11 research outputs found

    Chemoresistance acquisition induces a global shift of expression of aniogenesis-associated genes and increased pro-angogenic activity in neuroblastoma cells

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    BACKGROUND: Chemoresistance acquisition may influence cancer cell biology. Here, bioinformatics analysis of gene expression data was used to identify chemoresistance-associated changes in neuroblastoma biology. RESULTS: Bioinformatics analysis of gene expression data revealed that expression of angiogenesis-associated genes significantly differs between chemosensitive and chemoresistant neuroblastoma cells. A subsequent systematic analysis of a panel of 14 chemosensitive and chemoresistant neuroblastoma cell lines in vitro and in animal experiments indicated a consistent shift to a more pro-angiogenic phenotype in chemoresistant neuroblastoma cells. The molecular mechanims underlying increased pro-angiogenic activity of neuroblastoma cells are individual and differ between the investigated chemoresistant cell lines. Treatment of animals carrying doxorubicin-resistant neuroblastoma xenografts with doxorubicin, a cytotoxic drug known to exert anti-angiogenic activity, resulted in decreased tumour vessel formation and growth indicating chemoresistance-associated enhanced pro-angiogenic activity to be relevant for tumour progression and to represent a potential therapeutic target. CONCLUSION: A bioinformatics approach allowed to identify a relevant chemoresistance-associated shift in neuroblastoma cell biology. The chemoresistance-associated enhanced pro-angiogenic activity observed in neuroblastoma cells is relevant for tumour progression and represents a potential therapeutic target

    QPRT: a potential marker for follicular thyroid carcinoma including minimal invasive variant; a gene expression, RNA and immunohistochemical study

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    Background The differential diagnosis between follicular thyroid adenoma and minimal invasive follicular thyroid carcinoma is often difficult for several reasons. One major aspect is the lack of typical cytological criteria in well differentiated specimens. New marker molecules, shown by poly- or monoclonal antibodies proved helpful. Methods We performed global gene expression analysis of 12 follicular thyroid tumours (4 follicular adenomas, 4 minimal invasive follicular carcinomas and 4 widely invasive follicular carcinomas), followed by immunohistochemical staining of 149 cases. The specificity of the antibody was validated by western blot analysis Results In gene expression analysis QPRT was detected as differently expressed between follicular thyroid adenoma and follicular thyroid carcinoma. QPRT protein could be detected by immunohistochemistry in 65% of follicular thyroid carcinomas including minimal invasive variant and only 22% of follicular adenomas. Conclusion Consequently, QPRT is a potential new marker for the immunohistochemical screening of follicular thyroid nodules

    Chemotherapy-associated angiogenesis in neuroblastoma tumors.

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    The influences of cytotoxic drugs on endothelial cells remain incompletely understood. Herein, we examined the effects of chemotherapeutic agents in experimental angiogenesis models and analyzed vessel densities in clinical neuroblastoma tumor samples. Cisplatin (20 to 500 ng/mL), doxorubicin (4 to 100 ng/mL), and vincristine (0.5 to 4 ng/mL), drugs commonly involved in neuroblastoma therapy protocols, induced pro-angiogenic effects in different angiogenesis models. They enhanced endothelial cell tube formation, endothelial cell sprouting from spheroids, formation of tip cells in the sprouting assay, expression of ?v?3 integrin, and vitronectin binding. All three drugs increased global cellular kinase phosphorylation levels, including the angiogenesis-relevant molecules protein kinase C? and Akt. Pharmacological inhibition of protein kinase C? or Akt upstream of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase reduced chemotherapy-induced endothelial cell tube formation. Moreover, the investigated chemotherapeutics dose dependently induced vessel formation in the chick chorioallantoic membrane assay. Tumor samples from seven high-risk patients with neuroblastoma were analyzed for vessel density by IHC. Results revealed that neuroblastoma samples taken after chemotherapy consistently showed an enhanced microvessel density compared with the corresponding samples taken before chemotherapy. In conclusion, our data show that chemotherapy can activate endothelial cells by inducing multiple pro-angiogenic signaling pathways and exert pro-angiogenic effects in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, we report a previously unrecognized clinical phenomenon that might, in part, be explained by our experimental observations: chemotherapy-associated enhanced vessel formation in tumors from patients with neuroblastoma

    Cisplatin-Resistant Neuroblastoma Cells Express Enhanced Levels of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) and Are Sensitive to Treatment with EGFR-Specific Toxins

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    Neuroblastomas frequently show expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and may therefore be susceptible to EGFR-targeted therapies. Here, EGFR expression and functionality was investigated in parental chemosensitive neuroblastoma cell lines (UKF-NB-3, IMR-32, NLF, SH-SY5Y) and their cisplatin-resistant sublines (UKF-NB-3rCDDP1000, IMR-32rCDDP1000, NLFrCDDP1000, and SH-SY5YrCDDP500). Moreover, the EGFR antibody cetuximab, the EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor Tyrphostin B46, and recombinant EGFR-targeted toxins were investigated for their influence on the viability and growth of neuroblastoma cells

    Experience with telepathology in combination with diagnostic assistance systems in countries with restricted resources

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    Introduction: We describe the use of telepathology in countries with restricted resources using two diagnosis assistance systems (Isabel and Memem7) in addition to the diagnoses made by experts in pathology via the iPath-Network. Methods: A total of 156 cases, largely from Afghanistan, were analysed; 18 cases had to be excluded because of poor image quality. Results: Of the remaining 138 cases (100%), a responsible physician provided a tentative diagnosis for 61.6% of them.With a diagnosis from a consultant pathologist, it was then possible to make a definite diagnosis in 84.8% of cases on the basis of images taken from hematoxylin and eosin staining sections alone. The use of the diagnosis assistance systems resulted in an ordered list of differential diagnoses in 82.6% (IsabelHealth) and in 74.6% (Memem7) of cases, respectively. Adding morphological terminology reduced the list of possible diagnoses to 52.2% (72 cases, Memem7), but improved their quality. Discussion: In summary, diagnosis assistance systems are promising approaches to provide physicians in countries with restricted resources with lists of probable differential diagnoses, thus increasing the plausibility of the diagnosis of the consultant pathologist