358 research outputs found

    Analisis Empirik Multimedia Interaktif Pembelajaran Fisika Menggunakan Lectora Inspire Pada Materi Cahaya Di SMP

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    This study aims to analize the interactive multimedia in physics learning empirically. The approach used in this study is research and development (R&D) with instructional design model, ADDIE. Data were collected through the questionnaires. Respondents of this research were from teachers and students, teacher as an expert user while student as a user. The data of instrument were analyzed using product moment SPSS and Ms. Excel. The highest validity score of each teacher as expert and student as user is 0,821 & 0,776 while the reliability score each is 0,955 & 0,906. The results of this research indicate that the interactive multimedia is valid and reliable

    A Study On Conceptual Design of a Drone for Transportation in The Agricultural Sector

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    A drone is a fast-growing technology that has been used in many applications in the world. The drone also is a new solution for the transportation process in the agricultural sector. The primary purpose of this project is to explore the potential of drone or Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to reduce the dependence on fossil-fueled vehicles to transport the crops within the farm and from the farm to the seller. The use of drones will create lower emission of carbon dioxide and toxic gases that are usually generated by fossil-fueled vehicles. Besides, this research is also essential to reduce the health issues that currently appear from agriculture activities. The objective of this project is to determine the parameters to design a suitable drone for transportation in the agricultural sector. In addition, the design of the drone must be able to carry a maximum of 10 kg of payload, which can be analyzed by simulation and analysis. The simulation and analysis are performed by SolidWorks software. The conceptual design of the drone is proposed by following the George E. Dieter model of the design process. In addition, a simulation on the strength of the drone components and analysis on the thrust of the motor have been conducted to verify the proposed drone design concept based on the determined parameters. The cost estimation of the drone is about RM17683.65 and the overall weight is 26.823 kg. In conclusion, the drone design concept for transportation in the agricultural sector is proposed as a preliminary study for future works

    Agarwood (gaharu) research rekindled interest, stirs debate at the 40th International Symposium on Essential Oils

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    Savigliano, Italy Sept 7-9. The MOSTI-funded research (Science Fund 02-0l-16-SF0005) headed by Prof Mashitah Mohd Yusoff rekindled tremendous interest and debate when presented by lead researcher and FIST's lecturer, Saiful Nizam Tajuddin

    Spotlight on faculty member: Dr. Natanamurugaraj Govindan, marine bologist

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    Dr. Natanamurugaraj Govindan was born in August 1, 1979 at Pudukkottai district, Tamil Nadu State, India, where his parents and sister continue to play a big part in his life and career. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Botany from Bharathidasan University, Trichyrappalli and B.Ed. degree in Biological Science from Alagappa University, Ka raikudi, India. Following his Ph.D specialization in Marine Algal Biotechnology from Bharathidasan University, India, Dr. Natanam was appointed Post-Doctoral Research fellow in the School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. He has written a book entitled "Marine diatoms from Ka raikal coastal region (India)': This book describes taxonomy and identification of marine microalgae (particularly diatoms) for biotechnology students

    Kepercayaan Diri Mahasiswa PAI Melaksanakan Praktik Mengajar 2 IAIN Palangka Raya

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    Praktik Mengajar 2 merupakan program mata kuliah yang wajib di ikuti oleh mahasiswa PAI meliputi pelatihan dan bimbingan mengajar. Berdampak dari pandemi covid-19 mengharuskan program praktik mengajar 2 dilaksanakan secara daring/online. Pada buku panduan PM2-KKN tahun 2021 mahasiswa di tuntut memenuhi keterampilan dasar mengajar. Adapun keterampilan yang harus di kuasai adalah keterampilan menyampaikan materi dan memberikan evaluasi. Kepercayaan diri menjadi salah satu bagian penting bagi seorang guru saat mengajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Mengetahui kepercayaan diri mahasiswa PAI melaksanakan praktik mengajar 2 IAIN Palangka Raya, 2) Mengetahui kepercayaan diri mahasiswa PAI menyampaikan materi pada pelaksanaan praktik mengajar 2 IAIN Palangka Raya.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi online, wawancara online dan dokumentasi online. Subjek pada penelitian ini yaitu 6 orang mahasiswa PAI angkatan 2018 dan 4 orang guru pamong sebagai informan. Teknik pengabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber sebagai bahan perbandingan dan triangulasi teknik. Teknik analisis data berupa pengumpulan data, pengolahan data, penarikan kesimpulan dan melakukan verifikasi data.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa : 1) Kepercayaan diri mahasiswa PAI melaksanakan praktik mengajar 2 ialah a) Pada aspek tingkat kesulitan mahasiswa PAI mampu dalam merencanakan tugas mengajar pada tingkat kesulitan yang beragam dengan baik. b) Pada aspek tingkat kekuatan mahasiswa PAI mampu bertahan pada situasi mengajar yang sulit dengan baik. c) Pada aspek rentang keluasan bidang mahasiswa PAI mampu mampu menyelesaikan target mengajar dengan baik. 2) Kepercayaan diri mahasiswa PAI angkatan 2018 dalam menyampaikan materi pelajaran adalah a) Kemampuan penguasaan materi mahasiswa PAI sudah sangat baik. b) mahasiswa PAI angkatan 2018 juga memiliki kepercayaan diri dalam memilih dan menggunakan metode ceramah dalam menyampaikan materi dengan baik. c) Kendala dalam menyampaikan materi PAI yang dialami mahasiswa dapat teratasi dengan baik

    Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Siswa melalui Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek di Kelas XI SMA Babussalam Pekanbaru

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    The aim of this research is to determine the level of communication skills of students in class XI MIA 1 Babussalam Pekanbaru through the implementation of project-based learning strategy in The Equation of Progressive Wave and Stationary Wave subject. The expected benefits of this research is as a basis for further examine the success rate of students by using a lot of other learning approaches. This research was conducted at SMA Babussalam Pekanbaru precisely in March to June 2015 in class XI MIA 1 totaling 29 students. The design of the research is pre-experimental design form one shot case study. From the research, the results were obtained for oral communication skills based on indicators that include the ability of express information and ideas; paying attention when someone else speaks; responds; and asking, students have the ability with high category. Similarly to written communication skills, the ability of students in each meeting continue to increase by an average of each indicator that includes the quality of the writing and the visual representation categorized as high. So it can be concluded that communication skills of students in class XI MIA 1 SMA Babussalam Pekanbaru could be trained through the implementation of project based learning strategies in The Equation of Progressive Wave and Stationary Wave subject

    Forecasting wind speed data by using a combination of ARIMA model with single exponential smoothing

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    Wind serves as natural resources as the solution to minimize global warming and has been commonly used to produce electricity. Because of their uncontrollable wind characteristics, wind speed forecasting is considered one of the best challenges in developing power generation. The Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), Simple Exponential Smoothing (SES) and a hybrid model combination of ARIMA and SES will be used in this study to predict the wind speed. The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and the root mean square error (RMSE) are used as measurement of efficiency. The hybrid model provides a positive outcome for predicting wind speed compare to the single model of ARIMA and SES

    Sikap Terhadap Sains Siswa Dalam Penerapan Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing (Guided Inquiry Approach)

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    This research aims to determine the increase attitudes toward science of students in physics learning by the implementation of guided inquiry approach in class X IPA4 SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru. The subjects are students of class X IPA4. This class has fewer than 35 students, consists of 13 male students and 22 female students. The data collection instrument in this study is questionnaire of attitudes towards science which consists of 24 statements. Analysis of the data in this study is a descriptive analysis using the Gain (increase). If G>0.3, so the attitudes towards science of student is increase by the implementation of guided inquiry approach. The results showed: Gain attitudes towards science of students on aspects of interest in the science of 0.15 with a low category, aspects of science and learning activities of 0.17 with a low category, the importance of science aspects of 0.20 with a low category, and environmental aspects of the view science of 0.18 with a lower category. So that the average gain attitudes toward science of students in the amount of 0.18 to a low category. Application of guided inquiry approach the material and application of Newton\u27s laws have low gain to improve attitudes toward science of students in class X SMA Muhammadiyah 1 pekanbaru