68 research outputs found

    The intraindividual variation in small intestinal strength in the pig

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    The object of the study was to determine the intraindividual and interindividual variation in the bursting strength of the small intestine of pigs.Seven pigs were subjected to laparotomy and the in vivo bursting strength of the small intestine was determined at ten different sites. The strength of the small intestine increased with increasing distance from the ligament of Treitz. The median strength in the jejunum was 160 mm Hg (range 135—195), in the ileum 196 mm Hg (range 148-274).The variation between pig and pig was great, but the intraindividual variation could not be explained by the interindividual variation alone.The results demonstrated that when conducting studies on the strength of the small intestine, it is of the utmost importance in order to achieve comparability, to use similar sites on the intestine when the study design is group comparisons, and neighbouring sites when the study design is intraindividual comparison

    Mathematics teaching in lávvues from the perspectives of Indigenous education and critical peace education

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    This study focuses on how teaching is affected when two cultures meet: the Sámi culture, represented by the lávvu, and the culture of teaching mathematics in a school. It describes the use of the lávvu (a Sámi temporary dwelling) as a classroom for teaching mathematics. For several years, and in cooperation with researchers, the teachers at the Guovdageaidnu Lower Secondary Schoolg have been developing interdisciplinary teaching content related to Sámi traditional knowledge. The findings of this study describe how tenth-grade students taught younger students. The empirical data used in this study originated from students’ teaching in lávvues and consisted of audio recordings, field notes, and notes from conversations between the authors. The teaching was carried out at another Sámi school for students of the same age and younger. The organization of the teaching and the teaching itself can be seen as a hybrid of Sámi child rearing and the ordinary teaching occurring in Sámi schools in Norway

    Lávvu and mathematics

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    Poster presented at CERME11 - The Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Utrecht, Netherlands, 6-10 February 2019.Sápmi is the Sámi term for the Sámi homeland and society, the land area extends from Central Norway, Sweden and Finland to the Kola Peninsula in Russia. In Norway, the Sámi as a population has status as an indigenous people, which means that the Sámi have the right to develop their own culture and language on their own premises. Traditionally the Sámi people has lived as hunters and gatherers and in connection with this, they lived a nomadic life. The lávvu is a temporary dwelling, and the design of it reflects the Sámi culture as a community. Families travel in small groups, and the lávvu is designed so that even one person could quickly set it up with little effort. Teachers at a Sámi school in northern part of Sápmi in Norway have for several years developed teaching units for all grades in lower secondary school with lávvu as an overall theme. When students attend their last year at lower secondary school, they develop their own teaching unit in mathematics with the lávvu. This study builds on research by Fyhn et al. (2016), Fyhn, Meaney, Nystad, and Jannok Nutti (2017), and Jannok Nutti et al. (2015), where the Sámi culture founds basis for mathematics in school. The research question investigated hereis: How do students use the lávvu in mathematics teaching

    Acute stress impairs sensorimotor gating via the neurosteroid allopregnanolone in the prefrontal cortex

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    Ample evidence indicates that environmental stress impairs information processing, yet the underlying mechanisms remain partially elusive. We showed that, in several rodent models of psychopathology, the neurosteroid allopregnanolone (AP) reduces the prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle, a well-validated index of sensorimotor gating. Since this GABAA receptor activator is synthesized in response to acute stress, we hypothesized its participation in stress-induced PPI deficits. Systemic AP administration reduced PPI in C57BL/6J mice and Long-Evans, but not Sprague-Dawley rats. These effects were reversed by isoallopregnanolone (isoAP), an endogenous AP antagonist, and the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline and mimicked by AP infusions in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). Building on these findings, we tested AP's implication in the PPI deficits produced by several complementary regimens of acute and short-term stress (footshock, restraint, predator exposure, and sleep deprivation). PPI was reduced by acute footshock, sleep deprivation as well as the combination of restraint and predator exposure in a time- and intensity-dependent fashion. Acute stress increased AP concentrations in the mPFC, and its detrimental effects on PPI were countered by systemic and intra-mPFC administration of isoAP. These results collectively indicate that acute stress impairs PPI by increasing AP content in the mPFC. The confirmation of these mechanisms across distinct animal models and several acute stressors strongly supports the translational value of these findings and warrants future research on the role of AP in information processing

    Human β-Defensin 2 Mutations Are Associated With Asthma and Atopy in Children and Its Application Prevents Atopic Asthma in a Mouse Model

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    Asthma and allergies are complex, chronic inflammatory diseases in which genetic and environmental factors are crucial. Protection against asthma and allergy development in the context of farming environment is established by early animal contact, unpasteurized milk consumption and gut microbiota maturation. The human β-defensin 2 (hBD-2) is a host defense peptide present almost exclusively in epithelial tissues, with pronounced immunomodulatory properties, which has recently been shown to ameliorate asthma and IBD in animal models. We hypothesized that adequate hBD-2 secretion plays a role in the protection against asthma and allergy development and that genetic variations in the complex gene locus coding for hBD-2 may be a risk factor for developing these diseases, if as a consequence, hBD-2 is insufficiently produced. We used MALDI-TOF MS genotyping, sequencing and a RFLP assay to study the genetic variation including mutations, polymorphisms and copy number variations in the locus harboring both genes coding for hBD-2 (DEFB4A and DEFB4B). We administered hBD-2 orally in a mouse model of house dust mite (HDM)-asthma before allergy challenge to explore its prophylactic potential, thereby mimicking a protective farm effect. Despite the high complexity of the region harboring DEFB4A and DEFB4B we identified numerous genetic variants to be associated with asthma and allergy in the GABRIELA Ulm population of 1,238 children living in rural areas, including rare mutations, polymorphisms and a lack of the DEFB4A. Furthermore, we found that prophylactic oral administration of hBD-2 significantly curbed lung resistance and pulmonary inflammation in our HDM mouse model. These data indicate that inadequate genetic capacity for hBD-2 is associated with increased asthma and allergy risk while adequate and early hBD-2 administration (in a mouse model) prevents atopic asthma. This suggests that hBD-2 could be involved in the protective farm effect and may be an excellent candidate to confer protection against asthma development

    Landskapet, døden og etterlivet. Ting å fortelle om gravene langs Beisfjord

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    Arkeologiske studier av et tyvetalls grunne jordgraver på to lokaliteter på sørsiden av Beisfjord i indre Ofoten, typologisk datert til tidlig middelalder, har lenge vært preget av usikkerhet rundt etnisk tilskrivelse. Et sentralt trekk ved gravskikken var noen eiendommelige fat som var hvelvet over de dødes ansikt. Gravene har ikke vært sett på som hverken tilstrekkelig norrøne eller kristne til å vurderes som etterlatenskaper etter en norsk befolkning i Ofoten. På samme vis har antydninger om samiske komponenter blitt sett på som utilstrekkelige for entydig samisk tilskrivelse. Løsningen har vært å vurdere gravene som kulturelle hybrider. To nærliggende samiske urgraver, der en kan dateres til etter den harde misjonstiden på 1720-tallet, har imidlertid åpnet for å se både historiske kilder og landskapet med et nytt blikk, der gravskikk, ontologi, landskapsforståelse samt vitnesbyrd om nære og fjerne kontakter, gjør den samiske dimensjonen langt tydeligere og mer plausibel. Ved å forstå livsløpet til fatene kan vi nå ikke bare forklare hvor de kom fra, når de kom, og hvordan samenes relasjon til handelsmenn i Bottenviken utartet seg, men også si noe om hvilke tanker som kan ligge bak en rituell nedleggelse av fat i gravene. Dette gir oss et bedre grunnlag for datering av jordgravene til 1200- til 1400-tallet. En hittil ubeskrevet grav i Sørfolda, som viser tilsvarende gravskikk, gir også grunnlag for å stille spørsmål om det heller kan tales om en utbredt samisk gravskikk, fremfor et lokalt hybrid kulturuttrykk. Gravene langs Beisfjord kan sees som uttrykk for en særegen og tidsdyp ontologisk forståelse av landskapet, hvor samenes kulturelle trekk har blitt påvirket av varierende grader av kristningsforsøk, statsmaktenes kamp om landområder og andre store endringer, men likevel forblitt det vi først og fremst må betrakte som samisk kultur.Čoahkkáigeassu: Arkeologalaš iskkadeamit guoktelot'náre coages muoldohávddis guokte sajis Ušmma oarjegáttis Sis-Ufuohtas, typologalaččat dáterejuvvon ára gaskaahkái, leat guhká leahkán eahpevissisvuođas etnalaš duogáža hárrái. Guovddášlaš sárggus hávdevierus ledje ártegis fáhtat mat ledje biddjon jápmán olbmo ámadaju badjel. Hávddit eai leat vuhtton nuogis dološdárun eai ge risttalažžan ahte sáhttá oaidnit daid Ufuohta dáččaid bázahussan. Simme vuohkái eai leat sámi komponeanttat vuhtton dan mađe nannosat ahte sáhttá njuolga gohčodit sámi hávdin. Čoavddus lea leahkán oaidnit hávddiid kultuvrralaš hybridan. Guokte dološ sámi hávddi lahkosis, maid sáhttá dateret garra mišunerenáigái 1720-logus, leat buktán vejolašvuođa oaidnit sihke historjjálaš gálduid ja eanadaga ođđa geahčastagain, gonne hávdevierut, ontologiija, eanaipmárdus ja dološ ja dálá muitalusat dahket sámi čanastaga čielgaseabbo ja eanet jáhkehahtti. Go dál ipmirdit buorebut fáhtiid duogáža sáhttit čilget sihke gonne leat vuolgán ja goasse, gokte sámiid gaskavuohta Bottenvikena gávpeolbmuiguin lea leahkán ja dasa lassin árvalit makkár jurddašeapmái hávderituála fáhtiiguin lea čadnon. Dát addá ge midjiide buoret vuođu dateret hávddiid gaskal 1200- ja 1400-logu. Hávdi Oarjjelij Foalddas midja dassážii ii leat čilgejuvvon vuoseha simme hávdevieru, ja dan vuođul sáhttá gažadit jus mii dál oaidnit guvllolaš hávdevieru, ii ge hybrida báikkálaš kulturmearkka. Ušmmi hávddiid sáhttá oaidnit mearkan sierra ja čiekŋalis ontologalaš eanaipmárdusas, gonnes iešguđetlágan mišunerenáigodagat, stáhtaid gilvu eatnanoamasteapmái ja eará stuorra rievdadusat leat váikkuhan sámiid kulturmearkkaid, muhto ahte mii lihkká vuosttažettiin fertet oaidnit dan sámi kultuvran

    Kulturbasert matematikkundervisning. En studie av et tverrfaglig undervisningsopplegg i en sørsamisk skole

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    Denne studien tar utgangspunkt i et tverrfaglig undervisningsopplegg på en sørsamisk skole. Tjaalehtjimmie, den sørsamiske ornamentikken, danner basis for matematikk- og samiskundervisningen. Fokuset er på hvordan læreren opplever at eleven endrer forståelsen for matematikk når faget bygger videre på formene i ornamentikken. Mellin-Olsen (1984) viser til at forståelsen av matematikk kan deles i tre, og studien peker på at når faget knyttes til elevens egen kultur oppleves matematikken som viktig. Videre er funnene satt i sammenheng med hvordan barn utvikler forståelse for geometri i nivåer (van Hiele, 1986), og det ses på at tjaalehtjimmie kan være til hjelp for utvikling av kunnskap i forhold til geometri. Sosiokulturell læringsteori og kognitiv konstruktivistisk læringsteori er brukt som forklaringsmodeller i forhold til hvordan læreren hjelper og legger til rette for at læring skal skje. Undervisningsopplegget foregår i et undersøkelseslandskap (Skovsmose, 2003), dette kommer til syne ved at eleven oppmuntres til selvstendig og kritisk tenking rundt matematikk. Selvstendighet står sentralt i den samiske barneoppdragelsen, og hvordan prøving og feiling er med på å gjøre barnet selvstendig (Balto, 1997). Til slutt ses det på hvordan skolen og lærerne gjennom kulturbasert undervisning er en anerkjennelse av eleven og elevens kultur. Sentralt her er hvordan kolonialisering har gjort og gjør seg gjeldende i skolen

    Yellow nail syndrome

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