8 research outputs found

    Excimer versus Femtosecond Laser Assisted Penetrating Keratoplasty in Keratoconus and Fuchs Dystrophy: Intraoperative Pitfalls

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    Purpose. To assess the intraoperative results comparing two non-mechanical laser assisted penetrating keratoplasty approaches in keratoconus and Fuchs dystrophy. Patients and Methods. 68 patients (age 18 to 87 years) with keratoconus or Fuchs dystrophy were randomly distributed to 4 groups. 35 eyes with keratoconus and 33 eyes with Fuchs dystrophy were treated with either excimer laser ([Exc] groups I and II) or femtosecond laser-assisted ([FLAK] groups III and IV) penetrating keratoplasty. Main intraoperative outcome measures included intraoperative decentration, need for additional interrupted sutures, alignment of orientation markers, and intraocular positive pressure (vis a tergo). Results. Intraoperative recipient decentration occurred in 4 eyes of groups III/IV but in none of groups I/II. Additional interrupted sutures were not necessary in groups I/II but in 5 eyes of groups III/IV. Orientation markers were all aligned in groups I/II but were partly misaligned in 8 eyes of groups III/IV. Intraocular positive pressure grade was recognized in 12 eyes of groups I/II and in 19 eyes of groups III/IV. In particular, in group III, severe vis a tergo occurred in 8 eyes. Conclusions. Intraoperative decentration, misalignment of the donor in the recipient bed, and need for additional interrupted sutures as well as high percentage of severe intraocular positive pressure were predominantly present in the femtosecond laser in keratoconus eyes

    Identification of the regulatory circuit governing corneal epithelial fate determination and disease.

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    The transparent corneal epithelium in the eye is maintained through the homeostasis regulated by limbal stem cells (LSCs), while the nontransparent epidermis relies on epidermal keratinocytes for renewal. Despite their cellular similarities, the precise cell fates of these two types of epithelial stem cells, which give rise to functionally distinct epithelia, remain unknown. We performed a multi-omics analysis of human LSCs from the cornea and keratinocytes from the epidermis and characterized their molecular signatures, highlighting their similarities and differences. Through gene regulatory network analyses, we identified shared and cell type-specific transcription factors (TFs) that define specific cell fates and established their regulatory hierarchy. Single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) analyses of the cornea and the epidermis confirmed these shared and cell type-specific TFs. Notably, the shared and LSC-specific TFs can cooperatively target genes associated with corneal opacity. Importantly, we discovered that FOSL2, a direct PAX6 target gene, is a novel candidate associated with corneal opacity, and it regulates genes implicated in corneal diseases. By characterizing molecular signatures, our study unveils the regulatory circuitry governing the LSC fate and its association with corneal opacity

    Corneal Curvature after Penetrating Keratoplasty before and after Suture Removal: A Comparison between Keratoconus and Fuchs' Dystrophy

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    Purpose: To assess the differences concerning corneal curvature and visual acuity after penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) comparing keratoconus (KC) and Fuchs’ dystrophy (FUCHS). Methods: Inclusion criteria for this prospective, comparative, interventional study were: (1) one surgeon, (2) central round nonmechanical excimer laser PKP without previous surgery, (3) FUCHS (n = 35) or KC (n = 52), (4) standardized graft size (7.5–8.0 mm) and technique, 16-bite double running cross-stitch suture. In 69% of FUCHS, a triple procedure was performed. The main outcome measures were: keratometric astigmatism, surface regularity index, surface asymmetry index, keratometric central corneal power and bestcorrected visual acuity before (1.2 8 0.4 years) and after suture removal (1.8 8 0.6 years). Results: Astigmatism did not differ significantly between KC and FUCHS (p 1 0.1) before (3.3 dpt vs. 3.5 dpt median) and after suture removal (2.5 dpt vs. 3.0 dpt). Surface regularity index and surface asymmetry index were significantly higher in FUCHS than in KC (p ! 0.001) at both time stages. Central power was significantly greater in KC than in FUCHS (p ! 0.001) with sutures in place. Due to a significant steepening in FUCHS and flattening in KC, this difference was no longer present after suture removal. Visual acuity in KC exceeded that in FUCHS before (0.68 vs. 0.60) and even more after suture removal (0.86 vs. 0.60; p ! 0.001). Conclusions: In KC, keratometric astigmatism is not higher than in FUCHS after PKP. After suture removal, graft topography in KC and FUCHS may be expected to regularize and the excessive corneal flattening in FUCHS to normalize in the mid-term

    Effect of prolactin on normal and keratoconus human corneal stromal fibroblasts in vitro.

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    PurposeTo examine the effect of prolactin (PRL) on human corneal stromal fibroblasts (CSFs), derived from healthy individuals and from keratoconus (KC) patients, in vitro, specifically assessing physiological and elevated PRL concentrations as apparent during pregnancy.MethodsEye bank corneas of 3 female and 3 male healthy individuals as well as the corneal buttons of 3 female and 3 male KC patients were utilized for this study. The endothelium of the cornea was removed with sterile surgical scalpels, the probes were washed repeatedly with Dulbecco's PBS and corneoscleral rims were trimmed off. Subsequently the corneal stroma was digested with collagenase type I and the harvested CSFs were cultured. We then examined (1) cell proliferation, (2) cell viability and (3) cytokine release of CSFs upon exposure to prolactin in vitro.ResultsWith respect to viability and proliferation our experiments did not show significant differences between CSFs exposed to different PRL concentrations. Our data show a significantly lower IL-8 concentration in normal CSFs exposed to 10ng/ml PRL compared to 0ng/ml and 1000ng/ml at 5 hours post exposition. Moreover, we can report significantly lower secretion of IL-8, IL-6, HGF, VEGF and FGFb in KC CSFs compared to normal CSFs, independent of PRL exposure, as determined by cytokine ELISA.ConclusionOur data in part points towards corneal cytokine secretion as a possible link between altered stromal PRL concentrations and KC progression. However, in our small dataset a significant influence of PRL concentration on cytokine secretion can only be described for IL-8 in normal CSFs. Further our results contribute to existing reports on the importance of cytokines in KC development, with an emphasis on significantly lower cytokine secretion in KC CSFs compared to normal controls

    A Cross-sectional Analysis of 556 Eyes Entering the Homburg Aniridia Centre

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    Purpose Congenital aniridia is a severe malformation of almost all eye segments. In addition, endocrinological, metabolic, and central nervous systems diseases may be present. In order to develop better treatment options for this rare disease, an aniridia center must be established. The purpose of this work is to summarize ophthalmic findings of aniridia subjects examined at the Department of Ophthalmology, Saarland University Medical Center in Homburg.Methods Our retrospective single-center study included patients who underwent a comprehensive ophthalmic examination through the head of the KiOLoN ("Kinderophthalmologie", Orthoptics, Low Vision and Neuroophthalmology) Unit of the department between June 2003 and January 2022. Data at the first examination time point have been included.Results Of 286 subjects, 556 eyes of (20.1 &amp; PLUSMN; 20.1 years; 45.5% males) were included. There was nystagmus in 518 (93.7%) eyes, and strabismus in 327 (58.8%) eyes. There were 436 (78.4%) eyes with age-appropriate axial length, 104 (18.7%) eyes with microphthalmos, and 13 (2.3%) eyes with buphthalmos. There was iris malformation with atypical coloboma in 34 eyes (6.1%), more than 6 clock hours of iris remnants in 61 eyes (10.9%), less than 6 clock hours of iris remnants in 96 eyes (17.2%), and complete aniridia in 320 (57.5%) eyes. The patients were graded according to the following aniridia-associated keratopathy (AAK) stages: Stage 0 (96 eyes [17.2%], no keratopathy), Stage 1 (178 eyes [32.0%]), Stage 2 (107 eyes [19.2%]), Stage 3 (67 eyes [12.0%]), Stage 4 (62 eyes [11.1%]), Stage 5 (45 eyes [8.0%]). There was secondary glaucoma in 307 (55.5%), macular hypoplasia in 395 (71.4%), and congenital optic nerve head pathology in 223 (40.3%) eyes. The iris malformation type was significantly positively correlated with AAK stage, lens properties, presence of glaucoma, congenital macular, and optic nerve head properties (p &amp;lt; 0.001 for all), while complete aniridia showed the most complications.Conclusions At the Homburg Aniridia Center, the most common ophthalmic signs in congenital aniridia were AAK, iris malformation, cataract, and macular hypoplasia. The iris malformation type may indicate future expression of AAK, cataract, and glaucoma development and it is correlated with a congenital optic nerve head and macular pathology. Our registry will support further detailed longitudinal analysis of ophthalmic and systemic diseases of aniridia subjects during long-term follow-up.Funding Agencies|COST Action [CA18116]; COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)</p

    Congenital aniridia patients experience on their visual impairment in Hungary An ANIRIDIA-NET survey

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    Introduction: Aniridia is a rare congenital panocular disease associated with varying degrees of visual acuity impair-ment. Objective: To assess the experiences of congenital aniridia patients in Hungary, with visual impairment using a ques-tionnaire developed by the ANIRIDIA-NET. Patients and method: Patients completed the Hungarian version of the 20-item ANIRIDIA-NET questionnaire with our assistance. The questionnaire covered demographic data, the most common complaints caused by the disease, the difficulties caused by low vision in different life situations and the frequency of low vision aids used in daily life. Results: 33 subjects (17 female [51.51%] and 16 male [48.48%]), 16 (48.5%) children and 17 (51.5%) adults com-pleted the questionnaire, with an age of 25.69 +/- 17.49 years (5-59 years). Daily photosensitivity was reported by 27 (81.8%), dry eyes by 5 (15.2%), tearing by 4 (12.1%), fluctuating vision by 3 (9.1%), and eye pain by 2 (6.1%) sub-jects. The majority of respondents said that personal communication with schoolmates (16 [48.5%]) or colleagues at work (11 [33.3%]) never caused difficulties because of their visual impairment. 29 people (87.9%) never needed help with daily routines at home, 24 (72.7%) with getting to school/work and 17 (51.5%) with various activities. 29 peo-ple (87.8%) never used low vision aids for communication, 23 (69.7%) for travelling, 20 (60.6%) for participating in social activities, 18 (54.5%) for studying/work. Conclusion: Although aniridia is associated with reduced visual acuity, the majority of people with congenital aniridia, especially in childhood, manage to cope with personal communication and various life situations without difficulty, despite their eye complaints. Low vision aids can be an important aid for them as they grow into adulthood and as they age