18 research outputs found

    Kinerja Anak Kambing Bligon Setelah Introduksi Pejantan Unggul di Kelompok Ternak Purwo Manunggal, Gunungkidul

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    Goats have become increasingly popular among smallholder mixed-crop-livestock farmers, such as in Gunungkidul District. Farmers in this district have good access to the market. However, farmers keep local breed, Bligon, without any improvement within breed. This study was started by introducing superior bucks to local does and aimed to evaluate the productivity of their progenies. Nineteenth kids, resulted from mating of local does and local bucks and 28 kids, resulted from mating of local does and superior Ettawa crossbred bucks were used in this study. Birth and weaning weights, average daily gain and body size of pre-weaning kids were measured. Birth and weaning weights of pre-weaning crossbred kids tended to be higher than local those of local kids but not significantly different. The average daily gain of crossbred kids were significantly higher than local kids. Body sizes in terms of girth of chest (GC), height at the wither (HW) and length of the body (LB) of crossbreed kids were significantly higher than those of local kids. Productivity of pre-weaning kids in the preliminary phase of the introduction of superior bucks were highly varied. Continuous improvement of breeding system is then needed. Introduction of superior bucks has to be supported by good keeping management

    laporan penelitian beberapa data ukuran vital statistik ternak kerbau di daerah Kabupaten Demak

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    Pengembangan sapi potong dalam rangka penyediaan daging di Indonesia

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    Usaha Penggemukan Ternak Domba Menggunakan Hasil Sisa Limbah

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat kemungkinan penggunaan jerami padi sebagai salah satu hasil limbah pertanian untuk pakan ternak domba dalam periode penggemukan atau periode tumbuh. Untuk itu digunakan 9 ekor ternak domba. Ekor gemuk lepas sapih yang selanjutnya dikelompokkan menjadi 2 kelompok. kelompok I terdiri dari 5 ekor dimba dengan rata-rata berat awal 14 kilogram, diberi pakan jerami padi. kelompok II sebagai pembadning terdiri dari 4 ekor domba dengan rata-rata berat awal 13,9 kilogram, diberi pakan rumput gajah. tiap ternak mendapat tambahan bekatul. Air disediakan secara bebas

    Laporan penelitian kemungkinan pemanfaatan isi rumen sapi sebagai bahan makanan ternak

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