1,888 research outputs found

    Evolution of Regional Disparities in Romania – A Shift-share Analysis

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    The paper aims to assess the evolution of the development disparities (output, employment, overall and by sectors) in the regions and counties of Romania. Using classic and spatial shift-share analysis tools, we investigate the extent to which the existing interregional and, especially, intra-regional and inter-county inequalities can be attributed to different factors, such as industry mix, regional specific factors, and interregional interactions. The results reveal a diverse milieu and offer useful insights both for general and specifically targeted policies in the area of regional development. Keywords: Romanian regions, regional disparities, shift-share analysis, regional development JEL Classification: O18, R11, R12, R15

    External Competitiveness of the Romanian Regions and Counties

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    The paper approaches some of the issues regarding the external competitiveness of the Romania regions and counties, by the means of the competitive advantage concept and by providing answers to the questions: (i) Which are the regions and counties that contributemost to the countriy's exports? (ii), Which are the economic sectors/groups of products in which these regions/counties are (eventually) specialized? and (iii) Which are the comprtitive advantages of those regions/counties (if they exist)? The results point out to a significant presence of the analized regions and counties in three groups of manufacturing industries: low skilled, labor-intensive; natural resource-intensive and medium-to-high skilled, more sophisticated ones, and aldo to increased export concentration/specialization in/of certain regions and counties.regional competitiveness, comparative advantage, export specialization, territorial imbalances

    Civil Society and Conflict Transformation in Abkhazia, Israel/Palestine, Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria and Western Sahara

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    The paper describes and analyses the role of civil society in five conflict cases – Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria, Western Sahara and Israel/ Palestine. It evaluates the relative effectiveness of civil society organisations (CSOs) and assesses the potential and limits of CSO involvement in conflicts. In particular it concentrates on civil society activities in the fields of peace training and education, including formal and non-formal education, as well as research and media work. The research also identifies the obstacles that local third sector is faced with, examining experiences and lessons learned. The study then presents critical assessments of local CSO contributions to conflict transformation and concludes with a set of suggestions for local and mid-level civil society actors involved in these five conflict cases and beyond. This paper is an overview study, to provide ideas and documentation to the more detailed empirical research carried out in the context of the MICROCON Work Package ‘Conflict in the European Neighbourhood’.Civil society, European Union, European Neighbourhood, Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria, Western Sahara, Israel/Palestine, violent conflict, conflict transformation

    Peran Pondok Pesantren Bahrul Ulum Dalam Mengantisipasi Kenakalan Remaja Di Kelurahan Sinar Jaya Jelutung Sungailiat Bangka

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    The focus of this research is focussed on the role of Islamic boarding school of Bahrul Ulum in anticipating youth naughty in sub district of Sinar Jaya Jelutung Sungailiat Bangka. With the objective is to describe the role of the Islamic Boarding School Bahrul Ulum in anticipating the attitude and the youth naughty. This reserach used qualitative research by using enthology method. the methods of collecting data by using   interviews, observation, documentation, to answer the research question.  The result of his research is that the role of the Islamic boarding school of Bahrul Ulum in the sosial community only about attending Tahlilan when there is one of the community deaths or there a thank giving party and have not been significant role in anticipating the youth naughty yet. This is caused by the Islmic Boarding school’s founder focuse more on the activities of the teaching learning process and guiding Islamic students in Islamic boarding schools and have not a special program in anticipating the youth naughty arround the Islamic boarding school.   Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode etnografi, bertujuan menemukan fakta, ternyata masih terdapat pondok pesantren yang tumbuh dan berkembang di tengah- tengah masyarakat yang hidup dalam kemajemukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sejarah berdirinya pondok pesantren Bahrul Ulum berawal dari ide para pejabat Kabupaten Bangka. Pola pondok pesantren Bahrul Ulum dikategorikan pondok pesantren khalafi. Sedangkan pola kepemimpinan dengan berpusat pada ketua yayasan. Peran Pondok pesantren Bahrul Ulum di masyarakat hanya sebatas menghadiri acara tahlilan ketika terdapat warga  yang tertimpa musibah kematian atau pada acara hajatan. Dan belum memiliki peran yang signifikan dalam mengantisipasi kenakalan remaja. Hal ini disebabkan para pengelola pondok masih terfokus dengan aktivitas  di dalam pondok pesantren serta belum memiliki program khusus dalam hal tersebut, padahal masih terdapat sebagian remaja memiliki perilaku “nakal”  di Kelurahan Sinar Jaya Jelutung Sungailiat Bangka

    An investigation into the use of a blended model of learning

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    The weaknesses of ‗traditional‘ modes of instruction in accounting education have been widely discussed. Many contend that the traditional approach limits the ability to provide opportunities for students to raise their competency level and allow them to apply knowledge and skills in professional problem solving situations. However, the recent body of literature suggests that accounting educators are indeed actively experimenting with ‗non-traditional‘ and ‗innovative‘ instructional approaches, where some authors clearly favour one approach over another. But can one instructional approach alone meet the necessary conditions for different learning objectives? Taking into account the ever changing landscape of not only business environments, but also the higher education sector, the premise guiding the collaborators in this research is that it is perhaps counter productive to promote competing dichotomous views of ‗traditional‘ and ‗non-traditional‘ instructional approaches to accounting education, and that the notion of ‗blended learning‘ might provide a useful framework to enhance the learning and teaching of accounting. This paper reports on the first cycle of a longitudinal study, which explores the possibility of using blended learning in first year accounting at one campus of a large regional university. The critical elements of blended learning which emerged in the study are discussed and, consistent with the design-based research framework, the paper also identifies key design modifications for successive cycles of the research

    Entrepreneurial Developments and Challenges in the Sud Muntenia Region of Romania

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    Entrepreneurship is crucial for the economic development of a region. Using entropy, cluster and shift-share analysis techniques, the authors present a detailed picture of the entrepreneurial milieu of the Sud Muntenia region of Romania, pointing both towards the presence of an overall development process, and also to inter-county and intra-county sectoral imbalances, evolutionary discrepancies and lack of adequate use of territorial resources. Policy recommendations are proposed to address the future challenges for the balanced development of the Sud Muntenia region of Romania. Keywords: entrepreneurship, territorial development, regional business demography, sectoral structure, regional policy JEL Classification: O18, R11, R12, R30


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    Saat ini masyarakat masih mempercayai adanya pantang makanan pada ibu nifas, mereka menerima dan menolak jenis makanan tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan ibu tentang pengaruh nutrisi terhadap penyembuhan luka jahitan postpartum di BPS Vivi Umamiyanto Surabaya. Desain penelitian ini deskriptif, populasi dan sampelnya semua ibu nifas yang mengalami luka jahitan postpartum sebesar 12 responden diambil secara total sampling. Variabel penelitian yaitu tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang pengaruh nutrisi terhadap luka jahitan postpartum. Instrument penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Data dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif dalam bentuk persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 12 responden setengahnya (50%) memiliki tingkat pengetahuan kurang, hampir setengahnya (33,3%) memiliki tingkat pengetahuan cukup, dan sebagian kecil (16,7%) memiliki tingkat pengetahuan baik tentang pengaruh nutrisi terhadap penyembuhan luka jahitan postpartum. Simpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa setengahnya ibu nifas dengan luka jahitan postpartum memiliki tingkat pengetahuan kurang tentang pengaruh nutrisi terhadap penyembuhan luka jahitan postpartum. Maka petugas kesehatan khususnya bidan perlu mengadakan pelatihan kepada kader serta memberikan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat melalui kegiatan di posyandu, arisan atau pertemuan di desa

    The role of the treasury in the formation of British economic policy 1918-1925

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    The role of the Treasury in the formation of British economic policy in the period 1918 to 1925 is one of considerable interest, both because the economic problems which confronted the British Government at this time were many, complex and often without close historical parallel, and because there was a considerable contrast in both the quality and the duration of experience between the Treasury officials and the Chancellors of the Exchequer. This study begins by studying the structure and nature of the Treasury, and goes on to examine five major- areas of policy in which the' Treasury was closely concerned. The topics studied include the Cunliffe Committee, whose reports formed the foundation for British post-war financial policy; the problems involved in a return to a peace-time economy, including the 'economy campaign' of mid-1919, in which Treasury advisers played a leading role; the development of inter-Allied debt policy which led up to the publication of the Balfour Note in 1922, in which a Treasury official played a prominent part; and the restructuring of the National Debt during this period carried out by the Treasury. Finally, the Treasury's role in the return to gold is examined. It is evident throughout that the Treasury's primary concern in the discussion of any policy was its desire to return to the Gold Standard with all possible speed. Further, Treasury officials always advised following historical precedent wherever possible. But it is apparent that there was strong support among informed contemporaries for the Treasury views, nor is there evidence to suggest that the Chancellors would have looked favourably on unorthodox advice had it been offered

    Argumentation Mining in Parliamentary Discourse

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    In parliamentary discourse, politicians expound their beliefs and goals through argumentation, and, to persuade the audience, they communicate their values by highlighting some aspect of an issue, an action which is commonly known as framing. The choices of frames are typically dependent upon the speaker’s ideology. In this proposed doctoral work, we will computationally analyze framing strategies and present a model for discovering the latent structure of framing of real-world issues in Canadian parliamentary discourse
