536 research outputs found

    The Historical Development of the Port of Livorno (Italy) and Its New Port Plan 2010 in Advanced Stage of Elaboration

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    The geographical location makes the port of Livorno one of the most important in Italy. The port, in fact, benefits of an extended network of roads and rails connecting it with the rest of Italy, and central and southern Europe as well. The history of Livorno and its port is inextricably linked to that of Pisa and Florence, and to the complexity of events that determined the political set-up of the region along several centuries. Looking at the new port plan of Livorno has made it necessary an extensive overview of the history of both the port, and of its planning. This analysis has allowed: to understand the reason for the different choices made in the past for the development of the port, highlighting, when necessary, the errors made; to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the existing port infrastructure; to identify the works needed to boost the port in the European context. The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of the analysis performed for the implementation of the new Livorno port plan 2010 and show how the port planning in Italy is often conditioned by hundreds of centuries of history

    An Overview: Effect of Plant Growth Regulatory on Orchid Propagation through The Thin Cell Layer technique

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    Thin cell layer (TCL) is a micropropagation method using thin-sized explants. A TCL can be prepared from any explant source and the thichness of explant less than 5 mm. TCL is more efficient in producing total plantlet output than conventional in vitro methods. TCL have been applied to the in vitro culture of orchids, field, vegetable crops and medicinal plants The successful in vitro orchid propagation is influenced by many factors, such as plant genotype and media composition. Additions of plant growth regulator (PGR) in media culture is essential factor. The formation of complete plant depent on concentration and type of plant growth regulator. TCL explants require growth regulators to form an embryonic callus and zygotic embryos. Explant in medium without supplemented of growth regulators resulted in browning and failed to grow. The most commonly plant growth regulator in tissue culture are thidiazuron (TDZ), 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), and meta-Topolin. Recently, microalgae can also be used as an alternative source of hormones to increase plant growth through in vitro culture technique

    Micropropagation of Bulbophyllum Orchids

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    Abstract— Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae) is recognized as the largest genus of orchids in the world. Bulbophyllum is a popular orchid by its unique flowers and its benefits. Although Bulbophyllum is a large genus, research on in vitro propagation of orchids from this genus is still limited. This article aims to examine the micropropagation of several Bulbophyllum species to determine the affecting factor for the propagation of Bulbophyllum orchids. A systematic Literature Review (SLR) uses in this paper. The micropropagation of Bulbophyllum have studied in B.auricomum, B. fascinator, B. macrantum, B. phalaenopsis, B. lasianthum B. odoratissimum B. niphondii, B. dhaninivatii, B. lilacinum, B. echinolabium, B. putidum and B. plumatum. The use of appropriate media can increase the growth of orchids. The addition of growth regulators and/or organic compounds to a suitable basal medium can be a way to find a suitable medium for orchid growth. Acclimatization should be conducted on plantlets with healthy roots. The appropriate acclimatization media can increase the survival rate of orchid seedlings

    The Application of Plant Growth Regulators in Propagation of Dendrobium Orchid with Thin Cell Layer (TCL) Technique: A Review

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    Plant growth regulators is one of the success factors for in vitro propagation. Plant growth regulators are organic compounds that are not nutrients and, in small amounts, promote, inhibit, or regulate physiological processes in plants. The function of growth regulators is to stimulate the growth of morphogenesis in cell, tissue and organ cultures. The most used plant growth regulators in tissue culture are auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins. One of technique for tissue culture is the thin cell layer technique. Thin Cell Layer (TCL) is a technique using small thin sections produced from organ pieces. TCL explants more effective than large conventional explants. Thin explants facilitate contact and diffusion of media into the tissue, better than thick explant slices. This literature review aims to gather information related to the application of plant growth regulators in propagation of Dendrobium orchid with thin cell layer (tcl) technique. A systematic Literature Review (SLR) uses in this paper. The growth regulators commonly used in Dendrobium orchid propagation using the TCL technique are auxins and cytokinins and the type of media that is often used in Dendrobium orchid propagation is Murashige and Skoog (MS). Protocorm Like Bodies (PLB) is the most potential explant in Dendrobium orchid propagation. The TCL technique both transverse and longitudinal has its own specificity with each type of explant used. TCL explants proved to be more effective than large conventional explants

    An Overview: Somatic Embryogenesis Through Thin Cell Layer (TCL) Technique

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    Somatic embryogenesis (SE) has been described as the most efficient pathway to obtaining plants. Somatic embryogenesis can be divided into direct and indirect embryogenesis. Direct SE occurs when embryos are started directly from explant tissues (preembryogenic cells) creating an identical clone, while indirect SE occurs from unorganized tissues (calli) which are further developed into embryos. While different explants have been tested, e.g., shoot tips, adventitious buds, leaf primordia, zygotic embryos, inflorescences, and transverse thin cell layers (TCLs) (consisting of a few cell layers, usually 0.5–2.0 mm thick). TCLs have been excised from different plant organs and successfully used as explants for SE. Thin cell layers (TCLs) can be prepared from almost any plant organ. These, when cut longitudinally, are referred to as lTCLs, and when cut transversally, are referred to as tTCLs. This article provides an overview of the concept of TCL as applied to induce SE in different plant species and remarks the factor that affecting this technique. This review will certainly revitalize this important technology so that it can be used effectively for successful mass propagation

    Callus Induction of Dendrobium discolor Through The Thin Cell Layer (TCL) Technique Added with 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyaceticacid

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    Thin Cell Layer (TCL) is a plant propagation technique using thin explants (1-2 mm) through tissue culture. Callus induction is a crucial step in establishing plant regeneration. The type and concentration of growth regulators influence callus formation. 2.4 D is a growth regulator that is commonly used for callus induction in various plants. The research aims to determine the effectiveness of thin explants and 2,4-D in inducing Dendrobium discolor callus. The method used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments (1, 2, 3, and 4 mg/L). Adding 1, 2, and 3 mg/L 2,4-D can induce 100% calluses through the TCL explant. The callus has a friable to compact texture. The result showed that 2 mg/L 2,4-D was the best concentration for callus induction of D. discolor through TCL technique, indicating the greenish color, friable texture, and meristematic tissue

    Oscillation of Fourier transform and Markov-Bernstein inequalities

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    Under certain conditions on an integrable function f having a real-valued Fourier transform Tf=F, we obtain a certain estimate for the oscillation of F in the interval [-C||f'||/||f||,C||f'||/||f||] with C>0 an absolute constant. Given q>0 and an integrable positive definite function f, satisfying some natural conditions, the above estimate allows us to construct a finite linear combination P of translates f(x+kq)(with k running the integers) such that ||P'||>c||P||/q, where c>0 is another absolute constant. In particular, our construction proves sharpness of an inequality of H. N. Mhaskar for Gaussian networks

    Application of Portulaca oleracea L. Extract as a Biostimulant with Several Types of Solvents on The Growth of Kale (Brassica oleracea var. achepala)

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    Plant extracts are one biostimulant sources that have the potential to increase plant growth and yield. Portulaca contains secondary metabolites, macro and micronutrients, and amino acids, which have the potential as biostimulants. The research aims to determine the best type of solvent in the Portulaca extraction process as a biostimulant. The method used in this study was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three treatments (aquadest, ethanol, and methanol) and nine replicates. The application of Portulaca extract extracted with several solvents significantly affected root length parameters of kale, with the most extended the root length of 15.80 cm. However, it did not have a significantly different effect on other parameters. Based on the proximate analysis, Portulaca extract extracted with ethanol solvent produces a protein content of 25.26%

    Total orthotopic small bowel transplantation in swine under FK 506

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    Previous experimental studies in rodents and in dogs have established the efficacy of FK 506 in controlling the immunologic events following small bowel or multivisceral transplantation.1–5 To complete the assessment of FK 506 in experimental small bowel transplantation, we present here our experience with the frequently used swine model

    Maniobras complementarias al examen neurológico del recién nacido

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    Las maniobras utilizadas para evaluar el tono del recién nacido no deberían ser arbitrarias ni tampoco adaptarse a las necesidades del observador Por el contrario deberían guardar relación con las posturas fisiológicas propias del períodoneonatal. Se proponen 5 (cinco) maniobras que colocan a los miembros del recién nacido, en la posición que asumen al soportar libremente su peso . El trabajo busca establecer la sensibilidad de un protocolo de 5 (cinco) maniobras originales para evaluar neurológicamente la motricidad del recién nacido como indicadora de la eventual secuela lesional del SNC