2,037 research outputs found

    E-methods in literary production: integrating e-learning in creative writing

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    This paper discusses the integration of e-learning in creative writing. The online approach to the teaching of creative writing takes into account today’s Malaysian youth and their fascination with computer technology. It is this appeal of innovation in electronics and knowledge that leads an educator to design an on-line approach to a creative writing course. The theoretical construct used to support the discussion is Anderson’s theory that on-line learning is knowledge-, community-, assessment-, and learner-centered. The writer, who is also the course developer, analyses a poetry-writing activity, which students undertake, and the e-portfolio used in the course. To analyze the processes involved in this creative writing exercise Macherey’s (1978) Theory of Literary Production is adapted and utilized. This theory, which regards literary production as a process imitating that of a production line, provides the methodology and conceptual framework for analyzing the raw materials collected by the students and their transformation during the writing process. This paper thus addresses the benefits of e-learning in a creative writing context

    Increasing Activities and Learning Outcomes of Class X MIPA-1 SMAN 1 Danau Panggang through Collaboration of 3 Kinds of Discussion Instruments with Animated Product Assignments

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    low activity and student learning outcomes in a class are influenced by several factors, one of which is because the behavior and learning models used by the teacher are not yet correct in implementing a learning process. These problems can affect the activity and completeness of student learning outcomes, so there needs to be special instruments that make them more active, especially on the subject of biology which contains many scientific names such as on the subject of Plantae. The purpose of this study was to determine the collaboration of three discussion instruments with the task of learning media products in the form of power points to increase student activity and student learning outcomes of class X MIPA-1 on the subject of Plantae. This research method uses comparative descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach using simple formulas in the form of calculating averages and percentages. The results of this study indicate that the class average score is 83.64 with the completeness of learning outcomes 90.91% with this value the completeness criteria can be categorized as achieved with student activity increasing from 73.21% to 96.63% with the criteria categorized as very goo

    The Lived Experiences of Mentoring Nurses in Malaysia

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    Background: Being a nursing mentor is not an entirely new concept in nursing. However, it is a new phenomenon in the nursing profession in Malaysia. The nursing administration and the senior nurses in Malaysia have claimed that they have started a mentorship program by having senior nurses shadow new graduate nurses for the past two to three years ago. With no study found in Malaysia investigating the lived experiences of mentors mentoring new registered nurses, it led the researcher to develop this research that explores the real life experiences of these senior Malaysian nurses who mentor neophyte nurses.Objectives: This research explores and describes the lived experiences of nurses mentoring neophyte or new registered nurses at one of the major hospital in the Malaysia Borneo and how such experiences influence their daily routine as a nurse and also as a mentor. The research will also attaches meaning to these experiences and identifies both positive and negative experiences as a mentor to neophyte.Methods: The experiences of nurses mentoring the neophyte in the clinical area were captured using a qualitative approach to research and further viewed through methods informed by phenomenology, which used interpretive and descriptive semi-structured interviews. Hermeneutic interpretive phenomenology was used in the focus to analyze interview transcript into textual expression of the mentors. Three main themes emerge from this study are being unprepared and challenged, perceptions of mentees, mentor hope and desire

    Effect of Sintering Time on Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Aluminum Composite

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    This report provides the reader about the experimental study done by the author regarding her Final Year Project entitled “Effect of Sintering Time on Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Aluminum Composite”. Materials used for this project are Multi wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and aluminum powder. Research methodology of this project involves characterization of aluminum powder and MWCNTs powder, fabrication of green test samples by using powder metallurgy technique; mixing and compacting, followed with sintering of samples with different interval of time (60min, 90 min and 120 min) and finally, characterization of sintered samples based on dimension, density, hardness and correlated tensile strength with hardness

    Comparison of Microstructure and Hardness of Sintered Carbon Fiber and Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Copper Matrix

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    Rapid growth of advance electronics device in electronics industry has its limitation in overheating problem. The solution for this limitation is by introducing the heat sinking material which has excellent properties such as higher thermal conductivity, hardness and strength. This report presents research of final year project, the Comparison of Microstructure and Hardness of Sintered Carbon Fiber and Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) Reinforced Copper Matrix. Carbon nanotubes and carbon fibers were reinforced in the range of 2.5% to 10% of volume fraction. The main objective of the project is to develop the samples of composites using a powder metallurgy (PM) process. Two mixtures of copper and carbon nanotubes and copper and carbon fibers were blended and compacted into metallic die under pressure of 490MPa. The compacted samples were sintered at 900°C for one and half hour in argon environment. This research focuses on the microstructures of sintered samples to determine the hardness and bonding between carbon nanotubes-copper and carbon fiber-copper. The results show that density of the composites is decreased after sintering process and the composites experience volume expansion due to grain growth which can be seen in the microstructure images result from optical microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscope. Hardness of the carbon fiber reinforced copper matrix is improved from the range of 61.32HV up 126.7HV but decreased for carbon nanotubes reinforced copper matrix due high volume of voids and porosity area on the microstructure surfac

    Uji Aktivitas Antidiabetes dari Ekstrak Metanol Buah Kiwi (Actinidia Deliciosa) melalui Penghambatan Aktivitas α-Glukosidase: Antidiabetic Activity Of Kiwi Fruit (Actinidia Deliciosa) Extract Through Inhibition Of α-Glucosidase Activity

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    Diabetes melitus (DM) is defined as a chronic metabolic disease or disorder with multiple etiologies characterized by high blood sugar levels. One way to treat diabetes mellitus is inhibiting the α-glucosidase enzyme. This study aims to determine the inhibition of α-glucosidase of methanol extract of kiwi fruit (Actinidia deliciosa) . Kiwi fruit (Actinidia deliciosa) contains saponins characterized by the formation of foam, positive flavonoid characterized by the formation of a yellow color (orange) and positive alkaloid which is characterized by brown color in wagner test. The inhibition activity test of α-glucosidase enzyme was performed by using spectrophotometric method. The results of the inhibition activity test of α-glucosidase enzyme in acarbose showed the value of 13,672 mg/L, while the methanol extract of kiwi fruit showed IC50 value of 7.219 mg/L. It demonstrated that themethanol extract of kiwi fruit has the inhibition activity greater than acarbose. &nbsp

    A proof of concept on real-time air quality monitoring system

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    According to the Department of Environment Malaysia, Air Pollutant Index (API) is an indicator for the air quality status at any particular area. API is calculated based on average concentration of air pollutants such as Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), ground level Ozone (O3) and particulate matter (PM10), each over their respective period of averaging time. A sub-index for each pollutant is determined separately based on a predetermined standard and the highest sub- index is used as the API (Department of Environment Malaysia, 2000). The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) (2010) defines PM10 as "Inhalable coarse particles," such as those found near roadways and dusty industries, are larger than 2.5 micrometers and smaller than 10 micrometers in diameter (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2010). Typically, the concentration PM10 is the highest among all pollutants in Malaysia and therefore it determines the API value (APIMS DOE Malaysia, 2015)

    Technology implementation barriers in the Malaysian herbal industry: A case study

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    Technology is an essential component in all types of organisations and most organisations have reasons to implement new technology. The most fundamental justification for new technology implementation is that the technology must be able to contribute to strong competitive advantages and also increase or create long-term profit. In most small and medium enterprises (SMEs), there are barriers or obstacles in implementing these technologies. This article report a study aimed in investigating barriers faced by the Malaysian herbal industry in implementing technologies in their factory. Most of the local herbal manufacturing firms are categorised as SMEs which are usually considered to be lagged behind larger companies in technology usage. As this was an exploratory research, a case study method was used as it gave in-depth explanation of the main barriers of technology implementation. The results suggested that the main constraint in implementing technologies are lack of technical specialists and financial, aid commitment from top management, low wage rate, and future demand uncertainties

    Studies on the Relative Merits of Popular Commercial Orchid Hybrids and Their Clonal Derivatives

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    Two orchid hybrids, Aranda Chris tine and Aranda Kooi Choo with seven clone seach, were studied with respect to the variations of morphological characters of their flowers prays. The shelf life of cut flowers and production of flowers were also investi gated. Highly significant differences occurred between clones of Aranda Christine. The length of spray was positively correlated with the length of scape, length of rachis, flower internodes and the average horizontal measurements. Clone numbers 80 and 130 had long. sprays while clone number 05 had the shortest. Clone swith long scapes tended to have long rachis and long flower internodes. Thelong rachis normally had larger flowers resulting in a negative correlation with the shelf life. The highest producer was clone number I but analysis did not show superior result sin all the parameters observed. The clones of Aranda Kooi Choo showed highly significant differences between them. The long sprays tended to have long rachis and larger flowers. Thus the flowers prays of Aranda Kooi Choo were stiff and strong. Clones with large f lowers were clone" numbers 2, 4 and 5 with clone number 2 also having the widest diameter of scape. Clone number 3 had the smallest flowers. Length of flower inter node and shelf life were not correlated to any o f the parameters studied. Clone number I has the longest shelf life but the re were no significant difference among other clones. Clone numbers 3 and 7 were high producing with clone number 2 as the lowest producer

    Parliamentary Interpreting in Malaysia: A Case Study

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    This article seeks to describe the current scenario of parliamentary interpreting in Malaysia by studying the interpreters’ work nature, aptitude and qualifications as well as remuneration and promotional opportunity. It also highlights the important aspects of the profession such as job mystification, training and continuing education, the connection between the training centres and the professional environment, the need to educate the public through the establishment of professional associations, and the implementation of an ethics code as well as the sense of professionalism among the interpreters. The author also proposes ways to improve the situation which would contribute to the professionalisation of interpreting in the Malaysian Parliament particularly and in Malaysia in general.Le présent article traite de la situation actuelle de l’interprétation parlementaire en Malaisie. Il fait état d’une recherche centrée sur les caractéristiques de ce type d’interprétation, l’aptitude des interprètes parlementaires, leur formation universitaire, leur rémunération ainsi que leurs possibilités de promotion. Il prend aussi en compte certains aspects cruciaux de la profession, à savoir l’idéalisation dont elle fait l’objet, la formation continue, la relation entre les centres de formation, l’ambiance de travail, la nécessité d’informer le public grâce à la mise en oeuvre d’un réseau d’associations professionnelles, l’établissement d’un code de déontologie et l’émergence du professionnalisme chez les interprètes. L’auteur fait une série de propositions visant à améliorer l’exercice de cette profession, ce qui pourrait contribuer à la professionnalisation de l’interprétation non seulement au Parlement de Malaisie, mais aussi dans le reste du pays