7 research outputs found

    Four-way data analysis within the linear mixed modelling framework

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    Cultivars have to be evaluated under different crop management systems across agro-ecosystems and years using multi-environment trials (MET) before releasing them to the market. Frequently, data collected in METs are arranged according to cultivar (G), management (M), location, (L) and year (Y) combinations in a four-way G x M x L x Y data table that is highly unbalanced for cultivars across locations and time. Therefore, we present the restricted maximum likelihood method (REML) for linear mixed models (LMM) with a factor analytic variance-covariance matrix for assessing cultivar adaptation to crop management systems and environments based on unbalanced datasets. Such a multi-environmental trial system has been in operation in Poland for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the form of the Post-registration Variety Testing System (PVTS). This study aimed to illustrate the use of LMM in the analysis of unbalanced four-way G x M x L x Y data. LMM analysis provided adjusted means of grain yield for 51 winter wheat cultivars bred in different regions in Europe, tested across 18 trial locations and seven consecutive cropping seasons in two crop management intensities. The application of the four-way LMM with a factor analytic variance-covariance matrix is a complementary and effective tool for evaluating the unbalanced G x M x L x Y table. Cultivars tested had different adaptive responses to the Polish agro-ecosystems separately for each of the crop management intensities. Wide adaptation in both crop management systems was exhibited by cultivars Mulan and Jenga bred in Germany

    Projekt zintegrowanego systemu wspomagającego prowadzenie dokumentacji i zarządzanie gospodarstwem rolnym

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    W ramach pracy wykonano program komputerowy, który wspomaga producentów rolnych w prowadzeniu dokumentacji i zarządzaniu gospodarstwem. Wykonany system poprzez zautomatyzowaną archiwizację danych, ich analizę oraz generowanie raportów wspomagających podejmowanie decyzji spełnia m. in. funkcję doradczą. Projekt systemu, który powstał w środowisku programu Microsoft Access 2003 jest wynikiem integracji kilku aplikacji bazodanowych wzbogacających funkcjonalność całego programu. Docelowymi odbiorcami są producenci rolni, którzy chcą wdrażać nowe technologie usprawniające zarządzanie oraz archiwizację danych w swoich gospodarstwach. System został tak zaprojektowany, aby był prosty i przyjazny w obsłudze oraz nie wymagał od użytkownika biegłej znajomości obsługi komputera. System m. in. umożliwia generowanie wniosków o przyznanie wsparcia finansowego w ramach uczestnictwa w programie rolnośrodowiskowym, jak również posiada opcję kalkulacji dawki nawożenia dla danej uprawy z uwzględnieniem potrzeb nawozowych i pokarmowych uprawianych roślin. Ponadto pozwala na prowadzenie pełnej dokumentacji gospodarstwa

    Assessment of Stability and Adaptation Patterns of White Sugar Yield from Sugar Beet Cultivars in Temperate Climate Environments

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    The yield and yield quality of sugar from the sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) and are determined by genotype, environment and crop management. This study was aimed at analyzing the stability of white sugar yield and the adaptation of cultivars based on 36 modern sugar beet cultivars under different environmental conditions. The compatibility of sugar beet cultivars’ rankings between the three growing seasons and between the 11 examined locations was assessed. In addition, an attempt was made to group environments to create mega-environments. From among the 11 examined locations, four mega-environments were distinguished on the basis of the compatibility of the white sugar yield rankings. The assessment of the adaptation of cultivars and the determination of mega-environments was carried out using GGE (genotype main effects plus genotype environment interaction effects) biplots and confirmed by the Spearman rank correlation test performed for cultivars between locations. The cultivars studied were characterized by a high stability of white sugar yield in the considered growing seasons. The high compliance of the sugar yield rankings between the years contributes to a more effective recommendation of cultivars

    Yield response of winter wheat cultivars to environments modeled by different variance-covariance structures in linear mixed models

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    The main objectives of multi-environmental trials (METs) are to assess cultivar adaptation patterns under different environmental conditions and to investigate genotype by environment (G×E) interactions. Linear mixed models (LMMs) with more complex variance-covariance structures have become recognized and widely used for analyzing METs data. Best practice in METs analysis is to carry out a comparison of competing models with different variance-covariance structures. Improperly chosen variance-covariance structures may lead to biased estimation of means resulting in incorrect conclusions. In this work we focused on adaptive response of cultivars on the environments modeled by the LMMs with different variance-covariance structures. We identified possible limitations of inference when using an inadequate variance-covariance structure. In the presented study we used the dataset on grain yield for 63 winter wheat cultivars, evaluated across 18 locations, during three growing seasons (2008/2009-2010/2011) from the Polish Post-registration Variety Testing System. For the evaluation of variance-covariance structures and the description of cultivars adaptation to environments, we calculated adjusted means for the combination of cultivar and location in models with different variance-covariance structures. We concluded that in order to fully describe cultivars adaptive patterns modelers should use the unrestricted variance-covariance structure. The restricted compound symmetry structure may interfere with proper interpretation of cultivars adaptive patterns. We found, that the factor-analytic structure is also a good tool to describe cultivars reaction on environments, and it can be successfully used in METs data after determining the optimal component number for each dataset

    Release of Nitrogen from Granulate Mineral and Organic Fertilizers and Its Effect on Selected Chemical Parameters of Soil

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    The objective of this work was the evaluation of the release patterns of nitrogen from various types of fertilizers and their impact on selected chemical parameters of calcareous soil. Three mineral fertilizers and two organic fertilizers were tested in the laboratory for 35 days. This study showed the rapid release of nitrogen from mineral types. More than 70% of the nitrogen was released from the ammonium granules and 98% from the urea granules. The rate of nitrogen release from pellets of organic origin was much slower than from mineral pellets, the released N was 15–28% of the original amount. Soil pH was altered by incubation. The content of soil N changed significantly due to the incubation of N mineral fertilizers; no changes were observed for organic fertilizers. The EC value of the soil solution was significantly modified under the influence of mineral granules, it reached a maximum of 1147 µS cm−1 on the 10th day, and for organic fertilizers of 944 µS cm−1 on the 35th day. The results of this study characterize each N release pattern, providing data to support a more efficient nutrient management strategy in calcareous soils and the effect of incubated fertilizers on soil chemical parameters