21 research outputs found

    Propuesta de un plan maestro de producción para mejorar el flujo de los procesos en el área de operaciones del grupo Cayman -Piura

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo general el proponer un plan maestro de producción para mejorar el flujo de los procesos en el área de operaciones del Grupo Cayman SAC – Sede de Piura. Se realizó un diagnóstico de la situación actual del área de operaciones mediante el análisis de la demanda se pudo identificar la problemática, además de calcular la producción semanal, inventarios y por último la elaboración del plan maestro de producción por cada producto. El diseño empleado fue no experimental cuantitativo. La población fueron los CBU y la muestra fue de 630 unidades. Se concluyo que existía un sobre stock de unidades de baja rotación (180S) y un quiebre de unidades de alta rotación (TRIAX), que fueron producidas sin verificar la demanda, además en promedio se debe tener 69 unidades semanales para cubrir la demanda del año 2022 y con la elaboración del plan maestro de producción se determinó el pronóstico del movimiento de las unidades semanales, el movimiento promedio de las ventas reales por semana, y si se debe producir o no nuevos lotes

    Transcriptomic Characterization of a Synergistic Genetic Interaction during Carpel Margin Meristem Development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    In flowering plants the gynoecium is the female reproductive structure. In Arabidopsis thaliana ovules initiate within the developing gynoecium from meristematic tissue located along the margins of the floral carpels. When fertilized the ovules will develop into seeds. SEUSS (SEU) and AINTEGUMENTA (ANT) encode transcriptional regulators that are critical for the proper formation of ovules from the carpel margin meristem (CMM). The synergistic loss of ovule initiation observed in the seu ant double mutant suggests that SEU and ANT share overlapping functions during CMM development. However the molecular mechanism underlying this synergistic interaction is unknown. Using the ATH1 transcriptomics platform we identified transcripts that were differentially expressed in seu ant double mutant relative to wild type and single mutant gynoecia. In particular we sought to identify transcripts whose expression was dependent on the coordinated activities of the SEU and ANT gene products. Our analysis identifies a diverse set of transcripts that display altered expression in the seu ant double mutant tissues. The analysis of overrepresented Gene Ontology classifications suggests a preponderance of transcriptional regulators including multiple members of the REPRODUCTIVE MERISTEMS (REM) and GROWTH-REGULATING FACTOR (GRF) families are mis-regulated in the seu ant gynoecia. Our in situ hybridization analyses indicate that many of these genes are preferentially expressed within the developing CMM. This study is the first step toward a detailed description of the transcriptional regulatory hierarchies that control the development of the CMM and ovule initiation. Understanding the regulatory hierarchy controlled by SEU and ANT will clarify the molecular mechanism of the functional redundancy of these two genes and illuminate the developmental and molecular events required for CMM development and ovule initiation

    A Major Role for the Plasmodium falciparum ApiAP2 Protein PfSIP2 in Chromosome End Biology

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    The heterochromatic environment and physical clustering of chromosome ends at the nuclear periphery provide a functional and structural framework for antigenic variation and evolution of subtelomeric virulence gene families in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. While recent studies assigned important roles for reversible histone modifications, silent information regulator 2 and heterochromatin protein 1 (PfHP1) in epigenetic control of variegated expression, factors involved in the recruitment and organization of subtelomeric heterochromatin remain unknown. Here, we describe the purification and characterization of PfSIP2, a member of the ApiAP2 family of putative transcription factors, as the unknown nuclear factor interacting specifically with cis-acting SPE2 motif arrays in subtelomeric domains. Interestingly, SPE2 is not bound by the full-length protein but rather by a 60kDa N-terminal domain, PfSIP2-N, which is released during schizogony. Our experimental re-definition of the SPE2/PfSIP2-N interaction highlights the strict requirement of both adjacent AP2 domains and a conserved bipartite SPE2 consensus motif for high-affinity binding. Genome-wide in silico mapping identified 777 putative binding sites, 94% of which cluster in heterochromatic domains upstream of subtelomeric var genes and in telomere-associated repeat elements. Immunofluorescence and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays revealed co-localization of PfSIP2-N with PfHP1 at chromosome ends. Genome-wide ChIP demonstrated the exclusive binding of PfSIP2-N to subtelomeric SPE2 landmarks in vivo but not to single chromosome-internal sites. Consistent with this specialized distribution pattern, PfSIP2-N over-expression has no effect on global gene transcription. Hence, contrary to the previously proposed role for this factor in gene activation, our results provide strong evidence for the first time for the involvement of an ApiAP2 factor in heterochromatin formation and genome integrity. These findings are highly relevant for our understanding of chromosome end biology and variegated expression in P. falciparum and other eukaryotes, and for the future analysis of the role of ApiAP2-DNA interactions in parasite biology

    Utilización de limas manuales luego de la preparación de conductos simulados con los sistemas ProFile y ProTaper The use of hand files after rotary preparation with ProFile and ProTaper in artificial root canals

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    Resumen Objetivo: Este estudio realizado in vitro evaluó el patrón de desgaste producido por las limas manuales tipo K Nitiflex #35 y #40 utilizadas como complemento en la porción apical de los conductos curvos simulados en bloques de resina acrílica preparados con los sistemas ProTaper y ProFile. Materiales y métodos: Se evaluó el área en mm2 de material removido durante la preparación quirúrgica de 30 conductos artificiales fabricados en resina poliéster y estandarizados en base a longitud, radio y ángulo de la curvatura. Se designaron 3 etapas de evaluación que correspondían a los diámetros apicales de preparación propuestos por los fabricantes y al de las limas manuales Nitiflex #35 y #40. Imágenes pre y postoperatorias de cada etapa fueron digitalizadas utilizando un Scanner y el software Adobe Photoshop 7.0. Las imágenes fueron analizadas en el programa Image Tool (UTHSCSA) para determinar el área en mm2 de material removido durante la preparación en 3 niveles específicos: ensanchamiento total del conducto, zona apical interna y zona apical externa. Resultados: Se encontró que los instrumentos de NiTi rotatorios fueron el factor más significativo para determinar la cantidad de área desgastada en todos los niveles evaluados. Aumentar el diámetro apical hasta la etapa correspondiente a la lima manual de #35 en los sistemas ProTaper y ProFile no aumentó significativamente el área de desgaste en la totalidad del conducto. Los sistemas de preparación rotatoria evaluados produjeron un menor desgaste a nivel de la zona apical externa en comparación con la técnica totalmente manual. Conclusiones: La utilización complementaria de la lima de níquel titanio tipo K manual #35 mostró aumentar el diámetro apical sin alterar significativamente el patrón de desgaste original del conducto simulado instrumentado con los sistemas rotatorios ProFile y ProTaper. Mientras que el uso de una lima tipo K manual #40 produjo un aumento significativo en él. Palabras clave: preparación biomecánica, diámetro apical, instrumentación rotatoria. Abstract Objective: This in vitro study evaluated the wear pattern produced by K-type hand files Nitiflex #35 and #40 used as complement in the apical portion of the simulated curved canals in acrylic resin blocks prepared with ProTaper and ProFile systems. Materials and methods: The area in mm 2 of material removed during the surgical preparation of 30 artificial canals made in polyester resin and standardized according to the length and angle of curvature was assessed. Three designated evaluation stages that corresponded to the apical preparation diameters suggested by manufacturers and to #35 and #40 Nitiflex files were established. Pre and post-operative images of each stage were digitalized using a scanner and the Adobe Photoshop software. The images were analyzed using the Image Tool software (UTHSCSA) to determine the area in mm2 of material removed during preparation in 3 specific levels: total widening of the canal, external apical area and internal apical area. Results: Rotary NiTi instruments were the most significant factor in determining the amount of removed material at all the tested levels. Increasing the apical diameter to the stage corresponding to the manual file #35 mm in both ProTaper and ProFile systems did not increase significantly the area of the artificial canal. The rotary preparation systems preserved more material at the external apical area in comparison to the manual technique. Conclusions: The complementary use of a manual K-type file #35 showed an increase in the apical diameter without significantly altering the wear pattern of the original simulated canal whereas the use of K-type manual file #40 increased significantly the wear pattern of the original simulated canal. Key words: biomechanical preparation, apical diameter, rotary instrumentation