13 research outputs found

    Potassium silicate for mitigation of irrigation water deficiency for Faba bean intercropped with sugar beet in a sandy soil

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    A field experiment was carried out at Ismailia Agricultural Research Station, Agricultural Research Center, Ismailia governorate (Lat. 30° 35' 30" N, Long. 32° 14' 50" E, 10 m a.s.l.), Egypt, during 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 growing seasons to determine the suitable rate of potassium silicate that could mitigate the effect of irrigation water deficiency on productivity of both faba bean and sugar beet under intercropping system. Three irrigation treatments (I1 (120% ETo), I2 (100% ETo) and I3 (80% ETo)) and three rates of sprayed potassium silicate (Si0 unsprayed-control), Si1 (200 ppm) and Si2 (300 ppm)) were used. The results showed the highest intercropped faba bean and sugar beet yields and their components were attained under spraying with Si1 under the three irrigation treatments in both growing seasons. Furthermore, spraying intercropped faba bean and sugar beet with Si1 under I2 and I3 relieved water deficiency and increased the yields, compared to no spraying. The 2-year average values of applied irrigation water to sugar beet intercropping system were 9252, 7730, 6184 m3/ha under I1, I2 and I3, respectively. Using cereal units analysis revealed that the highest values WUE and WP were found under application of I3, namely 0.29 CU/mm and 0.36 CU/mm for WUE and 0.24 CU/mm and 0.25 CU/mm for WP in the first and second seasons, respectively. The highest values of WER were 1.41 and 1.42 obtained from the interaction between irrigation with I2 and spraying with Si1 in the first and second season, respectively. Thus, it could be concluded that to mitigate the effect of irrigation deficiency applied to faba bean intercropped with sugar beet, spraying with 200 ppm of potassium silicate should be applied. Keywords: Deficit irrigation, potassium silicate, Cereal Units analysis, water use efficiency, water productivity, waterequivalent rati

    Biochar particles size influenced the yield and water productivity of two mint (Mentha sp.) varieties under drip irrigation

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    In a two-year experiment conducted in 2019 and 2020, evaluation of the interaction between biochar particle sizes (without application (B1), <1 mm (B2), 6.60-9.50 mm (B3) and >13 mm (B4)) and irrigation treatments (120 (I1), 100 (I2) and 80% (I3) ETo) on yield, water use efficiency (WUE) and water productivity (WP) of two mint varieties (spearmint (V1) and peppermint (V2)) was done in the new soil of El-Behira Governorate under drip system. The results showed that, in both cuts, application of I1 and B4 increased the fresh yield by an average of 16.6 % for varieties and seasons, compared to other treatments. The highest oil yield was increased by an average of 28.0% for varieties and seasons under B2 and I3, compared to other treatments. The highest applied irrigation water was 11655 m3/ha under I1 averaged over varieties and seasons, which attained the highest yield under the application of the four biochar treatments. Application of I2 and B2 attained the highest values of WUE, namely 3.29 and 2.75 kg/m3 for V1 and V2, respectively averaged over seasons. The highest values of WP were also found under I2 and B2, namely 2.80 and 2.34 kg/m3. In conclusion, application of B2 could relieve the effect of water deficiency and increase both WUE and WP for both mint varieties. Keywords: Biochar particles size, spearmint (Mentha spicate), peppermint (Mentha piperita L.), water use efficiency, water productivit

    Enhancing spearmint productivity and water use efficiency under alternative planting practices

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    Egypt faces water scarcity to meet the increasing demand. Therefore, better management of irrigation water for crops assumes high priority among which spearmint is a high water demanding plant. Hence, the current study was undertaken at the Medicinal and Aromatic Research Department Experimental Farm, El-Kanater El-Khairiya, Egypt. It is intended to investigate the effect of different planting practices “raised bed, furrows and convention” on yield productivity and water saving, under three irrigation treatments “120%, 100% and 80% of ETo”. The results of two seasons 2016 and 2017 showed that the best vegetative growth and fresh herb yield were obtained using raised bed followed by furrows then conventional planting method under 100% ETo. Essential oil was increased up to 0.7% at 100% ETo under raised bed. It was observed that when compared to planting using conventional methods at 120% ETo, under 80% ETo spearmint yield was increased by about 8.76% and 26.14% for furrows and raised bed in the first season, second season showed same trend. In addition, raised bed under 80% of irrigation applied water produced the maximum amount of water saved when compared to conventional at 120% ETo being 36.14 and 48.38% for 1st and 2nd season, respectively

    Response of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) to deficit irrigation management under the semi-arid environment of Egypt: field and modeling study

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    In many areas of the world, water shortages prevail and threaten food production. Deficit irrigation was commonly investigated in dry areas as a precious and sustainable production approach. Using the CropSyst model to simulate the effects of different deficit irrigation treatments could help draw conclusions and save time, effort, and money. Therefore, the aims of this research were (i) to calibrate and validate the CropSyst model for wheat under different sustained and phenological stage-based deficit irrigation treatments, (ii) to simulate the impacts of the latter treatments on limiting wheat yield reduction. Two field experiments were conducted in Nubaria (Egypt), representing an arid environment. They included seven irrigation treatments: (1) 100%, (2) 75%, or (3) 50% of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) during the whole crop cycle; (4) 50% ETc at tillering only, or (5) at booting only, or (6) at grain filling only, or (7) at both tillering and grain filling, with the replenishment of 100% ETc to the treatments (4) to (7) in the remaining phenological stages. The results revealed that phenological stage-based deficit irrigation of wheat resulted in lower yield reduction compared to sustained deficit irrigation treatments, with a 6% yield reduction when 50% ETc was applied at the booting stage. Wheat yield loss was reduced to 4 or 6% when 95 or 90% of ETc were applied, respectively. The CropSyst model accurately simulated wheat grain and total dry matter under deficit irrigation with low RMSE value. In conclusion, the CropSyst model can be reliably used for evaluating the strategy of planned deficit irrigation management in terms of wheat production under the arid environmen

    Water requirements for wheat and maize under climate change in North Nile Delta

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    Determination of water requirements for wheat and maize under climate change is important for policy makers in Egypt. The objectives of this paper were to calculate (i) ETo and (ii) water requirements for wheat and maize crops grown in five governorates (Alexandria, Demiatte, Kafr El-Sheik, El-Dakahlia and El-Behira) located in North Nile Delta of Egypt under current climate and climate change. ECHAM5 climate model was used to develop A1B climate change scenario in 2020, 2030 and 2040. Monthly values of evapotranspiration (ETo) under the different scenarios in these governorates were calculated using Hargreaves-Samani equation (H-S). Then, these values were regressed on ETo values previously calculated by Penman-Monteith equation (P-M) and linear regression (prediction equations were developed for each governorate). The predicted ETo values were compared to the values of ETo calculated by P-M equation and the deviations between them were very low (RMSE/obs=0.04-0.06 mm and R2 =0.96-0.99). Water requirements for wheat and maize were calculated using BISm model under current climate and in 2020, 2030 and 2040. The results showed that average annual ETo would increase by low percentage in 2020 and 2030. However, in 2040 the increase would reach 8%. Water requirements are expected to increase by 2-3% for wheat and by 10-15% for maize, which would result in reduction of the cultivated area. Thus, it is very important to revise and fix the production system of wheat and maize, in terms of the used cultivars, fertilizer and irrigation application to overcome the risk of climate change

    Effect of Foliar Humic Acid on Water Productivity: Biochemical Parameters and Biotic Stress on Geranium Yield

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    During the 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 seasons, a study was conducted on the effect of humic acid at 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 ml L-1 and water productivity on essential oils and proline content, biotic stress caused by Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) and yield of geranium plants. The study was conducted in El Kanater El Khairia of Qalubia Governorate. It was aimed at determining the appropriate concentration of humic acid that attains the highest water productivity (WP), the highest production of essential oils, and highest proline content as well as reducing the symptoms of CMV. Results indicate that the highest fresh yield was obtained with a foliar application of 2.0 ml L-1 humic acid and 120% evapotranspiration (ETo). Applied irrigation water was 15155, 12168, and 9334 m3 ha-1 in the first growing season and 15218, 12298, and 9678 m3 ha-1 in the second growing season with 120, 100, and 80% ETo in both seasons. The highest average of WP 9.31 kg ha-1 both seasons was attained with 80% ETo and, 2.0 ml L-1 humic acid. While, the highest percentage of geranium essential oils and proline content, 68.16 and 3.73%, respectively were found with 2.0 ml L-1 humic. On the contrary, there was a significant reduction in CMV symptoms in plants treated with 2.0 ml L-1 humic acid compared to untreated controls. Thus, it is recommended that geraniums be irrigated with 80% ETo and application of 2.0 ml L-1 humic acid. Additionally, these treatments increased WP and resulted in the highest production of essential oils. It also increased the concentration of proline which acts as an endogenous osmoprotectants, against CMV

    Water requirements for wheat and maize under climate change in North Nile Delta

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    Determination of water requirements for wheat and maize under climate change is important for policy makers in Egypt. The objectives of this paper were to calculate (i) ETo and (ii) water requirements for wheat and maize crops grown in five governorates (Alexandria, Demiatte, Kafr El-Sheik, El-Dakahlia and El-Behira) located in North Nile Delta of Egypt under current climate and climate change. ECHAM5 climate model was used to develop A1B climate change scenario in 2020, 2030 and 2040. Monthly values of evapotranspiration (ETo) under the different scenarios in these governorates were calculated using Hargreaves-Samani equation (H-S). Then, these values were regressed on ETo values previously calculated by Penman-Monteith equation (P-M) and linear regression (prediction equations were developed for each governorate). The predicted ETo values were compared to the values of ETo calculated by P-M equation and the deviations between them were very low (RMSE/obs=0.04-0.06 mm and R2 =0.96-0.99). Water requirements for wheat and maize were calculated using BISm model under current climate and in 2020, 2030 and 2040. The results showed that average annual ETo would increase by low percentage in 2020 and 2030. However, in 2040 the increase would reach 8%. Water requirements are expected to increase by 2-3% for wheat and by 10-15% for maize, which would result in reduction of the cultivated area. Thus, it is very important to revise and fix the production system of wheat and maize, in terms of the used cultivars, fertilizer and irrigation application to overcome the risk of climate change. Additional key words: Triticum spp; Zea mays; Penman-Monteith equation; Hargreaves-Samani equation; BISm model; ECHAM5 climate model; A1B climate change scenario. Abbreviations used: BISm (basic irrigation scheduling model); CCAFS (Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security); ETo (evapotranspiration); H-S (Hargreaves & Samani); Kc (crop coefficient); PI (percentage of increase); P-M (Penman Monteith); RMSE (root mean square error); WHC (water holding capacity). Citation: Ouda, S.; Noreldin, T.; Abd El-Latif, K. (2015). Water requirements for wheat and maize under climate change in North Nile Delta. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, Volume 13, Issue 1, e03-001, 10 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.5424/sjar/2015131-6412. Received: 15 Jun 2014. Accepted: 02 Dec 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.5424/sjar/2015131-6412 Copyright © 2015 INIA. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC by 3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Funding: The author(s) received no specific funding for this work. Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Correspondence should be addressed to Samiha Ouda: [email protected]

    Water requirements for wheat and maize under climate change in North Nile Delta

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    Determination of water requirements for wheat and maize under climate change is important for policy makers in Egypt. The objectives of this paper were to calculate (i) ETo and (ii) water requirements for wheat and maize crops grown in five governorates (Alexandria, Demiatte, Kafr El-Sheik, El-Dakahlia and El-Behira) located in North Nile Delta of Egypt under current climate and climate change. ECHAM5 climate model was used to develop A1B climate change scenario in 2020, 2030 and 2040. Monthly values of evapotranspiration (ETo) under the different scenarios in these governorates were calculated using Hargreaves-Samani equation (H-S). Then, these values were regressed on ETo values previously calculated by Penman-Monteith equation (P-M) and linear regression (prediction equations were developed for each governorate). The predicted ETo values were compared to the values of ETo calculated by P-M equation and the deviations between them were very low (RMSE/obs=0.04-0.06 mm and R2 =0.96-0.99). Water requirements for wheat and maize were calculated using BISm model under current climate and in 2020, 2030 and 2040. The results showed that average annual ETo would increase by low percentage in 2020 and 2030. However, in 2040 the increase would reach 8%. Water requirements are expected to increase by 2-3% for wheat and by 10-15% for maize, which would result in reduction of the cultivated area. Thus, it is very important to revise and fix the production system of wheat and maize, in terms of the used cultivars, fertilizer and irrigation application to overcome the risk of climate change

    Evaluating the Productivity of some Barely Genotypes under Deficient Water Application in Clayey Soils

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    This study is intended to identify barely genotypes efficient for water use. For this, a field experiment was conducted at Sakha Research Station. The experimental design was randomize complete block with three replicates during 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 growing seasons. Twenty barely genotypes were grown under two water application treatments ((full irrigation (FI) and water stress (WS)). The values of applied irrigation water were 3430 and 1995 m3/ha under WS and FI, respectively, being lower by 42%, compared to FI amount, average over the two seasons. The interaction between barley genotypes and irrigation water revealed that plant height of line-7, spike length and number of grains/spike of line-6, number of spikes/m2 of Giza133, and grain and biological yields of line-5 were the least affected by WS, compared with their values under FI.  The highest values of WUE under WS were found for line-6 and line-11, which also attained the highest WP Line-8 and line-13, expressed the highest value of mean productivity, geometric mean productivity and stress tolerance indices. Furthermore, line-7 had the highest value of stress susceptibility index. Thus, based on WUE, WP and drought tolerance indices, it could be concluded that line-6, line-7, line-8, line-11 and line-13 have the ability to withstand water stress and could be selected for breeding programs for water use efficiency