19 research outputs found

    Utilization of Alang-Alang (Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeusch.) as Traditional Medicine in Indonesian Archipelago

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    Alang-alang is often considered as a weed to be destroyed on farms or plantations. However, the fact that alang-alang have important role in the field of health. Articles that explore the benefits of alang-alang have been written, especially in the popular media, but a source of information and user community often unclear. Ethnobotany studies to various regions in Indonesia have been conducted by teams of Bogor Botanical Gardens since 1995. Some information about the use of medicinal plants have been recorded through direct interviews in various areas, one of which is the use of alang-alang.. This paper presents various alang-alang utilization either singly or as a mixture, to cope with various diseases. This information is a summary of the various ethnobotany studies conducted by team of Bogor Botanical Garden, and supported by some of the relevant literature. This information is very important for health in the present and future

    The Effects of Light Color on Seed Germination of Markhamia stipulata (Wall.) Seem

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    Markhamia stipulata (Wall.) Seem. (Bignoniaceae) is one of collections in Bogor Botanical Garden that potential as a medicine. Information about germination of these species were not known yet. This research was aimed to examine the effect of light color on germination process of Markhamia stipulata (Wall.) Seem. The research method used a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) that consist of three treatments (red light, far red light, dark) and one control (open air) with four replications for each group. Each group consist of 10 seeds. Precentage of seed germination; seedling height; cotyledon width; length, width and number of leaves were measured. The result showed that seed germination start at third day after sowing.  Germination rate and germination rate coefficcient showed there is no significant difference between all treatments even though far red light showed highest number (100 %; 0.755).  However, light color influence on seedling growth. Far red light showed affect on internodes distance. Dark light showed affect on leaves and cotyledon size. Red light and control showed similarity. Keywords: dark; far red light, Markhamia stipulata (Wall.) Seem; red light; seed germinatio

    Identification Tree Health in The Cimory Riverside Natural Tourism Development Area

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    Cimory Riverside is a natural scenery restaurant in Puncak Bogor. It has tourism development based of nature tracking priority that will soon be in open to public. The purpose of this research was to identify the tree  health in the natural tourism development area. The method used is pursosive sampling based on vulnerability level tree with a Forest Health Monitory (FHM) and Picus Sonic Tormograph. The result showed 31 trees are identified proneness of different species. The average healthy tree condition grows normally, but is growing sloping and high canopy load. Two species of Falcataria moluccana (Miq.) Barneby & J.W.Grimes (Sengon laut) recomended for cut down. 13 trees are recommended for pruning to make the canopy lighter and minimize the risk fallen tree. The rest 16 trees otherwise normal but need to check routinely. While the results of checking used a Picus Sonic Tormograph, Eucalyptus alba Reinw. ex Blume tree experienced holes at the height of 0-120 cm vulnarable area to visitors. The final result of identification healthy tree is handling in accordance with recommendations and checking periodically to minimize the risk fallen tree

    Sorghum Cultivation, Production and Utilization at Kupang District of Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia

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    Sorghum bicolor that includes in the family Poaceae has very high potency to support the national program of staple food diversification and bioenergy in Indonesia. Sorghum has been cultivated for a long time ago, especially in Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) province. In Indonesia, sorghum is not explisitely mentioned as part or priority of national staple food officially. Since 2005 - 2011, the pruduction and productivity of sorghum in Indonesia increased, however the sorghum harvest area decreased. Program of sorghum development has been conducted by State-Owned Enterprise Indonesia (BUMN) during and after that period, including at Kupang, NTT. The aim of the study was to find out sorghum cultivation areas, productions, cultivation system and utilization at Kupang district. Literature studies, data collections from 2005, surveys, interviews and discussions with the farmer groups, women groups and staff of local government have also been conducted in 2016. Sorghum was cultivated at 1 district until 21 districts per year in Kupang regency during 2005 until 2015, with total harvested area of 3 ha - 1874 ha and production in between 3 ton – 1499 ton per year. Productivity of sorghum plants at Kupang was still low namely in between 0.55 ton – 1.10 ton per ha

    Fruit Description and Evaluation of Five Treatments to Break Seed Dormancy of Brownlowia peltata Benth.

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    Brownlowia peltata Benth. is a native tree from Borneo, in its germination problem was physical dormancy due to the hard pericarp of the fruit. The study aimed to evaluate five treatments for breaking the seed physical dormancy and the fruit description. The experiment was using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four different temperatures of water immersion, a scarification, and control. The fruit of B. peltata was a woody follicle; belong to yellow green group 148 A in color; 29.64 mm in long; 21.62 mm in thickness; 29.86 mm in wide, with an average weight of 12.05 g. Hot water immersion treatment of 40 °C for 60 s; 60 °C for 60 s and 80 °C for 30 s could raise the fruit moisture content of 0.92 % to 1.04 %. There was a significant difference on germination rate coefficient and coefficient of uniformity of germination among treatments. The mature seed does not have a physical dormancy once the carpel splits and create a slit (fruit opening).Keywords: Brownlowia pellata Benth; dormancy; fruit; seed; viability

    Leaf Morphometric and Chlorophyll Content Study of Bisbul (Diospyros discolor Willd.) at the Bogor Botanical Garden

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    Bisbul (Diospyros discolor Willd.) is one of the collections from the Bogor Botanical (BBG). The wide distribution of this plant in Southeast Asia's tropical forests creates many morphometric variations of this species. The diversity of leaf morphometric variations of a plant species can be the basis for grouping various species. This study aimed to determine the morphometric diversity of Bisbul leaves from various locations of origin. The study took samples of bisbul leaves from Bogor Botanical Gardens from three accessions, namely the Philippines, West Java, and Papua. All the trees are over 30 years old. The leaves are taken based on a horizontal position, vertical crown, and leafage. The results showed that the origin of the location gave different multiplier values to calculate the area, namely the Philippines y = 0.733x + 0.034; West Java y = 0.765x-2,949; and Papua y = 0.758x-1.389. The length to leaf width ratio also has differences, namely, the Philippines, which is 2.64, West Java 2.65, and Papua 2.81. The chlorophyll content in young leaves increases in old leaves. The samples from Papua also have the highest chlorophyll content compared to the Philippines and West Java. This difference indicates morphometric variations between the three, even within one species. Some environmental conditions may affect shade areas and tree age. In addition, DNA research from accession D. discolor is also needed to determine the cause of the morphometric variation.

    REPRODUCTION PHENOLOGY OF Hydriastele beguinii (Burret) W.J. Baker & Loo. AT BOGOR BOTANIC GARDENS

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    Hydriastele beguinii (Burret) W.J. Baker & Loo is an endemic palm from Moluccas Island. Reproduction is an important part of plant life cycles to maintain and sustain their existence. The reproduction ability of H. beguinii is relatively low in its natural habitat, therefore studies on its reproduction aspect are required. The main objective of this study is to assess the reproduction phenology H. beguinii at Bogor Botanic Gardens. Three individuals of H. beguinii at initiation phase were selected. This study observed the duration of each phase, morphology changes in every phase and the biotic and abiotic factors affecting the reproduction phenology. The result showed that flower initiation of H. beguinii initiation took 12–16 days, bud towards anthesis took 8–10 days, anthesis took 14-16 days and young fruits to maturity took 110–124 days. The result also stated that in every reproduction phenology phase has a different time period. In addition, reproduction phenology phases were not directly affected by abiotic factors. Trigona laevicep was an insect visitor that was suspected as the pollinator of H. beguinii


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    Bogor Botanic Gardens (BBG), which one of the oldest Botanic Garden in Southeast Asia has more than 12.000 specimen of plants collections. The state soil fertility management is essential for collection in BBG, but currently the soil fertility in BBG unknown. This study aims to evaluate soil fertility condition with analysis of soil chemical and physical properties. Expected to a consideration in the collection management fertility herbs optimal expected to grow. The study conducted in March–October 2019. Methods used is land survey detail (1:5,000–1:10,000 of scales) to a special purpose fertility land the chemistry and physics properties. The sampling location determined by overlaying map of the garden, land cover (grass, litter, and without litter) and contour. The soil samples are collected using the sample ring and disturbed soil method. Variables were observed consisting of texture, pH, cation exchange capacity, total nitrogen, P2O5 available, K2O available, and C organic. The results showed soil fertility class in BBG had low until medium fertility (94,07 %) at various type of land cover. Covers litter having soil fertility higher compared to others (45,32%) (low–medium category). Advice that can be recommended is the litter zoning management, litter so that the process of decomposing organic cycle runs covered.Kebun Raya Bogor (KRB) merupakan salah satu kebun raya tertua di Asia Tenggara yang memiliki jumlah koleksi tumbuhan mencapai lebih dari 12.000 spesimen. Kondisi kesuburan tanah sangat penting untuk pengelolaan koleksi di KRB, namun saat ini kondisi kesuburan tanah di KRB belum diketahui. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi kesuburan tanah, meliputi sifat kimia dan fisika tanah. Diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dalam manajemen kesuburan tanah sehingga tumbuhan koleksi dapat tumbuh dengan optimal. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret–Oktober 2019. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei tanah detail (skala 1:5.000–1:10.000) dengan tujuan khusus yaitu kesuburan kimia dan fisika tanah. Pengambilan sampel berdasarkan overlay dari peta kebun, tutupan lahan (rumput; serasah, dan tanpa serasah) dan kontur. Sampel yang diambil dengan metode ring sampel dan tanah terganggu. Variabel pengamatannya mencakup tekstur, pH, kapasitas tukar kation, nitrogen total, P2O5 tersedia, K2O tersedia, dan C organik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi kesuburan tanah di KRB cenderung rendah hingga sedang (94,07%) pada berbagai tipe tutupan lahan. Tutupan serasah memiliki kesuburan tanah lebih tinggi dibandingkan lainnya (45,32%) (kategori rendah–sedang). Saran yang dapat direkomendasikan adalah pengelolaan zonasi serasah, sehingga proses dekomposisi berjalan dengan siklus hara tertutup


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    Ex situ conservation is one of the efforts to overcome the threat and extinction of plant species in their natural habitats. Bogor Botanic Gardens is an ex situ conservation institution with iconic and historical value tree collections that need to be preserved. Tree health assessment is a technique for identifying tree health, providing recommendations, and mitigating its handling. This study aimed to assess the health of 12 iconic and heritage trees from the Bogor Botanic Gardens collection. The field survey used the purposive sampling method on trees categorized as iconic and heritage trees. The tree health assessment technique is carried out using two ways, namely visually (Forest Health Monitoring) and sound wave technology sonic tomography to detect the level of weathering of the trunk. The results showed that the health status of iconic and heritage trees was in the healthy category (67%), mild damage class (25%), moderate damage class (8%) with an average t/R ratio of 0.82. All trees were categorized as safe, except for Koompassia excelsa, dangerous (t/R ratio 0.28). Recommendations for handling iconic and heritage trees are routine observations using the visual method (1–2 months) and a sonic tomograph every year.Konservasi ex situ merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi keterancaman dan kepunahan jenis tumbuhan di habitat alamnya. Kebun Raya Bogor merupakan lembaga konservasi ex situ yang memiliki koleksi pohon ikonis dan bernilai sejarah yang perlu dijaga kelestariannya. Penilaian kesehatan pohon merupakan teknik untuk mengidentifikasi kesehatannya, memberikan rekomendasi, dan mitigasi penanganannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai kesehatan 12 pohon ikonis dan bernilai sejarah koleksi Kebun Raya Bogor. Survei lapangan menggunakan metode purposive sampling pada pohon yang dikategorikan sebagai pohon ikonis dan bernilai sejarah. Teknik Penilaian kesehatan pohon dilakukan menggunakan dua cara yaitu secara visual (Forest Health Monitoring) dan teknologi gelombang suara sonic tomograph untuk mendeteksi tingkat pelapukan batang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa status kesehatan pohon ikonis dan bernilai sejarah termasuk kategori sehat (67%), kelas kerusakan ringan (25%), kelas kerusakan sedang (8%) dengan nilai rata-rata t/R ratio sebesar 0,82. Keseluruhan pohon dikategorikan aman, kecuali Koompassia excelsa dalam kondisi berbahaya (t/R ratio 0,28). Rekomendasi penanganan pohon ikonis dan bernilai sejarah adalah pengamatan rutin menggunakan metode visual (durasi 1–2 bulan) dan pengamatan menggunakan Sonic tomograph setiap tahunnya

    Analysis on Crown Health Assessment of Fabaceae in Bogor Botanical Garden

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    Bogor Botanical Garden (KRB) is an ex-situ plant conservation area with many plant types that dominated by tree. One of the family of trees collected in KRB is the Fabaceae family. This research aims to estimate the level of crown health condition in Fabaceae family in KRB using forest health monitoring (FHM) method. A total of 44 trees were observed using crown condition parameters to gain the visual crown rating (VCR), crown size index (CSI), and crown damaged index (CDI). This research showed that Fabaceae family in KRB reveal the VCR score of 6, indicated the medium health crown condition of tree. Thus, this research shows that most of the Fabaceae family’s tree at KRB are categorized in medium crown damaged rate. Keywords: Crown damaged index, crown health condition, crown size index, forest health monitoring, visual crown ratingKebun Raya Bogor (KRB) merupakan salah satu kawasan konservasi tumbuhan secara ex-situ dengan berbagai jenis koleksi tumbuhan yang didominasi oleh tumbuhan berhabitus pohon. Salah satu koleksi tumbuhan berhabitus pohon di KRB termasuk ke dalam famili Fabaceae. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kondisi kesehatan tajuk pohon pada famili Fabaceae di KRB menggunakan metode Forest Health Monitoring (FHM). Sebanyak 44 pohon diamati menggunakan parameter kondisi tajuk untuk mendapatkan nilai peringkat visual tajuk (VCR), indeks ukuran tajuk (CSI), dan indeks kerusakan tajuk (CDI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pohon pada famili Fabaceae di KRB memperoleh skor VCR 6 untuk kondisi tajuknya yang dikategorikan kedalam kondisi kesehatan tajuk sedang. Dengan demikian penelitian ini menunjukkan sebagian besar individu pohon pada famili Fabaceae di KRB termasuk kedalam kategori tingkat kerusakan tajuk sedang. Kata kunci: Forest health monitoring, indeks kerusakan tajuk, indeks ukuran tajuk, kondisi kesehatan tajuk, peringkat visual taju