30 research outputs found

    Iron intake and concentration biomarkers in serum of adult vegan population in the Czech Republic analysis

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    Ústav hygieny 3. LF UKDepartment of Hygiene 3FM CU3. lékařská fakultaThird Faculty of Medicin

    Volumetric determination of weak and strong acid in the mixture.

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    The project is aimed to the study of the titration curves of the weak and strong acid mixtures. Purpose of the project is to compare titration curves computed on the basis of simple model, when neglecting influence of the solution's ionic strength , with experimental titration curve obtained through measuring under standard laboratory conditions. This comparison is carried out for one strong acid in the mixture with various weak acids, that differ in value of dissociation constant. How titration curves are influenced by the ratio of concentration of strong and weak acids is observed further.Tato práce se zabývá studiem titračních křivek směsí slabých a silných jednosytných kyselin. Účelem celé práce je porovnat titrační křivky směsi vypočítané na základě jednoduchého modelu, při zanedbání vlivu iontové síly roztoku, s experimentální titrační křivkou získanou měřením za běžných laboratorních podmínek. Toto porovnávání je prováděno pro silnou kyselinu ve směsi s různými slabými kyselinami lišícími se hodnotami disociačních konstant. Dále je sledováno jako jsou titrační křivky ovlivňovány poměrem koncentrací silná/slabá kyselina.Department of Analytical ChemistryKatedra analytické chemieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Use of rhythmic stimulation in physiotherapy in patients with acquired brain damage

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    BAKALÁŘSKÉ PRÁCE Jméno, příjmení: Hana Norková Vedoucí práce: PhDr. Markéta Gerlichová, PhD. Konzultantka práce: Mgr. Silvie Táborská Oponent práce: Název bakalářské práce: Využití rytmické stimulace ve fyzioterapii u pacientů se získaným poškozením mozku Abstrakt bakalářské práce: Tématem bakalářské práce je využití rytmické stimulace ve fyzioterapii u pacientů se získaným poškozením mozku. Práce se skládá z teoretické a praktické části. Teoretická část obsahuje 4 oddíly. První oddíl je věnován získanému poškození mozku. V druhém oddílu je popsán motorický systém a struktury podílející se na jeho řízení. Třetí oddíl shrnuje informace o muzikoterapii, neurologické muzikoterapii, rytmické stimulaci v technikách neurologické muzikoterapie, hudbě, rytmu a jejich vlivu na lidský mozek. V posledním oddílu je podrobněji popsaná technika Therapeutic Instrumental Music Performance, jejíž prvky jsou dále využity v praktické části. Praktická část obsahuje dvě kazuistiky pacientek po cévní mozkové příhodě s poruchou motoriky horních končetin. Při terapiích jsou aplikovány prvky techniky Therapeutic Instrumental Music Performance. U obou pacientek jsou využity čtyři hudební nástroje za doprovodu metronomu. Na každý hudební nástroj se hraje určitými specifickými pohyby. Je sledována synchronizace tempa s pohyby...Title: Use of rhythmic stimulation in physiotherapy in patients with acquired brain damage Abstract: The topic of the bachelor thesis is the use of rhythmic stimulation in physiotherapy in patients with acquired brain damage. The thesis consists of theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part contains 4 sections. The first section is entirely dedicated to the acquired brain damage. The second section describes the motor system and structures involved in its management. The third section summarizes information related to music therapy, neurological music therapy, rhythmical stimulation in neurological music therapy, music, rhythm and their influence on the human brain. In the last section, the Therapeutic Instrumental Music Performance is described in more details, the elements of which are further used in the practical part. The practical part is built on two case studies illustrating two female patients with an upper limb motor disorder caused by cerebral stroke. During the therapeutic sessions with the patients different elements of Therapeutic Instrumental Music Performance were applied. Both patients used four musical instruments, accompanied by a metronome and played each of the instruments with some specific movements. The synchronization of the pace with the movements of the upper limbs in...Department of Rehabilitation Medicine First Faculty of Medicine and General University HospitalKlinika rehabilitačního lékařství 1. LF UK a VFN v PrazeFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Revitalization of public space in front of the building of Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague using water features

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    Tato diplomová práce řeší využití veřejného prostoru před budovou fakulty Stavební ČVUT v Praze vodními prvky a to v několika varintách. Důraz je kladen na vzdělávací funkci, estetičnost, ale především na technické provedení a funkčnost vodních prvků. Navržena je jak nadzemní, tak i podzemní, technologická, část jednotlivých variant. Inspirace je čerpána z již realizovaných veřejných prostorů s vodními prvky. V závěru práce jsou jednotlivé varianty porovnány.This diploma thesis deals with the use of public space in front of the building of the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague by water elements in several variants. Emphasis is placed on the educational function, aesthetics, but above all technical intepretation and functionality of water elements. Both, above-ground and underground, technological, part of individual variants are designed. Inspiration is drawn from already realized public spaces with water features. At the end of the thesis, the individual variants are compared

    Public awareness of the risks of developing diabetes mellitus.

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    Jelikož je diabetes mellitus závažným problémem všech vyspělých společností zasahující všechny vrstvy obyvatel, je důležité, aby byla veřejnost dostatečně informována o rizicích vzniku a komplikacích tohoto onemocnění. V mé práci se zabývám riziky vzniku, komplikacemi a léčbou tohoto onemocnění. V praktické části prostřednictvím metody kvantitativního výzkumu zkoumám do jaké míry je veřejnost informována o rizicích vzniku, komplikacích diabetu mellitu a také o zájem veřejnosti být dále informována o tomto onemocnění.NeobhájenoConsidering that diabetes mellitus is a severe issue in all modern societies and affects all kinds of people, it is important for the wide public to be satisfyingly informed about the risks of onset and possible complications of this disease. Therefore, in my work I engage in discovering the risks of obtaining, complications and treatment of this illness. The practical part of this work pursues via quantitative research the issue of public knowledge of obtaining and complications of diabetes mellitus as well as the public interest of being kept informed about this disease

    What is allowable and what is prohibeted during a treatment of islamists

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    In my thesis I deal with the issue: What is allowed and what is forbidden in nursing an Islamic believer. I have chosen this topic because it is a very interesting and topical issue. In the Czech Republic area great changes in terms of the population composition have occurred recently. The number of foreigners of various cultural backgrounds, religions and custom practice has increased and thus the need of multicultural nursing has risen. Therefore it is necessary to find out if we are ready to care for patients who are Islamic believers. The number of Islamic believers in our country is growing constantly and they are not only tourists and foreigners but also Czech converts. Due to the extensive and comprehensive character of the issue the theoretical section of the thesis was divided into three parts. The introduction is focused on basic information on multicultural nursing. The transcultural model of nursing by Gigerova and Davidhizarova was used both for a special part of the theory and in the research part for developing the processual standard. The second part in focused on general information on Islam, i.e. on the history of the origination of the religion, its history in our country and on the principles of Islam. The special and most substantial part is dedicated to nursing specifics in the care for these patients, such as food, hygiene, family life, the issue of life saving interventions and the issue of death. On the basis of the model mentioned above nursing evaluation was carried out. In the practical section four objectives were stated: to learn nurses´ knowledge of the issue, to examine the conditions in hospitals in terms of nursing care for Islam believers, to find out if the attitude of the medical staff is influenced by prejudice against Islamic believers and to establish nursing standards in the care for Islam believers. The objectives were stated under assumption that nurses in the South Moravian region are better informed than nurses in the South Bohemian region and conditions in South Moravian hospitals are better adapted to the needs of nursing care for Islamic believers. The other assumption were that nurses´ attitude to care for Islamic believers is influenced by prejudice and also that the nursing standard development is considered to be benefiting for providing these patients with a complex nursing care. The research was conducted in the South Bohemian and South Moravian regions by using questionnaires handed out to nurses. I can say that the objectives were achieved, the first three hypotheses were not confirmed and the fourth, relating to the benefit of the nursing standard, was confirmed

    Ethical issues in connection with patient and physician involvement in clinical research

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    (in English): The subject of my dissertation is the decision of the subjects to participate in the early phase of clinical trial. The aim of this disseration is to detect and understand the ethical aspects of decision making of subjects with oncological diseases to participate in the early phase of clinical trial. In the theoretical part of my dissertation, I define the field of clinical research, describe the phases of clinical research and ethical codes important for clinical research. The current ethical dilemmas related to the participation of subjects in the early phase of clinical trial, which are being discussed by the professional public, are presented. The research part contains the results of interviews with seventeen respondents whose content correlates with the aim of the research part and it is to understand the decision- making of subjects to participate in the early phase of clinical trial in terms of subjectively constructed realities, which are different for individual respondents. The results of the research show that fourteen respondents identified one of the most important aspects of the decision-making to participate in the early phase of clinical trial of the recommendation of principal investigator and trust in a physician. Twelve respondents stated the most frequent reason..

    The school of back exercise for pregnant

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou týkající se Školy zad v souvislosti s těhotenstvím. Práce je rozdělena na dvě části. Teoretická část je zaměřena na období těhotenství. Popisuje jeho trvání, příznaky, těhotenské změny, změny v pohybovém ústrojí a celkové obtíže související s graviditou. Dále se zabývá stručnými anatomickými poznatky páteře a pánve a zaobírá se souvislostmi, které jsou s těmito systémy spojené. V neposlední řadě líčí tématiku správného a vadného držení těla a zásad školy zad. Praktická část vyobrazuje důležitost pohybové aktivity a fyzioterapie v době těhotenství. Popisuje fyzioterapeutické techniky, které lze v době gravidity doporučit. Sledování bylo prováděno formou kazuistik a dotazníkového šetření.Katedra fyzioterapie a ergoterapieObhájenoThis bachelor's thesis deals with issues related to the school of back exercise for pregnant that associated with pregnancy. This thesis divided into two parts. Theoretical part is focused on pregnancy period. Describing it's duration, symptoms, pregnancy changes according to trimesters, organical and systemic changes in the body, psychology of woman, changes in moving system and overall difficulties related to pregnancy. It also deals with brief anatomical knowledge of the spine and pelvis and deals with the contexts that are associated with these systems. Finnaly, it describes the theme of correct and faulty posturing of the body and principles of the school of back exercise for pregnant. The practical part describes the importance of moving activities and physical therapy during pregnancy. It describes the techniques of physiotherapy which can be recommended during the pregnancy period. The monitoring was carried out in the form of case reports and a questionnaire survey

    Use of rhythmic stimulation in physiotherapy in patients with acquired brain damage

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    Title: Use of rhythmic stimulation in physiotherapy in patients with acquired brain damage Abstract: The topic of the bachelor thesis is the use of rhythmic stimulation in physiotherapy in patients with acquired brain damage. The thesis consists of theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part contains 4 sections. The first section is entirely dedicated to the acquired brain damage. The second section describes the motor system and structures involved in its management. The third section summarizes information related to music therapy, neurological music therapy, rhythmical stimulation in neurological music therapy, music, rhythm and their influence on the human brain. In the last section, the Therapeutic Instrumental Music Performance is described in more details, the elements of which are further used in the practical part. The practical part is built on two case studies illustrating two female patients with an upper limb motor disorder caused by cerebral stroke. During the therapeutic sessions with the patients different elements of Therapeutic Instrumental Music Performance were applied. Both patients used four musical instruments, accompanied by a metronome and played each of the instruments with some specific movements. The synchronization of the pace with the movements of the upper limbs in..

    Influencing the challenging behaviour by implementing the PBIS system at elementary school

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    The thesis Influencing Challenging Behaviour of Pupils by Implementing PBIS in elementary schools aims to provide the reader with a theoretical summary of the link between wellbeing support and its impact on challenging behaviour, and at the same time to introduce evidence-based system the Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support (PBIS). The thesis research, which aims to find out the opinion of pupils and teachers on the introduction of PBIS and its impact on challenging behaviour, was conducted in cooperation with three elementary schools in the Czech Republic which use elements of PBIS in their teaching from 2020. Data for the research was collected using two hundred and eighty-eight questionnaires from second grade elementary school students and three interviews with representatives of the school PBIS teams. Data collection was conducted online, the survey was administered in February 2023, and the interviews were conducted in April 2023. The thesis research revealed that the impact of school-wide PBIS on challenging behavior is perceived by teachers, primarily in the ability to create a safe environment for students and provide positive behavior support that leads to minimizing challenging behavior. According to the data, the opinion of educational stakeholders towards the implementation of..