22 research outputs found

    Using Realia to Teach Physically Disabled Students in Writing Descriptive Texts

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    This case study is focused on teaching descriptive texts by using realia. The writer took the 8th grade students of SMPLB Negeri Ungaran as the subjects of the study. The aim of this research is to know the implementation of teaching descriptive texts that cover parts, qualities, and characteristics of the objects. This study was carried out around four meetings. In each meeting, the researcher observed the situation of the class and the setudents' activities in that classroom. The data collection method used in the research was observation, interview, and documentation. In implementating the research, the researcher found several problems and difficulties in teaching learning processes. One of them is that, the teaching physically disabled students are not easy. It has to be slowly because the students' ability in writing the lesson is limited. The other problem comes from the teacher him/herself that never uses media or tools to teach physically disabled students. It is a matter of fact that teaching physically disabled students needs media to make them easily understand the learning materials. One of the media that could be used is realia. From this research it is expected that the problems could be solved and a new paradigm in teaching descriptive texts for disabled students could be considered

    Trading Digitalization: Legal Awareness in the Disruption Era

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    The digitalization of trading is developing rapidly, but legal awareness has not been well developed. Although digital trading is fairly new in the world of economics in this country, it has been able to attract the attention of many people, especially business people, to become traders. Digital trading refers to trading activities using applications on smartphones or trading software commonly called trading robots. But unfortunately, the rise of digital trading activities is not accompanied by regulations that guarantee the safety of novice traders. Together with the inhabitants of Pekalongan's ignorance of the rules and laws pertaining to trading activities on the capital market. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that prevent Pekalongan citizens from being aware of the legal implications of digital trading and know the implications of the lack of legal awareness of the people of Pekalongan regarding digital trading. This study employs both statutory and conceptual approaches and is grounded in empirical legal research. Techniques for descriptive qualitative data analysis. The population of Pekalongan served as the sample for this study, which used a random sampling technique. The findings of this study indicate that low literacy rates and a lack of interest in commodities trade are the main causes of the lack of legal awareness among Pekalongan residents (trading). The consequences of the people of Pekalongan's lack of legal awareness with regard to digital trading are: 1) They lack legal protection in transactions involving digital trading, and 2) They are vulnerable to fraud and losses in such transactions.Digitalisasi trading berkembang pesat, namun kesadaran hukum belum terbangun dengan baik. Digital trading meskipun terbilang cukup baru dalam dunia perekonomian di negeri ini, akan tetapi mampu menarik perhatian banyak orang khususnya para pebisnis untuk terjun di dalamnya menjadi trader. Digital trading merujuk pada aktivitas trading dengan menggunaakan aplikasi di smartphone, ataupun menggunakan software trading yang biasa disebut robot trading. Namun sayangnya, maraknya aktivitas trading digital ini tidak dibersamai dengan adanya regulasi yang menjamin keamanan para trader pemula. Ditambah minimnya kesadaran hukum terhadap regulasi dan undang-undang terkait dengan aktivitas perdagangan di pasar modal, termasuk oleh masyarakat Pekalongan. Penellitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa alasan mengapa masyarakat Pekalongan belum memiliki kesadaran hukum mengenai digital trading dan mengetahui bagaimana implikasi minimnya kesadaran hukum masyarakat Pekalongan mengenai digital trading. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum empiris yang menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Metode analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Sampel di penelitian ini diambil dengan metode random sampling dari masyarakat Pekalongan. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan minimnya kesadaran hukum masyarakat Pekalongan adalah faktor minimnya literasi dan faktor minimnya minat terhadap perdagangan komoditi (trading). Adapun implikasi dari minimnya kesadaran hukum masyarakat Pekalongan tentang digital trading yaitu; 1) Tidak mendapatkan perlindungan hukum dalam transaksi digital trading dan 2) Rentan mengalami penipuan dan kerugian dalam transaksi digital trading

    Study of suitability of cheap AvaSpec array spectrometer for solar UV field measurements

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    International audienceA system to record the ultraviolet (UV) spectra of atmospheric global irradiance with the miniature fiber optic spectrometer AvaSpec-256 was developed for continuous computer-aided spectrometry at Tartu Observatory in 2005. As a result, the database of spectra recorded with 15-min-interval round 24 h over 300?400 nm, has been developed. The quantities retrieved from the spectra have been compared with those measured by the Scintec erythemal UV-SET sensor and the Kipp&Zonen narrowband 306 nm sensor. Almost clear and overcast days were selected for comparison. Reliable results on the spectral distribution of the UV global irradiance as well as the integrated daily spectral doses could be obtained at least during the bright half-year. The results were compared with the calculations performed by means of the LibRadtran package. The biases in irradiance were significant at SZA above 70?75°. At dominating larger SZA the recorded values need sophisticated corrections and remain less reliable. At lower latitudes than that of the study site (58.3 degrees), the reliability of the spectrometer is expected to increase due to a smaller contribution of data measured at large SZA. The variations of the ratio of UV-A/UV-B irradiance, retrieved from the spectra, were investigated. Also the covariation of the narrowband 306 nm irradiance and the irradiance integrated over the whole UV-B range was studied. The biases between calculated by means of the LibRadtran package and the measured ratio of UV-A/UV-B irradiance were small at SZA below 70°. At larger SZA the values of the ratio as well as the biases increased, significantly depending on total ozone

    Study of suitability of AvaSpec array spectrometer for solar UV field measurements

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    A system to record the ultraviolet (UV) spectra of atmospheric global irradiance with the miniature fiber optic spectrometer AvaSpec-256 was developed for continuous computer-aided spectrometry at Tartu Observatory in 2005. As a result, the database of spectra recorded with 15-min-interval round 24 h over 300–400 nm, has been developed. The quantities retrieved from the spectra have been compared with those measured by the Scintec erythemal UV-SET sensor and the Kipp & Zonen narrowband 306 nm sensor. Almost clear and overcast days were selected for comparison. Reliable results on the spectral distribution of the UV global irradiance as well as the integrated daily spectral doses could be obtained at least during the bright half-year. The results were compared with the calculations performed by means of the LibRadtran package. The biases in irradiance were significant at SZA above 70–75°. At dominating larger SZA the recorded values need sophisticated corrections and remain less reliable. At lower latitudes than that of the study site (58.3°), the reliability of the spectrometer is expected to increase due to a smaller contribution of data measured at large SZA. <br></br> The variations of the ratio of UV-A/UV-B irradiance, retrieved from the spectra, were investigated. Also the covariation of the narrowband 306 nm irradiance and the irradiance integrated over the whole UV-B range was studied. The biases between the UV-A/UV-B irradiances calculated by means of the LibRadtran package and measured with the AvaSpec were small at SZA below 70°. At larger SZA the values of the ratio as well as the biases increased, significantly depending on total ozone


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    An exploratory floristic survey of the genus Mimosa was conducted in 1993 to ascertain species diversity and their spatial patterns of distribution in Peninsular Malaysia. A new species record of uncertain indigene, M.. quadrivalvis was recorded for the first time in restricted localities along the roadsides in Pekan Darat and Bertam, Seberang Perai, Gurun and Bedong  in Kedah  in addition  to widely distributed and seemingly  ubiquitous presence of M. invisa Mart. ex. Colla and M. pudica L. The latter two species were mostly found in open, disturbed and derelict habitats, agricultural areas and ex-mining  lands. Both species exhibited  largely  contagious and overdispersed distribution patterns with positive peaks in pattern intensity values although regularity or underdispersed distribution patterns do manifest in certain localities. The giant mimosa, M. pigra inhabited in clustered thickets, large pockets of lands in the urban and sub-urban localities in the states of Penang, Perak, Kelantan, Kuala Lumpur and Negeri Sembilan. In other states, M. pigra was confined to a few localities in smaller patches. Except for M. quadrivalvis, the other species of Mimosa are serious weeds  in  the agricultural,  recreational and  residential and derelict areas. A key  to  the Mimosa species is constructed along with brief descriptions on their morphology and ecology.Key words: Malaysia/Weed ecology/Mimosa invisa/Mimosa pigra/Mimosa pudica/Mimosa quadrivalvis/ Weed distribution/Weed anatomy and morphology

    The effectiveness of teaching simple past tense by using the medium of English songs (an experimental study at the XI grade of MAN 2 Pekalongan in the academic year of 2010/2011)

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    The background of this research is based on the phenomenon that learning grammar is seen as one of the language item that is difficult to learn because of its intricacy. This research is aimed to find the answer to the following research questions. 1. How effective is English songs as medium to teach simple past? 2. How are the students’ simple past achievements in experimental and control groups before and after the treatment? The study was to find out whether or not English song medium is more effective to improve the students’ understanding on English simple past than non English song. This study employed the true experimental design where senior high school MAN 2 Pekalongan was selected as the research setting. Of the ten sections of grade XI, two classes were selected randomly by the process of simple random sampling. One class was assigned as the experimental group, in this case was class XI.A2 and the other that was class XI.A4 as the control group. The methods of data elicitation used here were test and observation. The data were obtained by employing the relevant pre test and post test, and observation. In this study the obtained data were analyzed. The test of significance of the difference between two groups was measured by two ways ANOVAs. The research result shown that the significance was seen at 0.05 level of significance as the criterion for the rejection of null hypothesis. By the 3 and 134 degrees of freedom, the critical value for the 0.05 level of significance of F table was 2.68. Meanwhile the result of pretest experimental class (57.50) higher than the pretest of control class. The result of posttest experimental (85.83) higher than the pretest of experimental class. The pretest of control class (56.06) lower than posttest control (78.48). Score posttest of experimental class (85.83) higher than score posttest of control class. It concluded that the use of English songs as teaching medium is effective way to teach simple past. It showed from the students’ achievement of experimental class higher than students’ achievement of control class. The observation was administered to know the students’ understanding during the experiment. Then, the result of the observation was interpreted. The main finding of the study were; the experimental and control group were equivalent at the beginning of the experiment and the teaching and learning of English grammar through English song media played positive role in improving the students’ academic understanding

    Pendampingan Kepemilikan Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) Bagi UMK Produk Olahan Pangan Di Kecamatan Kajen Pekalongan

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    Setiap pelaku usaha memerlukan Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) sebagai indentitas dan legalitas pelaksanaan usaha sesuai bidang yang digeluti. NIB menjadi syarat sah dalam perizinan usaha. Namun, fakta di lapangan, masih sangat sedikit pelaku usaha di kecamatan Kajen yang memiliki NIB, termasuk Usaha Mikro Kecil (UMK) produk olahan pangan. Di sisi lain, Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal (BPJPH) mentargetkan sertifikasi halal untuk semua produk olahan pangan pada tahun 2024 mendatang dan membuat program sertifikasi halal gratis (Sehati) bagi Usaha Mikro dan Kecil pada tahun 2022 ini. NIB merupakan syarat wajib pembuatan sertifikasi halal tersebut. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, tema pengabdian ini diangkat, yaitu pendampingan kepemilikan NIB bagi UMK di Kecamatan Kajen untuk mengoptimalkan program Sehati BPJPH. Metode pengabdian yang dilakukan adalah community based research (CBR) dengan melakukan penelitian mengenai kebutuhan masyarakat dan melaksanakan tindak pengabdian berdasarkan kebutuhan masyarakat tersebut. Hasil pengabdian ini adalah diadakannya pengabdian masyarakat terhadap 50 orang peserta dari pelaku UMK produk olahan pangan di Kecamatan Kajen, berupa sosialisasi pentingnya sertifikasi halal dan pendampingan kepemilikan NIB yang merupakan syarat wajib pengajuan sertifikasi halal

    Development of Efficient Solar Heaters for Storage Insect Pest Management

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    Two designs of solar heaters, obtuse-base-angle box and square box, were evaluated for solar energy trapping efficiency using adzuki bean as test crop. The angle box had three base-angles and glued with either copper shim or aluminum foil from inside. The latter had three box heights with black painting either from inside or outside. Then adzuki bean seed, infested with Callosobruchus maculatus , was heat treated at 1, 2, 3 and 4 cm seed layer thickness in 118° base-angle aluminum foil glued box heater. Maximum within-seed temperature of 80.7°C was obtained in the aluminum foil glued heaters; the 118° base-angle heater having high performance. For the square box heaters, the maximum within-seed temperature of 73.5° C was evident in those painted black from inside with better performance of boxes with 10 cm height. Square boxes painted black from outside were not as efficient. Heating of up to 3 cm adzuki bean seed layer resulted in complete C. maculatus control. Thus, obtuse-base-angle box heater glued with aluminum foil from inside could be a potential solar heater for storage pest control by optimizing base angle and size of the box