a correlation between δ30Si and tritium activities when considering all groundwater types (ρ = −0.68; p = 0.0002). In the deeper aquifer, the inverse correlation between dSi and Cl concentrations (ρ = −0.79; p = 0.04) for the more saline groundwater is attributed to groundwater mixing with local seawater that is depleted in dSi (< 3.6 µM). Our results from this well-constrained island aquifer system demonstrate that stable Si isotopes usefully reflect the degree of water–aquifer interactions, which is related to groundwater residence time and local hydrogeology. Our finding that lithogenic Si dissolution occurs in the freshwater lens and the freshwater–seawater transition zone on Rottnest Island appears to supports the recent inclusion of a marine–submarine groundwater discharge term in the global dSi mass balance. Geologically young carbonate aquifers, such as Rottnest Island, may be an important source of dSi in coastal regions with low riverine input and low oceanic dSi concentrations

    Submarine radial vents on Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawai'i

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    A 2002 multibeam sonar survey of Mauna Loa's western flank revealed ten submarine radial vents and three submarine lava flows. Only one submarine radial vent was known previously. The ages of these vents are constrained by eyewitness accounts, geologic relationships, Mn-Fe coatings, and geochemical stratigraphy; they range from 128 years B.P. to possibly 47 ka. Eight of the radial vents produced degassed lavas despite eruption in water depths sufficient to inhibit sulfur degassing. These vents formed truncated cones and short lava flows. Two vents produced undegassed lavas that created ''irregular'' cones and longer lava flows. Compositionally and isotopically, the submarine radial vent lavas are typical of Mauna Loa lavas, except two cones that erupted alkalic lavas. He-Sr isotopes for the radial vent lavas follow Mauna Loa's evolutionary trend. The compositional and isotopic heterogeneity of these lavas indicates most had distinct parental magmas. Bathymetry and acoustic backscatter results, along with photography and sampling during four JASON2 dives, are used to produce a detailed geologic map to evaluate Mauna Loa's submarine geologic history. The new map shows that the 1877 submarine eruption was much larger than previously thought, resulting in a 10% increase for recent volcanism. Furthermore, although alkalic lavas were found at two radial vents, there is no systematic increase in alkalinity among these or other Mauna Loa lavas as expected for a dying volcano. These results refute an interpretation that Mauna Loa's volcanism is waning. The submarine radial vents and flows cover 29 km 2 of seafloor and comprise a total volume of ∼2 × 10 9 m3 of lava, reinforcing the idea that submarine lava eruptions are important in the growth of oceanic island volcanoes even after they emerged above sea level

    Anthropometry for Computer Graphics Human Figures

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    Anthropometry as it applies to Computer Graphics is examined in this report which documents the Anthropometry work done in the Computer Graphics Research Laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania from 1986 to 1988. A detailed description of the basis for this work is given along with examples of the variability of computer graphics human figures resulting from this work. Also discussed is the unique and versatile user interface developed to allow easy manipulation of the data used to describe the anthropometric parameters required to define human figure models. The many appendices contain the specifics of our models as well as much of the data used to define the models

    Development and Assessment of AppStay: A Web-Based Room, Dorm and Apartment Reservation System

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    This study aimed to develop and assess a web-based room, dorm, and apartment reservation system known as AppStay. A developmental research design was utilized, involving 50 respondents, including IT experts, students, and owners of various accommodations in Sumacab Este, Cabanatuan City, Philippines. By employing the modified waterfall model, the researchers successfully developed the system. The assessment of AppStay's technical aspects revealed a high level of acceptability, as indicated by the positive evaluations conducted by IT experts. Additionally, the study found the system to possess highly favourable qualities in terms of usability. These results demonstrate the suitability of AppStay for use within the local context of the study. However, the researchers provided several recommendations to enhance the system's usability and performance. In conclusion, the development and assessment of AppStay yielded promising results, highlighting its potential as an effective web-based reservation system. Continued efforts to improve its usability and performance will contribute to its long-term success and enhance the overall user experience

    UVUDF: Ultraviolet Imaging of the Hubble Ultradeep Field with Wide-field Camera 3

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    We present an overview of a 90-orbit Hubble Space Telescope treasury program to obtain near ultraviolet imaging of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field using the Wide Field Camera 3 UVIS detector with the F225W, F275W, and F336W filters. This survey is designed to: (i) Investigate the episode of peak star formation activity in galaxies at 1<z<2.5; (ii) Probe the evolution of massive galaxies by resolving sub-galactic units (clumps); (iii) Examine the escape fraction of ionizing radiation from galaxies at z~2-3; (iv) Greatly improve the reliability of photometric redshift estimates; and (v) Measure the star formation rate efficiency of neutral atomic-dominated hydrogen gas at z~1-3. In this overview paper, we describe the survey details and data reduction challenges, including both the necessity of specialized calibrations and the effects of charge transfer inefficiency. We provide a stark demonstration of the effects of charge transfer inefficiency on resultant data products, which when uncorrected, result in uncertain photometry, elongation of morphology in the readout direction, and loss of faint sources far from the readout. We agree with the STScI recommendation that future UVIS observations that require very sensitive measurements use the instrument's capability to add background light through a "post-flash". Preliminary results on number counts of UV-selected galaxies and morphology of galaxies at z~1 are presented. We find that the number density of UV dropouts at redshifts 1.7, 2.1, and 2.7 is largely consistent with the number predicted by published luminosity functions. We also confirm that the image mosaics have sufficient sensitivity and resolution to support the analysis of the evolution of star-forming clumps, reaching 28-29th magnitude depth at 5 sigma in a 0.2 arcsecond radius aperture depending on filter and observing epoch.Comment: Accepted A