2,327 research outputs found

    Faktor Struktural Keikutsertaan Pria dalam Ber-keluarga Berencana (Kb) di Indonesia (Analisis Data Sdki 2007)

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    . The involvement of men in family planning in Indonesia is very low which is 5,1%. The participation of men in family planning and reproductive health is important because men is a partner in sexual and reproduction, responsible socially and economically, and involve significantly in fertility, and they have important roles in diciding a contraception method that is used by their wife. The objective of this study is to analize the knowledge of family planning and the attitude of family planning. This study used data of Indonesia Demografic and Health Survey (IDHS) 2007 which the sample was 6013 respondents.The knowledge of family planning consists of 4 statements in questionnaire number 301, 302F, 309 and 310, categorized to be good (score > 75%) and less (score 66,6%). This research showed that there is no enough evidence to prove that there is a significant relationship between knowledge of family planning with the involvement of men in family planning. Beside that, the research showed that men who had a positive attitude of family planning had more 4,44 time for involving in family planning than men who had a negative attitude of family planning. Keywords: family planning, structural factor, the involvement of men Abstrak. Keikutsertaan pria dalam ber-KB di Indonesia masih sangat rendah yaitu 5,1%. Partisipasi pria menjadi penting dalam KB dan Kesehatan Reproduksi disebabkan pria adalah partner dalam reproduksi dan seksual, bertanggung jawab secara sosial dan ekonomi, dan pria secara nyata terlibat dalam fertilitas dan mereka mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam memutuskan kontrasepsi yang akan dipakainya atau digunakan istrinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengetahuan tentang KB dan sikap terhadap KB. Penelitian ini menggunakan data Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) 2007 dengan sampel sebesar 6013 responden. Pengetahuan tentang KB terdiri dari 4 pertanyaan pada kuesioner no.301, 302F, 309 dan 310, dikategorikan menjadi: baik (skor > 75%) dan kurang (skor 66,6%). Penelitian menunjukkan belum dapat membuktikan hipotesis penelitian ini yaitu ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan terhadap KB dengan keikutsertaan pria dalam ber-KB (p-value > 0,05) sedangkan sikap terhadap KB mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna terhadap keikutsertaan pria dalam ber-KB dengan OR = 4,44 yang artinya pria menikah dengan sikap terhadap KB yang positif memiliki kecenderungan 4,44 kali untuk ber-KB daripada pria menikah dengan sikap terhadap KB yang negatif. Kata kunci: KB, faktor struktural, keikutsertaan pri

    Heavy Metal Concentrations of Chromium (Cr) and Copper (Cu) Based on Particle Size and Sediment Depth Variation in Paotere Port Waters, Makassar

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    Analisis kandungan logam berat Cr dan Cu berbagai ukuran partikel sedimen di perairan Pelabuhan Poatere Makassar telah dilakukan. Sampel sedimen diambil dengan menggunakan pipa polietilen yang panjangnya 30 cm. Sampel diayak menggunakan ayakan mekanik ukuran 1000, 250 dan 63 µm. metode analisis yang digunakan adalah AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) yang diawali dengan penambahan HNO3 lalu didestruksi menggunakan microwave. Sebaran ukuran partikel sedimen permukaan pada perairan Pelabuhan Paotere yaitu untuk ukuran partikel 250 – 1000, 63 – 250 dan 63 µm berturut-turut adalah 36,04%; 29,51% dan 10,07%. Ukuran partikel sedimen berbanding terbalik dengan konsentrasi logam berat. Konsentrasi Cu dalam sedimen berukuran 63 µm adalah 141,55 mg/kg; 250 µm adalah 56,52 mg/kg dan 1000 µm adalah 51,50 mg/kg. Konsentrasi Cr dalam sedimen berukuran 63 µm adalah 36,68 mg/kg; 250 µm adalah 18,65 mg/kg dan 1000 µm adalah 8,78 mg/kg. Konsentrasi logam semakin kecil seiring dengan bertambahnya kedalaman sedimen. Konsentrasi Cu dalam sedimen kedalaman 0 - 10 cm adalah 93,46 mg/kg; 10 - 20 cm adalah 77,51 mg/kg dan 20 - 30 cm adalah 76,28 mg/kg. Konsentrasi Cr dalam sedimen kedalaman 0 - 10 cm adalah 22,04 mg/kg; 10 - 20 cm adalah 21,68 mg/kg dan 20 - 30 cm adalah 20,87 mg/kg


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    In the paper, we establish some new Hermite-Hadamard-Fej´er type inequalities via generalized h-convex functions, Toader-like convex functions and their variant forms. Several special cases are also discussed. Results proved in this paper can be viewed as significant new contributions in this field

    Analisis Penerapan Pembelajaran Kimia Organik Berkonteks Isu Sosiosainstifik untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Sains Mahasiswa IPA

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    Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi terus berkembang dengan pesat, hal ini ditandai dengan pembaruan ilmu-ilmu sains. Kimia Organik merupakan salah satu mata kuliah sains yang kurang disenangi dan dipandang sulit oleh mahasiswa karena bersifat tidak berwujud. Tantangan pembelajaran mata kuliah kimia organik yaitu meningkatkan literasi saintifik mahasiswa. Rendahnya literasi saintifik mahasiswa di Indonesia disebabkan oleh proses belajar mengajar yang masih berorientasi pada penguasaan konsep sains melalui proses presentasi dan diskusi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis respons mahasiswa terhadap penerapan pembelajaran kimia organik dengan cara diskusi dan berargumentasi tentang isu-isu sosiosainstifik untuk meningkatkan literasi sains mahasiswa tadris IPA. Penelitian dilakukan di jurusan Tadris IPA B IAIN Kudus angkatan 2017 yang melibatkan 36 mahasiswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode deskriptif. Pendekatan yang digunakan ialah pendekatan kualitatif. Pengambilan data melalui analisis sesuai kebutuhan, observasi dan wawancara. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa 85% mahasiswa pendidikan IPA setuju bahwa pembelajaran berkonteks isu sosiosainstifik pembelajaran yang menarik. 75% setuju bahwa pembelajaran kimia organik berkonteks isu sosiosainstifik dapat mempermudah pemahaman isi materi. 90% setuju bahwa pembelajaran berkonteks isu sosiosainstifik meningkatkan literasi ilmiah. Pembelajaran mata kuliah kimia organik melalui diskusi dan argumentasi terkait isu-isu sosiosainstifik dapat meningkatkan literasi sainstifik mahasiswa

    The impact of Sharia compliance on the adjustment to target debt maturity of Malaysian firms

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    This paper investigates the speed of adjustment to target debt maturity for a sample of Malaysian firms based on the sample period of 2007 to 2016. We examine the impact of Sharia compliance on the speed of adjustment to target debt maturity structure by grouping companies based on nature of compliance to Sharia requirements which is categorised by the Securities Commission of Malaysia. In line with our expectations, the analysis shows that firms classified as Sharia compliant tend to adjust at more rapid rates to target debt maturity when below target levels suggesting that compliant firms are able to issue long-term debt at cheaper levels relative to non-compliant counterparts. In addition, the reverse is observed when evaluating firms above target levels where non-compliant firms adjust at more rapid rates. Our findings indicate that compliant firms are able to raise long-term debt at cheaper rates relative to non-compliant firms given the captive market situation observed in the Islamic capital markets in Malaysia. This does however indicate the potential for higher agency costs as well as greater levels of information asymmetry for compliant firms relative to non-compliant firms given that non-compliant firms are more willing to reduce maturity structures to reach target levels when above target levels.peer-reviewe

    Modificación del doble enlace olefínico en ácidos grasos insaturados y en derivados de aceites vegetales via epoxidación: Revisión

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    The highly strained ring in epoxides makes these compounds very versatile intermediates. Epoxidized vegetable oils are gaining a lot of attention as renewable and environmentally friendly feedstock with various industrial applications such as plasticizers, lubricant base oils, surfactants, etc. Numerous papers have been published on the development of the epoxidation methods and the number is still growing. This review reports the synthetic approaches and applications of epoxidized vegetable oils.La alta tensión del anillo en los epóxidos hace que estos compuestos intermediarios sean muy versátiles. Los aceites vegetales epoxidados están ganando mucha atención como materia prima renovable y respetuosa con el medio ambiente con diversas aplicaciones industriales, tales como plastificantes, aceites base para lubricantes, tensioactivos, etc. Por esta razón, se han publicado numerosos trabajos sobre el desarrollo de métodos de epoxidación y el número todavía es creciente. Esta revisión aporta información sobre enfoques sintéticos y aplicaciones de aceites vegetales epoxidados

    Observation of built-up edge formation on a carbide cutting tool with machining aluminium alloy under dry and wet conditions

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    This paper presents the morphology of built-up edge (BUE) formation under wet and dry conditions with low and high cutting speeds. The workpiece materials and cutting tools selected for this work were aluminium alloy and canela carbide inserts graded PM25. The cutting tools underwent turning operation machining tests and their performance was evaluated by the flank wear and observation of the tool wear area. The machining tests were conducted at different spindle speeds and feed rates while the cut depth was kept constant. The analysis showed that formation of the BUE was dominant at low cutting speeds in dry conditions, but in wet conditions at high cutting speeds, a better performance was exhibited in terms of wear analysis

    Some results on thermal stress of layered plates and shells by using Unified Formulation

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    This work presents some results on two-dimensional modelling of thermal stress problems in multilayered structures. The governing equations are written by referring to the Unified Formulation (UF) introduced by the first author. These equations are obtained in a compact form, that doesn't depend on the order of expansion of variables in the thickness direction or the variable description (layer-wise models and equivalent single layers models). Classical and refined theories based on the Principle of Virtual Displacements (PVD) and advanced mixed theories based on the Reissner Mixed Variational Theorem (RMVT) are both considered. As a result, a large variety of theories are derived and compared. The temperature profile along the thickness of the plate/shell is calculated by solving the Fourier's heat conduction equation. Alternatively, thermo-mechanical coupling problems can be considered, in which the thermal variation is influenced by mechanical loading. Exact closed-form solutions are provided for plates and shells, but also the applications of the Ritz method and the Finite Element Method (FEM) are presented