118 research outputs found

    Epidermal Growth Factor and Transforming Growth Factor-α Stimulate the Proliferation of Mouse Uterine Stromal Cells

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    Growth factors produced in the uterine endometrium are considered to be involved in the proliferation of the mouse uterine stromal cells induced by estradiol-17beta (E-2) and progesterone (P). The effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha), one of EGF-related growth factors, on the proliferation of mouse uterine stromal cells was studied in a serum-free culture. The growth of the uterine stromal cells was measured by MTT assay. EGF was found to increase the number of uterine stromal cells in a dose-dependent manner. The DNA-replicating cells were investigated using the immunocytochemical detection of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-labeled cells. EGF and TGF-alpha increased the percentage of BrdU-Iabeled cells in a dose-dependent manner. Administration of the combination of E-2 (10(-9) M) and P (10(-7) M) for 2 days increased the percentage of BrdU-Iabeled cells 2.3-fold. The stimulatory effect of EGF, TGF-a and the combination of E2 and P on DNA replication in the uterine stromal cells was repressed by RG-13022 (10(-5) M, the inhibitor of the EGF receptor tyrosine kinase). RT-PCR analysis of EGF-receptor-, TGF-alpha, and EGF-mRNA was carried,out in the cultured uterine stromal cells, and revealed the expression of those mRNAs. These data supported the hypothesis that uterine endometrial stromal growth induced by sex steroids required the EGF family of ligands such as EGF and TGF-alpha, both produced in the stromal cells, acting for DNA synthesis through EGF receptors


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 瀬戸 泰之, 東京大学特任准教授 疋田 温彦, 東京大学講師 安藤 瑞生, 東京大学特任教授 児玉 龍彦, 東京大学教授 浦野 泰照University of Tokyo(東京大学


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    Background: Maintenance of instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) and social role (SR) is crucial to keep independent life because the decline in SR and IADL was a significant predictor of dependence in basic ADL in later. The independent effect of physical and cultural leisure activities and their effect modification on the IADL remains unknown. Methods: We prospectively observed 3241 elderly with intact IADL at baseline for 5 years. Higher level functional capacity such as IADL and SR was assessed using the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology Index of competence (TMIG index). Results: The mean age of the participants was 72.3 years (standard deviation 5.1), and 46.9% were male, and 90.9% of them received a follow-up assessment. Of the participants, 10.4% developed an IADL decline. Engagement in leisure physical activity was associated with a significantly lower risk of IADL decline (adjusted risk ratio, 0.73; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.60 to 0.89), and cultural leisure activity was also associated with lower risk of IADL decline (adjusted risk ratio, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.63 to 0.95) independent of potential confounders. We also found significant and positive interaction between physical and cultural leisure activities at risk for IADL decline (P = 0.024) and SR decline (P = 0.004). Conclusions: We found an independent association of physical and cultural leisure activities with a lower risk for functional decline in IADL and SR with positive interaction. Combined engagement in physical and cultural activities may effectively prevent from IADL decline and SR decline.博士(医学)・乙第1456号・令和2年3月16日© The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated

    Association of liver enzyme levels and alveolar bone loss : a cross-sectional clinical study in Sado Island

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    The interaction of periodontopathic bacteria with host immune system induces the production of inflammatory mediators which leads to alveolar bone loss (ABL), the essential feature of periodontitis. Concurrently, periodontal diseases cause the elevation of blood cytokine levels, the alteration of gut microbiota and the dissemination of enterobacteria to the liver. Owing to these mechanisms, periodontal disease might be a risk for liver dysfunction. Several epidemiological studies have reported associations between periodontal diseases and liver dysfunction, although the association between ABL and liver dysfunction has not been investigated. This cross-sectional study determined if elevated serum liver enzyme levels were associated with ABL in Japanese adults. Japanese adults living on Sado Island who visited Sado General Hospital were invited to participate in the study. Participants over 40 years of age who underwent dental panoramic radiography and blood tests were included. Drinking and smoking habits were self-administered. After excluding patients with edentulous jaw, diagnosed liver diseases, and those on dialysis, data from 44 men and 66 women with a mean age of 73 years were analyzed. The average percentage of ABL for each participant was calculated for mesial and distal sites of all remaining teeth. The levels of serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) were determined. Univariate analyses were performed to select covariates to be put in multivariate analyses. The association between elevated serum liver enzyme levels and the highest quartile of ABL were assessed by multiple logistic regression analysis. After adjusting for covariates, no significant association was found between elevated serum AST, ALT, or GGT levels as dependent variables and the highest quartile of ABL as an explanatory variable. There was no significant association between the elevation of serum liver enzyme levels and ABL in Japanese adults

    Epidermal Growth Factor Stimulates Proliferation of Mouse Uterine Epithelial Cells in Primary Culture

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    Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is one of growth factors that are thought to mediate the stimulatory effects of estrogen on the proliferation of uterine epithelial cells. The present study was attempted to obtain direct evidence for the mitogenic effects of EGF on uterine epithelial cells, and to prove that EGF and EGF receptors are expressed in these cells. Mouse uterine epithelial cells were isolated from immature female mice and cultured with or without EGF for 5 days. EGF (1 to 100 ng/ml) significantly increased the number of uterine epithelial cells, and the maximal growth (141.9+/-8.3% of controls) was obtained at a dose of 10 ng/ml. In addition, EGF (0.1 to 100 ng/ml) increased the number of DNA-synthesizing cells immunocytochemically detected by bromodeoxyuridine uptake to the nucleus. Northern blot analysis revealed that the uterine epithelial cells expressed both EGF mRNA (4.7 kb) and EGF receptor mRNAs (10.5, 6.6, and 2.7 kb) These results suggest that the proliferation of uterine epithelial cells is regulated by the paracrine and/ or autocrine action of EGF. Our previous study demonstrated the mitogenic effect of IGF-I on uterine epithelial cells. To examine whether the EGF- and IGF-I signaling act at the same level in the regulation of the proliferation of uterine epithelial cells, the cultured cells were simultaneously treated with IGF-I and EGF. IGF-I was found to additively stimulate the mitogenic effects of EGF, suggesting that the EGF-induced growth of uterine epithelial cells is distinct from IGF-l-induced growth

    Re-evaluation of Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor on Pregnancy Course in Patients with Threatened Preterm Delivery : A Single-Center Retrospective Study

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    Background: We evaluated the necessity of urinary trypsin inhibitor for patients with threatened premature labor. Methods: We enrolled 146 women with singleton pregnancies who were treated for threatened premature labor as inpatients. The uterine cervical length of each patient was ? 25 mm at 22?35 weeks of gestation on transvaginal ultrasonography. The patients were divided into two groups: the urinary trypsin inhibitor group (91 patients treated with urinary trypsin inhibitor daily) or non-urinary trypsin inhibitor group (55 patients not treated with urinary trypsin inhibitor). The childbirth outcomes were retrospectively assessed. Results: The median cervical length measured on the day of admission was almost similar between the urinary trypsin inhibitor and non-urinary trypsin inhibitor groups. Depending on the symptoms of uterine contractions, we determined whether ritodrine hydrochloride and/or magnesium sulfate would be appropriate for treatment. The median gestational week at birth was 38 weeks in the urinary trypsin inhibitor group, and no obvious differences were observed when compared with the non-urinary trypsin inhibitor group. With regard to birth weight, no significant difference was found between the two groups (urinary trypsin inhibitor group, 2776 g; non-urinary trypsin inhibitor group, 2800 g). Conclusion: Our data showed no significant beneficial effects of urinary trypsin inhibitor in the maternal course and delivery outcomes


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    本研究は、初年次看護学生が日常生活援助を受けた当事者の語りから得た看護観を明らかにすることを目的とした。対象は、看護大学1年生67 名であり、日常生活援助を受けた当事者の語りを聴く授業の課題レポートを質的帰納的に分析した。その結果、学生は患者をかけがえのない存在と捉え、【大切な存在として患者に向き合う】こと、患者・家族の思いや状況を理解しケアを考えていく【患者・家族の立場に立つ】ことの重要性を感じていた。また、患者を思う心、回復を願う心で関わり、その【心を届ける】ことや、患者に忙しさを感じさせず【看護師にとっていい患者にさせない】こと、さらに、責任を持って【患者の安全を守る】ことが重要であると感じていた。【心を届ける】【看護師にとっていい患者にさせない】との看護観は本研究の特徴的な結果であった。また、学生は当事者の語りを患者の生の声と捉え、患者の体験に根ざした看護観を培っていたと考えられる

    コミュニケーション ゲンゴ カツドウ ノ ジュクタツド オ アラワス JF Can-do ノ サクセイ ト ヒョウカ CEFR ノ A2 B1 レベル ニ モトヅイテ

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    日本語教育において言語熟達度を表す共通の枠組みがないという状況をふまえ、国際交流基金は、 CEFR に基づいた日本語の熟達度を表す能力記述文としてJF Can-do を開発中である。本稿では、JF Cando 開発の第1段階であるA2およびB1レベルのCan-do 作成と、その記述に対する現場教師の評価に ついて述べる。評価の観点は、(1)レベルが妥当か、(2)言語活動のカテゴリーが妥当か、(3)記述はわかり やすいか、(4)教室活動等がイメージしやすいか、の4点である。作成過程において現場教師による評価 を取り入れたことにより、教育現場で使いやすいCan-do を記述する際に考慮すべき点について有益な フィードバックを得た。その一方で、Can-do を十分に理解し、枠組みを共有していくためには、継続 したワークショップ等の実施が重要であることもわかった。Given that there is no common framework for Japanese language proficiency, The Japan Foundation is developing Japanese language proficiency descriptors (“JF Can-do”) based on the CEFR illustrative descriptors. This paper reports on the first stage of the development of JF Can-do (for levels A 2 and B 1) and the evaluation of the descriptions by teachers. The points of the evaluation are as follows : 1) validity of the proficiency level, 2) appropriateness of the language activity category, 3) clarity of descriptions, and 4) ease in visualizing classroom activities. Useful feedback was gained by carrying out the teachers\u27 evaluation in the process of developing JF Can-do that are easy to use in classroom situations. Meanwhile, the results also showed that continued workshops were needed in order for the teachers to fully understand and share the framework