40 research outputs found

    Fuel additive technology - NOx reduction, combustion efficiency and fly ash improvement for coal fired power stations

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    Fuel additive technology is based on the use of a solid, fuel additive (iron, aluminium, calcium and silicon based oxides), to reduce NOx emission, improve the quality of fly ash and result in 1-3% coal savings for pulverised coal combustion. The findings in this study have been mainly based on extensive experimentation on 100 kWth down fired-combustion test facility (CTF) and partially on a commercial 260 tons/h steam producing water tube pf boiler. International Innovative Technologies (IIT) developed this additive based technology for the combined effect of reducing NOx from the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels (mainly coal) and more specifically to improve the combustion process of fossil fuels resulting in an ash by product with improved loss on ignition and lower carbon content. The improvement in the combustion thermal efficiency of the commercial 260 tons/h steam producing boiler has been calculated as per the direct calculation method of EN BS12952-15:2003 standard. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Reservoir fluids in Umm Al-Anbar Field

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    Nineteen specimens of Matsubaraea setouchiensis, Percophididae, were collected from sandy beaches of Fukiagehama, south-western Kyushu. The illustration of the holotype of the species by Taki (1953), which has been cited in many books, was found to be erroneous in the shape of the second dorsal fin in which the median rays are shorter than others. They inhabit the waters of wading depth mostly burrowing in sandy bottoms, where they can merge into the bottom sand because of their color pattern. In an aquarium, they exhibit a life style of an infaunal benthos rather than that of a nekton.従来瀬戸内海と土佐湾,およびシャム湾西岸のある砂浜海岸のみから知られていたホカケトラギス科の魚マツバラトラギスが鹿児島県の吹上浜に普通に生息することが発見された。瀧(1953)の原記載に付けられている本種の図では第2背鰭条はすべて殆ど等長に描かれており,この図はそのまま多くの著者により引用されているが,実際には中央部の鰭条はそれらの前後のものより短い。この魚はいつもは砂に潜っていて、餌をとるときに瞬間的に砂から泳ぎ出す。砂に潜るには,砂上に腹ばった姿勢から体を左右に揺すって潜るのと頭から突っ込むのと二通りの方法がある。地色は黄白色で,頭部背面と背部の各鱗列の上下の縁に淡灰茶色の色素が分布して小斑点を形成しており,時折この魚が体の前部のみを砂の上に出していても砂に紛れてよほど気をつけぬと所在を認め難い。鰓蓋部は黄金色の輝きを帯びた銀色で,馴れた目にはかなり目立つ

    カレイ目着底稚魚の分布様式研究のための採集具,R-H 2 Push-netおよびQuadrat-net

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    The designs of a twin push-net, a slight modification of the R-H push-net and a quadrat-net, a netted quadrat, to be used in the study of distribution patterns of juvenile flatfishes along sandy beaches are illustrated. Both gears proved to be effective. The width between the upper and lower 95% confidence limits (expressed as values relative to catch) of a catch of juvenile Japanese flounder by a single operation of the push-net with a sweeping area of 0.75 by 50m decreased with the increase of catch, e. g. 32-210% for the catch of 5 fish and 61-150% for the catch of 20 fish. Catches of juvenile Japanese flounder by the quadrat-nets along the beach fitted well a negative binomial distribution in one occasion and a Poisson series in another. The gear efficiency of the push-net was estimated to be about 30%.砂浜海岸の汀線付近におけるカレイ目着底稚魚の分布様式を研究するため,特殊な押し網とコドラート網を製作した。押し網はR-H push-netの網の部分を左右ふたつに仕切ったもので,従来の1.5×100mの1サンプルの代わりに0.75×50mの4サンプルをとるようにした。コドラート網は70.7cm四方(面積0.5㎡)の一対の枠に3㎜目の網を張って深さ10cmの節状にしたもので,干潮時に大潮低潮線付近の海底に浅く埋めておいて翌日の干潮で干出する前に取り上げる。押し網による掃底面積0.75×50mの1サンプルに得られたヒラメ稚魚数の95%信頼区間は,採集数が多くなるほど相対的に狭くなり,例えば採集数5個体のとき0.32~2.1倍,20個体のとき0.61~1.5倍と計算された。コドラート網を使った2回のヒラメ稚魚採集結果は,それぞれ負の2項分布とポアソン分布に適合した。押し網とコドラート網の採集結果の比較から,前者の漁獲効率はほぼ30%と推定された

    カレイ目着底稚魚の分布様式研究のための採集具,R-H 2 Push-netおよびQuadrat-net

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    The designs of a twin push-net, a slight modification of the R-H push-net and a quadrat-net, a netted quadrat, to be used in the study of distribution patterns of juvenile flatfishes along sandy beaches are illustrated. Both gears proved to be effective. The width between the upper and lower 95% confidence limits (expressed as values relative to catch) of a catch of juvenile Japanese flounder by a single operation of the push-net with a sweeping area of 0.75 by 50m decreased with the increase of catch, e. g. 32-210% for the catch of 5 fish and 61-150% for the catch of 20 fish. Catches of juvenile Japanese flounder by the quadrat-nets along the beach fitted well a negative binomial distribution in one occasion and a Poisson series in another. The gear efficiency of the push-net was estimated to be about 30%.砂浜海岸の汀線付近におけるカレイ目着底稚魚の分布様式を研究するため,特殊な押し網とコドラート網を製作した。押し網はR-H push-netの網の部分を左右ふたつに仕切ったもので,従来の1.5×100mの1サンプルの代わりに0.75×50mの4サンプルをとるようにした。コドラート網は70.7cm四方(面積0.5㎡)の一対の枠に3㎜目の網を張って深さ10cmの節状にしたもので,干潮時に大潮低潮線付近の海底に浅く埋めておいて翌日の干潮で干出する前に取り上げる。押し網による掃底面積0.75×50mの1サンプルに得られたヒラメ稚魚数の95%信頼区間は,採集数が多くなるほど相対的に狭くなり,例えば採集数5個体のとき0.32~2.1倍,20個体のとき0.61~1.5倍と計算された。コドラート網を使った2回のヒラメ稚魚採集結果は,それぞれ負の2項分布とポアソン分布に適合した。押し網とコドラート網の採集結果の比較から,前者の漁獲効率はほぼ30%と推定された