150 research outputs found

    Understanding and enhancing return to work after sick leave for workers with common mental disorders

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    Een nieuwe methode voor werknemers die verzuimen om psychische redenen, verlengt de periode om het werk volledig te hervatten. Na de gebruikelijke zorg van de bedrijfsarts wordt het werk na 153 dagen (mediaan) hervat, bij een nieuwe exposure-in vivo methode is dat 209 dagen. Dit constateert Erik Noordik in zijn onderzoek naar een betere begeleiding om mensen die verzuimen om psychische redenen weer aan de slag te krijgen. De gebruikelijke zorg van de bedrijfsarts bestaat uit een geleidelijke opbouw van het aantal werkuren. De experimentele benadering voegt daar een geleidelijk toenemende confrontatie met moeilijke, stressvolle of beangstigende taken of werksituaties aan toe. Noordik adviseert door te gaan met het begeleiden volgens de bestaande richtlijnen en geen gebruik te maken van de principes van exposure-in-vivo. Het vertrouwen van werknemers in een terugkeer naar werk hangt sterk samen met een daadwerkelijke terugkeer. Bedrijfsartsen en leidinggevenden moeten extra aandacht geven aan personeel met weinig vertrouwen in terugkeer. Deze personen hebben vaak depressieve klachten of zijn vermoeid en melden een hoge werklast. Eén van de oplossingen kan zijn om de arbeidsomstandigheden te verbeteren. De bedrijfsgezondheidsdienst en leidinggevenden moeten mensen die hun werk gedeeltelijk hebben hervat, actief helpen met de laatste stappen naar volledige werkhervatting, aldus Noordik

    Exploring the return-to-work process for workers partially returned to work and partially on long-term sick leave due to common mental disorders:a qualitative study

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    Purpose. We conducted a qualitative study into the return-to-work process of workers partially on sick leave due to common mental disorders. Our objectives were to describe the barriers to a full return to work, solutions, communicating to the working environment and the aim of a full return to work, all as perceived by the workers. Method. Workers who had partially returned to work and were partially on long-term sick leave due to a stress-related, anxiety or depressive disorder were eligible for this study. Fourteen workers were interviewed and the interviews were transcribed verbatim and coded. Results. The perceived main barriers were: inability to set limits, recognise exhaustion and to control cognitions and behaviour such as perfectionism. A general pattern in the process was that all workers perceived barriers to a full return to work; most workers were able to mention solutions; all workers aimed for a full return to work, and after some time all workers were met with sufficient understanding and social support from their supervisor and health care professional. However, hardly any worker intended to implement or utilise the solutions at the workplace, except the structural adaptations of the work demands. Conclusions. The pattern we found suggests a critical intention-behaviour gap between solutions and intentions for a full return to work and its implementation at work. This implies that we should develop new interventions that focus on helping workers and their environment to bridge this gap

    Take care! Provincie Groningen:Een onderzoek naar kenmerken van jeugdigen en hun ouders in relatie tot de geboden zorg

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    Interventions to improve work outcomes in work-related PTSD: a systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Posttraumatic stress disorder acquired at work can be debilitating both for workers and their employers. The disorder can result in increased sick leave, reduced productivity, and even unemployment. Furthermore, workers are especially unlikely to return to their previous place of employment after a traumatic incident at work because of the traumatic memories and symptoms of avoidance that typically accompany the disorder. Therefore, intervening in work-related PTSD becomes especially important in order to get workers back to the workplace.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A systematic literature search was conducted using Medline, PsycINFO, Embase, and Web of Science. The articles were independently screened based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, followed by a quality assessment of all included articles.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The systematic search identified seven articles for inclusion in the review. These consisted of six research articles and one systematic review. The review focused specifically on interventions using real exposure techniques for anxiety disorders in the workplace. In the research articles addressed in the current review, study populations included police officers, public transportation workers, and employees injured at work. The studies examined the effectiveness of EMDR, cognitive-behavioural techniques, and an integrative therapy approach called brief eclectic psychotherapy. Interestingly, 2 of the 6 research articles addressed add-on treatments for workplace PTSD, which were designed to treat workers with PTSD who failed to respond to traditional evidence-based psychotherapy.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Results of the current review suggest that work-related interventions show promise as effective strategies for promoting return to work in employees who acquired PTSD in the workplace. Further research is needed in this area to determine how different occupational groups with specific types of traumatic exposure might respond differently to work-tailored treatments.</p

    Towards a New Definition of Return-to-Work Outcomes in Common Mental Disorders from a Multi-Stakeholder Perspective

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    Objectives: To examine the perspectives of key stakeholders involved in the return-to-work (RTW) process regarding the definition of successful RTW outcome after sickness absence related to common mental disorders (CMD's). Methods: A mixed-method design was used: First, we used qualitative methods (focus groups, interviews) to identify a broad range of criteria important for the definition of successful RTW (N = 57). Criteria were grouped into content-related clusters. Second, we used a quantitative approach (online questionnaire) to identify, among a larger stakeholder sample (N = 178), the clusters and criteria most important for successful RTW. Results: A total of 11 clusters, consisting of 52 unique criteria, were identified. In defining successful RTW, supervisors and occupational physicians regarded "Sustainability'' and "At-work functioning" most important, while employees regarded "Sustainability," "Job satisfaction," "Work-home balance,'' and " Mental Functioning" most important. Despite agreement on the importance of certain criteria, considerable differences among stakeholders were observed. Conclusions: Key stakeholders vary in the aspects and criteria they regard as important when defining successful RTW after CMD-related sickness absence. Current definitions of RTW outcomes used in scientific research may not accurately reflect these key stakeholder perspectives. Future studies should be more aware of the perspective from which they aim to evaluate the effectiveness of a RTW intervention, and define their RTW outcomes accordingly

    Experience of Health Complaints and Help Seeking Behavior in Employees Screened for Depressive Complaints and Risk of Future Sickness Absence

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    Introduction The aim of this study was to examine the associations between on the one hand depressive complaints and risk of future sickness absence and on the other hand experience of health complaints and help seeking behavior in the working population. Methods Cross-sectional data were used from employees working in the banking sector (n = 8,498). The screening instrument included measures to examine the risk of future sickness absence, depressive complaints and help seeking behavior. Results Of employees reporting health complaints, approximately 80% had already sought help for these complaints. Experience of health complaints and subsequent help seeking behavior differed between employees with mild to severe depressive complaints and employees at risk of future sickness absence. Experience of health complaints was highest in employees identified with both concepts (69%) compared with employees identified at risk of future sickness absence only (48%) and with mild to severe depressive complaints only (57%). In those employees identified with one or both concepts and who had not sought help already, intention to seek help was about 50%. Conclusions From a screening perspective, employees who do not experience health complaints or who do not have the intention to seek help may refuse participation in early intervention. This might be a bottleneck in the implementation of preventive interventions in the occupational health setting

    Usefulness and engagement with a guided workbook intervention (WorkPlan) to support work related goals among cancer survivors

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    Background: Returning to work after cancer is associated with improved physical and psychological functioning, but managing this return can be a challenging process. A workbook based intervention (WorkPlan) was developed to support return-to-work among cancer survivors. The aim of this study was to explore how participants using the workbook engaged with the intervention and utilised the content of the intervention in their plan to return-to-work. Methods: As part of a feasibility randomised controlled trial, 23 participants from the intervention group were interviewed 4-weeks post intervention. Interviews focussed on intervention delivery and data was analysed using Framework analysis. Results: Participants revealed a sense of empowerment and changes in their outlook as they transitioned from patient to employee, citing the act of writing as a medium for creating their own return-to-work narrative. Participants found the generation of a return-to-work plan useful for identifying potential problems and solutions, which also served as a tool for aiding discussion with the employer on return-to-work. Additionally, participants reported feeling less uncertain and anxious about returning to work. Timing of the intervention in coordination with ongoing cancer treatments was crucial to perceived effectiveness; participants identified the sole or final treatment as the ideal time to receive the intervention. Conclusions: The self-guided workbook supports people diagnosed with cancer to build their communication and planning skills to successfully manage their return-to-work. Further research could examine how writing plays a role in this process

    Molecular and supramolecular chemistry of mono- and di-selenium analogues of metal dithiocarbamates

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    This bibliographic review summarises the coordination chemistry of mono- and diselenium analogues of metal dithiocarbamate ligands, [RRꞌNCS2]-, as revealed by X-ray crystallography and spectroscopy (77Se NMR and infrared). The Se-ligands are usually chelating but, bridging modes, up to 4, are known. Reflecting the larger size, greater polarisability and presence of a polar-cap (-hole), selenium atoms are more likely to be involved in secondary-bonding (chalcogen-bonding) than sulphur when a competition exists. Isostructural relationships are established across the series in about one-third of the structures