28 research outputs found
katedra: KHT; přílohy: CD ROM; rozsah: 48 s.This Bachelor`s thesis deals with social and economic problems of school uniforms. The introductory chapter describes the history of uniforms in general. It shows the history of uniforms in the Czech Republic and in some other countries. Next chapter concerns the features and structures of used textiles and the comfort of a school uniform. The fourth chapter is devoted to a marketing research. The evaluation of the marketing research follows in the fifth chapter. The sixth chapter describes the realisation of a school uniform, designing the uniform, technical drawings, pattern construction, list of basic operations necessary to make a school uniform and a table of sizes. The seventh chapter evaluates the school uniform from the economic point of view. The summary again assesses the marketing research and the realisation of a school uniform.Bakalářská práce zkoumá sociální a ekonomickou problematiku školních uniforem. Úvodní kapitola popisuje historii uniforem obecně, historii školních uniforem v České republice a v některých zemích světa. V další kapitole se pojednává o vlastnostech a složení použité textilie a o komfortu školní uniformy. Čtvrtá kapitola je věnována marketingovému výzkumu. V páté kapitole následuje vyhodnocení marketingového výzkumu. Šestá kapitola popisuje realizaci školní uniformy, návrh modelu, technické nákresy, konstrukce střihu, soupis základních operací zhotovení školní uniformy a tabulku velikostních sortimentů. Sedmá kapitola ekonomicky zhodnocuje školní uniformu. Závěr opětovně hodnotí marketingový výzkum a realizaci školní uniformy
The Withdrawal of Soviet Troops from Military Area Ralsko
Bakalářská práce se zabývá odsunem sovětských vojsk z (dnes již bývalého) vojenského újezdu Ralsko a dopady pobytu sovětské armády na následný regionální vývoj. Zasazuje ho do kontextu odchodu sovětské armády z území Československa, ale zároveň se zaměřuje na jeho specifika - v tematicky řazených kapitolách se věnuje např. vyrovnání se s ekologickými dopady a problematikou transformace vojenského újezdu do civilní sféry a s tím spojené potíže s privatizací či hledání možností nového využití. Práce metodologicky vychází z výzkumného projektu Ústavu pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR "Česká společnost a sovětská armáda 1968-1991", realizovaného v letech 2017-2019, zejména z jeho pojetí odsunu nejen z politického, ale i ze sociálního hlediska. Dále jej navíc prohlubuje zaměřením se na jednu konkrétní oblast působení sovětské armády - akcentuje lokální aspekt. Navazuje také na závěrečné práce obhájené na Univerzitě Karlově, které mapují historii oblasti VÚ Ralsko a tamější působení československé a sovětské armády v předchozích desetiletích (1950-1968, 1968-1989). Pramenně se práce opírá zejména o dobové dokumenty ze Státního okresního archivu Česká Lípa a Vojenského ústředního archivu Praha a o celostátní i regionální dobový tisk. Klíčová slova Odsun sovětských vojsk, Ralsko, vojenský újezd, vojenský výcvikový...The bachelor thesis deals with the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the (now former) military area Ralsko and the impact of the Soviet army's stay on the subsequent regional development. It places it in the context of the withdrawal of the Soviet army from the territory of Czechoslovakia, however, at the same time it also focuses on its specifics. In thematically ordered chapters it deals with e.g. coping with the ecological impacts of their stay and the issue of the transformation from the military area to the civilian sphere and the associated difficulties with privatization or the search for new uses. Methodologically, the thesis is based on the research project of the Institute of Contemporary History of the CAS "Czech Society and the Soviet Army 1968-1991", implemented in 2017-2019, especially on its conception of displacement not only from a political, but also from a social point of view. Moreover, it deepens it by focusing on one particular area of the Soviet army's dislocation - it emphasises the local aspect. It also builds on the theses defended at Charles University, which map the history of the military area Ralsko and the Czechoslovak and Soviet army's operations there in the previous decades (1950-1968 and 1968-1989). The thesis is based mainly on contemporary documents from the...Ústav českých dějinInstitute of Czech HistoryFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art
Comparison of Management Rowing Clubs
Import 30/10/2012Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou veslování. Cílem diplomové práce je porovnat strukturu i úroveň managementu a hospodaření dvou veslařských oddílů TJ Jiskra Otrokovice a SVK Břeclav. Dílčím cílem práce je při komparaci zaměřit pozornost na spokojenost veslařů na trenérské zabezpečení, zázemí oddílů a regeneraci. Výsledky práce
by měly být zacíleny pro praxi a pomoci tak zlepšit sponzorování tohoto sportu. Pro naplnění cíle diplomové práce byly zvoleny následující výzkumné metody: obsahová analýza, SWOT analýza, rozhovor, dotazník a pozorování.This thesis deals with the rowing. The aim of the thesis is to compare the structure and level of management and management of two rowing sections TJ Jiskra Otrokovice and SVK Břeclav. A sub-goal is to focus on the comparison of satisfaction coach rowers on security, club facilities and regeneration. The results of should be targeted for praktice to help improve this sponsorship sport. To meet the objectives of thesis have been chosen following research methods: concent analysis, SWOT analysis, interview, questionnaire and observation.Prezenční115 - Katedra managementudobř
Trehalose During Two Stress Responses in Acanthamoeba : Differentiation Between Encystation and Pseudocyst Formation
The non-reducing disaccharide trehalose can serve as a protectant against a range of environmental stressors, such as heat, cold, or dehydration, in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, with the exception of vertebrates. Here, we analyzed trehalose metabolism in the facultatively parasitic organism Acanthamoeba castellanii, known to respond to unfavorable external conditions by forming two resistant stages: a cyst, produced in the case of chronic stress, and a pseudocyst, formed in reaction to acute stress. The possible role of trehalose in the resistant stages was investigated using a combination of bioinformatic, molecular biological and biochemical approaches. Genes for enzymes from a widespread trehalose-6-synthase-trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase (TPS-TPP) pathway and a prokaryotic trehalose synthase (TreS) pathway were identified. The expression patterns of the genes during encystation and pseudocyst formation were analyzed and correlated with the time course of cellular trehalose content determined mass spectrometrically. The data clearly demonstrate fundamental differences between encystation and pseudocyst formation at the level of cellular metabolism
Genome analysis and comparative genomics of a Giardia intestinalis assemblage E isolate
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Giardia intestinalis </it>is a protozoan parasite that causes diarrhea in a wide range of mammalian species. To further understand the genetic diversity between the <it>Giardia intestinalis </it>species, we have performed genome sequencing and analysis of a wild-type <it>Giardia intestinalis </it>sample from the assemblage E group, isolated from a pig.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified 5012 protein coding genes, the majority of which are conserved compared to the previously sequenced genomes of the WB and GS strains in terms of microsynteny and sequence identity. Despite this, there is an unexpectedly large number of chromosomal rearrangements and several smaller structural changes that are present in all chromosomes. Novel members of the VSP, NEK Kinase and HCMP gene families were identified, which may reveal possible mechanisms for host specificity and new avenues for antigenic variation. We used comparative genomics of the three diverse <it>Giardia intestinalis </it>isolates P15, GS and WB to define a core proteome for this species complex and to identify lineage-specific genes. Extensive analyses of polymorphisms in the core proteome of <it>Giardia </it>revealed differential rates of divergence among cellular processes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results indicate that despite a well conserved core of genes there is significant genome variation between <it>Giardia </it>isolates, both in terms of gene content, gene polymorphisms, structural chromosomal variations and surface molecule repertoires. This study improves the annotation of the <it>Giardia </it>genomes and enables the identification of functionally important variation.</p
The Withdrawal of Soviet Troops from Military Area Ralsko
The bachelor thesis deals with the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the (now former) military area Ralsko and the impact of the Soviet army's stay on the subsequent regional development. It places it in the context of the withdrawal of the Soviet army from the territory of Czechoslovakia, however, at the same time it also focuses on its specifics. In thematically ordered chapters it deals with e.g. coping with the ecological impacts of their stay and the issue of the transformation from the military area to the civilian sphere and the associated difficulties with privatization or the search for new uses. Methodologically, the thesis is based on the research project of the Institute of Contemporary History of the CAS "Czech Society and the Soviet Army 1968-1991", implemented in 2017-2019, especially on its conception of displacement not only from a political, but also from a social point of view. Moreover, it deepens it by focusing on one particular area of the Soviet army's dislocation - it emphasises the local aspect. It also builds on the theses defended at Charles University, which map the history of the military area Ralsko and the Czechoslovak and Soviet army's operations there in the previous decades (1950-1968 and 1968-1989). The thesis is based mainly on contemporary documents from the..
Calculation of the Lost Profit in Business Damage Cases
This article deals with the method of calculating lost profits, or determining the relevant basic formula, respectively. The aim is to summarise the knowledge about the used calculations, evaluate them and comment on the possibility of their use with regard to the purpose of the prepared calculation of economic damage and the nature of the economic damage case, respectively. The link of the area of quantification of economic damages with a certain legislative framework naturally follows from the very subject of the economic research, i.e. damage. I will examine the above within the legislation of the Czech Republic, which uses different terms related to economic damage and which represent different levels/categories of damage. Based on a search of the relevant literature and the case law, the intention of this article is to determine which parts of the calculation represent the levels/categories of damages that may be caused and the impact of this categorisation on the appraiser's overall approach to the quantification of appropriate damages and the complexity of proving
Organisation and Management of a Sport Event
Import 29/09/2010Cílem mé bakalářské práce je zpracovat doporučení pořadateli veslařské regaty „Otrokovické sprinty“, která by mu mohla pomoci zefektivnit organizaci akce. Chtěla bych, aby se více lidí zúčastnilo této regaty, aby oddíl sehnal více sponzorů pro organizování akce. Pořadatelem veslařské regaty, kde byla provedena analýza, byla TJ Jiskra Otrokovice. Práce má část teoretickou a část praktickou. V teoretické časti je vysvětlení pojmů jako například sport, sportovní management, sponzoring. V praktické části provádím výzkum těmito metodami: obsahová analýza a SWOT analýza.The reason of this project focuses on analysing recommedations to the rowing regatta’s supplires which could efectively help organization of this event. In order to attract more participants to this specifc regatta „ Otrokovicke Sprinty“, it is necessary for the rowing club to address more sponsors and build long lasting relationships with them. The analysis was executed on the organizing rowing club TJ Jiskra Otrokovice. This project contains a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part explains terms such as sport, sports management, and sponzoring. The practical part consists of different methods of research: a content analysis and a SWOT analysis.Prezenční115 - Katedra managementuvýborn