198 research outputs found

    Pleistocene extinction and geographic singularity explain differences in global felid ensemble structure

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    Extant felids are hyper-carnivorous predators that originated in Asia c. 11 Mya and diversified in 8 distinct lineages, with 41 species surviving to the Recent. These species occupy almost every terrestrial habitat available in the four continental land masses they occupy and exhibit morphological and behavioral specializations to various locomotor styles and hunting modes. Today, distinct felid ensembles inhabit each continent and major biogeographic region. How the differential structuring of these ensembles was generated, and which evolutionary processes shaped these differences across ensembles, are key emerging questions. Using multivariate statistics, we analyzed a large dataset of 31 cranial and 92 postcranial linear variables describing shape and functional proxies of the entire skeleton of extant felids. We statistically demonstrate the existence of nine felid morphotypes at the global scale, whose occurrence is characteristic of different continental or biogeographic ensembles. Phylogenetically explicit analyses show that morphotypes from different felid lineages converged in different continents, but still ensembles remain distinct due to the fact that various morphotypes are missing in several of those ensembles. However, fossil evidence suggests that most of these missing morphotypes were represented by species from those territories that went extinct during the Quaternary. Furthermore, reconstructing the hypothetical felid ensembles before Pleistocene extinctions rendered the continental felid faunas remarkably more similar to each other than they presently are, leaving their remaining, relatively minor differences to outstanding geographic singularities of each continental land mass.Fil: Morales, Miriam Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas; ArgentinaFil: Giannini, Norberto Pedro. Fundación Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; Argentin

    Ecomorphology of the African felid ensemble: the role of the skull and postcranium in determining species segregation and assembling history

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    Morphology of extant felids is regarded as highly conservative. Most previous studies have focussed on skull morphology, so a vacuum exists about morphofunctional variation in postcranium and its role in structuring ensembles of felids in different continents. The African felid ensemble is particularly rich in ecologically specialized felids. We studied the ecomorphology of this ensemble using 31 cranial and 93 postcranial morphometric variables measured in 49 specimens of all 10 African species. We took a multivariate approach controlling for phylogeny, with and without body size correction. Postcranial and skull + postcranial analyses (but not skull-only analyses) allowed for a complete segregation of species in morphospace. Morphofunctional factors segregating species included body size, bite force, zeugopodial lengths and osteological features related to parasagittal leg movement. A general gradient of bodily proportions was recovered: lightly built, long-legged felids with small heads and weak bite forces vs. the opposite. Three loose groups were recognized: small terrestrial felids, mid-to-large sized scansorial felids and specialized Acinonyx jubatus and Leptailurus serval. As predicted from a previous study, the assembling of the African felid ensemble during the Plio-Pleistocene occurred by the arrival of distinct felid lineages that occupied then vacant areas of morphospace, later diversifying in the continent.Fil: Morales, Miriam Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales E Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Giannini, Norberto Pedro. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tucumán; Argentin

    A pespectiva geofísica sobre a zona de interferência estrutural entre os cinturões de dobramento neoproterozóicos Brasília e Ribeira no Gondwana Oeste

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    The Brasília and Ribeira fold belts have been established in south-southwestern São Francisco Craton during the Brasiliano-Pan African orogeny (0.9-0.5 Ga - Tonian to Cambrian), and played an important role in West Gondwana continent assembly. The region is given by a complex regional fold and thrust belt superposed by shearing during the orogeny late times, with superposing stress fields forming a structural interference zone. These thrust sheets encompasses assemblies from lower- to upper-crust from different major tectonic blocks (Paranapanema, São Francisco), and newly created metamorphic rocks. Re-evaluation of ground gravity datasets in a geologically constrained approach including seismology (CRUST1 model) and magnetic data (EMAG2 model) unveiled details on the deep- crust settings, and the overall geometry of the structural interference zone. The Simple Bouguer Anomaly map shows heterogeneous density distribution in the area, highlighting the presence of high-density, high metamorphic grade rocks along the Alterosa suture zone in the Socorro-Guaxupé Nappe, lying amid a series of metasedimentary thrust scales in a regional nappe system with important verticalization along regional shear zones. Forward gravity modeling favors interpretations of structural interference up North into Guaxupé Nappe. Comparison to geotectonic models shows similarities with modern accretionary belts, renewing the discussion.The Brasília and Ribeira fold belts have been established in south-southwestern São Francisco Craton during the Brasiliano-Pan African orogeny (0.9-0.5 Ga - Tonian to Cambrian), and played an important role in West Gondwana continent assembly. The region471319CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOsem informaçãoOs cinturões de dobramento Brasília e Ribeira foram estabelecidos na porção sul‑sudoeste do Cráton São Francisco durante a orogenia Brasiliana‑Pan Africana (0,9–0,5 Ga – Toniano ao Cambriano) e tiveram um importante papel na colagem do continente GondwanaAluno de doutorad

    Cognitive Meaning of Inclusive Education of Students with Disability in Regular Education Teachers

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    Background: Successful inclusive education strongly represents the development of society, promoting better living conditions for students with disabilities. Objective: This study explored the mental representation of knowledge of inclusive education and disability held by regular education teachers with experience in this field. Methods: First, participants performed a conceptual definition task through the Natural Semantic Networks technique. Teachers defined ten target concepts related to the cognitive schema of inclusive education. They had 60 seconds to define each target, using verbs, adjectives, nouns, and pronouns, after rating the definers’ quality to conceptualize the target. Subsequently, the authors implemented a constraint satisfaction neural network to simulate the school inclusion schema's behavior and carried out a chronometric cognitive analysis using data from the first study. Results: Participants organized the educative inclusion meaning on four dimensions (definition, actors' qualities, stakeholders, and inclusion program effects). However, some concepts about school integration and conventional education appeared in the educative inclusion schema. Further, computer simulations showed that participants seem to have an internal locus of control over inclusive actions. Generally, experience with students with disabilities promotes the formation of a favorable educational inclusion schema. However, even though participants in this study have experience in inclusion programs, they are still constructing the inclusive education schema. Conclusion: The cognitive evaluation provides useful information to empower teachers to be aware of their knowledge and biases on inclusive education and the importance of their work in the success of school inclusion programs

    Usefulness of open data to determine the incidence of COVID-19 and its relationship with atmospheric variables in Spain during the 2020 lockdown

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the spread of the COVID-19 disease led to a lockdown being imposed in Spain to minimise contagion from 16 March 2020 to 1 May 2020. Over this period, measures were taken to reduce population mobility (a key factor in disease transmission). The scenario thus created enabled us to examine the impact of factors other than mobility (in this case, meteorological conditions) on the incidence of the disease, and thus to identify which environmental variables played the biggest role in the pandemic's evolution. Worthy of note, the data required to perform the study was entirely extracted from governmental open data sources. The present work therefore demonstrates the utility of such data to conduct scientific research of interest to society, leading to studies that are also fully reproducible. The results revealed a relationship between temperatures and the spread of COVID-19. The trend was that of a slightly lower disease incidence as the minimum temperature rises, i.e. the lower the minimum temperature, the greater the number of cases. Furthermore, a link was found between the incidence of the disease and other variables, such as altitude and proximity to the sea. There were no indications, however, in the study's data, of a relationship between incidence and precipitation or wind.This work is funded by GVA-COVID19/2021/103 project from “Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana”

    Simulación numérica de la probabilidad de transmisión por aerosoles de la COVID-19 en espacios cerrados

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    La reciente pandemia mundial originada por el COVID-19 ha supuesto la restricciones de aforos interiores y exteriores. En el trabajo se investigará un procedimiento para el cálculo de la transmisión de COVID-19 en espacios interiores mediante la simulación del transporte de aerosoles y el cálculo de la probabilidad de transmisión como función de las condiciones de ventilación.Se investigará un procedimiento para representar de forma eficiente los espacios interiores, posiblemente utilizando Solidworks para la geometría, y su posterior mallado y análisis mediante Ansys Meshing. Se utilizará Ansys Fluent para la solución de las ecuaciones de transporte relevantes.<br /


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    A principal produção de hidrocarbonetos nas bacias de Campos e do Espírito Santo é associada a reservatórios turbidíticos do Cenozoico, sendo na sua maioria de idade oligo-miocênica. Interpretações sísmicas realizadas, apontam a presença de armadilhas mistas (estruturais–estratigráficas), cujo componente estrutural seria de idade neógena a quaternária. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste na identificação, caracterização e interpretação das estruturas tectônicas do Neógeno e Quaternário presentes na porção offshore destas bacias, utilizando interpretação sísmica integrada com métodos potenciais. O intuito é caracterizar a importância da deformação tectônica, deste período, nos processos que confinam a jazida, e definir possíveis províncias que poderiam conter plays exploratórios específicos. As análises foram realizadas com base na interpretação de dados geofísicos (sísmicos, de poços e métodos potenciais) controlados pelo refletor do Mioceno Médio e a deformação associada a este. Como resultado, sete províncias de hidrocarboneto foram identificadas limitadas, principalmente, por sistemas de falhas com projeção lateral no embasamento aflorante e por falhas neotectônicas reativadas de estruturas geológicas pré-existentes

    Gastronomía de la provincia de Imbabura como patrimonio cultural inmaterial del Ecuador parroquia San Pedro de Pataquí

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    Valorar la gastronomía de la provincia de Imbabura como patrimonio cultural inmaterial de la Parroquia San Pedro de Pataquí del Cantón Otavalo de la Provincia de ImbaburaLa presente investigación tuvo como objetivo el rescate, la valorización de la gastronomía y la creación de una ruta turística-gastronómica de la parroquia de San Pedro de Pataquí perteneciente al Cantón Otavalo provincia de Imbabura, el universo estudiado fueron más de 20 habitantes de la parroquia entre edades de 50 y 90 años que comprendieron hombres y mujeres, mediante el análisis e interpretación de las información recopilada, aplicando una encuesta de diagnóstico para identificar características socioeconómicas, nivel de conocimiento ancestral y prácticas culturales. Se evidenció como problema social la migración de los habitantes, así como también la desvalorización de las costumbres ancestrales, debido a la falta de actividades comerciales y capacitaciones pertinentes para generar microempresas lo que ha provocado el descenso y pérdida de los conocimientos y prácticas culturales en la gastronomía ancestral, por lo que se decidió recolectar información entre los habitantes pertenecientes a la tercera edad quienes aún poseen un conocimiento y los practican, con lo cual se logró rescatar recetas ancestrales y crear una ruta turística-gastronómica. Se recomienda seguir analizando e investigando para el rescate de los conocimientos ancestrales, ya que no solo se debe a la migración e sino también algunos temas muy importantes que tiene que ver con respecto a la deficiencia de distribución presupuestal y falta de publicidad de la parroquia, tanto con las autoridades y funcionarios del GAD de Otavalo conjuntamente con el ministerio de turismo y también con el apoyo del GAD parroquial de San Pedro de Pataquí


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    This paper presents the geological characterization of sedimentary covers in the Jundiaí River Catchment, São Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil, as well as its relationships with the regional geologic evolution. Paleozoic deposits included in Itararé Group, besides Tertiary and Quaternary deposits, cover the Crystalline Basement. The Tertiary deposits constitute local occurrences, because they mostly were removed by erosion, and the remainders are under younger sedimentary covers. They correspond to an ancient alluvial fan system, which source area was the Japi Mountain Range, and their genesis is related to fault scarps that control the higher areas. Discontinuous bodies of colluvial-elluvial deposits are controlled by geologic structures and show, in their composition, massive sand-clayed material with stone lines at the bottom. The alluvial deposits also accompany the main geologic structures. The distribution of these sediments are controlled by local relief, where NW-SE faults caused subsidence of the central portion of the area, giving raise to the configuration of Jundiaí River catchment. The occurrence of alluvial deposits in sites where transtension efforts act is of great importance to the groundwater exploration. The landscape conditioned by endogenic factors shows the importance of neotectonic process in the intraplate environment.Este trabalho apresenta a caracterização geológica das coberturas sedimentares cenozóicas da bacia do Rio Jundiaí e suas relações com a evolução geológica regional. Sobre o Embasamento Cristalino, ocorrem depósitos paleozóicos pertencentes ao Grupo Itararé, depósitos terciários e quaternários. Os depósitos terciários constituem ocorrências locais, pois grande parte das seqüências foi removida pela erosão e os restos estão quase sempre encobertos pelas coberturas mais jovens. Correspondem a um antigo sistema de leques aluviais com área-fonte na Serra do Japi e sua origem se associa à formação das escarpas de falhas que controlam as áreas serranas. Os depósitos colúvio-eluviais são constituídos por material areno-argiloso maciço com linhas de pedra basais, que compõe corpos descontínuos controlados por estruturas geológicas. Os depósitos aluviais também acompanham importantes direções estruturais. A distribuição destas coberturas é condicionada pelo relevo, onde conjuntos de falhas de direção predominantemente NW-SE promoveram o abatimento da porção central da área, controlando a implantação da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Jundiaí. A ocorrência de depósitos aluviais em locais onde atuam esforços transtensivos é de grande importância para a exploração dos recursos hídricos subterrâneos. O afeiçoamento da paisagem condicionado por fatores endógenos atesta a importância dos processos neotectônicos em ambiente intraplaca