20 research outputs found

    La ense?anza de las ciencias naturales, investigaci?n y did?ctica, un reto para generaciones futuras en el grado tercero del colegio Nuestra Se?ora de la Sabidur?a en la ciudad de Bogot?

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    91 p. Recurso Electr?nio?C?mo fortalecer el aprendizaje de ciencias naturales implementando la pr?ctica de investigaci?n cient?fica y la did?ctica durante el proceso de ense?anza? La actividad experimental es uno de los aspectos clave en el proceso de ense?anza y aprendizaje de las ciencias Naturales tanto por la fundamentaci?n te?rica que puede aportar a los estudiantes, como por el desarrollo de habilidades cognoscitivas y destrezas para las cuales el trabajo experimental es fundamental, asimismo, en cuanto al desarrollo de habilidades del pensamiento de los estudiantes y al desarrollo de una concepci?n de ciencia derivada del tipo y finalidad de las actividades pr?cticas propuestas. El trabajo de laboratorio favorece y promueve el aprendizaje de las ciencias Naturales, pues le permite al estudiante cuestionar sus saberes y confrontarlos con la realidad. Adem?s, el estudiante pone en juego sus conocimientos previos y los verifica . Palabras claves: Aprendizaje, pr?ctica, experimental, laboratorio, ciencia, cartilla did?ctica, explorador, docente y cient?fico.?How to strengthen the learning of natural sciences implementing the practice of scientific research and the didactic during the teaching process? The experimental activity is one of the key aspects in the teaching and learning process of the Natural Science for the theoretical foundation that can contribute to the students and the development of different skills for which the experimental activity is fundamental, furthermore in terms of the development of students thinking abilities and the development of a science conception derivative from the type and purpose of the practical proposed activities. The lab work favors and promotes the Natural Science learning, because it allows the students to ask themselves about their knowledge and confronted it with reality. Also, student use his previous knowledge and verify them through the practice. For that reason, it is important to develop in the students of the third of school Nuestra Se?ora de la Sabidur?a, new methodologies that allow them advance in the learning process to improve the basic abilities in a lab, making a working document which will provide answer to several outstanding questions that would constitute a tool for the students in the classroom realizing the research of new training trends on didactic suggestions developing with this technique a pretext to find new destinations from those authentic questions that move us to investigate, read and write that would allow to take a broad approach towards the natural Science area and promote the development of scientific thinking. Keywords: Learning, practice, experimental, laboratory, science, didactic primer, explorer, teaching, and scientist

    Coral Reef Bleaching: An Ecological and Biological Overview

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    Coral reefs are central to the biology of our planet, but in the past few decades, they have suffered a severe decline due to a variety of natural and anthropogenic disturbances. On a worldwide scale, the main disturbance is bleaching, which can be defined as the loss of endosymbiotic dinoflagellates and/or of their photosynthetic pigments from their cnidarian host; with that, the normal pigmentation of the tissue of cnidarians is generally lost and the white calcium carbonate skeleton becomes visible through the transparent tissue of the host. Coral bleaching can be triggered by multiple factors, but most of the bleaching observed in the field is a result of elevated sea surface temperature. It has been widely documented that bleaching is deleterious to coral reefs, significantly altering the biological and ecological processes that maintain reef communities; yet populations resistant to climate change have recently been identified, and it has been reported that acclimatization occurs in less than two years. The aim of this review is to provide up‐to‐date information regarding cnidarian‐dinoflagellate symbiosis; causes of coral bleaching; mechanisms underlying this phenomenon; consequences of bleaching; and the survival mechanisms by which coral reefs face this threat

    Impact of El Niño-Southern Oscillation 2015-2016 on the soluble proteomic profile and cytolytic activity of Millepora alcicornis (“fire coral”) from the Mexican Caribbean

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    Reef-forming cnidarians are extremely susceptible to the “bleaching” phenomenon caused by global warming. The effect of elevated seawater temperature has been extensively studied on Anthozoans; however, to date the impact of thermal stress on the expression of genes and proteins in Hydrozoan species has not been investigated. The present study aimed to determine the differential proteomic profile of Millepora alcicornis, which inhabits the Mexican Caribbean, in response to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation 2015–2016. Additionally, the cytolytic activity of the soluble proteomes obtained from normal and bleached M. alcicornis was assessed. Bleached specimens showed decreased symbiont’s density and chlorophyll a and c2 levels. After bleaching, we observed a differential expression of 17 key proteins, tentatively identified as related to exocytosis, calcium homeostasis, cytoskeletal organization, and potential toxins, including a metalloprotease, a phospholipase A2 (PLA2), and an actitoxin. Although, some of the differentially expressed proteins included potential toxins, the hemolytic, PLA2, and proteolytic activities elicited by the soluble proteomes from bleached and normal specimens were not significantly different. The present study provides heretofore-unknown evidence that thermal stress produces a differential expression of proteins involved in essential cellular processes of Hydrozoan species. Even though our results showed an over-expression of some potential toxin-related proteins, the cytolytic effect (as assessed by hemolytic, PLA2, and caseinolytic activities) was not increased in bleached M. alcicornis, which suggests that the cytolysis is mainly produced by toxins whose expression was not affected by temperature stress. These findings allow hypothesizing that this hydrocoral is able to prey heterotrophically when suffering from moderate bleaching, giving it a better chance to withstand the effects of high temperature

    Adelante / Endavant

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    Séptimo desafío por la erradicación de la violencia contra las mujeres del Institut Universitari d’Estudis Feministes i de Gènere "Purificación Escribano" de la Universitat Jaume

    Intervención didáctica para la enseñanza de la farmacología en las clases de inglés con fines específicos

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    Se realizó un estudio cualitativo de intervención, con el objetivo de determinar el vocabulario relacionado con la farmacología, necesario para desarrollar las clases de inglés médico en la carrera de Medicina de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Las Tunas. El grupo de estudio estuvo constituido por los estudiantes y profesores del 5to año de la carrera de Medicina del curso 2011-2012. Las variables fueron la preparación del colectivo de profesores, las afecciones clínicas incluidas en el programa, los grupos farmacológicos implicados y el nombre en inglés de medicamentos específicos. La información se obtuvo de los libros de textos y los trabajos independientes realizados por los estudiantes. Se constató que la preparación profesional de los docentes en el área de la farmacología depende de la disponibilidad de diccionarios actualizados y de los conocimientos que estos han ido adquiriendo de forma empírica. Se observó una tendencia en los estudiantes a relacionar nombres de medicamentos, cuyas pronunciaciones se desconocen, lo cual entorpece la adquisición correcta del contenido lingüístico en inglés. Se evidenció que cuando se trabajan los grupos farmacológicos con un limitado número de medicamentos específicos y reconocidos, se logra un mejor desempeño lingüístico en los estudiantes

    Effects of thermal stress caused by the 2015–2016 El Niño on the biochemical composition, exoskeleton structure, and symbiont density of the fire coral Millepora alcicornis

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    Reef-forming cnidarians are essential for maintaining ecological balance. Unfortunately, coral reefs are endangered due to coral bleaching, which interrupts mutualistic symbiosis between Symbiodiniaceae algae and their coral hosts. Bleaching events result in very high coral mortality and the rapid deterioration of reef structures. Studies aimed at explaining the causes, mechanisms, and consequences of coral bleaching have been mainly conducted with anthozoans, while the impacts of thermal stress responsible for coral bleaching have been scarcely studied in hydrozoans, such as Millepora species (phylum Cnidaria, class Hydrozoa), which are the second most important reef-forming cnidarians. In the present study, the effects of thermal stress caused by the 2015–2016 El Niño on symbiont abundance, exoskeleton structure, and the biochemical composition of Millepora alcicornis were analyzed. Unbleached M. alcicornis specimens exhibited a higher abundance of Breviolum and Durisdinium species, which suggests that unbleached hydrocoral colonies might counteract thermal stress by hosting thermotolerant symbionts of the Durisdinium genus. Bleached hydrocorals exhibited lower levels of calcification than unbleached hydrocorals as well as changes in the microstructure of trabeculae and zooid pores. In contrast, thermal stress did not affect total calcium carbonate and carbohydrate content. Bleached tissues showed significantly higher levels of protein and refractory material, whereas their lipid content decreased considerably. The present study provides evidence that bleached M. alcicornis colonies suffered a decline in calcification and changes in the structure of their exoskeletons after being exposed to the 2015–2016 El Niño. The significant decrease in lipid content suggests that M. alcicornis primarily uses energy stores to maintain vital cellular processes at the expense of calcification

    Carácter Social de los migrantes urbanos populares.

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados de tres proyectos de investigación desarrollados en el asentamiento llamado Vergelitos en el área metropolitana de Guadalajara. Los estudios del carácter social, a partir de las propuestas de Erich Fromm, brindan una serie de datos comprobables sobre los valores e impulsos arraigados profundamente en las personas, que son los que en buena parte determinan su respuesta a las condiciones, exigencias y oportunidades en una nueva forma de vida, como sucede en los migrantes. Un conocimiento minucioso de la estructura del carácter de los distintos sectores de la población permite predecir los efectos probables que tendrán los programas de educación, de comunicación o de promoción en general de ciertos grupos o comunidades. Por ello se explora también la religiosidad de los migrantes, y las relaciones del carácter social con las formas de comunicación.80p

    Estrategia didáctica para preparar a los profesores de Inglés para impartir la medicina natural y tradicional

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    Se diseñó un modelo teórico contextualizado para la elaboración de una estrategia didáctica, dirigida a la preparación integral de los profesores de inglés en la enseñanza de la medicina natural y tradicional en la carrera de Medicina.  Para ello se realizó un diagnóstico inicial, que permitió sintetizar las limitaciones e insuficiencias que poseen los profesores de inglés para la impartición de contenidos de medicina natural y tradicional, como estrategia curricular del Viceministerio de Docencia e Investigaciones del MINSAP. En la estrategia se incluyeron acciones para ser trabajadas dentro de la superación profesoral, el componente metodológico y el componente investigativo de los docentes de forma tal, que se revierta en un enriquecimiento de la competencia académica que deben poseer para su desempeño profesional, y de este modo enfrentar con éxito la tarea. La estrategia está destinada a todos los profesores de inglés del departamento, ya que estos rotan por los años de inglés general e inglés con fines específicos, respectivamente, y en dependencia de las necesidades de la institución

    Transcriptomic differences between bleached and unbleached hydrozoan Millepora complanata following the 2015-2016 ENSO in the Mexican Caribbean

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    The 2015-2016 El Niño-southern oscillation or “ENSO” caused many M. complanata colonies that live in the Mexican Caribbean to experience extensive bleaching. The purpose of this work was to analyze the effect of bleaching on the cellular response of M. complanata, employing a transcriptomic approach with RNA-seq. As expected, bleached specimens contained a significantly lower chlorophyll content than unbleached hydrocorals. The presence of algae of the genera Durusdinium and Cladocopium was only found in tissues of unbleached M. complanata, which could be associated to the greater resistance that these colonies exhibited during bleaching. We found that 299 genes were differentially expressed in M. complanata bleached colonies following the 2015-2016 ENSO in the Mexican Caribbean. The differential expression analysis of bleached M. complanata specimens evidenced enriched terms for functional categories, such as ribosome, RNA polymerase and basal transcription factors, chaperone, oxidoreductase, among others. Our results suggest that the heat-shock response mechanisms displayed by M. complanata include: an up-regulation of endogenous antioxidant defenses; a higher expression of heat stress response genes; up-regulation of transcription-related genes, higher expression of genes associated to transport processes, inter alia. This study constitutes the first differential gene expression analysis of the molecular response of a reef-forming hydrozoan during bleaching