550 research outputs found

    Segmentation of the Accentual Phrase in Seoul Korean

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    Pairs of phonemically identical utterances with different location of an Accentual Phrase boundary were presented to listeners. When duration and/or F0 were swapped between the utterances within a pair, only F0 change elicited changes in listeners’ responses. This effect was found regardless of the distribution of strong consonants which raise Accentual Phrase initial F0. On the other hand, listeners seemed to be sensitive to a few cases with segmental-prosodic mismatches


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    When phonetic ians compare forensic speech samples thev o/ten remark in their reports on a "similarity of voice quality". Likewise, when eanvitnesses are asked to descrihe a voice thev have heard, thev will normally comment on the accent, if they are ah/e to, and additionally descrihe vhat they heard as an "X voice" vhere "X" is a temi such as "rough" or "resonant" that can he seen as an informal lahel of voice quality. In this ta/k I wi// examine these tvvo main categories of forensic speaker identification hy phonetic experts and by eanvitnesses - vvith reference to the notion of voice quality. I vvill take voice quality in the hroad sense discussed hy Laver in his T h e Phonetic D e s c r i p t i o n of V o i c e Quality (CUP, 1980), that is, as covering supralaryngeal as weU as laryngeal characteristics vvhich emerge cumulativelv from a person \u27s speech. In speaker comparison hy phonetic experts the emphasis in acoustic analvsis tends to he on segmenta! properties, or on pitch-related long-term features. I vvill give some examples of hovv speakers can he differentiated in this way, and touch on hovv the dynamics of formants in transitional parts of the speech signal may provide the nearest we have to a speaker\u27s "signature". Bevond segmental analvsis, hovvever, I vvill shov that an analvsis using the long-term distrihutions of formant frequencies can capture information relating to Laver \u27s supralarvngeal voice quality categories. Given the availabilitv of Laver\u27s comprehensive framevork for the impressionistic analvsis of voice quality ve might ask why, in the auditorv strand of their forensic analyses, phoneticians have made little use of systematic voice quality description, and / will explain why l think that is. As regards earwitness evidence / will focus on the description ofvoices by earwitnesses, and on the use of voice parades. / will ask whether an earvitness \u27s description of a voice might be improved if questioning of the witness vvere informed and structured by knowledge of a framevvork for voice quality description. And in creating a voice parade, / wi/l show hovv pre-tests are used to ensure that the parade is fair, including one vhere exper i mental subjects are, in effect, asked to rate the similarity in voice quality betvveen ali pairs of samples to be used in the parade. This is to ensure that the suspect is not an outlier. Finallv I vvill previevv a project vvhich vvill investigate the effect of the telephone on such similarity judgments

    Telephone Transmission and Earwitnesses: Performance on Voice Parades Controlled for Voice Similarity.

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    The effect of telephone transmission on a listener's ability to recognise a speaker in a voice parade is investigated. A hundred listeners (25 per condition) heard 1 of 5 'target' voices, then returned a week later for a voice parade. The 4 conditions were: target exposure and parade both at studio quality; exposure and parade both at telephone quality; studio exposure with telephone parade, and vice versa. Fewer correct identifications followed from telephone exposure and parade (64%) than from studio exposure and parade (76%). Fewer still resulted for studio exposure/telephone parade (60%) and, dramatically, only 32% for telephone exposure/studio parade. Certain speakers were identified more readily than others across all conditions. Confidence ratings reflected this effect of speaker, but not the effect of exposure/parade condition.ESRC; British AcademyThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Karger via http://dx.doi.org/10.1159/00043938

    The Ancient Tree Inventory: a summary of the results of a 15 year citizen science project recording ancient, veteran and notable trees across the UK

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    Ancient, veteran and notable trees are ecologically important keystone organisms and have tangible connections to folklore, history and sociocultural practices. Although found worldwide, few countries have such a rich history of recording and treasuring these trees as the UK, with its extensive Royal and aristocratic land ownership, unique land management methods and long-standing interest in natural history and species record collecting. As a result, the UK has collated an extensive database of ancient, veteran and notable trees called the Ancient Tree Inventory (ATI). The ATI is the result of a successful, long-term citizen science recording project and is the most comprehensive database of ancient and other noteworthy trees to date. We present here the first review of the ATI in its entirety since its initiation in 2004, including summaries of the UK ancient, veteran and notable tree distributions, the status and condition of the trees, and key information about the recording process and maintenance of the database. Statistical analysis of components of the dataset, comprising 169,967 tree records, suggest there are significant differences in the threats, size, form and location of different types of trees, especially in relation to taxonomic identity and tree age. Our goal is to highlight the value of the ATI in the UK, to encourage the development of similar ancient tree recording projects in other countries, and to emphasise the importance to conservation of continued efforts to maintain and expand databases of this kind

    An investigation of freezing of a liquid flowing over a flat plate.

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    Tension chylothorax following pneumonectomy

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    AbstractPost-pneumonectomy chylothorax is an uncommon complication following surgery, with an estimated incidence of less than 0.7%. Post-pneumonectomy tension chylothorax, where rapid accumulation of chyle in the post-pneumonectomy space results in hemodynamic compromise, is exceedingly rare, with just 7 cases previously reported. All prior cases of tension chylothorax were managed operatively with decompressive chest tube placement followed by open thoracic duct repair. Our case is the first reported tension chylothorax to be managed conservatively by thoracostomy drainage coupled with a period of parenteral nutrition followed by a medium chain triglyceride-restricted diet

    The Gosport War Memorial Hospital Panel report and its implications for nursing

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    Where do we even begin? How do mere words encapsulate the full horror of the Gosport War Memorial Hospital (GWMH) report (Gosport Independent Panel, 2018) and its profound implications for nursing? Many of us thought that in our careers we would never again read anything as damning of health care and health services as the Francis Report; Darbyshire & McKenna, 2013; Hayter, 2013; Nolan, 2013). We were wrong. Politicians, hospitals, health services, educators and regulators at that time were falling over each other to reassure us that ‘lessons had been learned’, ‘things had changed’, ‘new systems were in place’ and that such disasters and failures ‘must never happen again’

    Prosodic Marking of Narrow Focus in Seoul Korean

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    This paper explores prosodic marking of narrow (corrective) focus in Seoul Korean. Korean lacks lexical stress and it has a phonologized association between the Accentual Phrase (AP) initial segment and intonation. In the experiment, four speakers read sentences including a two-item list which were designed to elicit either an L or H AP-initial tone. The durational variations, the pitch events at prosodic boundaries, and F0_{0}span in 32 sentences read neutrally and 64 sentences read with one of the items under focus were analysed. The results show that the focused constituent consistently initiates a new prosodic phrase. I n comparison to the neutrally spoken or defocused counterpart, the focused constituent was more likely to be realised as an Intonational Phrase (IP) in some contexts . Bitonal IP boundary tones were more likely to occur under focus than monotonal tones. In addition, in focused constituents, durational expansion particularly at the phrase-edges, expansion in F0_{0}span, and raising of the phrase-initial pitch were observed. On the other hand, defocused constituents were not phonetically reduced compared to the neutral counterparts. The results imply that the phonetic cues spreading over the focused constituent complement the exaggerated prosodic boundaries.We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Academy of Korean Studies for the present work (grant number AKS-2012-R56)

    Cognitive level and attitudes toward science in prospective elementary school teachers : effects of instruction in physical science

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    The primary purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of a college course in physical science and the cognitive level of the participants. Effects on attitude, and attitude's related subcategories, were also investigated. Finally, possible relations between cognitive level and science attitudes were analyzed. The subjects were 62 prospective elementary school teachers at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Thirty-one of these students participated in a first-level physical science course at the university. This composed the experimental group. Data were analyzed by t-Ratio, the Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient and the Analysis of Covariance. The significance level was set at the .05 critical value for a two-tailed test. The experimental treatment was the one-semester course in physical science. Dependent variables were cognitive level and attitude toward science. Attitude was measured by a Semantic Differential scale. Subscales measured evaluation, potency and activity. A written instrument, the Longeot Test, was incorporated to measure cognitive level