700 research outputs found

    Single vortex fluctuations in a superconducting chip as generating dephasing and spin flips in cold atom traps

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    We study trapping of a cold atom by a single vortex line in an extreme type II superconducting chip, allowing for pinning and friction. We evaluate the atom's spin flip rate and its dephasing due to the vortex fluctuations in equilibrium and find that they decay rapidly when the distance to the vortex exceeds the magnetic penetration length. We find that there are special spin orientations, depending on the spin location relative to the vortex, at which spin dephasing is considerably reduced while perpendicular directions have a reduced spin flip rate. We also show that the vortex must be perpendicular to the surface for a general shape vortex.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Realization of a superconducting atom chip

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    We have trapped rubidium atoms in the magnetic field produced by a superconducting atom chip operated at liquid Helium temperatures. Up to 8.21058.2\cdot 10^5 atoms are held in a Ioffe-Pritchard trap at a distance of 440 μ\mum from the chip surface, with a temperature of 40 μ\muK. The trap lifetime reaches 115 s at low atomic densities. These results open the way to the exploration of atom--surface interactions and coherent atomic transport in a superconducting environment, whose properties are radically different from normal metals at room temperature.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Asymmetry of localised states in a single quantum ring: polarization dependence of excitons and biexcitons

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    We performed spectroscopic studies of a single GaAs quantum ring with an anisotropy in the rim height. The presence of an asymmetric localised state was suggested by the adiabatic potential. The asymmetry was investigated in terms of the polarization dependence of excitons and biexcitons, where a large energy di erence (0.8 meV) in the exciton emission energy for perpendicular polarizations was observed and the oscillator strengths were also compared using the photoluminescence decay rate. For perpendicular polarizations the biexciton exhibits twice the energy di erence seen for the exciton, a fact that may be attributed to a possible change in the selection rules for the lowered symmetry.Comment: accepted in Applied physics Letter

    Monitoring stimulated emission at the single photon level in one-dimensional atoms

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    We theoretically investigate signatures of stimulated emission at the single photon level for a two-level atom interacting with a one-dimensional light field. We consider the transient regime where the atom is initially excited, and the steady state regime where the atom is continuously driven with an external pump. The influence of pure dephasing is studied, clearly showing that these effects can be evidenced with state of the art solid state devices. We finally propose a scheme to demonstrate the stimulation of one optical transition by monitoring another one, in three-level one-dimensional atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Improved introduction; Comments adde

    High-resolution spatial mapping of a superconducting NbN wire using single-electron detection

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    Superconducting NbN wires have recently received attention as detectors for visible and infrared photons. We present experiments in which we use a NbN wire for high-efficiency (40 %) detection of single electrons with keV energy. We use the beam of a scanning electron microscope as a focussed, stable, and calibrated electron source. Scanning the beam over the surface of the wire provides a map of the detection efficiency. This map shows features as small as 150 nm, revealing wire inhomogeneities. The intrinsic resolution of this mapping method, superior to optical methods, provides the basis of a characterization tool relevant for photon detectors.Comment: 2009 IEEE Toronto International Conference, Science and Technology for Humanity (TIC-STH

    Entanglement of a Mesoscopic Field with an Atom induced by Photon Graininess in a Cavity

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    We observe that a mesoscopic field made of several tens of microwave photons exhibits quantum features when interacting with a single Rydberg atom in a high-Q cavity. The field is split into two components whose phases differ by an angle inversely proportional to the square root of the average photon number. The field and the atomic dipole are phase-entangled. These manifestations of photon graininess vanish at the classical limit. This experiment opens the way to studies of large Schrodinger cat states at the quantum-classical boundary

    Exchange bias effect and intragranular magnetoresistance in Nd$_{0.84}Sr_{0.16}CoO_3

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    Electrical transport properties as a function of magnetic field and time have been investigated in polycrystalline, Nd_{0.84}Sr_{0.16}CoO_3. A strong exchange bias (EB) effect is observed associated with the fairly large intragranular magnetoresistance (MR). The EB effect observed in the MR curve is compared with the EB effect manifested in magnetic hysteresis loop. Training effect, described as the decrease of EB effect when the sample is successively field-cycled at a particular temperature, has been observed in the shift of the MR curve. Training effect could be analysed by the successful models. The EB effect, MR and a considerable time dependence in MR are attributed to the intrinsic nanostructure giving rise to the varieties of magnetic interfaces in the grain interior

    Excited exciton and biexciton localised states in a single quantum ring

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    We observe excited exciton and biexciton states of localised excitons in an anisotropic quantum ring, where large polarisation asymmetry supports the presence of a crescent-like localised structure. We also find that saturation of the localised ground state exciton with increasing excitation can be attributed to relatively fast dissociation of biexcitons (? 430 ps) compared to slow relaxation from the excited state to the ground state (? 1000 ps). As no significant excitonic Aharonov-Bohm oscillations occur up to 14 T, we conclude that phase coherence around the rim is inhibited as a consequence of height anisotropy in the quantum ring.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A calcium ion in a cavity as a controlled single-photon source

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    We present a single calcium ion, coupled to a high-finesse cavity, as an almost ideal system for the controlled generation of single photons. Photons from a pump beam are Raman-scattered by the ion into the cavity mode, which subsequently emits the photon into a well-defined output channel. In contrast with comparable atomic systems, the ion is localized at a fixed position in the cavity mode for indefinite times, enabling truly continuous operation of the device. We have performed numeric calculations to assess the performance of the system and present the first experimental indication of single-photon emission in our set-up