172 research outputs found

    Norwegian lower secondary school teachers’ and students’ beliefs and reported experiences concerning extramural English and language identity in teaching and learning L2 English.

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    This thesis aimed to explore Norwegian lower secondary school teachers’ and students’ beliefs and reported experiences concerning extramural English (EE) and language identity. The study placed a significant emphasis on describing and comparing their beliefs to previous theory on these topics. This was done in order to shed light on how EE and language identity are factors to be considered in teachers’ classroom practice. To gather the data, a qualitative research method was employed, which included semi-structured interviews. Four teachers in both the 9th and the 10th grade and six students in the 10th grade in two lower secondary schools in Norway were interviewed. The data was then transcribed, coded and analyzed using content analysis. The findings revealed that teachers and students are heavily exposed to English outside of school by participating in EE activities such as watching TV, playing video games and using social media. Overall, they seemed to primarily use EE receptively (e.g. listening and reading). The teachers and students believed that EE activities can contribute to language development. However, it seemed that EE can only accommodate students’ language development to a certain extent. The students reported a need to practice their productive skills in school, such as written and spoken skills. Therefore, it may be essential to practice a variety of skills in school. The majority of the teachers and students identified with the English language. Whereas the teachers attempted to avoid code-switching, the students code-switched to a large extent. Their large use of code-switching was seen to be reflected through their extensive familiarity with English. Students’ choice of pronunciation was mostly influenced by native speakers and EE activities. As for students’ motivation and investment in L2 English, it was important for them to understand and to be understood. The students reported that both internal and external factors motivated them to develop their L2 skills. This was in line with the teachers’ beliefs about their students’ motivation. The activities students found most motivating were communicative tasks. The teachers reported that they taught more content, which may be seen as a shift from a focus on teaching language skills, to teaching content, in Norwegian classrooms. This study contributes to previous research of L2 English by studying both teachers’ and students’ beliefs concerning EE and language identity. It provides knowledge of teachers’ and students’ beliefs, which can be valuable for teachers in continuing to engage and motivate their students in the L2 English classroom, in the context of EE and language identity

    Role of Nutrition and Physical Therapy in Maintaining Fat Free Mass and Muscle Strength During Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is a pediatric cancer treatment, but malnutrition and fat free mass (FFM) loss during the process induce negative outcomes. Tracking changes in body composition, physical activity, and handgrip strength (HGS) may determine the effectiveness of current nutrition and physical therapy in maintaining FFM. This prospective quality improvement study of 9 participants receiving first-time HSCT considered bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and HGS data at intake and discharge with nutrition, physical activity, medication administration, and incidence of graft versus host disease (GVHD) throughout admission.An overall loss of weight, FFM, and right and left HGS (p=0.009; p=0.020) and increased fat mass and body fat percentage were observed.Most participants discharged with worsened nutrition diagnoses. No participant experienced GVHD. No relationships were found between participant characteristics, steroid administration, appetite stimulant administration, or nutrition route.A small sample set precluded conclusive observations and necessitates further research in this area

    Economic benefits of training simulators

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    Use of operator training simulators (OTS) is claimed to be one of the best ways to train new operators and to refresh the skills of experienced ones, providing numerous benefits to the companies. What is the value of an operator training simulator in oil & gas industry? What are the economical and HSE benefits of successful simulator training? How much can be earned or saved by the use of training simulators? How large increase in productivity and effectiveness can be gained? This article reviews the OTS practices and quantifies the benefits of the OTS use based on a survey conducted in the Norwegian Oil & Gas industry during fall 2011

    Framtidens kunnskapsbehov eller gĂĄrsdagens kompetanse? - En studie av stillingsannonser over fem tiĂĄr

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    Masteroppgave ledelse- Universitetet i Agder, 201

    Die Schweizer Minarett-Initiative im Spiegel von Facebook: eine Analyse der Diskussionen vor der Abstimmung 2009

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    "Kulturelle, religiöse und sprachliche Heterogenität führt in Gesellschaften vermehrt zu Begegnungen mit zuvor Unbekanntem, das bei vielen Menschen Ängste auslöst. Kampagnen gegen die muslimische Bevölkerung in Europa, wie die Minarett-Initiative in der Schweiz, sind Ausdruck derartiger Ängste gegenüber 'dem' Islam. Facebook-Interessengruppen bieten Austauschmöglichkeiten zu solchen Fremdheitserfahrungen. Dieser Beitrag untersucht in einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse die Diskussionen von Facebook-NutzerInnen zur Minarett-Initiative vor der Abstimmung 2009. In den Beiträgen der BefürworterInnen der Minarett-Initiative zeigen sich Ängste vor einer Islamisierung und Veränderung der Gesellschaft, ein negatives Islambild, Forderungen nach Anpassung und Unterordnung der ZuwandererInnen neben großer Unkenntnis über 'den' Islam und einer starken Überschneidung der Beiträge mit den Argumenten rechtspopulistischer Parteien." (Autorenreferat

    Oppreisningskrav etter EMK artikkel 13 – en sammenligning av norsk og svensk rett

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    Både i norsk og svensk rett er Den europeiske menneskerettskonvensjonen (EMK) inkorporert ved lov. Konvensjonens artikkel 13 krever etter omstendighetene at nasjonal rett gir den enkelte adgang til å kreve oppreisning for den ikke-økonomiske skaden som myndighetenes konvensjonsbrudd medfører. Sveriges øverste domstol (Högsta domstolen) har i en rekke saker tilkjent oppreisning med henvisning til EMK artikkel 13. Det har skjedd i tilfeller hvor bestemmelsen har krevd at det tilkjennes erstatning for ikke-økonomisk skade, men hvor tradisjonelle svenske oppreisningsregler ikke har gitt hjemmel for slik erstatning. I artikkelen argumenteres det for at man må kunne kreve oppreisning i norsk rett med henvisning til EMK artikkel 13, på tilsvarende måte som i svensk rett. Behovet for et slikt oppreisningsansvar er minst like sterkt som i svensk rett.acceptedVersio

    Arbeidsgiveransvar for arbeidstakerens «abnorme» skadeforvoldelse

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    En arbeidsgiver kan bare bli erstatningsansvarlig for ansattes forsettlige skadeforvoldelse dersom den ansatte ikke har gått utenfor det som er «rimelig å regne med etter arten av virksomheten eller saksområdet og karakteren av arbeidet eller vervet», jf. skadeserstatningsloven (skl.) § 2-1 nr. 1 andre punktum. Både i bestemmelsens forarbeider, rettspraksis og den juridiske litteraturen har det blitt fremhevet at arbeidsgiveransvaret må avgrenses mot «ekstraordinære» og «abnorme» skadehandlinger. Artikkelen drøfter hva denne avgrensningen består i. Det argumenteres for at den verken gir grunn til å vektlegge den ansattes forsett med hensyn til skadehandlingen eller i hvilken grad egenskaper ved den ansatte utgjorde en risiko for handlingen.acceptedVersio

    Hvordan kan vi sikre demokratiets overlevelse? Et forsvar for det militante demokrati

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    Hvordan kan vi beskytte demokratiet mot antidemokratiske krefter? Formålet med denne oppgaven har vært å undersøke hvorvidt det bør være tillatelig å ekskludere antidemokratiske grupper og individer fra å stille til valg i et liberalt demokrati. Diskusjonen rundt det militante demokrati har vært sentral, og jeg har fremmet to argumenter mot: argumentet basert på politisk likhet, og argumentet basert på domstolskontroll over lovgivning. Argumentet basert på politisk likhet tar i hovedsak utgangspunkt i Jeremy Waldron og Robert A. Dahls demokratiteori, mens argumentet basert på domstolskontroll over lovgivning fungerer som et praktisk alternativ til det militante demokrati, samt et motargument. De to argumentene for innføringen av et slikt system, er selvforsvarsargumentet og antiautoritetsargumentet. Selvforsvarsargumentet kan spores tilbake til Karl Loewensteins introduksjon av det militante demokratiet som begrep. Antiautoritetsargumentet tar utgangspunkt i klassisk liberal filosofi, samt Jason Brennans antiautoritetsprinsipp. Jeg konkluderer med at de mest tungtveiende argumentene, er argumentene for et militant demokrati. Mitt svar på problemstillingen er dermed at det bør være tillatelig å ekskludere antidemokratiske grupper og individer fra å stille til valg i et liberalt demokrati.How can we best protect democracy against antidemocratic forces? The purpose of this thesis has been to discuss if it should be admissible to exclude antidemocratic groups and individuals from running for election in a liberal democracy. The discussion around militant democracy has been important, and I have put forward two arguments for it: The argument from political equality, and the argument based on judicial review of legislation. The argument from political equality is mainly based on the democratic theories of Jeremy Waldron and Robert A. Dahl, while the argument based on judicial review of legislation works both as a practical alternative to a militant democracy, as well as a counterargument. The arguments for the implementation of a militant democracy, is the argument from self-defense, and the antiauthority argument. The argument from self-defense can be traced to Karl Loewensteins introduction of the concept of militant democracy. The antiauthority argument is based on classical liberal philosophy, as well as Jason Brennans antiauthority tenet. I conclude that the most convincing arguments are the ones for a militant democracy. My answer to the main question of the thesis, is that it should be admissible to exclude antidemocratic groups and individuals from running for election in a liberal democracy

    Effects of Sleep Fragmentation and Induced Mood on Pain Tolerance and Pain Sensitivity in Young Healthy Adults

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    Background: Experimental research exploring the sleep/pain-relationship has typically focused on total or partial sleep deprivation, hereby failing to reproduce the mere fragmented sleep pattern typically observed in patients with chronic pain. Further, little research is done on how affect moderates the sleep–pain relationship after sleep fragmentation. The present study sought to clarify the relationship between pain, sleep and positive and negative affect.Methods: In an experimental counterbalanced crossover design, 35 healthy young adults were subjected to several pain measures after one night of fragmented sleep, compared to one control night of normal sleep, both conducted in their own homes, and respectively, positive and negative affect induction using validated film clips and facial feedback procedures. Sleep was monitored using sleep diaries.Results: Increased pain sensitivity after one night of experimentally induced sleep fragmentation was found, compared to after one control night of undisturbed sleep. No main effects of induced affect on pain were found, and sleep x induced affect interaction was not significant.Conclusion: The present study supports the adverse effect of sleep fragmentation on pain sensitivity, however, affect was not found to be a moderator in the sleep–pain relationship. The results underline the need for further research within this field

    Validation of a brief version of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS-16) with an older Norwegian population

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    Emotion regulation is proposed to have a salient role in optimal aging. However, currently used measures of emotion regulation have not been validated for older adults. Therefore, we evaluated the psychometric properties of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale—short form (DERS-16) in a large Norwegian sample consisting of individuals between 70 and 95 years (n = 2525). Tests of internal consistency, reliability, assessment of intra-domain correlations, and confirmatory factor analyses were performed. Construct validity was further investigated by assessing concurrent associations between DERS-16 and well-established measures of psychological disorders, psychological health, and well-being (five-item version of Geriatric Depression Scale, Geriatric Anxiety Inventory—short form, and OECD guidelines on measuring subjective well-being). All subscales derived from the instrument showed adequate internal consistency. Furthermore, we obtained a theoretically consistent factor structure, in which a bifactor model combining a general emotion regulation factor and five additional domain-specific facet-factors had superior model fit. As expected, difficulties in emotion regulation correlated positively with symptoms of depression and anxiety, and negatively with psychological health and well-being. Associations were generally of moderate strength. We can thus conclude that the DERS-16 demonstrates excellent psychometric properties when used in samples with older adults and may safely be employed in studies of emotion regulation difficulties in the older segment of our population.publishedVersio
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