472 research outputs found

    The influence of the accessibility of concentrate on the behaviour of cows milked in an automatic milking system

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    The advantages and disadvantages are discussed of forcing cows to visit the automatic milking parlour regularly by making it the only way for them to obtain supplementary feeds, vs. allowing cows to choose the frequency of their visits to the parlour. An alternative routing method was studied, in which the cows could move freely between the feeding and lying areas, but were stimulated to visit the automatic parlour by making it the only way of accessing the concentrate feeder. Two experiments were conducted, each with 2 treatments and 20 Holstein Friesian dairy cows. In the first treatment of experiment 1, the concentrate feeder was accessible only via the automatic parlour, and in the second treatment of experiment 1, concentrates were freely accessible. In both cases a new portion of concentrate became available once every 2 h. In experiment 2, the concentrate feeder was available only via the automatic parlour. A new portion of concentrate became available every 2 h during the first treatment of this experiment and every 4 h during the second treatment. Results showed that allocation of concentrate in a feeder which can only be reached via the automatic parlour is a good stimulus to attract cows to the parlour on a regular basis, because the milking frequency of these groups increased, and the waiting time in front of the concentrate feeder and the number of aggressive interactions in this area decreased. It is concluded that it is better to make concentrate available once every 4 h than once every 2 h, because this increases concentrate intake and rest in the barn

    Severity of experimental escherichia-coli mastitis in ketonemic and nonketonemic dairy-cows.

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    The severity of experimental Escherichia coli mastitis in relation to in vitro chemotaxis of polymorphonuclear leukocytes was investigated in cows during negative energy balance. The negative energy balance was induced by feed restriction. Cows were classified into two groups, ketonemic and nonketonemic, based on the beta-hydroxybutyrate concentration in the peripheral blood at the moment of inoculation. Bacterial growth in the inoculated quarter was used as a parameter to indicate the severity of experimental mastitis. In the nonketonemic cows, experimental mastitis ranged from moderate to severe. Severity of experimental mastitis was negatively related to preinfection chemotactic response of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. In contrast, the course of experimental mastitis in the ketonemic group was relatively severe in all cows, regardless of preinfection chemotactic response

    Особливості викладання курсу політології у вищих військових навчальних закладах України

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    Висвітлюються проблеми та специфіка викладання курсу “Політологія” для курсантів та студентів Львівського військового інституту Сухопутних військ Збройних сил України.The problems and specific features of teaching the course “Political Science ” for cadets and students of Lviv Military institute of Infantry Military Forces of Ukraine have been regarded

    HACCP-based quality risk management approach to udder health problems on dairy farms

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    Against the background of prevailing udder health problems on dairy farms, this paper discusses a new approach to mastitis control. Current udder health control programmes, such as the 'five-point plan', are highlighted and their drawbacks indicated. The concept and principles of hazard analysis critical control points (HACCP) are introduced. The eight core elements of this concept are dealt with by using the example of a dairy herd with a mastitis problem due to Staphylococcus aureus. The various steps to be taken in the development of a HACCP-based quality risk management programme are illustrated through the application of core elements. Finally, it is shown that the HACCP key words, structure, organisation, planning, communication and formalisation; which do not frequently appear in conventional herd health and production management programmes can contribute to better udder health. The role of the veterinarian can be paramount and of added value, if he/she is willing to invest in new knowledge and skills, such as the HACCP concept, farm economics, animal nutrition, and particularly the role of coach to the dairy farmer in the implementation of preventative measures in relation to udder health

    Kontrola kakvoće na mliječnim farmama s naglaskom na javnom zdravlju, sigurnosti hrane, zdravlju i dobrobiti životinja

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    U kontekstu sadašnjeg razvoja na razini EU i europskih maloprodavača može se zaključiti da su zaštita potrošača i sigurnost hrane postali najvažnija akcija u vezi s proizvodnjom hrane životinj¬skog podrijetla. Zdravlje i dobrobit životinja slijede po priori¬tetu. Zaštita je potrebna na tim područjima i treba uvesti garanciju proizvoda. Proizvođači mlijeka moraju pokazati stanje svojih farma u vezi sa sigurnosti hrane i javnog zdravlja kao i zdravlja i dobrobiti životinja. S druge strane, građani i cjelokupna javnost imaju svoje vlastito mišljenje o proizvodima životinja kao i metodama proizvodnje. Njihovo se mišljenje temelji na mnogo aspekata i bezuvjetno je sub¬jektivno. Za prehranbeni lanac predodžba javnosti o proizvodima ži¬votinja postala je glavni problem. U pitanju je dozvola proizvođača mlijeka za proizvodnju i prodaju svojih proizvoda. U mljekarskom sektoru organizacije i farmeri reagirali su uvođenjem sustava za praćenje uobičajenih bolesti. Ovo se praćenje provodi kao klinički nadzor ili testiranje krvi mlijeka kako bi se dobila opća slika zdravstvenog stanja farma. Osim toga, nekoliko je zemalja počelo mudro provoditi, dobro¬voljno ili obvezatno, programe kontrole kakvoće na mliječnim farmama. Praćenje krava (prevladavanja, pojavljivanja) i uvjeti na farmama (faktori rizika) dio su KKM-a u Nizozemskoj. Sakupljeni podaci odmah se upotrebljavaju za konzultacije veterinara u zdravstvenim progra¬mima stada. Može se očekivati da će KKM programi konačno rezultirati programima na temelju HACCE-a za upravljanje kakvoćom pri čemu će prepoznavanje rizika, upravljanje rizikom i prevencija igrati najveću ulogu. Taj će program zadovoljiti zahtjeve koje su postavili EU, danska Vlada i maloprodavači (potrošači) a istodobno pomoći u pop¬ravljanju percepcije sveukupne javnosti o sigurnosti hrane i javnom zdravlju kao i o zdravlju i dobrobiti životinja

    The marketing of herd health and production management services on Dutch dairy farms: perceptions of dairy farmers and their veterinary surgeons

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    A questionnaire-based survey on veterinary herd health and production management services was conducted on 194 specialist dairy veterinarians and 466 dairy farmers. The farmers were randomly selected from greater than 6,000 farmer clients of the surveyed veterinarians. This paper reports these survey findings and the findings of an earlier survey conducted among the veterinarians. The survey included questions on the attributes of the service itself, the practitioners delivering the service, reasons for participation and the expected future of herd health and production management services. Reasons farmers participated in herd health and production management programmes included; access to routine screening of their herd; increasing profits; and receiving regular veterinary advice or solutions to remedy existing problems. Advantages of participation named included: good management support; higher profits; structural solutions to problems; and being better informed. Differences between farming styles were observed, pointing to the different needs and goals of farming styles. Farmers cited high costs and the time investment required as major disadvantages. The proportion of farmers citing these reasons was lower than expected by the veterinarians. In the future, preventive healthcare will be the main reason of farmers to participate. Farmers who are not using the service can potentially be encouraged to engage the services after gaining increased insight into the herd health and management service structure, the planning of activities, the cost-benefit of the service, veterinary surgeons being more co-operative with other farm advisors and veterinarians being more willing to pay attention to quality issues on the dairy farm