148 research outputs found

    Relationship between the Experience of Identity Swaying in Childcare Practice and Childcare Workers’ Efficacy

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     This study aims to examine the relationship between childcare workers’ “experience of identity swaying” as described in their autobiographical memory and their occupation efficacy. First, the influence that stemmed from the experience of childcare workers’ swaying on their sense of efficacy is examined. The results showed that those who experienced identity swaying in their autobiographical memory had a remarkably higher sense of efficacy as childcare workers than those who didn’t. On the other hand, no difference was found in their sense of efficacy depending on the trigger of the identity swaying. The differences in childcare workers’ descriptions depending on the level of their sense of efficacy were then investigated the records of childcare workers with a high sense of occupation efficacy showed a higher level of ego involvement stays as a memory that can be utilized in the future. Closing the article, the authors examine future issues

    Degradation of Phosphorylated p53 by Viral Protein-ECS E3 Ligase Complex

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    p53-signaling is modulated by viruses to establish a host cellular environment advantageous for their propagation. The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) lytic program induces phosphorylation of p53, which prevents interaction with MDM2. Here, we show that induction of EBV lytic program leads to degradation of p53 via an ubiquitin-proteasome pathway independent of MDM2. The BZLF1 protein directly functions as an adaptor component of the ECS (Elongin B/C-Cul2/5-SOCS-box protein) ubiquitin ligase complex targeting p53 for degradation. Intringuingly, C-terminal phosphorylation of p53 resulting from activated DNA damage response by viral lytic replication enhances its binding to BZLF1 protein. Purified BZLF1 protein-associated ECS could be shown to catalyze ubiquitination of phospho-mimetic p53 more efficiently than the wild-type in vitro. The compensation of p53 at middle and late stages of the lytic infection inhibits viral DNA replication and production during lytic infection, suggesting that the degradation of p53 is required for efficient viral propagation. Taken together, these findings demonstrate a role for the BZLF1 protein-associated ECS ligase complex in regulation of p53 phosphorylated by activated DNA damage signaling during viral lytic infection

    Nursing Education for a Gender-equal Society* - The Situation of Male Student Nurses -

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    題目:男女共同参画社会における看護教育―男子看護学生の動向について― 1975年の国際婦人年以来,カイロ宣言でのリプロダクテイブヘルス/ライツ,北京宣言等次々に男女差別の撤回と女性の自立をめざした運動が推進されてきた。この女性のエンパワーメント運動の中で,我が国は労働基準法,男女雇用機会均等法,育児休業法等の制定および改正を経て,1999年6月「男女共同参画社会基本法」の施行に至った。以来,国を挙げて男女共同参画社会の構築に取組んでいる。看護界にあっては昭和23年に制定された保健婦助産婦看護婦法における看護職者は女子とされ,男子には国家免許を得る正式な資格が無かった。やがて,法の改正とともに男性看護職者の進出が可能となってきた。しかし,半世紀を経て,なお男性看護職者の占める割合は低く,看護界における男女共同参画の現状は進んでいるとはいい難い。男性看護職者養成の沿革と現状を概観し,その問題点と課題を検討することとした。Until quite recently, Japanese women had very few opportunities to become financially independent. However, women's rights and independence have been gradually promoted since 1975, the International Women's Year. The 1994 Cairo Conference on Population emphasized women's reproductive rights. Such international movements resulted in the enactment of the 1985 Equal Employment Opportunity Law and the 1999 Law for a Gender-Equal Society in Japan. On the other hand, nursing education had been offered for women only until it became possible for men to become nurses in 1968, when the 1948 law on nursing profession was amended. Almost half a century has passed, but the percentage of male nurses is still limited. There is still much to be done for achieving equality between male nurses and female nurses. We will overview the history of nursing education and discuss the problems that male nurses face. *Low No.78 of 1999 was established to promote genuine eguality between woman and me

    Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing Oleh Perseroan Terbatas Penanam Modal Asing Yang Berinvestasi Di Indonesia

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    A number of foreign workers who are currently working in Indonesia is not in accordance with the legislation that exists. The foreign workers doing menial jobs and do not have immigration documents are complete. They are working on a number of foreign investors in a number of business sectors, especially in construction and infrastructure. The type of research that is done is the normative legal research i.e. Research which focuses on positive form of legal norms and regulations. Types of data used include primary law, secondary legal materials and legal materials tertiary. The use of foreign labor by a limited liability foreign investors who invest in Indonesia must comply with the legislation that exists. The foreign workers are only allowed to occupy positions as commissioners, directors, and experts who are accompanied by a complete immigration administrative documents